I'll Make You Famous…




Megan Fox is a Slut Black Dress of the Day

Megan Fox was out in some American Apparel lookin’ dress that girls around here wear out to bars, but she’s doing it in broad daylight. Another more embarrassing thing she’s doing in broad daylight, being seen in public with David from 90210. Sure they are in love, they are a couple, he fucks her, but that’s the kind of shit you pretend doesn’t go on, because as addicted to his cock as you are, you know that he’s a fucking joke and jokes are meant to be kept on bootycall at 4 am after being overserved at the bar. You know the fat chick, the one-legged chick, the midget, or the high functioning chick you’ve been fucking all these years, but won’t introduce her to your family and friends because you have some fucking dignity and you are embarrassed that you lowered yourself to that, you feel weak and controlled by your penis, like Megan Fox is controlled by David from 90210 and probably believes that he’s so fuckin’ down, and so fucking cool, and so fucking trendy, and so fucking bad that it makes her pussy drip and that’s why she’s gone so far as to get shitty lookin’ tattoos to fit in with him, because she’s one of those girls who just really doesn’t know what’s up, and in her mind is living her dream, because she used to wish she was Tori Spelling when lying in bed feeling her teenage pussy to see if it’s sprouted hair yet..and she’s hanging with the wrong fucking crowd, like all those hot girls you see dancing on tables for dudes in Ed Hardy, convinced that they are rollin’ in style, with people who know what’s up, but in reality are just embarrassing themselves and your challenge is to break them free from that to believe you’ve got what they want, which may be hard, because most girls don’t like 3 inch cocks and stamp collections.

I am sure she’ll eventually open her eyes, even if it’s too late and she’s already open her legs for him, but who really cares, it’s not like any of us have to deal with her on any level more than jerking off to her, not that I would do that because she’s overrated, but because you do and I was trying to make you feel better about yourself…

Posted in:Megan Fox|Slut




Tila Tequila’s Got a See Through Shirt of the Day

Tila Tequila was at the Pussycat Doll event and like all girls wanted to be the center of attention in the room. You know how competitive women are, it’s some primitive animal instinct, where they try to be the bitch the stud decides to fuck, knock up so she can live her life purpose of procreation out, or some shit. So when the event is for a group of sluts, girls have to step the game up, slip into some lingerie, bondage gear, fetish shit, because it is the only way they will get noticed amongst the competition, even though every one in attendance, like Parish Hilton or Bai Ling, are the kind of girls you’d expect to walk in on getting fucked in the back alley, bathroom, dancefloor, VIP room, taxi on the way home, bedroom, and pretty much anywhere there is a hard penis, or phallic shaped object around. You know how the Pussycat dolls are, they like to keep it classy.

Posted in:Nipples|See Through|Tila Tequila|Tits




Bai Ling’s Gotta be a Tranny of the Day

There was a time many years ago, when I ended up at a gay bar because I was into drugs, and that’s where the drugs were free. Not because I was hustlin’ dudes, because the truth is that every time I went out to one of these parties, I’d have lower self esteem than I went in with, because gay dudes will fuck anything, but they wouldn’t fuck me, but I was too wasted to really care, and if the guys were coming onto me, I would have probably not had as much fun as I had.

The good thing about gay bars is the fag hags, you know the kind of girl who either tries to pretend she’s fabulous, like some socialite with her gay man entourage, who pretends to be fashionable and superficial and shit, but who insecure as shit, and that’s why she’s running this whole act to begin with and she’s just sad she’s not getting any attention at the bar and just wants to get her pussy licked by her bff fag she wishes wasn’t a fag and who she spends all that time with, in hopes he’ll slip up, but that’s not going to happen, so when she’s drunk enough she settles for someone like me, because it’s a numbers game and I’m in the fuckin’ lead…..

Either way, I used the lady’s room, because the men’s room was a fuckin’ sex pit of sinning disgustingness and always smelled like shit, and I just didn’t need to get raped by some guy who was a little too caught up in the moment. So as I am waiting for a stall to piss in, this tall asian in a thong and lingerie walks out, and I’m thinking that I can get used to this shit…before realizing she was really a he….and I have a feeling in a few years, we’ll find out the Bai Ling was a he all along and here he is at a Pussycat Doll event dressed as classy as he gets….

