I'll Make You Famous…




Demi Lovato’s Looking Hot of the Day

Demi Lovato Booty in the Air in her swimsuit

I guess the life lesson is that when you boyfriend dumps your fat, obnoxious, famous and rich ass, after years of being a fucking troll…hit the gym, the surgeon, the botox clinic, the photoshop masters, whoever the fuck you can, and figure out the slutty poses girls are doing, because Demi Lovato…is looking hot…

I still don’t really know much about her, but she pops up all the time over the years and is always pretty shitty looking, but when girl poses like this, ass in the air…I start to care…good hustle girl….I like this marketing, clickbait, instagram influencer attitude.

The more uptight people get about sex assault, rape, the patriarchy, men running business, the sluttier the posing gets…it’s a fucking win.

The most interesting story about her I’ve heard is that her and Miley filmed an underage sex tape in Nashville..lesbians in cowboy boots…it may exist……who knows…who cares…she’s only looking good now…forget the Demi of the past…it’s about the Demi right now.

Posted in:Demi Lovato|SFW




Lactacting TWITCH Girl of the Day

I don’t know anything about this video, other than that it’s going viral and is most importantly a magical specimen in how to properly lure in fans using the nerd platform TWITCH…instead of streaming videogames, bodypaint you lactating tits, so that they explode all over the place for the social awkward gamer nerds to jerk the fuck off as hard as they can to the bitch….

I figure it’s some Olivia Munn shit, find the place where the most pathetic dudes who can’t get laid are hanging, show them your tits disguised as a cosplay masturbation fodder and hope you don’t lactate knowing nerds get personally offended when the hot chick they’ve imagined marrying, gets knocked up by another guy…..but if you do lactate…own it…run with it…hope to get famous with it…

I am a fan of this TWITCH.

Posted in:Videos




Revisiting Britney Getting Salt Water in her Wombat Hole of the Day

Britney Spears washing her pussy in her bikini, I like to think she’s taking a pee, salt water up in her cooch, probably hoping to feel the burn or the sting, anythimg to feel alive in an other numb life, thanks to being abducted by her own parents – medicated so that she keeps up her earning potential…sad story if you feel for abducted rich women in bikinis, but you don’t….you predator….

This is the highlight of the week….

britney spears gets wet in her yellow bikini on the beach

Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW




Alessandra Ambrosio’s Sucking Pineapple Dicks of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio sucks a straw in her bikini on the beach

Alessandra Ambrosio has been sucking more than just pineapple dick in efforts to stay fresh and youthful…unless of course there is botox on fillers up in this tropical delight…or maybe the sperm of some obscure Jungle animal…or maybe just the fresh blood of babies she harvests in some tribal ritual…because she’s 100 years old…and looks good…

Must be some kind of witch…


Except for the whole bikini thing…I mean that looks good…

To see the rest of pics – so many bikini pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio|SFW




Lady Gaga’s Saggy Tits of the Day

Lady Gaga in Black Sunglasses and no Bra

Lady Gaga is disgusting, and not just because of her face, but because of everything she represents, embodies…her insecurities from High School for being the loser rich girl who looked like shit…carried into her overcompensation as an adult…trying to be all unique and different, when really just being a hack, stealing ideas from other people, a puppet…who would try so hard to make as much noise as possible…and it worked because the population is crazy and stupid…her songs brainwashing and addictive…penetrating our brains and even when showing her tits…she’s dull…but at least she’s showing her tits…I guess…

I mean there are countless things we could be looking at….

Instead of anything Lady Gaga oriented.


Posted in:Lady Gaga|SFW




Natasha Poly Hot Naked Model of the Day

Natasha Poly Hot and Naked

Natasha Poly is a pretty major Russian model who is loved by all….or at least loved by all who can afford to love her, she comes at a price thanks to being a model….and I guess lusted by anyone with a Russian model fetish, who can’t afford a Russian model, because Russian models only like the rich guys…

Why live the hurtbag loser sucking at life life when you deserve so much more thanks to your nakedness.

