I'll Make You Famous…




A Little Bethany Hamilton the One Armed Surfer With Some Ass of the Day

You probably all know this Bethany Hamilton chick, she was a pro surfer who got eaten by a shark when she was 14 and just getting into the pro scene. She ended up losing an arm, making double handjobs pretty impossible, but she kept at surfing and is an inspiration to us all that no matter what is thrown in our path, we have to overcome, but more importantly to the lazy amputees you see around who feel sorry for themselves and smoke pot all day while jacked on prescription pills because they can’t feel things for themselves anymore since they have no limbs.

I am posting these because she’s posing with ass and not because I’m into rubbing my dick up on stumps like that weird guy I wrote about a few weeks ago, not that I am disgusted by her condition at all, but I just don’t think it makes her hotter than if she had a couple arms. Ya know.

Posted in:Uncategorized




The Christian Bale Freak Out Song of the Day

You all know that Christian Bale had a freak out the other day on set, it’s been all over the place and I don’t even own a TV and know about it, so I figure you’ve all heard it. Anyway,if you haven’t because if I didn’t have this site, I probably wouldn’t have heart it either, he went insane on some dude who was working on set because he ruined a shot and Bale is a diva and doesn’t know how to treat people with respect. I don’t care who was in the wrong or how important Bale thinks he is because he’s some big star who was in the zone and got thrown out of character or was in character which I assume will be his excuse, you still have a responsibility to not be a little pussy cry baby.

Someone remixed the tantrum and I figured I’d post it because it makes for an easy post and I am lazy. Sure the song is nothing I’d listen to, and sure it’s just some guy trying to be famous, who spent the night editing this shit up, but that’s a lot more effort than I’ve ever putt into anything, so why not give him a little exposure, since that’s what he wants, since there are thousands of other things I am sure people would want to hear sampled.

Posted in:Christian Bale|Freak Out Song




Some Dirty Cops of the Day

I am not one of those people who really hates cops. I get that they have a relatively hard job waiting around in their cars all day for people to fuck up, run a stop sign, speed or even tend to important issues like giving tickets for throwing your cigarette butts on the street, jay walking and telling you there’s nothing you can do when you get your laptop stolen at a Starbucks 4 years ago, even though the whole thing was under video surveillance but that would mean actually working. Sure there’s the occasional rape, murder, drug shake down and the whole pulling over black people in nice cars, when they aren’t pretending to work by cruising around all night and walking into stripclubs to check if the girls are 18. You know especially when they confiscate the drugs and drug money, make the girls who are under 18 suck them off to get off, or doing other dirty things like breaking gambling machines and stealing the cash. It’s a fucking joke that the public puts their trust into high school graduates who feel underpaid and who abuse their power because power is the whole reason they became cops, so whenever videos of them doing bad things like beating up homeless people, throwing a dude out of his wheelchair or ripping off bars hit, I feel a need to post the shit to show you how crazy our society is. Enjoy.

Posted in:Dirty Cops|Stealing




Katherine Heigl is a Butt Hound of the Day

I remember being told that girls who smoke have smellier pussies than girls who don’t smoke. I remember being told that girls who smoke have greyer and dryer pussies than girls who smoke. I figure that since Katherine Heigl is constantly smokin’, her pussy is so choked out that shit has a potty smelling cough of it’s own.

Now I’ve never done any research on these claims, I have never really cared because there is no pussy too smelly, too grey, too lifeless for me to have my way with, but I figure if it is true, the anti smoking coalitions may want to take this angle instead of the whole lung cancer thing, because pussy condition is something girls will take seriously, since no one wants to be the girl with the stinky, dead, grey cunt, except for Katherine Heigl, but by the looks of her, I figure that’s the least of her concerns because she’s fat and already married, so it’s just one of the many signs of giving up, and giving her husband more reason to cheat on her.

Posted in:Fat|Katherine Heigl|Smoking




Some Penelope Cruz Almost See Through Pictures of the Day

The funny thing about Penelope Cruz is that she is an inspiration to big nosed girls everywhere. All girls with dark hair use her as a reference or justification why they keep their big noses. They reference her as their celebrity look-a-like and she brings them a level of confidence that they need to leave their house without a scarf over their faces. The truth is Penelope Cruz does pull off the big nose, but from my experience, the big nosed girls who I have met and who think she’s the idea woman don’t, and that’s why I randomly email before and after nose job pictures from fake emails to passive aggressively get my point across, because pointing and laughing at big nose jokes hasn’t been all that effective

Speaking of big noses, I was just getting a coffee from my local arab coffee shop and for those of you who don’t know Montreal, there are a lot of Jews here. Pretty much 90 percent of people who speak English are Jewish and ever since these arabs took over the coffee shop a year or two ago, I’ve noticed a steady decline in traffic.