Posted in:Bai Ling|Tranny




Gavin Rossdale’s Daughter is Nude of the Day

Daisy Lowe is a funny rich kid story. She is 19, her mother is some slut who was married to some guy and her god father was Gavin Rossdale from the band Bush, who is married to Gwen Stefani. She was under the impression that her father was her mom’s husband, something that most kids would naturally think, but when she was older, after some paternity tests were issued, it turned out that Gavin Rossdale was her dad.

I guess that is some soap opera worthy rich kid daddy issues, that would lead a girl into the drug, party life as she’s fed money from the dad who was never there’s guilt and now she’s some model who dated Sam Ronson’s brother Mark, who DJs, Models and gets naked in magazines, and these are the pictures…because rich sluts with daddy issues are my porn and I wonder if Gavin Rossdale can separate himself from the fact that he is her dad, since he had no problem separating himself from being her dad her entire life, and take in how solid them tits are.

Posted in:Daisy Lowe|Gavin Rossdale|Naked




Kim Cattreal Topless of Art of the Day

Kim Cattrall brought her 52 year old small tits out for a good time, in efforts to save some painting in London . Art is always a good excuse to get naked, it’s been something I’ve tried over and over again but has always managed to fail, because I am asking the wrong girls who don’t grasp the concept of art because they are too busy getting naked for money and because I usually have a boner and creepy look in my eyes, but if you find the right girl and you convince her that you have a vision, one deeper than just wanting to see her pussy, you’ll be able to get her naked and doing all kinds of weird shit while you snap off pics, the only problem is that girls who get naked for art are usually fat, have big bush, or are old….

Cattrall proves that theory that I came up with years ago when auditing a college level drawing class because I had no job and nothing better to do and was told there were always nude models. By the 5th week of going to this shit, I figured out that the nude models were 75% of the time men, and the 1 woman we had was probably 60, and unlike Cattrall, who proves why small tits age better, they had actual tits, the kind that no man would ever want to see if they wanted to stay straight, possibly proving why artists are fags. I ended up giving up on drawing, because apparently the teacher wasn’t down with what I was coming up with using the crayon I stole from a diner’s kid’s menu activity, and when she found out I didn’t belong in the class, I got banned.

Either way, older girls have this confidence to get naked and fuck proper, that’s why people have MILF fetishes, because they are easy to get anal with, since their pussies are just as dry, and the whole thing just frustrates me, because I don’t get why they didn’t have that same hot attitude when they were younger, and not passed their expiry date…it’s just all a fucking waste, here are those pics….

Posted in:Kim Cattrall|Naked




Lindsay Lohan Pourin’ a Drink of the Day

It’s pretty obvious that Lohan has never been sober. She was probably drinking in rehab, but paid off the facility to leave her and that loser she met there alone so that they could get fucked up and fuck, and if anyone was to ask, they were to tell them that she’s responding to treatment really positively, because there is no way this broken down, haggard 21 year old has enough of a mental capacity to stay sober, she’s too broken up inside and it’s all a fuckin front and anyone who bought into her PR spin is a fucking idiot, so when this club in Washington’s surveillance video hit, and Lohan was seen pouring a drink, I wasn’t too surprised, because drinking is what she does, it’s all she knows, and it’s really her only friend.

If you look at Lohan and Ronson, they look like 2 sluts on skid row, trying to find the next fix. Skinny, bags under their eyes, and a sexuality that only comes after being molested/raped/broken on the inside. I know someone who brought Ronson in to play an event a while ago, he claimed that in her contract, it says “no pictures of Ronson drinking are permitted”. It’s some controlled information to try to help revitalize Lohan’s career, but we all know that is over, and nothing can unsink this ship. We also know that you’d have to be drunk or high to have sex with Ronson when not using her for her trust fund and that the best thing to save her career would to straighten her shit out because no one likes lesbians and Hollywood already has Ellen and that’s really all they can handle right now, and the only reason it worked for her is because she’s got a good personality that people can relate to and find fun, and she isn’t some bratty cunt crying for attention that everyone hates, but Lohan hasn’t really caught wind of that yet, because she’s been too wasted.