SO Natashy Poly, is married which kinda makes her fucking boring…who wants stare at a mail order bride already locked down…when we can find our own mail order brides more in our buget…but she’s showing tit.

Posted in:Natasha Poly




Emma Roberts Ass in Leggings of the Day

Emma Roberts Booty in Black Leggings

Prior to Lily Rose Depp, Emma Roberts was my favorite Celebrity child, who is likely a cunt, but who I like regardless of that, because I don”t interact with these people, if they are even people, and not just robots created in a lab designed to manipulate the minds of the general public, creating a social norm that would otherwise never happen if they didn’t have people like this to peddle bullshit into your useless minds…


I have no idea why I like Emma Roberts, maybe it’s all the D level movies I’ve seen with her dad, realizing that despite Julia, she comes from a very weird place in Hollywood…yet manages to wear leggings throughout the day…while being skinny…a MODERN day hero.

Emma Roberts in tight Jeans of the Day


Posted in:Emma Roberts|SFW




Maitland Ward Nipples of the Day

Maitland Ward Nipples in a Green SHirt and Green Panties

Maitland Ward is fucking disgusting, but I still consider her a friend of the site because she angrily emails me complaining about how mean I am to her, which is nice, because there’s two types of humor from my perspective, MEAN jokes, and jokes not worth hearing, so I focus on MEAN jokes, to put people to the test, make them question their existence, and get under their skin and annoy them, ideally ruining if not all of their day, a little part of their day…not because I have a complex or because I am unhappy…I just think people need to be challenged, to see if what they are doing is the right thing, rather than encouraged and praised, as people tend to get lost in the praise, rather than in the hate…forcing them to become more progressive, interesting, challenging, competitive, and overall a better user experience.

I can go on and on about how Maitland Ward does softcore porn now, should have done softcore porn in the 90s, but in her old age, and I mean OLD age she’s found confidence and an audience that I doubt pays her much money, except for the escort fees….

But the truth is that in 2018, I am challenging myself to be better and better too, why die and stagnate with the rest of the sites cuz they aren’t making money, I never made money, in this climate find my category, and maybe I’ll finally go viral..

So I look at my analytics, something I’ve never done in years past, I just had boatloads of traffic I couldn’t monetize and didn’t care about monetizing, because that would require work…I also didn’t care that my site was a top 1000 site on the internet and always though it was a lame social experiement / project and often times hated that I spent my days doing it…

But 2018, I said, before websites totally die, maybe I can make something of this, and with that I looked at the posts that get the most traffic that I post and turns out Maitland Ward is the top contentder….she beats out EVERY other girl out there….and is now going to have to become the site’s Mascot or focal point…because that is what you people want…


Posted in:Maitland Ward




British Couple Fuck Bare Naked on Bus and Other Videos of the Day

Woman Pulls her Tits Out in Store

Tee Held at Gunpoint for his Coat

Old Man Eating Ass

Pig Fucks Tire

Haircut of the Day

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I walked home from a drunken adventure at 7 am, thinking damn, I’m a champion at 50, like Heidi Klum is to wearing bathing suits, I am to being a drunken degenerate who gets home at 7 am not even after a night of fucking, I’m too old for that….but it was nice to see some hot mom with a great ass walking her kid to daycare or school, partially because of the great ass, but mainly because I’d rather be walking home at 7 am drunk, than walking some unappreciative piece of expensive shit to daycare after listening to him whine the entire morning while getting him ready….because he’s an unappreciative fuck who doesn’t realize how much his parents have to work just to keep a roof over his damn head….for the first time, I feel like I’ve made the right life choices…to ultimately suck at life but to every dark side there is a light

Here are some morning links…even though it’s 1 pm, but dude’s in their 50s who get home at 7 am, need their beautifying rest

Smart Ferret Opens Drawer

Crash Avoided!

Rob Lowe VS Bella THorne

Woman Almost Hit by a Car

Hailey Baldwin Skinny Legs Shopping

The Ultimate Paper Airplane

Posted in:stepLINKS