I'll Make You Famous…




Magdalena Frackowiak Slutty Mail Order Bride of the Day


Magdalena Frackowiak demonstrating the mail order bride wedding porn – you know if you’re a billionaire and can afford to buy a mail order bride of her quality – one with mainstream model success who likes Private Jets, Private Islands, and Private Parties where she will do anything asked of her if her model agency rate is paid….if you know what I mean…

I don’t really have a wedding fetish, weddings are the worst, maybe I wouldn’t mind proving weddings are the worst buy having another man’s bride fetish, which I guess is exactly what Magdelena the Polish Victoria’s Secret model who once had a 750,000 a year contract with Victoria’s Secret so you know she’s unaffordable…in a dress or dresses that remind me of the slow dance at the strip club, you find the final dance where they throw vaginas out there as a marketing push to get their lap dances for the night..something we can assume Magda is very familiar with. It’s how models get jobs.

Posted in:Magdalena Frackowiak|SFW




Farrah Abraham Slutting of the Day

Farrah Abraham is a classy mother – the kind of woman who would get pregnant at 16 strictly to get on MTV show and become a magical celebrity no one really cared about – until the sex tape came out and made me a ton of fucking money because Gawker linked me thanks the exclusive squirt video I posted – because I am a leader in the sex tape scene – but n oone knows or cares or bothers to give me the credit I deserve, not that I really deserve any credit, without all these whores – and their hard work whoring – I would have nothing….

So here she is showing her twat at the pool in Vegas, as good, sound, classy moms who do porn do….because she matters and people care about her asshole…I mean…not really..but we all seemed into watching her horse face fuck and that’s gotta count for something!

Solid facetune


Posted in:Farrah Abraham|SFW




Vanessa Hudgens Tits Hanging Out of a Car of the Day


Is this Vanessa Hudgens hanging out of cars with her tits…or her tits hanging out of the car with Vanessa Hudgens…

They’d call this existentialism – if they knew what existentialism was – and by they – I mean – me – since I have no friends.

Posted in:SFW|Vanessa Hudgens




Jennifer Aniston Pregnant at 100 of the Day


The end of an era maybe – a revel in modern science maybe – an image of survival, making it, never too late to get what you want….inspiring….Jennifer Aniston potentially pregnant…in a bikini…in the Bahamas…because she’s finally decided to pull it off…

I was always under the impression that she missed her window of opportunity, that she was too old for this kind of behavior…but I guess there’s someone out there for everyone, willing to take the chance by busting insider her assuming she won’t get knocked up because she’s old…because they’re married so why the fuck not, that’s what people do….take the risk…even if it’s 20 years too late..

I used to get a kick out of her milking her nipples, but not literally because no one ever knocked her up, but figuratively in everything she did, because her nipples were always hard…I used to wonder why she was cast as a babe or love interest even though she was pushing 50 but I was more into her not being able to keep a man around long enough to give her babies…

The two theories were that she was a horrible high maintenance bitch – who they didn’t want to stick with for 18 years or maybe she didn’t want to have kids because shes the kind of pragmatic narcissist who didn’t want to accept her age and reproduce…until just before it was too late…which is now…you know, don’t let a baby ruin me…while I’m still running the scam kind of thing.

If you’re not a mom, you can have the illusion that you are still hot, you can still make money, you can still be the narcissistic twat you obviously are, where you just have to wait until the last minute to go for having a clone in your image.

Posted in:Jennifer Aniston|SFW




Bella Thorne is a Good Time of the Day


Bella Thorne is everyone’s favorite instagram star from some Disney Channel shit who simulated an 18th birthday to generate some buzz and garner some excitement about her and her future career as the new slutty redhead with a fit body and great tits…who you don’t know or really care about what she does, or what she’s in, but if you’re like me you appreciate that she’s actually on TV, rather than just working for social media / even though she’s obvuously – working it for social media…

We can all agree that all this garbage is just garbage…


Here she is after a colonoscopy we can assume is related to an anal sex injury / colon injury / from anal sex – but maybe she’s got other shitting related issues – which to all of you – that’s hot…

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Here she is at the gym…so CASUAL….poses…not staged at all…in what is the cheesy, and not in a good fake tan / fake tits / big hair / jumping on a trampoline kind of cheesy…but the “look at my intense look on instagram because instagram is my fashion magazine I am the star of and you are all my peasants who worship me”….garbage…

Here she is in bed with FROZEN yogurt that she edited out the logo of – proving that she knows how to edit her photos – using FACETUNE – like all these bitches trying to give themselves smooth skin and waist to hip ratio….

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Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Lindsay Lohan Understands and Embodies Love of the Day

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Love is…sitting bitch seat with your bitch who was once really famous but who is now broken, childhood-less, high maintenance and unstable..because you know you’ve already risked getting herpes for her, what’s letting her drive your QUAD, even if she’s got a pretty terrible track record when it comes to driving, which is more reason to not wear your helmet because you’ve lived enough and a life being married to this, babysitting this, with your Russian billions, is a life worst that a brain injury…


Maybe I am just jealous because I wanted to be the man riding Lohan’s coattails, in the strip club and porn world we call them the “purse holder”…but I guess I was more into that when she could afford my 50 dollar a day food and booze habbit…because I’m luxurious…

Love is so fucking lame….it’s always these public couples who crash and burn – eager for that!


