I'll Make You Famous…




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

Pussy Definition, Camel Toe, HUNGRY HUNGRY HIPPO-PUSS, or whatever you want to call pants too tight for a meaty pussy, or a pussy so fat that it’s got one of them eating disorders where all it wants to do is eat everything around it, is one of my favorite real life experiences I have these days…

For whatever reaason, I assume the popularity of transgenderism, and the attack on the biological female, as men have infiltrated their gender and are winning at their sports, advancing in their jobs, being rewarded WOMAN of the year like we’re at the Special Needs School and forced to tell the retard 15 year old who figured out that 2+2 is 4 using a couple of the rocks he played with, is like he just solved world hunger or broke some fucking code and figured out eternal life like he was Elon Musk….instead of hitting it over the head and saying “of course 2+2 is 4, you’re 15, figure it the fuck out, slow mo”…

Anyway…I am here to support the bilogical female, as a fan of the pussy, seeing the pussy cleavage, so you can essentially see the full pussy, or at least how fat the full pussy is, just going out to the grocery store, or the park…is a HUGE improvement in humanity, cuz otherwise I’d never get to see their pussy.

So SUPPORT the pussy wedgie MOVEMENT…it’s important…in the fight to SAVE biological women….


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Alessandra Ambrosio Fitness Tits of the Day

I find it interesting that I didn’t give a fuck about Alessandra Ambrosio when she was a Victoria’s Secret model, you know when she was younger and theoretically, based on that fact alone, hotter…girls don’t get hotter when they get older unless they practice fucking witch craft or evil…

So yeah, don’t think that I gave a fuck about any Victoria’s Secret model, this site was started as a joke to make fun of losers who didn’t go outside to fuck real chicks, because they were too busy overhyping the above average celebrity chicks they’d fetishize, which as far as I’m concerned, it’s a waste of fucking time and a waste of fucking life…hence why I do it all day…I hate myself more than I hate any of these people…

But yeah, Ambrosio, the average model during her time with VS, eventually turning into the 40 year old who never fucking retired…yet all of a sudden…she’s hot as shit now..

How does that happen? Is this a clone, is this a real person, I mean when you’re human trafficked to America to pose half naked, there’s probably lots of secret stories and dick sucks we’ll never know about…

What we do know is that maybe it’s diet, exercise, fitness, strategic face injections, sleeping because they are rich and have nothing else to do…there’s probably ways to “Hack the system”….

Because this fitness content with her tits is hot…and that makes no sense at its core…but that’s how it goes.


Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio




Heidi Klum Lingerie of the Day

Other than the screenshot at the top where it looks like Heidi Klum’s ass has lost it’s elasticity because she’s old as shit, you like like it’s being whipped around like a tire that lost its treads on a truck that is no rushing to get your Amazon orders because there is a supply chain issue….

So other than the fact that her skinny, skin hanging off her where her ass once was….like her ass is like a fleshy garbage bag 1/10 filled with water….

She’s looking pretty good..

Just yesterday, I saw some 2001 Heidi Klum photoshoot, probably on the forum, and thought “she looks better now”…which makes no sense since she’s had a dozen kids, has had some weird sex with really big penis, so that you’d expect her vagina to be dangling in the wind like it was her ass cheek….

I don’t know how that makes any sense, I mean it doesn’t make any traditional biological sense…but she could be a robot, or she could be a product of Eugenics, I mean she is German and they were and still are really into eugenics…so that they can make their bitches as hot as possible…not a bad campaign, despite it being a little “playing god”…which by definition is evil…BUT AT LEAST THE BITCHES ARE HOT…well into their 50s…even after shitting out a dozen kids…so stop HATING…not that anyone is hating…everyone is fetishizing these evil fucks pushing Eugenics on YOU.


Posted in:Heidi Klum|Heidi Klum|HeidI Klum




Bebe Rexha Got Them Tits On of the Day

Bebe Rexha’s actual name is Bleta. I wonder why she ran with Bebe…when she could have normalized Bleta…you know give the other Bletas in the world the opportunity to feel empowered by her, you know instead of trying to give herself a more cutesy and conventional name…there’s a clothing brand called Bebe…Bebe means baby in french…you know…seemingly a more conventional approach to popstar-dom than Bleta…but what message does that tell the Bletas of the world? That they should be ashamed of their name, that they should change it to be more “Western” or “stripper-like”….

