I'll Make You Famous…




Barbara Palvin Naked for Love Magazine of the Day

Love magazine gets all the bitches naked, it’s like the manipulative date rapist, up on some Bill Cosby shit, but the magazine version..

All these girls think “I want to be in LOVE”…because everyone loves LOVE…or craves LOVE it is a human condition and need….because LOVE has managed to market themselves as cool or edgy or interesting or who fucking cares…just look at the tits for fashion….

Tits for fashion…something that has always existed, I know because I’ve jerked off to it, but something that I’ve always been classified a porn site, not mainstream, unable to get on ad networks and make millions because I fought for the nipple.

I am a feminist, who was too edgy and misunderstood, who is now not edgy at all, in a world of everyone being a pervert and every mainstream site doing nudity…I am blockbuster…a failed attempt at life…

Barbara Palvin is also a failure, at least in these pics, once a VS Model, now a chubby girl who may have banged bieber, who may still work with VS but I doubt it, all big, with her big girl tits, not very hot to me…but naked…in LOVE…making moves…exciting…or not..who cares

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Bella Thorne’s See Through “Enough” Outfit of the Day

There was a time when you had to cut out the nipples or crotches of a girl you wanted to see naked’s clothing, in order to see what you wanted to see, like her nipples and crotches when she was wearing said clothing…

Or you’d be crafty and spill water on her white t-shirt, or will a rainstorm, or push her into a creek, brook, or river….just to get that level of sheer you needed..

I remember being even more clever about this shit, using something I learned that watching Bob Vila…I’d get a fine grain sand paper and slowly sand away the nipples or crotch or ass of a girl’s clothing so that when it was pulled on over her, the fabric would be thinned out and sheer..

Now bitches are doing it for us…they just wear the sheer clothing…knowingly, willingly, and I guess it makes for a lazy group of men who don’t need to drill holes in walls, or pry mouldings open to see through to the shower, or crawl in crawl spaces to get a vantage point through a vent in the floor or ceiling…it’s just being handed out like Candy on Halloween, and I love Halloween….despite the reward being less work, the reward is still there, because we all love Halloween…excessiveness…greed…laziness…so that you girls like Bella Thorne…feeding us what we want.

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




ALba Thick Ass Mom to Be in a Bikini of the Day

Jessica Alba is pregnant, but not overly pregnant yet, you know the right amount of pregnant where her body just thickens up in a weird fat ass way, and where you can’t knock her up no matter how much you cum in her, which in and of itself is a highlight…if you’re into getting her well documented herpes…and if you’re into a girl well past her prime, but still pretty good, because she’s a vapid LA person and that’s all part of what they are about, I mean she was a celeb before the face of a billion dollar brand…manipulating us all…but that round ass..it’s good to look at, so juicy and delicious…that even if you hate Alba and all she represents..like you were her husband demanding a paternity test cuz you can’t trust bitches these days….

I don’t know where I’m going with this…other than JUICY…and worth thinking about sticking your fingers up inside…..you know to help massage her pregnancy from the inside out…

Posted in:Jessica Alba|SFW




Josie Canseco and the Pussy in Bikini Trash of the Day

Josie Canseco may just be the daughter of Jose Canseco with a ridiculous name, naked after her daughter on some trashy shit…

But she’s also in a white bathing suit and I can see her pussy and I love that shit, it’s a fetish for me and for anyone out there with a brain…because seeing pussy, that can be played off as unintentional…when clearly it is intentional…is magical to pervert as fuck me…

I have experienced pussy flashes though sheer bottoms before and they always stay fresh and exciting even when the pussy they are on is neither of those things…

This one is rich Baseball kid…is putting that trustfund to good use..trashy and delicious….


Posted in:Josie Canseco|SFW




Alexis Ren’s Casual Instagram Pic of the Day

The nice thing about instagram is that when a girl posts her picture it is just an honest version of herself, just a snapshot of that moment, of her letting you into her world like a cam girl, but less porny, but sometimes not that much less porny, thanks to being perverts who can make any situation porny….