Either way, here is the video and some screenshots, some Girl on Gender Bender kissing included…Enjoy.

Posted in:Drunk|Lesbian|Lindsay Lohan




Kanye West With a New Freestyle Weirdness….of the Day

So Kanye’s on this new kick where he breaks into weird made up song when he’s in concert. This time he goes on some weird ramble about there being other fish in the sea and into some Pinocchio shit..last week in concert he went on some freestyle about being lonely at the top .

It’s like he uses the stage as a platform for his therapy where he runs some beat and sings songs that he throws together off the top of his head that are about as solid and make as much sense as when my wife gets singing in the shower, you know throwing random broken English words together trying to make some kind of song she thinks represent her feelings at the time, because she thinks she could have been famous if she was black, because fat white women get no respect, but fat Black women get careers like Beyonce, Queen Latifah, Alicia Keys, Star Jones, only she doesn’t realize she’s a talentless hack who should stick to what she’s good at, like eating more Oreos in one sitting than you thought was humanly possible.

Truth is, this dude is like a 5 year old kid who starts in on a made up song as she finger paints, but Kanye thinks he has the right to be heard, because he’s got this fake ego and thinks he is Elvis with some revolution creative artistry because he’s a broken down little white girl with mommy issues, who was coddled and told he was the best growing up and that has given him a whole lot of insecurities, all while trapped in a black man’s body, but people are confused and think that he’s some kind of genius, when in reality, he is just good at marketing his shit and ripping off other people making people think he’s really this talent and this chanting weirdness, like something out of a cult sermon, or a preschool Christmas Pageant makes me feel uncomfortable when seeing it coming out of his mouth, when people bought tickets to hear his Daft Punk/Justice cover song called “Stronger”.

Either way, here’s a 5 Year Old Singing a Made Up Song…Kanye Rippped Off Her Style….

Here’s another set of 5 Year Olds Singing a Made Up Song….Kanye Ripped Them Off Too….

Posted in:Freestyle|Kanye West




Ashley Olsen Yells at the Paparazzi of the Day

So Ashley Olsen went to Hermes to buy herself some luxury items. I walked into a Hermes store once, because I was drunk and thought it was called Herpes not Hermes and I needed to see what kind of shit they sell in a store called Herpes.

The sales staff weren’t too into me or my look and indirectly asked me to leave after I asked them how much Herpes go for. Then I saw a line of saddles on the wall and asked them if the saddles come with herpes or if they are made out of herpes. Then there was a line of ties and scarves that were all decorative and shit and I asked if the pattern was representing an outbreak or if the guy who made them had herpes. I was trying really hard to find the common thread in why a store called herpes was selling this expensive shit, was it because herpes is a white collar STD, or maybe one for executives and rich people because rich people don’t use condoms. I couldn’t figure it out….

When I started getting cornered by the staff because they caught onto the fact that I was broke, I tried playing the dot com millionaire angle, saying something like my ratty ass jogging pants are worth more than anything in the store, especially more than their 9 dollars an hour plus monthly bonus if they meet the sales objective salary, but they just had security escort me out while I was screaming shit like “I don’t need herpes anyway, you fucking whores”, it was a great fucking scene and when I found out it was actually called Hermes, I realized those sales people probably had no fucking idea what the hell I was talking about and probably kicked me out because they thought their lives were at risk.

Either way, Ashley Olsen throws a funny scene in this video yelling at the paparazzi shit like, “Get off the property, I am trying to close my gate, Get OFF the Property, I swear to god, GET OFF THE PROPERTY”, she’s so assertive, I guess that’s just the attitude you need to run a multi-million dollar company, by letting business managers and your parents exploit you from the age of 2. If anything, this is the equivalent of a brat begging their dad for a pony, since she’s the reason her dad’s not working at the steel plant anymore, so if he knows what’s good for him, he better deliver the fuckin’ goods because rich girls always get what they want and that’s what makes them crazy…

