I'll Make You Famous…




Emma Roberts Getting Paid Lots of Money to be in “Lingerie” Campaign of the Day


My favorite thing about Emma Roberts…is that she’s not Julia Roberts…

My second favorite thing about Emma Roberts…is that her dad is Eric Roberts…and her formative years were spent probably kept as far away from him on his self destructive, drug and alcohol tirade after he won an Acaedmy AWard…before becoming the number one B-Movie actor…ever…

No maybe that’s my favorite thing about Emma Robers…because girls with fucked up childhoods thanks to their dads, especially rich girls with fucked up Childhoods thanks to their dads…carry that shit thought life…and like fat girls…that directly correlates to blow job ability..

I’m not a scientist, or a religious man, but I believe the answer to everything is Daddy isses…

Here she is unretouched but lit and made up by a team of pros for a lingerie company…

Posted in:Emma Roberts|SFW




Taylor Swift Takes on LA and Old People Showed Up of the Day


Taylor Swift is a cult leader, who has managed to brain wash girls everywhere into thinking she’s some empowered woman taking control of her own heart after constantly being mistreated by dudes she probably never dated but just fucked in her quest to find the perfect dick, since everything in her life is perfect, that’s how she has it set up…

In being a cult leader, other girls want to associate with her and her broken heart ministry, by standing by her side and entertaining her, because she’s evil leader….

I guess the LA show brought out girls who want to join the Taylor Swift circle, despite being too old for Taylor Swift..

Including but not limited to:

Salma Hayek and Mary J Blige / Oprah were There

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Maria Menounos…and Nina Dobrev

#taylorswift w/ @valeriefatehi and @ninadobrev

A video posted by maria menounos (@mariamenounos) on

Hilary Duff in Not Very Period Friendly Pants



Posted in:SFW|Taylor Swift




Irina Shyak has Been in a Bikini for the last Month of the Day

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Rumored prostitute Irina Shayk has been in a bikini with her famous actor boyfriend….

She has taken the opportunity to pretend she’s in love, to pretend that she’s all about this motherfucker, while being all over him…

Since Russians have no souls, are incapable of love, it is safe to say that this is:

1- Photo Op – get that press
2- K-Fed opportunity previously discussed, trap the motherfucker, he’s A-List and will get you in movies, great for career…but more importantly…financial security…

I trust none of what’s going on here, but I guess a hustling Russian model knows that there’s a timeline to what she does, and that now is time to get pregnant…it’s just a matter of who to get pregnant with, and America / hollywood, is the real Russian dream…

It all makes sense…and the softcore porn is barely erotic, I’m bored of this garbage, but she’s still good…



Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Britney Spears Intense Costume of the Day

Britney Spears

Britney Spears

I like Britney Spears….she represents all that is right witch celebrity….

From being a dancing puppet your parents exploit at 8 years old, despite not being exceptional really at anything….

TO being a dancing puppet for an evil corporation in the Disney Channel’s bullshit into your teen years in the 90s….

To being a massive pop success with canned, shitty music that everyone fucking loved, and that made millions and millions of dollars…

Only to fall the fuck off because she was manipulated by one of her dancers, because she had no real friends, how could she know it wasn’t love, especially after he came in her every chance he could get, because he knows the law and knows it’s a good strategy for a future life worth living…

Before the breakdown that led to her parents being like “we can’t let the dancing puppet stray off course, we need the revenue stream”….only to basically take back her life…and own her….and dress her up like this…for all of us to jerk off to and distract from her cries for help…because America only likes people when they die….and appreciate them suffer through life…you’re all evil…but this costume, it’s from heaven..but maybe I’m just saying that because I like sex toys…


Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW




Nicole Scherzinger’s Bikini Ass of the Day


Nicole Scherzinger wants you to remember that she’s still alive, she’s still got a rocking body, that could be a trans body, but if it was a trans body, she’d probably come out telling the world it was, because it would generate more buzz, and she’s still willing to show it off…and put her back on the map..more than these butt shots…

I guess being a stripper cast by Pussy Cat Dolls, only to break free from the gang of half naked dancing strippers with their shitty songs, to do it solo, and make millions, isn’t enough for her fucking ego, so she’s going the fame-whore, look at her ass way, because ultimately, all these people rely on being relevant and when you’re a pussy cat doll, you know ass is one of 4 ways to stay relevant, the others are tits, mouth and pussy.