It’s like girls never take 40 selfies to capture the best one to post, they don’t run it through filters and photoshop apps to really tone and fix their body…so that when you meet them in person, not that you will, you won’t have any idea who they are, it’s a security measure really, reformat yourself into a fetish or cartoon version of yourself and you will be safer, all while pretending to be some hot shit on the IG…

It’s a weird world, knowing that this pic was posed and edited and posted by the girl, rather than some creepy dude capturing the shot from afar…because sluts, exhibitionists, who love attention, are just making our lives and jobs as creepy perverts easier..they are FEEDING us their smut and as a lazy man who doesn’t leave the couch…I appreciate it.

Posted in:Alexis Ren|SFW




Kendall Jenner Strategic Nude vs Kylie Jenner Strategic Selfie of the Day

OH LOOK – Kendall and Kyle Jenner are whoring…they must be getting instructed by their team that due to summer vacation, their numbers are dropping and it is important to bring them back up, since the family’s future relies on them…you know being shameless, opportunistic whores requires STRATEGY…and apparently…plastic surgery, face injections and half nakedness….I approve of…but the rest of it…just take them out back and put them out of their misery for the benefit of society as a whole…

Posted in:Kendall Jenner|Kylie Jenner




Heather Graham Not Too Old for Shameless Bikini Selfies of the Day

If you haven’t jerked off to Heather Graham, than you have no business being on this site, because you aren’t from the right generation, where you’d jerk off to Boogie Nights for her tits, bush and all other things good about Heather Graham in an early 2000s era when you could still jerk off to the internet, you know when blogs like this started popping up…

That was a long time ago, and this girl, who was everywhere thanks to her big tits, in an era when that mattered because we didn’t have social media, thus making her tons of money…

Well, apparently, she’s trying to get a younger audience, by doing the shameless bikini selfies, despite being 50…and I’m all for it…if staying current and finding new fans comes with half nakedness…I’ll watch.

Posted in:SFW




Ariel Winter’s Ass Tattoo of the Day

Nothing says “My mom whored me off to execs at a young age, so I broke free at 18, walked around half naked, cut off my sloppy tits, only to regrow more tit, like a lizard growing limbs” quite like a tattoo that some broken girl who eats her feelings got that runs across her ass and that reads some really silly quote…that we can assume she finds inspiring and empowering, which in and of itself is hilarious, because it’s just a dumb fucking tattoo…

At least she’s posting up pics of the shit, like all these tattoo getting braggers…pretending they are unique and don’t care what other people think of them, while showing the world with all their ink just how much of a poser, lost, lose they are…

Posted in:Ariel Winter|SFW




Eva Longoria Action Shot of the Day

Eva Longoria may be one of those white bread first generation kids who forgets that her family crawled over walls and through tunnels to give her the great suburban life that allowed her to have the arrogance and confidence to become “an actor” which is hardly a real job, but some kind of joke spoiled brats take on to pretend they are more important than they are, so that they don’t have to get a real job, like people who understand the value of a dollar and who don’t have a dad to finance their LA experience while auditioning as Mexican roles…..

But she still knows how to swim like she’s jumping off a raft across the Rio Grande…just look at this dive, this form, off her overpriced yacht…like a swan…and angel…undetectable by radar and other border patrol on boat..it’s the one things she’s retained in her cushy, bratty, experience..


Posted in:Eva Longoria|SFW




Sara Sampaio Looks a Little Bloated and Primate-Like in Bikini of the Day

Sara Sampaio is the skinny Victoria’s Secret model who they brought in from Portugal to replace Adriana Lima, at least that’s what the even empire wants you to think they did, instead of realizing that she was raised in a lab from Lima DNA somewhere to be their staff model, because no one has ever heard of Sara Sampaio from Portugal, maybe they are too busy fishing…

Maybe their formula is falling apart, degrading, not sustainable or whatever, her skinny advocacy in a world where all brands use fat chicks, even though no one likes fat chicks, even the fat chicks, to model their bikinis, to speak to that market, knowing they hate that market and don’t believe in that market, as celebrating unhealthy is bad…but celebrating hot body is good….

Because she’s in Tulum, being a skinny advocate, while looking bloated….confusing me, in this world of every brand uses fat chicks, despite everyone hating fat chicks, while alienating skinny chicks, and manipulating them to become fat chicks, to get work.

It’s fucked up time…but good ass though..


Posted in:Sara Sampaio|SFW