Posted in:Ashley Olsen|Yells




Kim Kardashian Does Ebay of the Day

So I have some fake Kim Kardashian on Facebook. The other day, some dude or creepy person who jerks off to her profile all day hoping she answers him, wrote something on her wall “have a sweet Sunday” and I responded hoping to get deleted as a friend while leaving my mark by saying something like “every day for Kim Kardashian is sweet, but that’s just because she can’t stop eating cake”, or something like that. They kept me as a friend, because I assume some bitter assistant or person pretending to be Kim Kardashian thinks it is funny, because even though they work for her, they still can’t fucking stand her and her bullshit cunt ways, or maybe there’s a small possibility it is actually her and since she doesn’t know how to read, or since it is true, or since she thinks I am complimenting her, she kept me around….

Anyway, whoever is running that facebook profile posted a link to Kim Kardashian’s charity ebay auction that I had no idea existed.

Want to buy my Range Rover or any of my cloth???
Today at 7:41am

We are on the homepage of Ebay today auctioning off some of our most prized possessions!

I’m auctioning off my Range Rover, Reggie is giving up his Mercedes and Kourtney has made her Maserati available!

Check out our auction page to get all of the details. A portion of the proceeds goes to my favorite charity, the Dream Foundation!!!

Happy bidding!


She is selling off clothes, shoes, accessories, and cars, like this down on her luck stipper I know, who turned to the internet to sell her used panties to perverts because she heard she can make money off it. Sure proceeds of the strippers online panty shop don’t really go to charity, unless you consider her obscene amount of abortions a science experiment, but a percentage of Kim Kardashian’s auctions go to Charity, I guess you know with being a greedy little fame whore, with all the money in the world, who probably didn’t pay for any of the shit she’s selling, it’s only natural to give 5% of the sale to fat camps, or other relevant charities, so she doesn’t look like the greedy fucking pig that we all know she is.

Here’s a Sample of some of the things she is selling:

Kim Kardashian’s STRIKING Checkered Bustier

Bid to own Kim Kardashian’s top!! STRIKING Red and White checkered top, bustier style. Demi. There is a row of red fabric covered buttons up front, center. Adjustable straps have large ruffle detail. Smocked on the sides for stretch and detail. Back zip, measures 19″ from top of sleeve to bottom. Cute and can be doubled as a table cloth, it is that big.

Kim Kardashian’s MYSTIQUE thongs

Bid to own Kim Kardashian’s top!! MYSTIQUE thongs. Named the MYSTIQUE because some of the world’s top scientists and designers collaborated in what is considered one of Man’s greatest accomplishments, to find a way to fit Kim Kardashian’s bottom heavy figure into a thong, with comfort and the safety of the people around her in mind.

Kim’s White Range Rover

Want the paparazzi to mistake you for Kim as you pull up at the club? It could happen – bid on her famous and signature vehicle, a 2006 white Supercharged Range Rover, and live the glamorous life of Kim Kardashian! In addition to the star power this Ranger Rover brings with it. Kim recently had the pink accents and trim removed to create a more stylish look. It was also featured along with Kim on the cover of the June 2007 issue of DUB Magazine.

This vehicle has been well maintained, has low mileage, and is in excellent condition. It is clean inside and out, and has been regularly serviced. The custom sound system includes two JL Audio 500/1 and one 300/4 amps, two 12-inch W6-V2 subwoofers, and two pairs of 6.5-inch compone

Reinforced Suspension to Support Kim’s Fat ass and Doublewide seats to allow her to fit in the car and feel like a normal person, instead of the fat slob that she is could be great for other people battling with obesity.

90 percent of cum stains have been bleached out.

Check Out Kim Kardashian’s Auctions If You”re Some Pervert Who Wants to Jerk Off In Her Shoe, Purse or Range Rover or if you want to see greedy rich people trying to make more money off free shit by masking it as a charity, even though it’s just another way to line her cunt pockets…There’s video on some of the auctions….I was too lazy to pull that shit and post it here, so you’ll have to do some diggin’ yourself you lazy fuck….

Here’s a screenshot of my facebook stupidities….

Posted in:ebay|Kim Kardashian




stepLINKS of the Day

Still no hate mail but I came up with a new really insane sign off to my emails….it goes like this:

Jeuss….Like Zuess But Mo’ Wetter…and I aint talkin bout the Weather….I mean Jesus Martinez. Thanks. Good Times.

