I'll Make You Famous…




Happy Birthday Suprise for Cheater of the Day

I don’t know what the authenticity in this video is, but I figure if it is a staged bullshit, designed to go viral video, the dude involved would have shot it horizontal, but then again, this vertical shit makes it seem more believable…

I figure I’ll post it because everyone likes to get revenge, or shame their chubby girlfriend they caught cheating, you know to get payback revenge hoping it makes your broken heart and sads feel better…but I think I’m too dark, because I was assuming it was going to end up with murder, or maybe with her lover he caught her cheating with hanging off the rafters with limbs missing…bleeding,…or maybe he would have killed this one off…

But I guess…it wouldn’t be on youtube in that case…right..

Posted in:Videos




Iggy Azalea for Some Underwear Bullshit of the Day

1000 people cared about this video of Iggy Azalea in her underwear in the last 24 hours…

That is probably more people than people who actually care about Iggy Azalea…

She was so quick to the market, after years of trying through the hipster scene….with that one hit she had….you know fighting with paparazzi when they followed her and being all around, blocked me on social media early on, cunt with zero authenticity…just some rich kid lie…because I guess when she got it she said “this is what I deserve”….rather than “this is crazy, I can’t believe this is happening, I’ll be nice to everyone”…not even American, but living the American dream.

I’ve called her out for being a bottom feeding pile of shit for a long time…and I believe that….but I guess before the world forgot about Iggy, this underwear brand from Australia thought they’d have a sure shot win and probably paid her a fortune for this…1,000 viewed video…I hope they got behind the scenes footage they can sell to the paparazzi, because that’s the only way this is breaking even…

Posted in:Iggy Azalea|SFW




Miley Cyrus’ Armpit Hair for her META TUMBLR on INSTAGRAM Hustle of the Day

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Miley Cyrus posted a picture of her in this star bathing suit showing off her armpit hair, because she’s decided, like the hippies of the 60s, that having armpit hair is making a statement for the feminist movement, 50 years after Woodstock, in a shut the fuck up Miley, we’re onto you and your vapid little bullshit storyline that you are using to make irrelevant points that don’t need to be made…for an audience too dumb to know that the 60s happened…because people are too into selfies to really grasp the past…

Armpit hair doesn’t solve gender issues idiots..All while being part of the evil empire that creates unrealistic body images….

This is all a bullshit ploy to sell records…

Fuck you Miley Cyrus and your bullshit TUMBLR looking bullshit you stole off girls on TUMBLR, trying to act like you’ve got something to say, when you’re just a monstream joke that is everything wrong in the world…

HEre’s her instagram….

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Rihanna’s Bra Top of the Day


Rihanna is an interesting story to me….

My friend from Barbados who I drink with claims that she was a hooker at 14 at the karaoke bars that line the main street….but he also claims he was abducted by aliens, which is possible, because obviously aliens exist, but that is almost certifiable insane coming from him, because if aliens were going to abduct anyone, he’d probably be at the bottom of their fucking list…but I choose to believe that Rihanna used to fuck white dudes in Barbados, she wasn’t a “sensation” that needed to be scooped up from there, you know like “Let’s bring this foreign top selling artist to a bigger market”…. and I know girls from the US who have more talent than her who never had a record deal….whether they fuck the executive or producer or not…

So from teen hooker, in a small island, where everyone knows each other, to a 100,000,000 dollar a year, if not more, act…that is extremely famous…that’s just a level of crazy that can make a girl crazy…

So here she is walking around with her nipples out…because she’s liberal, free, has a hooker mentality, and has sold her soul and body to the media long ago…so keep on taking it..



Posted in:Rihanna|SFW




Johnny Depp’s Teen Daughter is The Future of the Day

Lily-Rose is the 12 year old daughter of Johnny Depp, who i guess the fashion industry is eating up because she is Johnny Depp’s daughter, but also because that face is fucking amazing….obviously, without her famous parents, she’d probably be lost in amongst the hoards of idiots of self promoters on instagram, and I guess she wouldn’t have Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis’ super genes to make a superface….because we know that even if she was barely average looking, fat, hairy with a birth defect, Chanel would still run a campaign with her, so I guess it’s a good thing she’s cute as fuck, because the world doesn’t need more ugly kids of famous people being celebrated….I’m talking to you Lena Dunham..

Either way, she’s 12, lots of time for her to fall apart by the time she’s legal for you to think of sexually…

But in the meantime, you can appreciate how amazing this face is…

Posted in:Johnny Depp|SFW




Lindsay Lohan’s Receding Hairline in Her Face Tuned Bikini Selfie of the Day

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The fact that Lindsay Lohan was at one point a huge celebrity….

