I'll Make You Famous…




Britney Spears Breastfeeding Erotica of the Day

Britney Spears posted a tit pic with an AMAZING caption that I can’t really add to, because this is exactly the kind of reading I like, which means it is the kind of writing I like….stream of consciousness about her big milky tits exploding when breast feeding, filling all the bottles in the house, the kind of HGH factory I’d dip into, despite my earlier MILKY TIT MONDAY post, which we do weekly, because milk filled tits are a fetish to a starving guy, a lonely guy, a guy with an overbearing mother who he will never forgive for taking him off the tit at 12…..but typically not me….I do it for the weirdness of it all…but this Britney Milk tit rant is wonderful….and creepy….thanks to her being a victim of a satanic music industry that she calls out on the regular in her weird coded messages…point being WONDERFUL work Britney.

Posted in:Britney Spears|Britney Spears




J.Lo Almost Pussy Flash on The Toilet of the Day

I heard a story that J.Lo was a Puerto Rican transgender who made her way in America as a popstar because the music industry is satanic and being satanic means inverting the truth, so inverting genders on people who have no idea they’ve inverted the genders on us, but on a biological level confuses us because in our soul we know something is off, but can’t place it…

I never trust the origin story of any of these celebrities, especially the top of the chart celebs, since they are the most handled, manipulated, mind controlled, altered from their original state…

But if she is born with penis, she’s doing a great job tucking it in this erotic lick the toilet like you’re in a ROCCO movie, or was it the other porn dude who ended up getting HIV from trannies…what the fuck was his name….NACHO VIDAL….whoever it was who used to slam porn chicks into the toilet….it was a time when porn wasn’t that disturbing so seeing it was pretty fucking vile…but anyway……

Point being, if she cut off her dick, or has a natural born pussy, she’s barely covering it, which could be exciting for you if you don’t think about how old she is, how her hormones are likely more manly that womanly with the whole menopause pussy you can’t get pregnant, when J.Lo is probably the kind of pussy you’d want to get pregnant…K-Fed style…..

That clown-like make-up makes her look like it is a RUPAUL DRAG RACE SHOW….or just over compensating for being a billionaire pop icon who gets 10% off at the drug store because she’s ELDERLY….since all these old ladies with their filters, fillers, make-up and photoshop look like they are on RUPAUL DRAG RACE too….it’s a look, ask the Kardashians….


Posted in:J.Lo|Jennifer Lopez|Jennifer Lopez




Stella Hudgens Bathtub of the Day

In the event you didn’t know, Vanessa Hudgen’s sister, I almost wrote daughter, but sister, unless she was diddled by a Hollywood exec at a young age and got knocked up, had a secret pregnancy, I don’t know the age difference on the two, I just know that this one has gone rogue in some ways, because once you go sex worker, you’re always a sex worker….since showing your body comes with a price….a price a lot of people are willing to pay after hearing all the success stories of some of these ladies making well over 1,000,000 dollars a month….I mean where else are you going to get paid top pose hot once every day or two…while your Indian Call Center bots sext these fans for higher tip payouts…it’s lazy man’s work, while feeding your ego, because knowing ppl will pay to see your tits will show everyone that you’ve got almost as much worth as your famous sister who probably makes less than 1,000,000 a month….even though the OF millions is only because of who your sister is….who cares why….get out of the shadows of a celebrity and get naked!


Posted in:Stella Hudgens




Whitney Cummings Naked With Poor Dog of the Day

Whitney Cummings disgusts me, but she was marketed as the hottest comedian around, which may not be saying much when the hottest pussy in comedy is Roseanne, Joan Rivers and Kevin Hart…….ohhhhhh

Being an average looking girl with a set of tits is probably all you needed to be back in the 90s when Cummings took her last name seriously making her chest the place for all the comedian’s cummings

Now, she’s rich, bored, but still has the tits, tits that I am sure many people would want since they are famous, but because they are famous, they tits she wants as many people to see, some world is her stage, or her instagram in her stage, but I’m over here waiting for her to fuck her microphone…..that you know she has to practice her comedy acts in the mirror, as these people do, since comedians are the most contrived, insecure, lame, unfunny people around…


Posted in:Whitney Cummings




Medical Worker Monday of the Day

I don’t know if medical workers are still seen as heroes now that the whole covid thing has blown the fuck out, but there was a time when they were heroes, or played up as heroes, maybe to have them continue pushing the COVID narrative, loving being the center of attention…I don’t know….

