I'll Make You Famous…




Hottest Selena Gomez Pics for her Suicide Watch of the Day

Selena Gomez, who is in and out of rehab – and who just had a mental breakdown and is institutionalized due to said breakdown – all on Mental Health Awareness Day’s bio on her instagram…the most followed instagram in the world…cuz someone gives Zuckerberg handjobs….is:

Light, space, zest -that’s God. With him on my side I’m FEARLESS, afraid of no one and nothing.

Hypocrisy in Hollywood Jesus Freaks:

Clearly, bitch is crazy, but she’s not even a good Christian about it, which I guess you can tell by her entire fucking self involved, entitled rich kid, disgusting and excessive career, we can’t really blame her for, her mom is the one who threw her onto Barney and Said “do whatever it takes big purple dino”….and whatever it takes has left it’s mark on her soul….then there’s the whole LUPUS thing, getting Kidney Transplants to stay alive and shit….she’s just a fucking mess…

But at least she has god….a god who has brought Bieber and Baldwin together, leaving Selena and her auto-immune disease in the dust…to be committed, where she cries about how amazing her life is, how full her bank account is, how many fans she has, and how she has nothing to really complain about…but still finds a way..cuz that’s what young cunty spoiled brats do….nothing’s ever good enough for them…not even God…

The funniest story in the “Selena is receiving treatment and has the full support of her friends and family, after she was recently hospitalized after complications from her kidney transplant”..

Is that “Bieber was seen arriving at his church on Wednesday evening—shortly after TMZ broke the news that Selena Gomez had entered a mental health facility after being hospitalized twice in two weeks.

Bieber arrived at church without his wife Hailey Baldwin, and was seen looking visibly upset. He was comforted by friends as he left”…..

I guess she tried to kill herself….because
Light, space, zest -that’s God. With him on my side I’m FEARLESS, afraid of no one and nothing.

Even death….

These fake Jesus freak rich kids are so fucking delusional, coddled and turning to Jesus while being everything Jesus is not…is weird. It is like they are searching for help or assurance that despite being shitty humans they are forgiven and it feels good.

Posted in:Selena Gomez




Old Lady Kristen Bell’s Creeper Sports Bra Erotica of the Day

I am not a fan of Kristen Bell, and I know my opinion really doesn’t matter, but this is a blog, like a teenage girl in 2001, and I am allowed to write my fucking feelings down.

This is not a blog that pretends to be an investigative reporting platform to release real journalism in a well sourced and well researched way….with articles reporters work days or months on. Who’s got time or budget for that…

This is just a posting of the latest sluts in Hollywood are doing, and Kristen Bell, in her 40 years of being an actor, has solidified that position for herself…

There’s something magical with voyeurism, watching unsuspecting, or people pretending to be unsuspecting, but who know they are being watched….whether it’s at the gym, the gym showers, on a fire escape looking into a hot woman you followed home’s room, or not…it’s always fun….

But Kirsten Bell, all old and shit, makes it sad…I mean if I am going to be a pervert and watch a bitch through a window, I’d rather her mom gut not be hanging over her leggings…

Fitness can be hot, even old lady fitness…like that time I came myself jerking off in the corner of a Senior Aquafitness class at the YMCA….

But Kristen Bell cannot…maybe it is Dax, maybe it’s aging, maybe it’s the fact she’s average white and typical american looking…or maybe it’s the gunt…what I am saying is..this is really nothing great.


Posted in:Kristen Bell|SFW




Pregnant Margot Robbie of the Day

Here’s Margot Robbie all pregnant and shit, because she’s an actress who takes her role as Sharon Tate real fucking seriously, and knows that if she doesn’t actually have a real baby cut out of her, she’s not a good enough actor to pull it off or make it believable.

So for the love of her craft and the love of getting Oscar nominations despite just being some slutty Australian girl who was in the right place at the right time and America decided to make her one of their top stars….she went out there to prepare for her role by having pervert directors / rapists cum in her…like the real Sharon Tate….only to prep for the execution of said baby when the murder scene shoots…so that the tears are real….the screams real…

It’s Hollywood, they can get away with murder and Tarantino is a sick fuck who supports this behavior…

I guess what I am trying to get at is that America likes blonde chicks, because Margot Robbie exists.


Posted in:Margot Robbie|SFW




Jessica Lee Buchanan’s Titty for an Instagram Shoot of the Day

JESSICA LEE BUCHNAN is some model in some hipster instgram looking shoot…titties out, panties out, in a messy bedroom, so high concept…

She is a “Proud South African” whatever that means, I mean it could mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people. To some it could mean the same as saying she’s a “white power” enthusiast, because of that whole Apartheid shit…relevant in today’s American political climate….

Maybe she’s proud because of the high AIDS rate which is no longer a death sentence.., or maybe because of SHARKS since there are sharks everywhere.., or maybe she’s really into legless Olympic heroes taking out their girlfriend….or maybe she likes to Safari…

Maybe she lives in LA and it’s an angle to say she’s proud of her roots, without actually having to live in South Africa….

WHO KNOWS..but girls getting naked for free…is always a good LOL to me….cuz I know dudes would be paying for this….

Posted in:Jessica Lee Buchanan




Who Whored it Better? Madison Beer VS Olivia Culpo in a Titty Top of the Day

Who Whored it Better?

Madison Beer?

OR –

Olivia Culpo?

In a Titty TOP?! So Exciting…The bigger tits always win…

[poll id=”8″]


Posted in:Madison Beer|Olivia Culpo|SFW




Sara Sampaio and Stella Maxwell TIt on Tit of the Day

This titty pic of Sara Sampaio may already be out there and old news, I don’t actually pay attention and post a lot of the same shit twice. It’s called being a sloppy, disorganized, blogger who likes to drink.

