I'll Make You Famous…




Calista Flockheart in a Bikini of the DAy

Harrison Ford’s wife Calista Flockheart brought out her skinny little body….that is now a middle aged slim fat mom…and not the Aly McBeal (the only job she’s ever had) body that got so much hate because she was conscious and didn’t eat…like girls are supposed to do to maintain some level of sex appeal….right?

Well she’s in a bikini and for some reason, bikinis are to me, what cake is to my fat wife…I just can’t turn away or stop looking…even when I probably should…not that I should ever look away from a half naked woman of any shape, level of fame, or form…that would be against my way of life….against all that I know…against everything that is real…


Posted in:Calista Flockheart




Michelle Williams for Another Magazine of the Day

Michelle Williams is doing some modeling…for Another magazine….and I wish it was another model….

I had the misfortune of watching one of her movies the other day….thanks to a vagina I was trying to have sex with…and I could not get over how swollen and under allergic reaction her face looking…making me wonder if Heath Ledger knocked her up one night thinking she was Jake Gyllenhaal….in one of her medicated stupor….but more importantly…why the industry gives her work….and now she’s moved into fashion modeling…and it’s fucking confusing…but what is more confusing is that I am posting this shit….

Posted in:Michelle Williams




Anja Rubik Titties for Elle UK of the Day

Here’s model Anja Rubik doing a dance I love….no it’s not the commercialized version of the Harlem Shake…or the Lombada….it is the forbidden dance…..and it is not the Pogo or the Charleston…or break dancing….all doin’ the worm….this dance isn’t even reenacting the final scene from Dirty Dancing…my all time favorite movie….this dance is…TITTIES FOR FASHION……

She’s a top model, she’s showing her nipple, I love nipple, even when it is not on top models….so I am all about this Anja Rubik Elle UK shit..

Posted in:Anja Rubik|NSFW




Shanina Shaik for GQ Australia of the Day

Shanina Shaik is an Australian model…..who has done shit from being on a weird supermodel reality show that landed her a boyfriend named Tyson Beckford….and that more importantly landed her work with Victoria’s Secret….like walking their shows and being half naked in their campaigns…and now she’s strategically naked for GQ…in what is nice to look at…unless you’re a racist and all you can see is big black cock going in and out of her ass like you know it does….naughty little 22 year old is what she is….and I kinda like her for that…but that’s cuz I’m not a racist…in fact I donated money to the United Negro College Fund once….sure it was cuz someone called me a racist for making racist jokes….but it still counts….

Here she is modeling….reminding me that I like Australia….

Posted in:Shanina Shaik




Heidi Klum for Interview Germany of the Day

Old timer Heidi Klum is in Interview Germany where I doubt they ask her about her German Scat fetishes and BDSM basement where Seal violated her enough times to get her pregnant enough times….you know shredding her big german frame…in the most pragmatic of ways…cuz that’s how German Engineering works….but unfortunately, like an old Volkswagen, she’s still got her charm but bitch barely looks like she’ll make it up that hill….without a wheel falling off or some shit….

You get what I’m saying….but here are the pics anyway.

Posted in:Heidi Klum




Alessandra Ambrosio for London Fog of the Day

There is something totally erotic about a girl…or a model…nude in her raincoat….like some kind of creepy flasher outside the playground….only way thinner, more luxurious, classy and with less cock….

Alessandra Ambrosio, a lingerie model by trade, is the spokesperson for London Fog…and she brings a nice amount of that half naked sexiness to the mix…but maybe…just maybe I’m a pervert who finds anything with a vagina…even just an alleged vagina….exciting….even when passed out and covered in feces……

Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio




Miley Cyrus Gets High on Twitter of the Day

I love me some Miley…..I also love the fact that getting high is not a scandal anymore…it’s like society is collectively moving to a place less uptight and full of shit…where people are down with fucking, getting fucked up, and having a good time….instead of trying to keep up appearances or some shit….cuz there was a time not that long ago…when pics like this would have been considered a big deal….and now it’s like who gives a fuck…smoking weed is typical…let’s use that hollywood for something more fun, more luxurious, like what the fuck Miley….you’re rich as shit, why are you trapped in your LA mansion, when you could be sailing around the fucking world, or doing substantial adventures while getting high, instead of instagramming pics using stupid apps….I mean seriously….save sitting at home doing nothing like a prisoner for people like me who are trapped and too poor to do anything…what a waste of money….but at least she’s a babe….

Posted in:Miley Cyrus





I love the smut that Rihanna always writes on her social media…assuming that Rihanna knows how to write…something I kinda doubt you know with being a high school drop out who moved to America at 14 to become this 25 year old money making machine for a lot of already rich record execs….modern slavery repressing the black man for the benefit of the rich white plantation owner….only this plantation is a luxurious office…

I digress……

What I was trying to say was, I love when Rihanna writes on her social media because it is always weird and random God quotes coupled with nudes and her smoking weed…and getting fucked up…with guys who fuck her up….in what makes for a seriously mixed message for her millions of little girls who wish they were her and follow her footsteps….

Shit is weird, but I like the bikini pics….

Posted in:Rihanna




Cameron Diaz is Intense and Half Naked for Interview Russia’s Cover of the Day

Cameron Diaz despite being old and menopausal….probably dry between the thighs….in need of anal with no lube just to feel anything….after all those years of sex with random men….being a celebrity in high demand….but I still think she’s lovely…because she made a decision to focus on career and not reproduce…that at 50….she still looks awesome….on the cover of magazinzes…popping out of leather skirts….like a sausage trying to bust through it’s casing….I am a fan…but maybe that’s just cuz I remember the legs that once were….and still are…just the skin on them is a little less elastic….as it hangs off her into her golden years….

I’m eager to see the rest of this shoot….

Posted in:Cameron Diaz




Cheryl Burke’s Bikini for Social Media of the Day

Cheryl Burke is so uneventful even in her bikini…because every professional dancer who is not a stripper….you know who didn’t fail at being a professional dancer and end up as a Pussycat Doll or coach on Dancing with the Stars, or in a Vegas show….is a dancer I want nothing to do with….cuz the professional dancer’s turned strippers cuz all else failed possess a certain depression and desperation….while putting on a fantastic stage show…you know they thought was destined for Broadway…but that now is just killed their spirits, robbed their souls and left emptiness in their eyes…but at least they keep on performing cuz as a profession the show must go on…and they get that…

But here’s Cheryl Burke….a mom….in her bikini….living the life of luxury and not just because she’s escorting….like she should be…but because she’s a money maker of her own….what the fuck.

Posted in:Cheryl Burke