I'll Make You Famous…




Bella Thorne’s Subtle Gash Flash of the Day

Bella Thorne probably makes a ton of money in her sex work, that I am sure she does for clout, or to help influence the society her handlers want her to influence.

The fact is they are raised on porn, think porn chicks are cool cuz dudes jerk off to them and think being the porn chick being paid to get jerked off to is some sort of status, when really, we jerked off to porn chicks cuz the normies weren’t producing content we could jerk off to.

I assume that Bella Thorne doesn’t want to fully dive into porno, even if it makes her a lot of money, she’s a mainstream super star and despite looking like gutter trash, the kind that should do porn, she wouldn’t throw away that mainstream celebrity they all crave, instead she does the porn for some edge or some angle because as you may or may not know, celebs are empty monsters with no personalities or souls and have nothing to offer…..surrounded by YES men and dick sucks who use them they never really get a sense of anything real….they are just try hards in the worst ways.

Anyway, this is her first gash flash pussy slip that has been a long time in the making….she plays it off as subtle an not planned, accidental – OOPS, but it was posted to her porn channel so she wants the paying customer to see her innie looking slit…hairless because she doesn’t want her neon ginger push to scare the people..as ginger pussy tends to do.

It’s one of those level up if you want to keep the paying customers, which is why girls start their subscription sites being barely naked and end it in gangbangs or getting pissed on. It’s a process….run by MONEY and evil…

I am not excited by pussy flashes on the internet, I like them in real life because they HAvE happened about a dozen times or more in my life, where I was a witness to them….

So I’ll consider this a “dipping the toe in” and wait for the dildos to start being inserted.

Posted in:Bella Thorne




Lily Rose Depp’s Slutty Selfie Features her Friend’s Nipple of the Day

Lily Rose Deep who is not trending because she’s headlining or top billed in some overhyped show featuring that faggot the WEEKND…

Living up to her family name now that her daddy has been part of a fake trial against Amber Heard to publicly clear his name so that Disney can get back to producing hit movies that require Johnny Depp, like Pirates…..

How quickly they forget the second he wins the court case, almost like it was orchestrated, but who cares, more Lily Rose Depp, the child of Hollywood Royalty and I guess the child of the French scene thanks to her mom, is a good thing, she’s hot.

Anyway, she posted a slutty selfie as slutty young people do, since life is social media and she’s trying to self promote here….make some of her own money because daddy hasn’t been paid in a few years yet and it feels good to get a job when you don’t need one…

In the slutty selfie is her friend Rachel Anne Sennot has her nipples out….

I don’t know who she is, but she’s got tits. Apparently she’s a comedian or actor from NYU, who got big on twitter making jokes that I am sure were hilarious, and thanks to being from NYU where they breed the next generation of the entertainment industry, she’ll likely do big things, maybe annoying shit, but I’m paying attention because she’s got tits..

She’s likely a woke and annoying but she’s got tits that she uses…and that’s ok….

Posted in:Lily Rose Depp




Jordyn Jones Does a Dance of the Day

Here’s Jordyn Jones showing you what being a professional dancer turned selling her nudes or semi nudes to a bunch of really sad, lonely, bunch of perverts with a credit card.

I know what yoiu’re thinking, you’ve seen better dancing by a crackhead stripper in the 90s during her spastic fast dance before bringing the crazy to her slow dance before getting a lap dance from her that smears what must be fecal matter all over you pants….

What I am saying is that despite being trained in the industry she was sold to she fucking sucks, but seeing that she’s white trash from Michigan, who will never escape being white trash from Michigan, no matter how much her mom sold her to the industry for and no matter how much money she makes in her selling of nudes, which is probably a lot, she’ll still be white trash and that’s hot to me even when it looks inbred and does idiotic dances.

Posted in:Jordyn Jones




Britney Spears Creepy Night Gown Nipple in her Old House of the Day

Here’s a little “Let’s Pretend Britney is Alive and Crazy” from the motherfuckers who handle her account after they pretended to give her her freedom….

Today’s edition of “this is either really fucking old” since the quality is shit and it is in her old house….or “this is her body double or replacement but it’s pretty fucking suspicious, uncomfortable to watch, weird….where is her husband, oh right, he’s an actor….

If I was to abduct a bitch I would probably post all her old content to social like it was new to give the illusion she’s not living in the garden shed, assuming I had a garden shed.

It looks to me like she’s still in captivity and to make the story weirder than it already is….Elton John did some huge goodbye concert in LA, I guess he’s transcending to hell where the gays get sent according to the bible….but they recorded a song back in 2015 that they released as if it was a new song this year and it was a real banger…a club anthem….but for some reason LA based Britney didn’t show up to sing along….how suspicious.

What I am saying is Britney is probably dead or sedated in a basement cell….but she’s in a silk night gown and you can see her mom titty…

her caption:

First time showing me in my nightgown !!! They are all silk and beautiful ??? !!! Here’s me this morning FEELING MYSELF with my baby ?? !!! “Honest” by Justin Bieber ??? !!! Psss I had a cup of coffee first of course ??!!!

Posted in:Britney Spears




Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

The weirdest thing about being a Tiny Titty ambassador, because I like to celebrate tiny tits as much as I celebrate big tits, seeing as we are a tit obsessed society, it’s important to let the ladies out there not get trapped in the spell or propaganda that tiny tits aren’t hot, because they are….TINY TIT LIVES MATTER….so don’t kill your tiny tits.