I get that she’s done the whole “fat old chicks can be popstars too”..you know cuz she’s old and fat, but knew that you can’t censor or suppress fat as being a bad thing anymore, that body positivity thing is rock solid and can’t be thwarted…fat girls are playing bikini models on the internet like we live in a fucking parody…and we probably do…and I guess the being old thing thanks to her decade of writing hit songs is just a side note since actual old chicks are still be treated like 20 year old vixens…J.LO…

But to change your name, like she’s ashamed of who she is…pretty concerning…isn’t it BLETA…

Here she is in a pant suit….because she’s a professional…


Posted in:Bebe Rexha




Weed Wednesday of the Day

Weed Wednesday is not that important of a day, I mean is anything really that important in this era of just trying to fucking survive, because there’s a terrible thing happening, called the fall of society.

That said, last week I did a very top level analysis by a drunk uneducated fuck who doesn’t read actual information or do deep digs into anything because I find tits more interesting and I get bored easily.

My theory was that weed was made illegal for no real reason, besides it being a product from NATURE, which means FROM GOD, that people were clearly designed to consume whether by smoking or eating it, but like other meds that aren’t patented, there’s no money in giving the public what they need to have their most enlightened life, so regulate it.

They don’t want people “awake”…they don’t want people relaxed, inspired…they don’t want their paid mitigated or medicated through a plant they can grow on their balcony…it’s a weed afterall…

I know they are legalizing it now, as a bait and switch, to make you think they are cool….or maybe it’s because they aren’t weed smokers and think legalizing weed will keep the people braindead and streaming, not paranoid and drawing the blue prints of their survival bunker….and that’s probably a good thing, let them have their tax money, since they tax everything, because they are YOUR FRIEND…who TAKE all your money…to you know FUND CRAZY FUCKING THINGS….

Anyway….these girls get naked with weed, as activists, protestors, influencers, weed lovers finding weed dudes into weed and it may not be the hottest chicks, or the girls who look like they smoke too much weed, but it’s still a valid excuse to get girls naked…you know it has a meaningful purpose to encourage all people to SUPPRT THE GREEN…or some other lame shit you’d see from the stoner in your high school with his Head Shop merch decorating his locker….WEED LEAF FLAGS, POSTERS, T-SHIRTS and HATS…cuz that motherfucker loves his weed…nerds come in all shapes, with all interest levels…I’m most into the nude ones.


Posted in:Weed




Madison Pettis Lingerie of the Day

I don’t know what “think tank” or “lab” or underground bunker at the Disney Studio that this Madison Pettis girl crawled out of, but there has been some investment into her celebrity, because even before she became a Rihanna lingerie model, which was a weird choice for her ambassador program, but it worked out alright for everyone involved I am sure…

She had over 1,000,000 followers from the marketing of her Disney shows, they had money invested in her, but they didn’t have that bridge to get her half naked on the internet…so they partnered with Rihanna, got her naked and basically let us all know this Texan, if she’s actually from Texan, has some awesome tits, and really that’s all you need to get by in this world, so I have big dreams for the future of Madison Pettis as an ADULT actress, meaning adult aged, not porn, but in your lifetime, we can assume all content produced out of hollywood will be porn to keep you entertained and distracted in your cells…so she’s got a great body for that.



Posted in:Madison Pettis




Rumer Willis Topless Butch of the Day

I have consistently hated on Rumer Willis because as fun of a fetish celebrity kids are to some of us, mainly myself, I’ve been a huge ambassador of the kids of celebs, who are celebs by extension, continuing to be celebs on their social media because as unimpressive as they may be, they are connected to famous people so tight that they climbed out of their balls or cunt, or in Rumer’s case both…

That doesn’t mean I’ve found Rumer hot, she was actually pretty weird looking, but like her mom Demi, she’s got some work done to try to live out that rebuilt Demi Moore, rather than the genetic Demi Moore no one remembers or cares about because she was ugly.

It does mean that I’ll look at her tits, like Ill look at her mom’s leaked nudes, which seem to be something that’s going around the internet, more on that when I come across them officially…but in the mean time, let’s see RUMER in overalls like a lesbian electrician coming to fix your furnace only a little more fuckable than that since the shirt is off.

