I'll Make You Famous…




Irina Shayk’s Body in Some Italy Magazine of the Day

Irina Shayk - Vanity Fair (Italiy) - March 2016-1

Irina Shayk is a brilliant hooker…

What an amazingly strategic use of her amazing fucking body…and it worked out for her.

From homosexual soccer stars to Hollywood A-List womanizers, this girl knows how to leverage her vagina into opportunities.

I guess all models are capable of this type of behavior, and most pull it off with as much ease, since rich guys fucking love models.

But I just really like it when the model in question is a Russian, because I know their evil core, their manipulative communist trained torture tactics that she uses to get ahead…because if a hot Russian came at me, I wouldn’t stand a fucking chance, but then again if any girl came at me, I wouldn’t stand a fucking chance, as long as they aren’t my wife, that is..so it’s not that impressive, but when she can pull it off with people with options…like Brad Cooper…it’s fucking great…it’s power…this body…is killer…and she’s fucking killin’it…I guess what I am saying is…I love her.

Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Kate Upton’s Comeback for V Magazine of the Day


Kate Upton has been working out…so I guess it was a good opportunity for her to release all her hard work, while reaffirming to her fans that she’s still got her tits, because she knows as well as we all know, that her tits are all that fucking matter when it comes to Kate Upton….

The amazing thing in her is that at 23 years old, she’s been able to accomplish so much as a fat sloppy chick, that people believed was hot and amazing, all because they were told she was as they were stuffed with her tits in their face…

This shoot is “Housewife”…which makes sense, because she’s built like a 45 year old mom on her way to pick-up the kids at the school dance…she’s got a GUNT and all…I thought only menopausal women got that…

Either way, keep up the good work superstar I’ll never understand…

Posted in:Kate Upton|SFW




Selena Gomez Paris Fashion Week Skin of the Day


It’s Selena Gomez against the clock. Dying of LUPUS. Getting CHEMO to treat that LUPUS. Pretty much not debilitating her from going to all the parties she wanted to go to.

She’s like a Make a Wish Foundation bald headed kid at Disney pre-death riding every fucking ride because she knows this may be her last.

Which makes sense because of that whole terminal illness managed by CHEMO thing….

So she’s out there, dressing aggressively sexy, working it for the paparazzi, because she knows Taylor Swift is pregnant and this is her window of opportunity to make her move and solidify herself in the industry using all those Disney taught skills…

Not because she’s not famous, but because she’s not Taylor Swift, and that is where she wants to be, because it’s money, glory and everything…and when you’re on that timeline, you know with that CHEMO that doesn’t make you lose your hair, because it’s such a small dose…you fucking work it…as cheesy as you can….and I’m ok with it…because of hard nipples, ass pics, I don’t care the quality, just that they happened…it’s like a baseline of how desperate a bitch is, and I like desperate….especially when it is fighting for it’s life…dying…



Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW




Gigi Hadid’s Big Dopey Head and Inner Thighs of the Day

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Gigi Hadid wants you to look at her inner thighs, she’s been starving herself all year to get them to the level of acceptable for a model, even though this is the era of the fat model, no girl wants to be fat, except fat chicks…it’s her only hope faking it, it also distracts people from her weird arab bobble head…

Seriously, the most celebrated model, with no business being a model, but is hired as a model thanks to smart marketing and a social media audience, is just a teen dream of a vapid cunt in a vapid cunt family…and it worked…depsite having a really large weird monster head…

Here’s her sister in a see through shirt, with a see through bra, showing some nipple….because she’s in the shadow of the bobble head and trying to shine through as her own “model”..or “celebrity”…with no marketable skill, I mean except her tits…because the tits are good, even if what they are attached to is a pile of very expensive shit.


Posted in:Gigi Hadid|SFW




Bella Thorne’s Fitness of the Day

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Bella Thorne is a solid 40 year old who is always in the gym, who fucking loves to have people take pics of her from behind…it’s so casual…organic…barely crying for attention when clearly crying for attention and it’s working. People are talking. Her fans are masturbating to her and she can play off that she’s not being a suggestive cockteasing slut, and that this isn’t actually a butt shot, but rather just her at the gym…not calculating or calculated at all…bullshit…obviously…but this is the only way these characters can make money and exist…thanks to the feminist movement, we can’t judge her for using her body, showing off her body, that she clearly takes care of, to inspire other girls to get in the gym, so they too can post butt shots to gain traction in entertainment….

Works for me.

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Alison Brie in Some Magazine of the Day

Alison Brie - VVV Magazine - SpringSummer 2016_003

Sitcom star Alison Brie….in a show I’ve never seen, but that apparently everyone has seen, making her a huge fucking star…

I’ve done posts on her before, including brilliant analysis of her as a talent, as an actress, as an inspiration to us all…like:

“She’s got tits I’d like to smear on the cracker that is my penis like they were a nice slice of creamy brie”…

Unfortunately, her last name is actually Schermerhorn. Sexy how it rolls off the tongue…either way still brilliant at least in terms of explaining why I have never been offered a job writing a sitcom of my own, because that kind of joke is garbage…but you can see a bunch of her tits, the tits I was referencing in THIS POST ….