Then there was a time when half of them were villains because they didn’t subscribe to getting an experimental gene therapy shot for a virus that they probably saw first hand, didn’t think was that big of a deal, survived the first year of it without needing a vaccine, so fuck that noise….so they had to find alternative revenue streams…so quickly forgotten and like all girls who want to make easy money, some started pulling out their cunts in erotic nurse themed shoots, so they could mooch off the hype of being a FRONTLINE HERO….you know guild the fans, make more money in a month than you do in a year….all while maximizing the new interest in nurses….making it a hot, disease covered fetish…

One could argue that nurses were always the sex workers of the healthcare field, you know there to break the homes of doctors so that they can live that good life….there’s a lot of down time between surgeries and there are beds for them to use when they are on call…which is a great place to get your fuck on while the wife and kids are at home..”I AM ON CALL TONIGHT HONEY…..”….

I do know that the COVID narrative is finally collapsing, the shots change your DNA, the PCR tests don’t work, the VACCINES don’t work, it was all a fucking lie…and throughout it all we’ve had the nurses…now made the slutty nurses which I guess is the ONLY positive from this whole COVID thing..


Posted in:NURSES




Milf Monday of the Day

Funny enough, I watched the first 30 minutes or so of the Critic’s Choice awards and as it turns out Stifler’s mom won a Critic’s choice award thanks to WHITE LOTUS, where she plays the rich and crazy lady with the monster tits, because she was given a second chance at this acting thing and was able to be more than Stifler’s mom, but I will say her legacy as Stifler’s mom is an important one, at least to the 40+ year olds who watched American Pie as the revolutionary comedy it was at the time, because it brought the concept of MILF to full fucking light, no one was calling them MILFs before that movie….we called them YUMMY MUMMIES….since hot moms with kids existed forever…and it was always important to acknowledge they were moms as a buffer if they weren’t all that hot…you know “Hot for a mom”….but also as a way to say “Hot despite being a mom”….they are two different things and both come with better sex, because even the hot moms think their baggage is enough to make them less hot, and rarely is there a mom 100 percent confident in her pussy, sure a lot don’t care, but a lot also think “will I grip this micro dick hard enough after passing a child”….since they fuck micro dicks thanks to those feelings of carrying baggage around…

The point is…MILFS can be hot, but they can definitely be slutty…and here are some MILFS speaking to the mommy issues out there who are turned on by the fact that they are misbehaving despite having kids..”WHY YOU NAKED, DON’T YOU HAVE HOMEWORK TO DO, SOCCER PRACTICE TO DRIVE TO”….which I guess is a big part of the allure of the MILF….being bad when they should be good…I don’t fucking know….all vagina is worth fucking, even when it’s not!


Posted in:Milf




Elle Fanning Bra of the Day

Elle Fanning is out here doing what looks like a boudoir shoot from the county fair that your fat aunt got to wrap herself in a boa and some lingerie to try to make your uncle fuck her like she wasn’t 400 pounds again…

I guess when you put on your 2000 dollar Gucci Bra, you have a responsibility to selfie it, in this era of NO BRA, so if I put one on, it’s a fucking event, not that anyone is really impressed that some celebrity is wearing a designer bra, unlike the sluts of INSTAGRAM with the SUGAR daddies, these bitches get this shit for free.

I do like the Cowboy Hat, taps into my old west brothel fantasy, but I don’t really understand where the NIPPLES are in all this and that disturbs me….sure she’s got small tits, we don’t discriminate against that, but if you’re going to wear some sheer looking bra, fucking deliver man…I guess when you’re famous you don’t have to go all the way, but clearly they have to go some of the way, seeing as a top actress doing a slutty selfie for social media as part of her marketing strategy, is some serious BOTTOM FEEDING, and soon, they’ll literally be feeding their bottoms for the views and follows so that they get cast instead of a tiktok dancer…what a world..


Posted in:Dakota or Elle Fanning|Elle Fanning




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

I have never drank breast milk and that doesn’t upset me….even though I look at all these milky boob mondays and can’t visualize or imagine what they taste like…I guess I’m not on that body builder kick buying breast milk off the black market for the HGH, but I guess I could be if I really wanted to….

But the truth is, I don’t think the whole MILKY TIT thing is an amazing fetish, I guess swollen tits doing what they were designed to do, in order to keep our species alive is fine and all, but not really something I need to jerk off to…or even use to get in the mood, it’s a little too biological..

I am all for breast feeding, I worked in a drug store that sold baby formula and I would question every mother who bought that shit, because I was like “just give em your tit”….this was 25 years ago or more and even then Formula freaked me the fuck out…..