But yeah, the weirdest thing about Tiny Tit Tuesday is the feedback I get from the one basement dwelling sex offender who you know has never touched a tit, calling me a faggot for liking skinny girls with hot bodies and small compact tits…

Last I checked a hot skinny body with an intact pussy that came stock on them when they were born is not gay….gay would be only being able to get off to a girl if there’s a dick in the frame…or maybe putting phallus objects in your ass for the prostate massage while decorating your house or talking to your girlfriends about boys…assuming you have girlfriends….I mean gay would be fucking a tranny up the ass that doesn’t need to be on estrogen, so long as it has a wig and dress on….but hot tight bodies with tiny tits….not gay…you see cuz they’re chicks…you fucking inbred retard….

I guess my biggest regret was catering to garbage humans, instead of high profile humans who like to laugh at garbage humans….where I was the garbage human being the cour jester they laugh at….not where other garbage humans come to hang…..they are not the same.


Posted in:TINY TITS




Heidi Klum Ass in a Bikini of the Day

Here’s an old ass that belongs to Heidi Klum, who I assume is in her 50s by now, since she’s got a 18 or 19 year old big titty midget daughter with one of the men who has RAN THROUGH her and added to her body count that we will assume is as substantial as she is because that’s how you get ahead the traditional way, which Heidi Klum is old enough to be the type of pussy who had to get ahead the traditional way…..you know, since she’s old.

That is unless she was made in a lab through a Nazi Regime Eugenic program that never got shut down, but that went underground because the world is fucking corrupt and who know what is real and what isn’t, at least when it comes to governing us simple minds.

If I was to write a Sci/Fi movie, assuming I knew how to write, which clearly I don’t….all the pop culture icons the masses jerk off to would be sex robots, clones, made in a lab and conditioned so that you can control them, what they say, what they do, and all taht.

So it is possible, especially since she doesn’t rot TOO hard that there’s a bigger story here….however the ass is sagging, the ass is rotting, but maybe it will get you in the mood to jerk off to your 50 year old wife this Thanksgiving, or your dad’s 50 year old wife, you know A 50 year old…whoever and however she may have got to the family house for the holiday….it likely won’t be as good as this one, but that’s not saying much since this one’s not that good, but it does love attention.

Posted in:Heidi Klum




Tight Pant Tuesday of the Day

Unfortunately, the only tight pants I have to report back to you on from today’s adventures in the real world were some big fat girl you know was a lesbian, who was walking her dog, despite being o big, making me think she doesn’t do that nearly enough, or celebrates each walk with a cake, which was unfortunately the worst kind of tight pant…..more the tight pant by default because they don’t make pants big enough no not be tight on such a big entity…..

I guess the stars just didn’t align for me, but luckily, there’s a bunch of tight pants posted to the internet, no one people don’t leave their houses anymore, the fake world is just so much more consistent when it comes to tight pants that you want to jack off to, instead of tight pants that you jerk off to cuz they are tight and you’ve put all the effort in propping yourself up behind a mailbox so no notices you, so you don’t want to miss the opportunity….

Here are those tight pants.


Posted in:Tight Pants




Possibly Kaley Cuoco Tits of the Day

Kaley Cuoco is apparently not 40 years old yet, which is shocking to me, since she feels like she’s been around forever, she’s only 37….so her pregnancy isn’t as disgusting as I originally thought it was. She’s still fertile, it’s not some weird rich person science experiment pregnancy and that’s unfortunate

I used to call her the girl who killed John Ritter on set, because she was the hot daughter on his 8 Simple Rules show he died on, but it wasn’t because I thought she fucked him to death, but now that I think about it, it’s quite possibly exactly what she did, but they’d never report on that….because if you were on set with a legend like John Ritter, you’d fuck him too.

I like to think the John Ritter sacrifice, that could have been made with her pussy, worked out pretty nicely for her because she went onto The Big Bang Theory and in their final contract each of the cast was locked in for over 100 million dollars each. That’s stupid level of money, you know a lottery win that only happens when you sacrifice a legend to their evil overlord…

She got divorced in June 2022, announced she was knocked up with some Soap Star’s kid last month, that pussy does the rounds or at least did one round that ended with a creampie for the feeling of intimacy.

All that to say, this could be her tit.


Posted in:Kaley Cuoco




Things to Wear to the Beach Tuesday of the Day

I am a firm believer that people don’t understand the internet, that’s not to say I am some old school veteran with some technical knowledge the normies don’t grasp because I am just so far advanced, since I can barely send a fucking email….

It’s to say that from a digesting content perspective, the average person is not autistic enough to distrust everything on the internet, or to realize that they are being targeted, that their being conditioned, that they are being herded like cattle down whatever herd they end up finding.

This AI shit really gets into the hive mind and the world collectively follow the same people, buy the same brands, it’s like we live in this hellish Twilight Zone episode of zombies.

They don’t read, they don’t understand sarcasm since they can’t read tone, which negatively impacts my life because sarcasm is all I know, even though I went through life being told it is the lowest form of humor, it’s no longer even a form of humor, because people just take everything literally..

Then there’s the whole porn thing that they also can’t handle, being addicted to it, absorbed in it, trained to fuck like it, turned into whores like it, aspiring to be pornstars instead of having real lives or jobs, when porn stars traditionally didn’t have other options….creating this morally void world that need morality to function, we can’t all be public heathens, some of us need to keep that shit to our damn selves…

People are just retards….and the internet controls them, but lucky for us, one of those hive mind activities is posting swim pics for attention.

It’s the foundation of social media….so here are some swim pics!


Posted in:swimsuit




Divorcee is an Ex Convict and other TikThots of the Day

Dumb fucking Dance

Shameless Dance

A Girl Who Eats

A Girlfriend who Likes to Fish

She Found her man


Nurse Cindy is a Slacker and Should Get Fired

Are you sexually active currently?

Posted in:TIKTHOT|Videos