Posted in:Nicole Scherzinger|SFW




Lily Rose Depp and Stella Maxwell of the Day


Lily Rose Depp is hanging out with Stella Maxwell for Love Magazine, who are into posting anything controversial, or anything that will generate some buzz for them…it’s how they get paid in this world….which is coincidentally the same thing that Stella Maxwell is into right now that she’s at the peak of her career and really not deserving of her career…at least according to me…who really doesn’t give a fuck about who Victoria’s Secret cast, or who’s face Miley Sits on, because all these idiots are interchangeable and not memorable…

That said, Lily Rose Depp, is Johnny Depp’s 12 year old daughter, who I guess is out there on her own thanks to trust funds, and her dad being Johnny Depp, and I guess she’s living in LA, because that’s where everyone lives, especially when your dad owns all kinds of houses there, because he’s Johnny fucking Depp…and when your parents give you extreme independence because they are from the late 1980s and don’t really follow the rules of traditional parenting..

She’s gonna be something…she just needs to avoid these latch on bitches like this Stella Maxwell groupie bitch…

Posted in:Lily Rose Depp|Stella Maxwell




Demi Lovato in a Bikini of the Day


Before there was Stella Maxwell, or Miley making out with her dogs, there was Demi Lovato…

She was the other Disney Star with her own song and dance bullshit that has propelled her to an insane level of fame…

She is rumored to have had sex with Miley…in a fucking underage video…that people pass around in Nashville, but that I have never seen, but believe because the source on it is so fucking tight…and the source told me that was part of the breakdown that lead to the “bi-polar disorder” to divert from the fact that girl was a drug / sex addict…

It’s one of those people close to the source would never upload that shit to the internet, what’s the point when they get to jerk off to it, kinda like how I feel about my nudes…

Not to mention, he’s probably paid hush money, like the Katy Perry’s ex boyfriend, who someone close to him told me there’s blowjob vidoes, but they’d never be leaked due to $$$$$$

Doesn’t matter, what does matter is that Demi Lovato in this “don’t wear make-up”, embrace yourself, now hat she’s sober, not hot, but sober and sees it is an angle that’s great or therapy and a great message for the youth, which is why she’s photoshopped to shit in this…because who needs make-up when there’s photoshop…

Posted in:Demi Lovato|SFW




Miley Cyrus Dog Sex of the Day

A video posted by Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) on

Miley Cyrus posted some videos of her naked and tonguing her dogs in what shouldn’t be seen as erotic, or as a glimpse into some peanut butter covered pussy because their big firm, loyal tongues are far more broad and strong than Stella Maxwells….

They shouldn’t be seen as a broken teen angst girl from Tumblr who cuts herself and loves neon and cartoons…or anything Japanese…

They should be seen as a broken girl who can’t trust or love any other people, because even her parents sold her off and everyone around her only like her because she’s Miley Cyrus..you know so sad, but these dogs will never leave her side, they’ll protect her, because that’s just what dogs do…

And I think the most interesting thing about these dogs, is the shit they’ve seen her insert in her pussy…I am sure some of those things have been legendary…

Be$$$$$t morninnnnn kissssiezzzzz ????

A video posted by Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) on

Here are some pics of her naked in bed – and pre-shower because you care…

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Kelly Brook’s Massive Tit of the Day


Kelly Brook is the worst…

I have a love hate relationship with her, which in and of itself is fucking weird since I have never met her and will never met her, and really I am just having a relationship with pictures on a screen, which is probably not the weirdest thing I have had a relationship with, but it is up there…

She’s got these massive tits, that sometimes come with a massive everything else because she’s pushing 40 and like most girls with big tits she gets fat easily…but right now…she’s not at her fattest, I guess since she miracuously got a TV show…

So that love/hate relationship with her is that I love big tits, they are fun. I love desperation that makes a girl pull out her tits in photos to become a titty model…and I love when it works to a certain level…because it encourages other girls to show their tits…but I hate that when they make it, they forget they are a titty model, they forget their whore roots, and think they are actual talent…I also hate the hate mail I got for making fun of her miscarriage and referring to these pics as her doing a sacrifice for fame…

But I love the big tits…that I guess she still realizes are a big part of her appeal…because I mean…look at that instagram pic…that’s a fucking tit.

Posted in:Kelly Brook|SFW




Apparently These are Sarah Hyland’s Hard Nipples of the Day

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Sarah Hyland creeps me out…and apparently these are pictures of her at the airport and they are being marketed as her “hard nipples”…and I feel like it is a lot like trying to stare at some pubescent girl at the pool in a one piece…with developing breasts with hard nipples..you know the shit you may have had your first jerk off to when you were a teenager and it was ok to like pubescent girls…and not as a grown man who just loves everything about this…that’s just fucking weird and I hope you’re not a camp councilor, bus driver, social worker, or really anyone allowed around kids…

If you’re more into the teen girls who get their period at 7 thanks to emotional trauma thanks to her dad leaving them….you know the kind of girl who has double Ds by 16, this probably isn’t the kind of jailbait girl for you…especially considering she’s pushing 30…and just looks 12 and athletic…in some birth defect I think is hormone therapy her mom fed her to child star her…

Either way, who cares.


Posted in:Sarah Hyland|SFW