That said, I find it interesting that Sara Sampaio is titty out in this pic, pretty much dick on dick with Stella Maxwell, who you may know as the Hollywood Model Dyke who fucks and dates Hollywood girls you didn’t know were dykes, because you didn’t want to believe they were dykes, even though everything about them, from their lesbian haircut to their jeans screamed dyke, because you were blinded by the Twilight Saga…and truly believed in her Robert Pattison love affair….even though nothing on TV is real…

That’s not what I find interesting…I find it interesting that last year she went on a media tour, Sara Sampaio not Stella Maxwell who’s media tours involve a different tactic to be relevant called fucking famous chicks, where Sara Sampaio’s involve whining about being published nude in photos she signed off on, claiming assault…yet when VS, the people at Victoria’s Secret say “pull your tit out trick, we pay you lots and can end you”…she does it no complaints…seems bullshit to me…but there’s tits out so that’s good.

A step in the right direction.

Posted in:Sara Sampaio|Stella Maxwell




Kendall Jenner’s Nipples of the Day

I hate doing posts on anything Kardashian. I love doing posts on see through shirts with no bra on underneath.

I am old. I am from an era of fort knox level security detail to get to a woman’s tits. We had bras, sometimes with sports bras over them, and undershirts, and button down shirts, and sweaters and jackets..making getting at the tit impossible….

So when braless became a trend like it was the 70s again, I had to be a fan, and when shirts got see through, and didn’t just get see through with the camera flash….I felt like we wre really getting somewhere as a people….

So here we are now, free nipples, post nipples, feminist no longer protesting porn for being misogynisitic but claiming it’s feminist and getting naked and joining in on it…it’s like we are in an alternate universe.

But the fame whores tend to be the ones we hate…part of families we hate…doing what they do to make more money doing it…and it leaves me torn…do I post this trash or ignore it like it didn’t happen to do my part to make the world a better place.

As it turns out, the tits always win.


Posted in:Kendall Jenner




Ashlee Simpson in a Magazine Being Slutty of the Day

Ashlee Simpson wasn’t relevant when she was relevant, if you know what I mean.

She only existed as a product of her sister, you know the kind of younger sister who just assumes she is entitled to what the older sister has, by default, because she’s born into the same family….and the family feel bad that she’s got none of the talent or appeal of the older sister…but encourage her anyway so that she doesn’t feel neglected…when she should just be happy her older sister has allowed her to have this good life without having to work or be an entertainer….eventually having her lip synch fail on SNL…and fading away, forgotten, to raise a Pete Wentz baby, who at the time was a big deal….and now fuck Diana Ross’ son who only exists because his mom is Diana Ross….his name not actually Ross, because his dad was not a Ross, but it gets you further when you’re a rich entitled twat…his dad was a mountaineer named Arne Næss Jr. who was worth over 600 million dollars, which is how Mountaineers have sex with Diana Ross….and why his kids who don’t use his name professionally have lots of stupid money and just do this for fun….

Well, as it turns out, magazines and social media like to follow people who were, or people associated to famous people, giving Ashlee Simpson the ability to finally be her own performer, her own person, and she’s doing it by trying to be slutty and seductive in some husband softcore porn, that looks like a cheesy instagram shoot, because it pretty much is….as nothing is original or exciting…but I guess Ashlee Simpson being slutty is hilarious and I like to fancy myself a comedy site before a porn site…so take in this desperation….and encourage it, because it is important to encourage all women to pretend to be intense, sexual, model bitches with their posing…

I mean she’s 34 and looking better than she did at 24…..thanks face injections I guess…

Posted in:Ashlee Simspon|SFW




Hot Couple Fuck on Side of Street and Other Videos of the Day

Homeless Lady Washing her Pad

Girl Living the Club Life

Dude Almost lost Towed Equipment

Drugged Out Dude

Idiot Punches Cop – Gets Hit By Truck

ANTIFA vs Wheel Chair Lady

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

It’s nice to know that people are still idiots who don’t understand the internet and believe everything they see.

Yesterday, while scrolling facebook, or what I like to call HELL, I saw at least 3 people post totally fake stories that were zero true with captions like “This makes me feel good”…or “Humans are Amazing”….

And I was like “Bro…that’s CGI….or BRO…that’s not a real story”…

I had a friend try to convince me he saw some product on Shark Tank that was clearly some spam clickbait scam…..that had some fake site with a picture of girls from Shark TAnk…and dude TOTALLY thought he saw it on Shark Tank…and not on some fake site.

I’ve been on the internet since 1995, and always thought it was a joke and that nothing on it was real….except the nudes…but other people, the mainstream who are idiots don’t realize it.

I see it all the time!!

Jennifer Garner Got New Dick

Sigourney Weaver Topless in 1986

Sluts at a Classy Porno Party

Dumb Fucking Shit Restaurant

Katie Price Arrested on Suspicion of Drunk Driving

Titty Outfit of the Day

Woman Falls in Pool But Keeps Smiling

Bridge Beam Winds Up Mountain Road

Facebook is Fucked Bro…

Brad Cooper’s Very Rich Person House

Naked Girls with Computers – The Photo Series

Do You Like Getting Fucked Up – Get a Discount Vape Pen

Do YOU like Not Feeling Pain? – USE CODE “DRUNKEN” for Discount – DO IT!

Do You Like Making Sports Less Queer? Bet on Them!

Posted in:stepLINKS