Posted in:Lindsay Lohan|SFW




The Taylor Swift is a Slut Post of the Day


I don’t know who Tom Hiddleston is, but apparently he’s a big action star in action movies who is now getting action in public by or from Taylor Swift, as part of her master plan, because a bitch this famous only participates in contrived and strategic things.

She was recently in a fake relationship with Calvin Harris. that I assume is contrived garbage that involved a lot of contracts because everyone she fucks is a puzzle piece in her master plan, because at her level, with all the money her name and her sex life makes her…on a career made on love and survival into new love…very relatable emo shit…that makes her come out the hero, the survivor the “you go girl” girl…

So it would make sense that she hire an actor for this play..to divert from anything that could reflect badly on her, like that she’s a cheater, or a terrible person…because you know…and I know…and we know…she is…

The media is lies, but one thing that is for sure is that Taylor Swift loves penis in her twat, she just builds a storyline around it – to make it less slutty – in a world where an empowered woman can’t own her slutty because it may destroy her brand – of hopeless romantic – even though that’s all bullshit.

Yes. I just analyzed Taylor Swift being a slut in public for her fans…who feel her sadness…nonsense…

The joke in all this is that Calvin HArris is pissed about how things are playing out – and unfollowed Taylor Swift, Deleted their posts together, tweeted “It’s about to go down”…and even unfollowed her brother Austin…because that’s what insecure DJs do when their girl’s disrepect them in public like that – but dude makes 100 million a year and should remember to NEVER DATE THE A-LIST –

NEVER DATE THE A LIST – they are the fucking worst…go for the C-List broke bitch…my god…who fucking cares about Taylor Swift…how could you be into anything about her – if you have your own money and career and don’t need her for what she’s good at…making money…

He’s been posting Rihanna pics, because I guess they have a song together and he’s trying to get the revenge – but it’s all so fucking dumb…glad I wrote about it…but I prefer staring at Rihanna tit ..

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Posted in:SFW|Taylor Swift




Kylie Jenner Weird Body Selfie of the Day


Kylie Jenner is the softer featured version of Khloe Kardashian, she’s still a big monster, and was actually raised by Khloe Kardashian, because at the time the rest of the family was busy being hot and relevant, but no one wanted anything to do with Khloe so they put her on baby sitter duty…

That was before they learned about modern science and the advances in facial injections and waist training, that can take an otherwise fat chick and give her a waistline and jacked up lips…

She’s got the poses down, the angles down, as she culturally appropriates the Carribean slave culture with her braids…because she’s white as fuck, but looks ethnic as fuck, because either the mom was fucking other people than Bruce Mom, or because if you invest time in the production that is your look, to this level of over produced…making her look like a doll, and not in a good way, more the bootleg kind you’d find in a creepy perverts basement made with old meat stappled to some human shaped thing…

I am not a fan of her look, her face, her body, or the fact that every tween thinks this is hot, or relevant….leave your house and go to a party – they all walk around looking like this – in tight dresses with jacked up faces…and bad make-up…with this illusion of pornstar, ethnic chick, despite being white…it’s fucking weird…it’s everywhere…and people buy anything she sells…and I guess the new style is wearing bikini bottoms up around her fucking neck…

Posted in:Kylie Jenner|SFW




Tourists Watch Couple Have Sex and Other Videos of the Day

Driver and Cyclist Brawl

Naked Euro Fan Dance

Girl Asked to Prom Falls Off Horse

79 Year Old Drives into a Store

Irish Fan Chant about Sexy Wives

Girl Fight Ends with Tumble Down Stairs…

Jewish Dude Gets Punched in the Face

Girl Pees in Aquarium

Robber Punches Clerk….

Heron eats a Gopher…

Kid Falls in the Zoo Exhibit

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day


I didn’t have a stroke having sex with a 21 year old as planned last night in my stepLINKS that just posted 2 minutes ago…so I guess I’m still here to update nonsense – unless it’s a slow bleed…which would be like me…you know…drag out this death from sex with the youth…because I’m not fit…and not even die on top of them to traumatize them for life – like I’d like to…

I guess I’ll have to traumatize them in other ways…

Here are some morning stepLINKS…

Cute Girls…

Ava Sambora – Bikini

Taylor Swift Tonguing!

Wife Plays a Trick on her Husband

Arab Dad Makes his Daughter Dance

Dog that Plays Fetch With Himself

Jennifer Aniston Pregnant – Finally – At 100 Years Old

Oscar Pistorious Walking Around on Stumps

Bella Hadid Midriff

Vigil Hijacked by Race Activists..

Posted in:stepLINKS