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Paris Hilton in her American Flag Dress Cuz She’s Trendy of the Day

McCain just said at some Election Day Rally today that Sarah Palin’s husband is ready for Washington because he is a champion snowmobiler, who once broke his arm with 250 miles of the race to go and still came in first. Is he fucking kidding? He also said it’s going to be a late night for him, because you know being 80 years old makes staying up past 8 pm a late night, I guess he’ll have to wait til tomorrow for the diner’s early bird special. The truth is this guy is a beast, I can’t handle writing a shitty website from a shitty couch and he’s out there campaigning and is twice my age and I think he’s likable, despite his shitty smear campaign and his repetitiveness of fluffy issues, and jokes discounting how serious issues are, it’s just that Palin idiot who will ruin him and I guess that works for those Obama communist supporters.

I really have no idea which way it is going to go, the polls are not accurate and I guess it’s anyone’s crown, and I just can’t wait for this bullshit to end, who cares if the election is making history, it’s dull.

On a side note, Paris Hilton didn’t vote in 2004 after wearing a Vote or Die shirt like she actually cared because she’s a vapid full of shit (cum) whore, and I heard she’s in the UK shooting her bullshit show and assume she won’t be voting today, despite all the coattail publicity stunt shit she did to promote herslef on FunnyorDie about the election and she is even wearing the American Flag, because being full of shit is her right and if she was in any other country, they’d execute her.

Here’s a quote representing her delusion about where she fits into the world and her impact on the vote all while not bother voting….

“It’s exciting to be involved in the biggest election in history. It encourages a lot of young voters to speak their voice and to vote. I was talking about issues and actually making sense but still playing with my image at the same time. Doing it in a ditzy way, but actually saying things I think can really help it along . . . Whoever becomes the next president has a lot on their hands. It’s going to be hard for anyone.�

I assume burning this thing wouldn’t be considered a crime because it’s in the World Health Organizations Center For Disease Control’s best interest….

She may have big cleavage that match her big feet but a face like that is one you’d see at a drag show and not on the Letterman show….these are some pics…before the paparazzi agencies come after me.

Posted in:Election 2008|Paris Hilton




Ivanka Trump and her Rich Girl Tits of the Day

I like rich girls. They are usually carefree, don’t give a fuck and less interested in looking for acceptance and more interested in being bad by fucking, getting drunk and doing drugs. You know, going against the grain because their entire life they’ve had to stay classy in front of people, so the second no one is watching they lose their shit.

I saw a relative of the Prime Minister of Canada out dancing on a pole this weekend, wasted, making out with random dudes and it was amazing. It’s the kind of behavior that you’d want from a rich girl. I am not saying that someone like Paris Hilton is of value to society or something I want to see other rich girls copying , since its embarrassing and takes away from the whole allure of fucking a rich girl’s face, when everyone in the world has already seen her get her face fucked, what I am saying is that behind closed doors, when no one is watching, rich girls are amazing.

Ivanka Trump defies all that because she looks fucking boring. She’s not acting crazy or ripping huge trust fund funded lines of cocaine naked in one of her dad’s luxury apartment developments, she looks like she goes home to read up on not sweating the small stuff and investing, and it’s a serious waste of the opportunities she has being who she is, but more importantly, it’s a waste of tit because she is stacked….

On a side note, I read on Perez Hilton that her mom’s 20 year old husband was on the Italian version of Survivor, and was caught fucking one of the contestants on Camera, maybe he could take Ivanka aside and teach her how to throw out her collection of designer turtle necks and pull that gold plated dildo out of her ass, and take advantage of the meal ticket God gave her to take advantage of….but he’ll probably be out of the picture as soon as that video hits the internet, so I guess there’s just no hope for her.

Posted in:Ivanka Trump|Rich|Tits




Lindsay Lohan and Her Lesbian Tits Re-Hydrating And that’s About All She’s Doing of the Day

Lohan tried to re-invent herself, sure it may not have been the best idea to go lesbian, you know with the world hating fags, but it worked for Ellen, so I guess it made sense at the time, even though the bulk of her career was based on being in kid’s movies by Disney, a company that only promotes homosexuality in Zac Effron’s dressing room, but after her whole spoiled cunt episode of self-destruction last year, that ended in rehab, it seemed like an interesting step to take, you know to not come across as being a slut by being in a long term loyal relationship, even if it was with another girl, it was seemingly more stable for her career, and interesting enough for people to talk about.

But she hasn’t changed her way, together Ronson and Lohan make sure that no pictures of her drinking or doing drugs surface, despite how obvious it is that she’s still doing cocaine based on how fucking skinny she is and all the shit people have emailed me about seeing her out drinking, but it doesn’t matter, because their lie backfired, because she is just a useless annoying cunt and anyway you present her to the public, she’ll always be that useless annoying cunt.