And it makes no fucking sense. I figure it comes in handy when dealing with people who are trying to sue me, so that they realize they are dealing with the village idiot and they go leave me alone….

Some guy asked me what I did over the weekend

My plan was to win the lottery. I didn’t. Which is too bad because I was really banking on it.

My other plan was to get a threesome with with teenage girls. Which I almost did, if you consider watching a porn clip with two 40 year olds dressed like school girls making out a threesome with teenage girls. But I dont.

Life’s pretty good, I am drunk and I feel like I am at a Sweet 16 party, but I’m the only guest…

Yeah, this was a waste of your time to read, but I hope the links aren’t. American Thanksgiving is retarded. You guys take a fucking month off for this shit, I just don’t get it. But since I’m in Canada, I’ll be updating the entire week, so you all come back, ya hear….

I Just Told a Lesbian Teen Asian Girl On Webcam To Show Me Her Tits…Then Asked Her If She came With a Fortune Cookie…..

I Hope Nicole Richie and Mischa Barton Set Up a Cage Fighting Match

Human Catapult FAIL

Paris Hilton is Way More Fun Now That She’s Not Dating Whats Hi Face Anymore

Heidi Klum is Smokin’

Throwback Lilly Allen Tit Flash

Dropping Spiders On People is More Fun That You May Think

How About So me Turkey Porn for Thanks Giving?

Lindsay Lohan Was Most Probably Strip Searched When She Went to Dubai

The Seven Most Annoying People At Thanksgiving Dinner

Is Rhianna a Hoe or a Housewife?

Katy Perry Looks Disgusting in FHM

Billy Ray Cyrus Is Pretty Cool Shit…Too Bad He Made That Cunt….

More of Paris Whoring It Up Around Town

Lily Allen Needs to Lose Some Fucking Weight

Guitar Master!!!

Japan Markets the Manzier!!

Find Girls to Fuck – Because Sex is a Two Person Activity

China Hates The Guns and Roses, and Its not just Cause of Axel Rose’s Braided Extensions

Shelby Chan Photoshoot

Sandra Shine is a Red Head Beauty

Julia is on the Rocks

Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt Got Married…Now Let’s Hope They Die.

Striptease of the Day

Somebody Capped a Mother Fucker at the Scientology Centre in Hollywood

Nunchuck Ping Pong

Ise Skate Fail

Who Says Indians Don’t Work Hard?

Cooking Show Tit Flop!!!

Lela Star is Totally Down With Letting You Think About Raping Her…

Zahyra is Nude


Gemma Massey is a Slut You Will Think About Fucking….

Amy Winehouse is Getting Divorced

Beyonce and Rhianna, WTF Are You Wearing?

Stand By Me

Caterpiller Stunts

MTV Whores Will Bring the Network to a New Low

Tera Patrick is Incognito

Stop Motion Pancakes

Lesbian Crazies

Some Everyday Ass on the Street

Lookin’ Good Sweetheart…But You’re Kinda Scaring Me a Little….

Some McDonald’s Employees are Porn Peddlers.

Some Kid’s Being Treated Because His Pet Fish “Accidentally” Swam Up his Penis….

13 Cheerleader Bikini Videos

Spanish Sperm is the Worst Sperm


Some Chick With short Hair, Weapons who Is Way too Intense for Me, Even in her Panties…

Some Young Girl Sluttin’ Out With Her Tits

More of Her…

And More of Her

And More of Her….

And More of Her….


Use This To Get Sex..Because Sex is Fun

BONUS VIDEO – Toddler Fights ARE More Fun Than Dog Fights

BONUS VIDEO – Some Girl Getting Her Nipple Pierced.

This Girl Named Meghan Promised Me Nude Pics if She Wins This Contest So Scroll Down and Click “VOTE FOR MEGHAN’ and I’ll Post the Nudes She Sends When She Wins…Even Though She’ll Probably Ignore Me When She Wins Because All Women Are the Same and Walk When They Get What they Want Out of You…Yes, I am a Bitch….

Posted in:stepLINKS