I'll Make You Famous…




stepLINKS of the Day

To answer the one person who emailed me asking if I snuck back on facebook, I did and this is my profile that I barely use, you should ad me, I’d like 5,000 friends. I expect to close in somewhere around 2.


The economy is shit, I thought about drinking and watching Christmas movies, but decided to research to best ways to kill myself, not that I am going to do it, but I figure if I need a quick out, I should be prepared. I am just joking, I’d rather keep annoying you especially with massive lists of links and here’s one for the weekend…..

Friday Night Sluts…..

Cross Dressing Criminals of the Day

Mary Poppins remx – Scary Mary

Joanna Krupa’s Hot Lingerie Pics

Ronson is a Total Star Fucker

Shauna Sand Panty Upskirt….Obviously…

Isla Fisher is Looking Not Half Bad on the Cover of FHM

I Wonder if Ariel’s Carpet Actually Matches the Drapes

Mirror Whore

Christian People Pretty Much Hate Everything, But Not As Much AS I Hate Them

Nicole Kidman Doesn’t Put Her Baby in a Car Seat Because She is a Fantastic Mother

Jones’ Big Ass Truck Rental

Penny Cruz Bikini Throwback

And Here’s Her Current Slut in a Santa Hat

CoCo is Just a Giant Ball of Class

That Chick Who Already Ruined Her Vagina By Having 17 Kids
is Going To Shit Out The Next One On Live TV

Security Guard Knockout

Dwayne Wade is a Basketball All Star

Jennifer Aniston Hiding from the Paparazzi – Badly….

30 Foot Back Flop Fail

The Rain Doesn’t Stop in Venice

Japanese Marathon

Teen Renna is Your Semi Jailbait Fantasy

Stripping Down and Playing With a Dildo

Hillary Duff, WTF Are You Wearing?

Striptease of the Day

The Muslim Fundamentalists Are Starting to Take This Shit a Bit Far

Ready, Aim, Fire!!

Friday Random Photo Fun

Who Do You Think Samuel L Jackson Fucked First?

Italy Versus Spain

Use This To Get Sex..Because Sex is Fun

Britney’s Birthday Breasts

Christina Aguilera Wears a Garbage Bag About Town

Elephant Tug Job

Everyone Needs to Have a Cry Sometimes

Amsterdam is Trying to Stick It To The Man

Watch This Bitch Get Her Nipples Pierced

The Harder They Come, The Harder They Fall

Some Fat Chick Playing Guitar Hero World Tour in One of the Least Sexy Video Game Slut Videos Ever

Some Guy Claims To Have Accidentally Shot His Wife….We Know Shooting Your Wife is Never an Accident…

Disgusting Urinal Dare Video

Weird Cocaine is Bad Ad


Wii Accidents Compilation….

Make a Hover Craft

Brand New Titties

Freida Pinto Is the hottest Indian Chick Ever

Some Girl Pushing Her Tits As Far As They’ll Go

Some Porn Site Reviews….

Electricity Play

Cock Sucking Championship

Mum Slut

Small Tits Girls

Holla Black GIrls

Fuck Mature

What do you bet that this viral video was made by Jews trying to be funny? Too bad she can’t sing, but I bet her Bubby Thinks She’s Amazing and Has Told Her That Repeatedly….

Watch Kardinal’s New Video Nina With Some Jamaican Slut Dancing

And to warm your lonely heart…Here’s a Video of a Dog Saving Another Dog….

Posted in:stepLINKS




Kylie Minogue’s Shitty See Through Dress of the Day

Remember when Kylie Minogue had breast cancer? So do I and I guess that’s the reason she’s wearing a see through skirt, because let’s face it, a see through shirt showing off her tattooed post cancerous nipples would be hard to jerk off to, at least that’s what every husband of a breast cancer survivor I’ve ever met has told me. Sure, I have sympathy, cancer’s some fucked up shit that no one should go through and if they are lucky enough to survive, they should go on to live normal lives, but that doesn’t mean I wanna have a play date with the fuckin’ scars. I just call it having standards, even though we all know that I don’t.

Posted in:Kylie Minogue|See Through




Marisa Miller Promotes Motor Bikes of the Day

I think I may be the only guy who has no interest in Marisa Miller. She looks old and haggard, like an ex-stripper who used to work part time at a tanning salon and spent the rest of her time lifting weights. There’s just something that I don’t find appealing about fake tits and rock hard muscular bodies, it’s just too manly for me and brings back memories I don’t necessarily want brought back, like the time I was making out with a “chick” at the bar and realized her rock hard abs were the least of my concerns when I felt her rock hard cock digging into my leg. Times were tough, so I took what I could get, it doesn’t make me gay, it just makes me desperate and I’d tell you not to judge, but realize I don’t really care what you think about me, because you’re the kind of guy who buys into the Victoria’s Secret stamp of approval and I don’t know how straight taking advice as to what is hot pussy and what is not so hot pussy from a fucking panty company. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think she’s disgusting. I do know she’s better than most girls but I’m ready for new blood pumped into this Victoria’s Secret thing, preferably period blood that still shocks the model’s because they’ve only had their perido for around for 4 years, letting Marisa Miller pursue other ventures, like being the trashy blonde motorcycle slag for a beer company or Harley. I guess based on these pics, we’re halfway there motherfuckers.