So she’s been fired from Ugly Betty, She’s not working on any movies, She’s been rejected for Dancing With the Stars, something Pauly Shore wouldn’t be rejected from, she’s now been fired from hosting the World Music Awards, and replaced by Denise Richards, someone who’s career was based on one sex scene and Baywatch, 10 fucking years ago, so I guess it’s time for her to throw in the lesbian towel, because there’s just not much else out there for her. There are no more scandals left to keep her in the media, there’s no body part we haven’t seen and no company willing to hire her….

Sure, aside from the bitchiness, immaturity, bratty, whining, psycho, unstable cunt behavior and the fact that she’s not marketable or worth anything in the celebirty scene, she’s still got a hot set of tits, but anyone can get those, they just have to save up 5 grand, which is something Lohan may have a hard time doing because she can’t get a fuckin’ job, but I guess she’s already made it, so she doesn’t really have to work anymore.

I can’t imagine there really being a comeback for her, unless you consider a Lohan getting fisted by Ronson in Vivid’s next celebrity tape a comeback, but i don’t know how many people would buy that or if it’s even in the works yet, because watching Ronson’s empty ballsack of a vagina is kind of a deal breaker for most people, but not me, empty ballsacks won’t hold me back, I’ve seen a hell of a lot weirder shit….and would love to see Lohan in what would probably be the best performance of her career, except for maybe how she plays up this whole fake lesbian relationship, but I guess that’s not really makin’ her money no matter how good it is…..

So here she is re-hydrating, because she’s pretty much got nothing else going on for her and little to do with her time, while her girlfriend travels the world getting paid too much to DJ shitty events.

Posted in:Lesbian|Lindsay Lohan|Tits




Heidi Klum is Insane for Guitar Hero of the Day

Heidi Klum is a bit of a nutcase and i am not making reference to who she decides to make babies with, but more to how she acts every time she’s on camera.

I assume it’s a cultural thing and maybe has to do with some kind of identity crisis from not working in a german brothel licking asshole like everyone else she knows and instead breakin’ all of Hitler’s plans for his people by marrying a black man, but she’s got good tits and is entertaining to watch when you can turn her the fuck off.

It seems like Victoria’s Secret let her off their leash and allowed her to do some Guitar Hero, Risky business shit, as long as she was wearing their product, and it is more interesting than the Tom Cruise scene from a time when he was a closet fag taking trips to Montreal to fuck dudes, and Scientology hadn’t taken over his life, but not as interesting as seeing Michael J. Fox doing it today, but that’s just because he’d really put the shake into his dance, because he has Parkinson’s.

Here’s another, more boring one….

Posted in:Guitar Hero|Heidi Klum|Lingerie




Hayden Panettiere’s Ass on Set of the Day

Hayden Panettiere brought her short legs and big ass to the set of Heroes, I guess because it goes wherever she goes, you know, with it being part of her and all, and some of you will find it hot, because you are gay. She’s built like a football player, has legs of a speed skater, and a big head like a midget, but for some reason, guys everywhere love her. Maybe it’s the media attention that she gets, maybe you’re influenced by your gay friend, like I was that one time, that ended in humiliation and a hospital visit, who would have thought betting I could get more pool balls in my ass than him would have lead to such pain, I mean they went in so fuckin’ easily, and gravity was on my side, but yeah, that’s got nothing to do with Hayden Panettiere or your sexuality’s identity crisis, because she’s a little more dude than most of Hollywood, including a lot of the men, enjoy it while you can, because until pictures of her cock surface, you’re in the clear, sure I consider you on the fence, but who really cares what I think…..no one is the answer to that question in case you were wondering…

Posted in:Uncategorized




Mischa Barton is Getting Fat in Tight Jeans of the Day

Like a bored housewife, depressed about where her life has gone and how her fairy tale wedding and dreams of a prosperous, happy, romanticized life didn’t really work out for her, trying to squeeze into her wedding dress to commit suicide in, not being able to fit one leg past where her waist once was, because she had given up long before actually deciding to end the pain that tuesday morning while the unappreciative kids are at school and the detached husband who resents her for not being the girl he married is at work, making the whole scene all that more sad to watch through binoculars from the next door window, you know with the whole breaking down and not following through with her earlier plan, because killing yourself next to your dress just doesn’t have the same dramatic effect she was aiming for, to have at least one thing you’d read in a classic love story happen to her in her life, Mischa Barton and her recent weight gain are fighting with her jeans….because I guess food and booze is the only substance that can distract her for her dying career….and here are the pics.

Posted in:Fat|Mischa Barton




Vida Guerra’s Fat Ass in Some Bikini Pics of the Day

Vida Guerra is known for her fat ass and there’s really nothing wrong with that. Sure my dick is too small to really appreciate trying to get up inside one of these latin booties, but I still find them amazing to stare at, despite them reminding me of waiting in line at Wal Mart behind a new mother who ate one too many chocolate bars during her pregnancy.

