I'll Make You Famous…




Dakota Fanning Hard Nips of the Day

People seem to be really hyped on Dakota Fanning’s hard nipples, because people are fucking perverts who have watched her grow up before their very eyes, thanks to parents who sold her off to the media and entertainment industry, cuz they wanted to get richer and she was good vehicle…pretend she’s a natural talent…get her in movies…exploit her….

So that when she’s rich and older, she can exploit herself, via walking around hard nippled…with tits…tits she didn’t have when you first discovered her and that may offend you cuz you’re that kind of pervert…but tit I appreciate because they are tits.

Posted in:Dakota Fanning|SFW




Jessica Biel in Underwear of the Day

I don’t know why Timberlakes number one groupie, who he got when she was still famous on TV, and who never fucking disappeared and just latched onto him and wouldn’t let him go, to the point where he eventually married her and made kids with her, because she proved how loyal and deserving of his money she was, and she proved how she’d let him fuck all the dudes he wanted, and even put herself at risk for AIDS, because he was just that dreamy with his frosted blonde curls…

Well, as a mom she’s decided to bring back her fit body….as these 40 year old women do…you can see her abs and thick thighs…and most importantly nipples…

So you Seventh Heaven Box Set owning weirdos…must be happy, while those of you who dont’ know what Box Sets are, or what Justin Timberlakes are, must be confused…

Don’t worry. I’m confused too.

Here’s her gay husband helping her do fit shit…

Posted in:Jessica Biel|SFW




Rita Ora Topless of the Day

Rita Ora Big TIts Pussy Print White Bodysuit

Friday’s are the worst days for me to post anything – because I am right around the overly saturated by computer and social media and nonsense noise – and I am right about the time to detach myself from all screens for the next two days to reflect on how shitty my life actually is – without the noise to distract me from that…

So seeing bitches, garbage bitches like Rita Ora and their thirsty and eager quest to be famous….who managed to get out there so much that they became famous…and who now think they are famous and must maintain such fame…is just fucking annoying

It annoys me all week, but on Friday, after seeing it the entire week…by the same stupid people…I just want to see it all disappear.

Tits or not, there are tits everywhere that aren’t attached to some eager cunt trying to be famous, overpaid and egotistical all while really NOT mattering, not having anything inspiring or interesting, or compelling.

It’s just fucking noise…and I can”t wait to flip the switch and hear silence…

Fuck this useless bottom feeding cunt who thinks she’s premium….nothing worse than a cunt that doesn’t know her cunt worth….

But at least she knows to expose her tits.


Posted in:Rita Ora|SFW




Sofia Richie Tits Turn 20 of the Day

Sofia Richie Tits and Ass Turn 20 Red Bikini

Sofia Richie Tits Turn 20 but already so banged out at such a young age…

Thanks to being a rich kid with a trust fund, turned Kardashian because it was easier than going to college, knowing she’d always have that Lionel Richie money to support her decisions…

Garbage, boring, but in bikini at 20….

It’ll be nice when this ends in an opiate overdose, but in the mean time, it’s just tabloid bullshit that isn’t interesting, because the Kardashians aren’t interesting, except to loser people trying to get ahead and loser people on the internet who don’t know what google is and are incapable of finding interesting things to follow, learn about or do with themselves.

Garbage…fame hungry idiots…living that expensive life they didn’t earn….in a bikini.


Posted in:SFW|Sofia Richie




Sophie Mudd Erotica of the Day

Sophie Mudd Ass Red Thong

Sophie Mudd must be out there fucking all kinds of interesting dudes, now that she’s all famous on the instagram for looking 12 but having monster tits, like some of the creepy sex dolls they sell on Alibaba….

She’s a magical instagram fetish creature who I guess is positioned as relevant because Kanye used her in a Yeezy campaign, and Kanye is the culture thief, wave jacker, style stealer, but with an audience so he looks first to it…

But probably not first to Sophie Mudd, her half nakedness for social media seems to have been around a while…and why wouldn’t it be…with tits like this you kind of have no choice but to give into them and let them navigate you through life…like that born again christian I once caught a lift with who basically let Jesus drive her car…eyes fucking shut as Jesus music played…her 400 pound belly on her steering wheel…my faithless pervert ass convinced we were going to die…but we lived…and here I am to talk about Sophie Mudd’s tits…the real higher power.