I definitely don’t have anything against ladies pulling out their tits for any reason, especially in public, I am not grossed out by it and I don’t believe any of the stories of women who have been shamed in their breast feeding, since we all love tits…and it’s basically human fucking nature to breast feed….which may end when they start making babies in labs not wombs, it’s all part of the plan and thanks to these COVID shots, we may have a totally infertile generation….which means NO BREAST feeding…so take it the fuck in….because it will be a FETISH one day and this is the historical archive of that.


Posted in:Lactating




Selena Gomez Good at the Critic’s Choice Awards of the Day

I just did a post on Bieber’s weak wife who gets strokes at 25 like some kind of crackhead, so I figure it’s only right to post the girl he left for the broken one, Selena Gomez….who I watched in the Steve Martin / Martin Short / Podcast mystery on Disney the last few days accidentally and thought she was pretty emotionless, but definitely not irritating, and had NO idea she was nominated for a CRITIC CHOCIE award, which is meaningless….but still something….

However, I accidentally watched the first 30 minutes of the Critic’s Choice awards, and found out she was nominated….because she was on the red carpet looking hot in this red dress…

Yes, despite hating award shows and Hollywood in general, I watched an award show, because I figured if I didn’t, no one would….but I didn’t watch all of it, becaus it was terrible, woke…..

I guess sometimes you have to put yourself through the shit you hate, maybe even start a website about the thing you hate, and post about it for 18 fucking years daily….you know because there’s a variety of self abusive behavior, from hard drugs and drinking, to self mutilation to release all that anger, rage and mental anguish of being a human in the most lazy era of society, hence all the fucking whining…

Anyway, it was a nice reminder that Hollywood is fucking trash, these people are fucking trash, their comedy is fucking trash….because the only GOOD joke of the night was from RAY ROMANO about his wife and him not having sex…

You know when RAY ROMANO brings the “BANGERS” you’re in a bad place in society..unless of course you see all the woke, inclusive, UKRAINE agenda as parody or satire, which I do….these narcissists don’t care about anything….but they like hearing themselves talk apparently….

I made it to the HALLE BERRY speech and I just had to turn it off, she forgets she’s as white as she is black, so her black plight seems more delusional than anything to me…then the whole speech about women needing their own stories because women are this, and that, and this and that…she had a rant…that no one fucking cared to hear…we get it…women are women…and guess what…WOMEN have been writing TV and MOVIES and RADIO NOVELLAS…and books, and novels, SINCE the beginning of the industry…so this revisionist history that it’s a WHITE MAN world is just idiotic…in the 1950s the most popular show was an “interracial” show…in the 1950s…so fuck off…

Anyway…I accidentally watched the critic’s choice award and if anything was to make you NEVER want to be a part of HOLLYWOOD…that is probably it….but Selena Gomez was there, didn’t win apparently, but looked amazing, and that’s better than having a stroke….

To See the Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE

I just saw these bikini pics of her, I probably already posted them, but why not post them again!

Posted in:Selena Gomez




Hailey Bieber Stroke Pussy of the Day

So much goes on in such little time…we’ve got things like Hailey Bieber stroking out because of her vaccine, sure it was a mild stroke, but she’s a 25 year old girl, who probably isn’t even on the Birth Control Pill if she knows having kids with rich guys is good for the bank balance….even though she apparently doesn’t have a prenup with Bieber…

When I was 25, I was partying all night, sleeping all day. I wasn’t doing any physical activity because I was so fucking hung over, before drinking again…I would smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, I’d eat a GREASY brunch at 4 pm and two slices of 49 cent PIZZA at 4 am….I’d do street drugs, party drugs….and for some reason…I STILL haven’t had a stroke, not even a mild one…I probably will, I’m in my 50s….but I sure as fuck didn’t at 25…

So this fit bitch, who does PILATES and other fitness events on the daily, who has a personal chef, who eats well, who may even sleep well is getting minor strokes…assuming she’s got that “Vaccine”….which I do….I guess we’ll have a lot of tragedies far worse than MINOR strokes as everyone clots out on their spike proteins…

Or maybe it’s from her face injections…

Or maybe it’s a bad publicity stunt because she’s not as famous as she’d like and she’s already pushed her pussy as far as it can go to get as famous as she can by marrying Bieber….

Either way, stroked out girl on blood thinners the rest of her life…HOT…if you’re into having half vegetable women you nurse for the sex they can’t say no to thanks to the stroke…and they can’t run from….thanks to the stroke…sicko.

Posted in:Hailey Bieber