It’s worked for me because there are no lines or crowds to spark my social anxiety and panic attacks I get when I am sober, but unfortunately the arabs are cheaper than the previous owners who used to give me coffee for free and now I have to pay retail. It doesn’t really bother me that much, it’s a fucking coffee and I’ve consistently been stealing a couple of dollars from my wife everyday for the last decade without her noticing, but that’s not the point.

Today, I walked in and saw the manager was wearing a Free Palestine pin. I took him aside and told him that I’m not an expert, I am not Jewish or Arab and don’t know their issues, I also don’t know business or claim to know his business, but there’s a lot of Jews who already stopped buying from him because they think that for every coffee they buy, some of the money goes back to fund his militia at home and that he may want to lay low on advertising his stance fact with propaganda on plastered on his fuckin’ shirt, if he wants to stay in business. Instead of thanking me for my advice, he just passionately told me he hates jews and doesn’t want them around and now he hates me too and to get the fuck out of his store and I did before he suicide bombed the place….I’m am not ready to die for a fuckin’ coffee or cause I don’t care about…

Here’s some Penelope Cruz see through shit….

Posted in:Penelope Cruz|See Through




stepLINKS of the Day

So I was walking my dog and he jumps up on some random woman and starts sniffing her vagina. I apologize while smiling to myself and she tells me that it’s okay because she smells like a dog. Now, I don’t know what to do, do I pull out my dick and start masturbating, or do I look at her with disgust thinking about what she did to herself or to someone’s pet to get her vagina to smell like fucking dog.

Here are my stepLINKS for the day….

Because I Know We Share Common Interests

Jesus is a Among Those He Deems Worthy

This Will Make Your Days Better

Shakira: Hoe or Housewife?

Monica Will Make You Melt

Barack Obama Thinks Jessica Simpson is Fat, And He’s Right

Your Mom’s Kama Sutra?

Amanda Could Put Smile in the Saddest of Men

Bart Simpson Wants You To Become a Scientologist – AUDIO

Charlize Theron Pokies on the Beach

Bar Rafaeli May Be a Bomb

Pam Anderson Needs to Get a Fucking Clue

The Shannon Twins Are Body Painted

Because Sex Isn’t The Same When You Don’t Have a Female There

Lohan is Oh So Dirty

Britney Spears is Delusional

Butter Floor Prank

Striptease of the Day

Mandarin Mai is Lovely

Anna is Showering

Shyla’s Got Big Ol’ Tits

Some Idiot and His New Stupid Sport

Michael Phelps is Sorry He Got Caught Smoking Weed

Tricycle Jump Fun

Jessica Alba Mom Ass

Satisfy Your Every Urge Here

Prison Break Fail

Dance Dale Dance!s

Three Words for Erykah Badu: TOO MUCH INFO!

Today, in Lesbian Fantasy

Danielle Lloyd is Nude

Tera Patrick in the Pink

DIY Hologramss

Lohan’s Sense of Entitlement is Pretty Disgusting

Elisha Cuthbert Stunt Tits

Indian Girl Marries a Dog…

Abby Elliot Does a Great Angelina Jolie

Sorry, But Even I Like a Cute Kitty Moment Now and Again

Flirty Girl Fitness

Maybe Terminator 4 Won’t suck So Bad After All

Kinky Kinky Asain

Casey Carleson is a Slut

Redneck Rant on the Bailout

Some of the Best Price is Right Pussy and I’m Not Talking About Drew Carey’s Asshole

Some Body Painted Girls in Video for the Superbowl

Another List of 100 Hot Sluts

Some Isreali Model in Her Bikini Lookin’ Good Video

The 10 Hottest Girl on Girl Kiss Scenes on TV

Young Hot and Naked in the Shower Amateur


Lookin’ Good Sweetheart

Old TIts

Some Chick in Her Bra

Hot Tits on Drunk Slits

Meatiest Pussy Ever


Because Seeing is Believing

Another Bonus…..

Olivia Munn Jumps into a Giant Pie in a French Maid Outfit….

Posted in:stepLINKS




Sean Stewart Hanging With a Homeless Man of the Day

Sean Stewart is wasted, has white shit all over his face, refuses to give a bum a dollar, then gives him a hundred dollars because I guess in the end he realizes that he has a lot in common with the bum.

They both don’t work for his money and rely on hand outs, only unlike the bum, his drug addiction wasn’t the cause of his problems, but the result of his dad wanting nothing to do with him his entire life and just paid him to go away, so sad little Sean turned to drugs to fill his spoiled immature void…either way, watch the video even if you don’t care about this mental case, which you don’t because neither does anyone else in his life,

Posted in:Homeless|Sean Stewart




Rebecca Romijn Stamos Working Out of the Day

Rebecca Romijn Stamos had twins with Jerry O’Connell on December 28 of this year. These are pictures of her trying to whip herself back into shape. If you’re wondering why I am still referring to her as a Stamos, despite being divorced from Uncle Jesse for a solid 4 years, it’s because I hate Jerry O’Connell and he is pretty much dead to me.

I don’t hate him for stupid reasons, like how guys with celebrity crushes refer to the celebrity’s significant other as an asshole or price or loser or pretty much anything negative, since the person with the celebrity crush feels he should be the guy by her side and resents the dude for being so lucky, mainly because I don’t care for celebrities, but also because that is fucking creepy.

I do hate him because when I was first in Canada, the one channel I used to get, used to play this Jerry O’Connell shit (see video) on the regular and since then, I have always hated this cocksucker, it’s one of those Katy Perry, Lady Gaga situations where I seriously get affected by my surroundings and when I can’t control what I am exposed to, I target the motherfucker and wish bad things for them.

That said, I always thought Rebecca Romijn Stamos was worth a fuck, so here she is trying to re-tighten that baby factory in her pants of hers….

Posted in:Rebecca Romijn Stamos|Working Out




Some Superbowl Trash of the Day

Call me gay, but I hate sluts. I mean don’t get me wrong, I love sluts. But I hate attention whore sluts, who go out in bodypaint, or strip, or give out samples or condoms at bars, because they have this false sense of purpose. They think they are more important than they are because they were hired to do the gig in the first place, making them think someone likes their bodies, but more importantly, because asshole frat boys as to take their pictures with them, like they are some kind of Britney fucking Spears, and not just some slag who doesn’t mind getting naked for 20 dollars an hour.

They end up with inflated egos, while the frat boys end up with pictures of a girl in body paint to show their friends because they are so crazy, or some shit. Making it a lot harder to convince them that they need me to help their career.

I prefer my sluts to be broken down girls with daddy issues who keep it together in public but the second you tell them the right thing they need to hear, it’s like a trigger that leaves them masturbating on webcam for you.

These tacky whores are just a waste of space, they don’t make parties better, except for leaving regular girls feeling insecure about not getting any of the attention, thus making them easier to hustle, so maybe they’re not as bad as I initial thought, at least when I am lookin’ at them body painted in pictures.

My inconsistency pretty much makes this post have pretty much no purpose so look at the pics.

Posted in:Sluts|Superbowl




Jessica Simpson’s So Fat You Can’t See the President Behind Her of the Day

It’s nice to see that America really focuses on what’s important, you know Jessica Simpson’s weight gain. I could think of 1000 more relevant issues to talk to the President about, but leave it up to your fucked up priorities to get down to business about why the bitch has gained 20 pounds, despite everyone knowing that it is because of laziness, relationship and a bad diet.

On a side note, I was emailed this story where Kim Kardashian takes on Jessica Simpson. No they Aren’t Fighting Over Who Gets the last piece of cake, if anything another fat celebrity she has come to defend Jessica Simpson’s Fat Ass.

I felt the need to share….

Kardashian is really getting furious and “offended” over the media’s coverage of Jessica Simpson’s photos.
She  took time out from Super Bowl festivities to post on her blog:
“I was doing Super Bowl interviews for my Leather & Laces party I’m hosting down here in Tampa, Florida, and EVERYONE seems to be asking me about Jessica Simpson’s alleged weight gain.
I think it’s absolutely ridiculous!!! She is not fat at all and I am actually offended that people are giving her such a hard time over this!
LEAVE HER ALONE!!! First of all, her outfit was FABULOUS! I loved that Fendi leopard belt with those high waisted jeans.
She is so drop dead gorgeous and the fact that the media is sending this message out to young girls is mind blowing!
?I am probably twice Jessica’s size, so what do you guys think of me then???”

So it’s official, Kim Kardashian doesn’t read this site, because if she did, she’d know that I think she’s fat.

The good news is that they both came out for the superbowl, not because their boyfriends are star football players, but because they thought superbowl meant some kind of new invention that was way bigger than any other bowl they’ve ever seen. You know, one they can pile all kinds of food inside and emotionally eat that is reminiscent of the trough these pigs should be eating out of.

Here’s Jessica in concert.

Posted in:Fat|Jessica Simpson|Obama