Not that she ever really did that many movies to warrant her as a huge celebrity…

But like a Kardashian, she was famous for the tabloids…and the whole thing was relatively uninteresting, but people loved it…

Just another child star, sold by her family to the entertainment industry, who got famous and self destructive, occasional lesbian, occasional cum rag, occasional weirdo in the corner of the bar talking to herself, because like so many redheads before her, she’s fucking crazy…

Boring, but throughout it all, from anorexia to chubby coke bloat, she had this fun fake tits, that I was a fan of and even friended on facebook…

But now…she’s an instagram model…

No one in the world wants anything to do with her….but shitty products will pay her 5,000 dollars a product plug…pretty sad, but not as sad as premature death, that would have possibly made her story more dramatic and inclined to become an oscar winning movie, but now is just a massive fucking fail…but at least Amanda Seyfried is there to replace her…

Either way, here’s some of her instagram, sugar baby, hustle, because she is still Lohan…a joke who I think will have the last laugh…

Posted in:Lindsay Lohan|SFW




Maria Sharapova Tennis Bikini of the Day

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The interesting about Tennis, at least female tennis, is that it is like listening to a sex tape. Grunts, screams, moans….all set to short skirts, panty flashes and sweaty pussy…making it one of the more interesting sports to watch, since other sports make me feel pretty gay masturbating to them….

Here’s their star in a bikini…


Posted in:Maria Sharapova|SFW




Kendall Jenner’s Waist to Hip Ratio of the Day

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I like to celebrate waist to hip ratios….

It is the scientific study of how attractive a girl is….and without the waist to hip ratio…we’re just left in the dark as to whether we are fucking with the right girl…I mean is she at her maximum waist to hip ratio that represents femininity…or am i just some kind of closet case homo with a girl who although her big tits and round ass…don’t have that waistline that defines her as a woman…

I don’t like to celebrate anything and everything Kardashian, which I want to make clear I am not doing, I just figure it would take way too much time for me to dig through the internet to find bikini pics, I mean it’s only ever 3 out of 3.5 Instagram pics being posted….but those girls are just sugar babies and aspiring models, and I’d rather showcase someone who is neither those things, but rather someone born into the most abrasive, self promoting, exposed bullshit family that someone should kill off, but we’re not as good at the fight against evil as we were during the Witch Hunts in Salam 250 years ago…we’ve gone soft as a people…and not just because we’re over exposed to porn, making this bikini pic, that 1.5 million people already “Liked” on instagram…making me obsolete….but because we don’t kill off garbage…like we probably should..

THat said, here is what’s influencing your kids..or in my case 18 year old girls I try to date because 18 year old girls are freaks.

Posted in:Kendall Jenner|SFW




LeAnn Rimes in a Bikini of the Day

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LeAnn Rimes was in a bikini because LeAnn Rimes makes me laugh

Here’s the LeAnn Rimes you probably jerked off to – at 14 – because that’s just the kind of pervert you are…

I am not posting it for “sexual” reasons, obviously, bitch looks like some back woods coalminer in the deep apalachian mountains before her grandpappy licks her clean after a long day of working the field…

I am posting it because either 2 things happened here, the first being that she was always a sexually abused weirdo that people knew they had to market to the Jesus people as Jesus people are very committed to their own, even when they falter…giving some room to wiggle…and in LeAnn Rimes’ case that wiggle was getting breast implants to look like a Playboy chick, and use to wreck some actor’s home…

Or the fame, money and team of people got destroyed by hollywood and gave into her carnal instincts as people with money and fame tend to do to deal with fame…but also because it’s fun….

Either way, her fan base are still there for her, because she is their own, and their good country values tell them that besides the occassional half retard inbred with anger issues molesting his sister, it takes a village to raise lord’s family…as we are all god’s children…even this trick.


Posted in:Leann Rimes|SFW




Dude Fingers His Friend’s Hook-Up and other Videos of the Day

Girl Pees Out of the Train Window

Dude Gets Leg Run Over at Best Buy

Road Rage Knockout

Girl Mad At Chicken Spot

Machete Fight of the Day

Skater Gets Arrested

Asian Gets Taken Out

Man VS Walmart Employees

Thug Life is Real Thug Life

Fuck Her Right in the Pussy –

Cheap SHot Fail

Hand in Shit Prank

Mad Chick of the Day

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos