I'll Make You Famous…




Rihanna Twerking on the Internet of the Day

Rihanna may be played out…She may be on the verge of losing her fucking mind because the fame game is too much for some ghetto puppet from the Islands to handle…people may hate her, they may find her annoying, they may all her out for being a talentless hack while trying to figure out why she’s famous and so many hotter more talented aren’t…you know trying to sort out who she fucked when underage and who she has dirt on to secure this empire she’s built…because you know it wasn’t just a fluke…But I think she’s pretty fucking perfect..especially when she twerks….I’m a fan.

She’s done it before…to Drake Music….I guess it’s kinda her job…right…

If that’s not good enough – here’s 101 Vine Twerks Compilation

Posted in:Rihanna




Winnie Cooper’s Ass with Avril Lavigne in Costume of the Day \

Avril Lavigne is doing some 90s throwback video, you know I guess a tribute to back when she as actually 15, and not 18 years later when she dresses and pretends she’s 15….cuz it makes her money….

It is some Tank Girl theme.. something 15 year olds probably have never heard of…and more importantly it’s starring some Winnie Cooper from the Wonder Years in some shiny panties…showing off her rockin’ ass…

I appreciate Winnie Cooper pooper…but I really wasn’t down with her or all the hype she had as the love interest in the Wonder Years, not that I’ve revisted that show since it was taken off the air, but I remember wanting to fuck the sister, one of his blond girlfriends, but this frigid neighbor who never committed or put out, with her stupid bangs just pissed me off…

But I guess like every uptight chick from high school, she’s managed to grow up into an attention seeking slut, you know in efforts to get the attention she once had and I endorse that…because it’s better than when the hot chick from high school gets married, has a dozen kids, and develops an oreo addiction to deal with her shitty life…

To See the Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Winnie Cooper




Skim Board High Five Fail of the Day

What a fucking idiot…You know that there was some talk before these assholes decided to try this…without really thinking about basic physics…like that the surfboard and the boat would be moving and that unless he’s coasting next to the boat, he’s going right into the boat….but the good news that the world needs idiots to keep me entertained.

The better news is that for every fail is a fucking win….it’s like keeping the world balanced or some Ying and Yang shit…

Posted in:Videos




Ireland Baldwin PUGS in a Bikini of the Day

I am not posting these pics of freakishly tall Ireland Baldwin in her bikini because she is in a bikini…I don’t care about big 17 year old girls who are obsessed with their bitch paddle boarding boyfriends…in what you know is going to end in disaster propelling her into typical Hollywood kid behavior of fucking anyone and everyone…I don’t find her that hot, I hate 17 year olds they are annoying, and even if this is the best her body will ever be, I’d rather fuck her mom….

I am posting this because she has PUGS…and all I fucking do is PUG…so this shit puts a smile on my face…you know since the only thing good in this world is PUGS…obviously.

Posted in:Ireland Baldwin




Ashley Benson Mocks Amanda Bynes for Instagram of the Day

This cunt Ashley Benson is trying to mock the ever amazing talent that is Amanda Bynes, the Disney Star I consider my Spirit Animal…

I guess this is what you do when you don’t fucking matter. You know when you’re jealous that a crazy bitch is getting more airtime than you. You know when people don’t know you exist or care what you post on the internet…all desperate for attention, trying to get people to like or look at your pics now that Springbreakers hype has died down and people are over your dumpy chubby body in a bikini…useless slut…I mean even if she was in a sex tape, people wouldn’t care. She’d be out sold by Farrah Abraham, and that’s a fate worse than death, or working the Starbucks counter at 45…same thing…

This, Kick her while she’s down. #cyberbully shit, just isn’t funny. It’s actually pathetic and makes me angry. It makes me feel the need to defend Amanda Bynes’ honor, and make an example of this Benson cunt, you know really destroy her at her soul, cuz Hollywood goes through these girls like they go through abortions, since no one uses condoms, and girls like this are a dime a dozen, and it’s just a matter of time before she falls off into crazy…only difference is that no one will care when she does…

The funny thing in all this is not that girls are cunts to each other, all jealous of each other, we already knew that…the funny thing is that that she didn’t even get her bad joke right…

Posted in:Ashley Benson




Rosie Hungtington Whitely Working it For the Paparazzi of the DAy

Rosie Hungtington Whitely is some pretty substantial pussy. Those legs are legs I wouldn’t mind climbing up to crawl into her womb and die a happy and fulfilled man…because when you enter a pussy like this, like so many dudes before me, you’ve officially made it, but only because she’s an ego, you know a cunt who thinks she’s important and she doesn’t fuck with regulars, she’s only into top tier dudes, in terms of money and success, and I guess why wouldn’t she be….ferraris are nicer than bus passes yo…sure you can hate her for being a girl, because girls always wrong you and you feel they have come too far and need to be controlled by men and sent back to the kitchen, but you can’t hate her for being a hot girl…that would be gay…and you aren’t gay are you? If you are, how do you feel about cum farts…they’re gross right?

To See the Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Rosie Hungtington-Whitely




Some No Name Model Bitch Named Janell Shirtcliff Topless of the Day

Janell Shirtcliff is some no name bitch, who doesn’t really matter, but who is trying her best to get herself out there, trying so hard she’s taking nude pics with photographers that I guess she hopes will get her some reach…even though her real hope should be trying to find a way to make her titties the same size, you know even them out so that when she decides to have pictures of her taken topless for free, you know to add to her portfolio, the next time, it will be more substantial.

I’d still fuck her…but remember…I’d fuck a farm animal of a bitch if it was consenting, hell I even married one.

Here are the pics…she’s pretty decent…and she isn’t fat…I should try to flirt with her on the internet….with promises of fame….

Posted in:Janell Shirtcliff|NSFW




Nicole Richie Half Breed Givin’ Boners of the Day

Here’s a little unwanted Nicole Richie, all grown up and winning the lottery that is life, unlike other unwanted kids of crackhead groupies….who are put up for adoption and sent to group homes, you know who normally end up whoring in the gutter…she’s gone Hollywood…thanks to a little Easy Like Sunday Morning money…

And she’s looking amazing…

Trust me….it pains me to say that, because she’s the fucking worst, but I guess the fact that she’s had some work done…from gastric bypass, to implants, to a new face, thanks to adoptive dad giving her everything she wants, to help her get over her drug addiction and feel better about herself, and now she’s out there making her own money….

To See the Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE

Wanting to fuck Nicole Richie fucks with my head….and makes me feel like this guy:

Posted in:Nicole Richie




Pregnant Bitch Gets Rodney Kinged By the Cops of the Day

You can look at this from a few angles. The first is that cops are assholes and they assert force, usually unnecessary, and focus on the wrong issues, usually while breaking the laws themselves…but that’s a given, that’s why we call them PIGS and that’s why we hate them, they are fun killers….

Black people can look at this as Racial profiling, these white cops just have it out for black people, and they were such assholes they tackled a bitch…

Or you can see it for what it is, bitch and her friends caused a scene, whether pregnant or not, the cops came to diffuse situation, bitch attacked the cops despite being pregnant, and they tackled her, and now they are trying to milk it for all they can…calling it racial profiling, obviously, calling it unneccesary force, obviously, yet so many pregnant people, black and white, asian and indian….haven’t been tackled by the cops…these people deserve it.

I think she woulda been better off having a miscarriage, rather than an emergency C-Section, cuz people like this breeding is the fucking worst, and no not cuz they are black, but cuz they are ghetto as fuck and their kids will perpetuate that shit…provided it doesn’t get shot in a drive-by.

Posted in:stepNEWS




Miley Cyrus is Naked for Marc Jacobs of the Day

As far as I’m concerned this is fake naked. Sure, by definition and if I was a scientist or some shit in the field of naked, I’d say, Bitch is naked, cuz she doesn’t have any clothes on, but as a man, I see no nipple, pussy lip or spread asshole, and just some PG-13, Disney Caliber naked, like a scene in one of their movies when someone walks in on someone else in the shower and they are all so embarassed….

I call it some strategic nudity that gets people like me saying “Shit Miley is Naked on a T-Shirt for an AIDS or Condom Campaign, even though she probably has never used a condom, no one in LA has, cuz AIDS doesn’t exist for rich people”…that might as well be her in a pair of shorts and a tank top all hard nippled. She’s hotter that way.

But I’d still buy this shirt just to cum on it over and over again..even if without showing vagina, she might as well could have a Bieber Penis not a Beaver.

Posted in:Miley Cyrus