BONUS – My Hot Biker Chick Video Throwback

Posted in:Harley|Legs|Marisa Miller




Annalynne McCord and Her Lesbian Pantyhose of the Day

Here’s up and coming, lesbian in training, Annalynne McCord wearing a pair of fancy pantyhose. They are substantially nicer than the support-hose I used to sell old ladies when I worked in a pharmacy, but they aren’t as hot as the time one of the support-hose ladies asked me for a 3 gallon douche, because her old support-hose pussy was just that big. Unfortunately for her, the store I worked at didn’t stock industrial sized vaginal douches, but I convinced her to just buy 4 of the regular ones. I like to think of that being the day I was officially named a local hero, but for a solid 3 weeks after the incident, every time I tried to fuck one of the stinky whores I was fucking, I’d get flashbacks of this wholesome granny, and her desperate need to cleanse, and instead of fucking, I just wanted to wrap myself in a blanket and have bedtime stories read to me.

The point of this is to say, I’m really not into this dyke, she reminds me of a fuckin’ clown at the Jew carnival, and I predict her fame will end with the shitty prime time soap opera spin off I am hoping no one watches, but don’t know for sure because I haven’t been allowed back to the high school cafeteria I used to get my lunch at, when the staff realized I wasn’t there councilling troubled kids, or working for the janitor, but was in fact staring at perky tits…and that concludes this life changing post.

Posted in:Annalynne McCord|Clown|Legs|Lesbian




Kanye’s Eat Shit and Die Freestyle of the Day

A fan through a penny at Kanye, which it too bad, because they should have thrown a brick or something that permanently damages him so that he can stop his touring because this hipster poser cunt, who is ripping off France Electro acts annoys me. So Kanye decided to show the world how easy it is for him to pump out hits, by making up some freestyle on the spot called “Eat Shit and Die”. Telling the penny thrower that he should be ashamed of himself and should “Eat Shit and Die”. Watching Kanye, is like hanging out in the school yard, watching a little brat who’s mom coddles him being picked on, who finally decided to stand up for himself and take on the bullies, and I’m impressed, because when I’m backed in a corner and someone throws money at me, I usually just pick it up and run away, hoping they don’t come after me asking for it back, because I am a hurt bag and any amount people can afford really helps, even if it’s rudely thrown at me. There are no high roads too high where I come from, straight up bottom feeding is my survival skill. I figure if I can manage to get 1000 people to throw one penny at me, I’ll have enough to buy a 6 pack, I just need to find a way to offend or annoy people as much as Kanye does,

But I have pissed off someone enough to throw money my way once. He was some gangster drug dealer and I was at a bar and cut him in line. He was trying to impress a chick, to prove that he was some big shot and that people bow down to him, so he started pushing me while I was ordering my drink and to be a big shot about things. I told him I was waiting to pay, and that’s when he got right up in my face and threw 100 dollar bill on the counter. I was worried about being shanked, because he was mad and wanted me to know how tough he was, without realizing the waitress spotted it before he could get it back, and pocketed that shit before I had a chance to, but I think he really proved his point that I shouldnt cut him in line ever again because it may or may not end up in winning the fucking lottery. Asshole.

Posted in:Eat Shit and Die|Kanye West




Anne Hathaway and Her Flat Oscar Ass of the Day

Anne Hathaway may bore the shit out of me. I see a sloppy lookin flat assed chick who a lot of guys want to fuck becuase she reminds them of the librarian or some shit, but she’s slated to be nominated for an Oscar for some movie she played a drug addict in, a movie I will probably never see, because if I want to see boring, sloppy, flat assed chicks on drugs, I’ll take my business to the streets. It is the weekend and I shouldn’t be posting now, so I will stop.

Here’s some Anne Hathaway See Through Shirt Pictures With Band Aids on Her TIts from God Knows When…..

Posted in:Anne Hathaway|Flat Ass




O.J.’s Emotional Plea in Court of the Day

So O.J. Simpson was was sentenced to at least 15 years in prison for his role in an armed confrontation with sports memorabilia dealers in a Las Vegas hotel in 2007. He must serve at least nine years before he can be considered for parole. I’d say karma was a bitch, but considering he got off from brutally killing his wife and her lover, I guess, it wasn’t really karma getting him in the ass, but his own stupidity to take the law into his own hands, which in his defense makes sense, considering how the law worked out for his wife and getting her killer behind bars.