Tits…that she’s not showing off in this photoshoot, which would be weird

Posted in:Alison Brie|SFW




Caitlyn Jenner Playing with Sex Toys of the Day

Here’s some weird product placement…featuring Caitlyn Jenner being introduced to a vibrator like he’s never been in a situation where he’s filled his ass up with random household objects – remninding him of the Locker Room days while fantasizing about being a woman..

There is no way Kris Jenner didn’t fuck him up the ass their entire fucking marriage, leading to abuse that turned him into a fucking woman…

After posting VIDEO OF A POST OP MASTURBATING , I don’t even find humor in Caitlyn pretending to learn about female masturbation…for the sake of her show and an ad this sex toy company paid for…because what better place to advertise than with some tranny porn fantasies to the 1 person who has a Caitlyn Jenner tranny porn fantasy…that you know exists but don’t want to find out is your relative.

I am just blown away that this kind of television exists…the end of TV..clearly happening…here’s the proof…

Posted in:Caitlyn Jenner|SFW




Daphne Joy is the Instagram Hooker of the Day

Daphne Joy is one of those cheesy fucking instagram hookers that you’ve all seen before.

They all post the same cheesy pictures of them in the gym, or by the pool, holding boxes of tea or detox shit…

It’s fucking ghetto, but people fucking love them, and in Daphne Joy’s case, one of those people was 50 cent who she didn’t waste anytime getting knocked up by, because despite his being “broke”…she will still get a solid 20,000 dollar a month check to raise their baby, until the kid is 18, even if she ends up with this dude she’s in a bikini with named Jason Derulo, also black….

I guess she’s got a type. Rich dudes who like cheesy hooker looking asian bitches with cheesy fake tits…and an instagram following based on lies and bullshit.

What Cheesy staged paparazzi pics of a bitch I doubt anyone cares about, even after they pay her for anal.


Posted in:Daphne Joy|SFW




Xamira for Mise en Cage Campaign of the Day


Mise en Cage is a luxury lingerie brand out of Paris, which for those of you who care, is where lingerie was really invented, because sexy underwear is amazing, so you you have France to thank for those cheap yeast infection inducing sex shop purchased panties the hookers you have sex with wear for you and their 12 other jobs that day..and the Victoria’s Secret mass produced, over priced, sweatshop mall brand underwear their fat wives wear because you buy if for them on holidays thanks to being a consumer…

Their model is named Xamira, one of the weirdest names I’ve seen, I don’t know what her intagram is, I guess you could look for it, I’ve given you enough to run on, I’m too busy looking for my next post because I know all that matters right here and now are these pics of her being half naked and hot as fuck amazing…

Victoria’s Secret should take their lead and start being a little more innovative with their half naked Christian friendly billion dollar a year generating smut….

There’s a video from a year ago..

Posted in:Xamira




Bette Midler Does the Kim Kardashian of the Day

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I don’t know what Bette Midler is trying to prove. Actually I do. She made a comment calling out Kim K for being a shameless whore, to which Kim K wrote some childish, high school level, hip hop inspired “disses’ to the 75 year old actress. The whole thing was really fucking stupid. You know seeing Bette Midler get into hip hop beef, on the level of Worldstar in intelligence, all for calling Kim out for being a shameless whore…

To which Bette responded to the backlash, but posting a selfie, of her ass in the mirror, while holding something promoting a good cause, whatever that cause may be, probably a cause she leads, which is just as shameless as Kim K doing it for attention to her empire…while people are watching, pull a stunt that gets them talking, to promote something…and I guess the nice thing about it is that she’s promoting something that may be a of value, rather than a new waist trainer or Kanye album….

But the real nice thing, which is also the terrifying thing, is that at 75, Bette has an ass I’d bury my face in….

Keep in mind I’m old and have seen her in movies since forever and always thought she was a monster…yet today, faced with her ass in a brazilian cut looking panty, all rounded out in a mirror reflection…I just want to bury my face in it.

I’ve done a quick psychiatric evaluation on the situation and I think it’s got something to do with too much hot young pussy thrown down my throat in shameless content, to which I have been asking “what’s the point of this, there is no substance, it’s boring”….to “oh this is new, an old lady, with a good enough ass, something different….closing it out with a comedic undertone, irony, cleverness, despite being shameless, I didn’t expect Bette to but her ass where her mouth was, but I wouldn’t mind if she put her ass where my mouth was…it probably tastes like an old Library book…so many hands have been up in it…

I didn’t realize ex-obese Osborne – who loves plastic surgery because it allowed her to take ownership on her life, rather than be Ozzy’s fat wife he ignored while fucking hot groupies, but she posted a nude selfie saying she was inspired by Kim K….now I don’t know what level of Fame Whore you’d have to be to suck up or claim to be inspired by Kim K…but here it is..

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Posted in:Bette Midler|SFW