The truth is that since she got her fake tits, it all kinda balances out and not so retarded to look at and since she got famous for this shit, or the part of her body from which she shits, I figure you’ll appreciate this barely there bikini, even if you’ve already seen her pussy because I know eating disorders or the girls who have them aren’t for everyone.

I guess this is just me accommodating….

The company that owns these pictures is trying to charge me 1000 dollars to access their pictures, since I am not rich and don’t make money off the site and can’t afford that kind of insanity, I don’t bother posting them, because they will send lawyers letters and I’ll be forced to take them down and still be liable for a lawsuit that I will lose, so I’ll just link out to other sites that are rich and can afford the pictures, while useless sites like mine slowly die of the AIDS that is the paparazzi agencies……

To See The Rest of These Hot Bikini Pics


Here are those nude webcam/ cellphone pics that were leaked a bunch of years ago….I am probably not allowed to post them, but since I did a long time ago and heard nothing, I figure I am safe…at least until I get the lawyer’s letter later today….but until then…here they are….

Pics Via – This Old Post

Posted in:Ass|Bikini|Vida Guerra




Mark Wahlberg For Obama of the Day

Mark Wahlberg says he supports Obama in this video despite being some crazy jesus loving Christian who would normally rock the republican vote. I guess according to the rednecks and majority of McCain Supporters, that makes him a socialist / communist and unfortunately whole McCarthy era is over, and I am not talking about Jenny McCarthy’s unfortunate fame, but the McCarthy that created Hollywood blacklist, banning people from working because they were socialists or supported Cuba, isn’t around anymore, because I’d totally be down with sending this motherfucker to some deserted island somewhere but that’s just because I hate him and has nothing to do with his politics….because supporting Obama doesn’t really make you a socialist, but I would be willing to sway on that opinion if it meant banishment of those I hate, unfortunately Heidi Montag, the person I hate the most is a McCain supporter, so I guess we’d have to find a new blacklist for her, maybe one called useless horse-headed cunt that doesn’t deserve fame or attention because she’s a lying piece of shit list…..but I guess that’s got nothing to do with this post….actually, in hindsight, I have no idea why I just posted this, who cares who Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch are voting for, I guess I’m just milking this whole election thing out of laziness and the video I just saw of the Naked Cowboy supporting McCain isn’t available on Youtube yet, and that’s a hell of a lot more post-worthy than this shit. Cuddles.

Posted in:Election 2008|Mark Wahlberg|Obama




Vote However You Like of the Day

Sure voting is for the mainstream, legal registered people and I think waiting in line for 2 hours behind 500 people is too much work because let’s face it, your little vote isn’t going to make any fucking difference, you are insignificant even if you don’t think you are. You want to believe you can make a difference, but you can’t and I know I can’t wait for all this election shit to be over, but I guess since no one reads this site as it is, even less of you will be checking it today, so I should go nap, and remember you can vote however you like, because it’s not going to have any impact on the overall outcome of the election, shit’s rigged anyway, remember that no matter who you vote for, you do live in a communist country run by the CIA and the Government, despite what they tell you and what they want you to believe…..it’s just smart PR and remember to not wear your Obama hat because they will refuse you…because as a communist nation, run by the government and the CIA, they can dictate how you dress too….but at least they can’t tell me to take off these sweatpants, they’ve been on me for the last week and based on the smell, there should some kind of health warning issued, but thanks to my obesity, they ain’t going nowhere….and are slowly becoming my very own navy blue second skin….but you don’t care, you’re too busy trying to make a fucking difference you fucking hippie.

Posted in:Election 2008




Natalie Dylan The Sex Expert Selling her Virginity Interview of the Day

So this weird intellectual virgin, who studied sexology and claims to be a virgin and has passed a few tests proving she’s a virgin who despite being so well-versed on the sociology, psychology and everything else about sex, making her a total sex nerd, has decided to get hands on in her thesis by selling her virginity. Now, I’m not a snob, I don’t think selling sex is something to be looked down upon, I figure she’s got something worth money, she might as well sell it. If anything, i hate girls who put so much importance on their virginity that they don’t put out on the first date, and end up being 22 years old and still a virgin because their dreams of some romantic novel, never came to, so instead of just fuckin’ a random for free she might as well get paid, the same logic all whores have, only to make it seem okay to herself, she pretends it’s a social experiment that will get her into her post-graduate program of choice since she’s the human guinea pig, with a couple million dollars in the bank.

I am posting this because I love the old dude who is bidding on her. He’s 60, has always wanted to have a virgin and wants to teach her the ropes after talking to her, taking her to the park and all other things to make this union not seem creepy as shit.

This brings up 2 questions, the first is what his family and friends are thinking about their nice neighbor and buddy Lee, who they thought was totally normal, talking about banging young virgins like his fantasy isn’t creepy as shit and the other is whether this whore in training is going to pay tax on this shit, because if not, I suggest all you virgins get up on this shit. Sure, this story may not be all that fresh, but her pussy is supposed to be, so it gets a post.

Posted in:Natalie Dylan|Virgin