This is a video of his heart warming plea and apology that I assume he made before getting his sentence. I guess this proves that no one is above the law forever, and after killing a couple of people and getting off, you should probably move to the Caribbean or Canada or some shit and lay low, instead of writing confessional books about the murder and pullin’ stupid illegal stunts, I guess it’s safe to say that O.J. isn’t really the brightest man out there, but this video kinda brings a tear to my eye, America is racist. The court system is designed to be hard on black people and if O.J. was white they would have let him off a second time. I heard he only got caught for this because he was driving around in a Mercedes and everyone knows if you’re black and in a Mercedes, you’re obviously breaking some law.

Posted in:OJ Simpson|Plea|Sentence




Heidi Montag’s Got More Mexico Bikini Pictures of the Day

As hard as it is to not hate Heidi and Spencer and everyone from The Hills, it’s hard not to respect and get what they are doing. Sure they are total assholes in the way they act and in how they badly play up the cameras and play the pawns in some MTV scripted life, but they are still living the fucking life. I know that at the end of all this, they won’t know where to seperate the real Heidi and the on camera Heidi, but she’ll have so much fucking money to really fucking care and that’s all assuming she had any fucking substance before signing up to this shit. My theory is that she didn’t. She was just one of those plastic cunts, not the kind you hide under your bed so your mom doesn’t find it and realize that this “girlfriend” you’ve been talking about is just a rubber thing you fuck, but the kind of plastic cunts who really didn’t have any other opportunities, so if anything she won the lottery, she’s the one in Mexico, she’s the one fucking this cocksucker Pratt, and she’s not the one sitting at home watching re-runs of the show, following their every move and fantasizing about banging Pratt while gossiping about their fabricated lives. That’s not to say that all of humanity even knows what this shit, but the vapid little cunts who do, are no better than the vapid little cunt their obsessing over. So the show’s a joke, the concept is alright, the players are fucking clowns, but the real asshole in all this is the people who watch.

Not that you care, since you don’t watch this shit, and you aren’t a teenage girl, even though you wish you were so that you could feel your 15 year old vagina and not get arrested, you just like lookin at Montag’s body in a bikini and I am not judgin’ cuz she looks as good as most strippers I’ve paid 10 dollars to touch their tits and that’s gotta count for somethin’

Posted in:Bikini|Heidi Montag|Mexico




Lily Allen’s Miscarriage Ass Goes Shopping of the Day

Here are some pictures of Lily Allen wearing the panties she should have kept on when she got knocked up and was forced to abort the mission because the relationship with the baby daddy went sour and because she was more into feeding herself liquor and drugs than breast feeding babies, so that’s why she’s out not shopping for baby clothes. It’s really too bad this short legged dumpy ass didn’t take fertilization when she had a chance, because based on how she looks, the next time around, provided her uterus wasn’t damaged by a botched abortion, will definitely be with an opportunist lookin’ to K-Fed a bitch, than someone who truly loves her or finds her attractive, because I know ugly girls get laid, because guys are horny as fuck, and sometimes guys get locked in and marry the ugly girls because they have no other prospect and they like the sex and are in too deep and don’t like being alone, but those ugly girls aren’t famous and don’t have guys knockin’ down their doors to get a date with them because they are famous, so the future of Lily Allen will be her being used for her money and not for her pussy like all other girls and I guess when she figures all that out, it’ll sting, probably a lot less than the regrets of her abortion….

Posted in:Ass|Lily Allen|Miscarriage|Panties




Paris Hilton Almost Died of the Day

Well unfortunately she didn’t die or almost die, but she is a rich kid and the kind of person who doesn’t leave the hosue for a week if she’s got a pimple. Unfortunately for the guys who have got herpes from her, she doesn’t take the same approach to pimples in her panties, but that’s just because the world doesn’t stare at them when in her party dress. What happened was she made a Grandiose Spoiled Cunt Who Thinks She’s Royalty exit from a club, as she does, without realizing she was walking into a brawl and she ended up getting pushed as some dude went nuts on a paparazzi, throwing punches because I assume he got sent an invoice for 50,000 dollars for posting their pictures like I did. Or maybe he got mad because the paparazzi got footage of him cheating on his girlfriend, like some guy who tried to fight me a few years ago while I was walking down the street video taping people and stopping on the slut he was with’s fake tits. Dude grabbed me by the throat, his group of 8 guys and 8 hookers circled around me and tried to break my camera, but we agreed to just delete the video because I wasn’t in the mood to get beat the fuck up by crazy guys I could tell like UFC who were drunk and jacked on coke and they weren’t in the mood to be made internet famous for their wives to figure out what the boys to when they go to Montreal for the weekend. The good news is that the video I deleted wasn’t even worth jerking off to so I guess I won in the end, at least that’s what I tell myself….as for Paris Hilton, it’s pretty unfortunate this wasn’t a gun fight and she just happened to get JFKed, not because I hate her, because I really don’t give a fuck, but because she’s pretty much better off dead.

Posted in:Fight|Paris Hilton