This isn’t life changing, but she’s a vapid celebrity rich kid who only exists because of her parents, which I guess you could say applies to all humans, but I’m not talking about existing on the planet, I mean existing as a celebrity for being born to celebrities. You see how this works here right? We like tits.


Posted in:Rumer Willis




Wetspot Wednesday of the Day

I don’t know if I have PTSD about this wet spot post, but for whatever reason, I do anything I can to not start the day with the wet spot post, but I am so committed to the joke, that I just keep on bringing it, despite not being into it.

I’ve said it before that I am a huge fan of vagina, not dudes who act like vaginas, or like they have vaginas, but pure bred vagina, that was born and raised free range and grew into an adult vagina that functions as nature intended, you know with its own self cleaning mechanisms, and lubrication tools, to get the right fuck on.

I like dirty vagina, smells and stains, but this wet spot post out of context is just confusing…

I guess hotness is all about context, there’s a psychological build up, you know maybe it’s a vagina you know, or a vagina you wish you knew…I don’t know…but when it’s random wet panties, it could just be a yeast infection…tasty when you’re out of food supplies thanks to the supply chain breakdown…but we don’t need pics of that shit…

But we do need these pics, and my mission is to repost them and share them with you, because above all…I support independent content creators behaving like this.


Posted in:WetSpot




What is this TikTOk Trend? and Other Videos of the Day

Biden Spits in a Girl’s Face Yesterday…CUZ COVID

Brian Stelter is Mad at Youtube

Masked Man is Mad

Helping an Old Lady Cross the Street

Dealing with Mask-Idiots – Ignore the Crazy Mental Fuck who Doesn’t Know How to Mind Their Business!

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Who needs kids anyway!!

I still think it’s funny that people are mad about dogs being eaten by flies, but don’t give a fuck about doing experiments on kids. The FDA has admitted that they don’t know how safe the vaccine is for kids, until they start jabbing the kids….

So parents, mad at the dogs, are lining their kids up for mandatory shots blindly, and being on the sidelines watching is fucking crazy.

I don’t even like kids, I don’t look at kids and see them as anything but annoying creatures who will disappoint us when they are running the world in 25 years…as if we’re going to be alive in 25 years…LOL…

Yet, I am passionately against giving kids a shot…I yell at people about it and I don’t even like kids….it’s ABUSE.

This is an experimental medication, long term side effects are unknown and kids are not at any risk of dying from COVID…

They are coming for you and for your kids…good luck with that…fools…the corporations finally own the governments and the media….and THUS…you..

Remember, they only go as far as we let them, and we let them go very fucking far, because we are mindless shills who just do what we are told and try to follow the rules,

So at a certain point, you have to ask yourself if they are just trolling you, fucking with you, to show you how far they can push you, because this can’t be real…

So as I sit here watching ppl cosplay that life is normal, anxiously waiting the Dexter reboot or Tiger King season 2, or what dicks the Kardashians put in their fake rich asses….when they are literally coming after the kids….they will FORCE kids to get this shit to live life…for sports, school, travel, EVERYTHING…..I have to wonder if everyone has gone mad.

THIS IS KIDS….who needs kids anyway, kids eat food, they make railings at the park sticky, they cry on planes, they ask too many questions, they play too many Videogames….

If anything maybe they are better suited as subjects of an admitted science experiment by the same people approving this shit…people are getting sick and dying with the shot and it isn’t stopping the spread of COVID…so mandating kids to get this shit…that’s a fucking extermination program, or at least a way to make the kids slaves to the state, where the state is BIG PHARMA….


Here are some stepLINKS

Vanessa Hudgens has a Baller House

Renee Gracie is a Sexy Mechanic

Nude Model Georgina is a Vitiligo Milkshake of a Nude Model

Everything Coming to TV and Streaming

Good Kid At Baseball Match Hands His Ball To Sad Kid Who Didn’t Get Foul Ball!

The Magic Box

Asking People if they Want to Screw Prank

Corgi Becomes Foster Mom to Other Animals


Cam Sluts Bring the Pussy and It’s always a Good Time!

Posted in:stepLINKS