Posted in:SFW|Sophie Mudd




Jojo Big Bouncing Titties of the Day

JoJo Big Bouncing TIts Braless Grey Crop Top

Someone out there cares about Jojo….and her big tits…now that she’s not a 15 year old pop star and terrible actress from Disney she once was….but rather that she detached herself from and disappeared from over the last 10 years…only to come back, tits first, trying to matter in her own way, riding that celebrity she once had with the perverts who liked her back when she was a teen, with content that she knows will speak to them….her tits.

I don’t care about Jojo, I don’t remember Jojo when she happened, but I can appreciate that she’s got big tits…cuz that’s just the kind of pervert I will forever be.

JoJo Big Bouncing TIts Braless Grey Crop Top

Another one?


Posted in:JoJo|SFW




Rachel Bilson Panic Room Erotica of the Day

Rachel Bilson Captive in a Panic Room on The Toilet

I have been joking around about Rachel Bilson being held captive by her now ex husband and baby daddy for years.

I had this theory where the girl was famous as hell on a hit show, and really had the opportunity to do anything she wanted in terms of acting, but instead was brainwashed by some Canadian farm boy who played a Skywalker in a Star Wars movie, who brought her up to canada and locked her in a cage.

I guess I was right. This is the proof.


Posted in:Rachel Bilson|SFW




Eugenie Bouchard Ass in a Bathing Suit of the Day

Eugenie Bouchard proves that even tennis players need to clickbait that sexualizes them damnselves…because making over a million dollars a year doing the sport you love without sexualizing your damn self isn’t enough in this world of everyone sexualizing themselves…it’s like there needs to be some thong ass exposed ass….and I’ll tell you something very simple, the internet is better than real life, because I have physically seen this girl jogging on the street, all 6 feet of her, she is from the city I live in, and I will tell you that you wouldn’t even notice her, other than that she’s 6 feet, amongst the crowd….so sure, celebrate her because of the tennis skill and think that makes her ass more interesting, but her ass is really just an ass, it’s only worth looking at here cuz it’s straight whoring.

Posted in:Eugenie Bouchard|SFW




Jordyn Jones Bikini of the Day

I still don’t know who Jordyn Jones is and I posted bikini pics of her the other day…it’s like either my memory is going, which would make sense from all the drinking and alcohol being a neurotoxic….and my age and health level and the meds I am on….but I have NO idea what Jordyn Jones does besides bikini selfies…

Here’s a video to shut me up for a second…

I have a feeling she’s in a soap opera, or was in a soap opera as a kid, like Hayden Panettiere, but I just googled it and it turns out she’s a youatuber, which explains why she’s out there in a bikini, this is how they all get more views and make more money, with their faggy looking disney kid boyfriends….the world of DIY and addiction to fame is great because it all resorts back to some level of sex work.

Speaking of Hayden Panettiere…who’s parents were soap stars and who was rumored to be in a Hollywood Pedophile sex ring….before getting married and entering rehab at least once for “Post Natal Depression”….and who is now going through a divorce and looking like a drunken midget with mental problems who was used as a sex toy as a child…

And she looks like she is “with” child…all pregnant as she at dinner in LA and the Paparazzi took pics…


Posted in:Jordyn Jones|SFW




Bebe Rexha Fat Ass of the Day

The one thing I know for sure about Bebe Rexha is that she’s definitely not Anna Rexha, if you know what I mean…

This fat bitch appears at award shows and in the paparazzi, because I guess someone is trying to make her exist, and the talent pool although vast, isn’t too deep and they take whatever garbage is pushing themselves and eager for likes and follows on us.

I still don’t know what this girl sings, or where she lays down her vocal tracks, but I do assume that black guys probably fuck her…and black guys run the music industry, hip hop is pop and while kids, suburban rich white kids not only embrace the culture, and get down to the culture, little white girls saying that NI**ER word in their parent’s BMW….but suburban white kids are also making a movie in the culture disguised as drake.

That’s not to say Bebe Rexha is in rap, but I think she was at the Grammys and now her fat ass is in a bikini looking for love….or maybe a few burgers, hot dogs and ice cream from the boardwalk vendor….

Pigs may not fly, but they do make shit music and do shameless bikini pics.

Bebe Rexha Fat Ass in Black leggings

Posted in:Bebe Rexha|SFW