I'll Make You Famous…




Selena Gomez 1 Girl 1 Cup of the Day

I don’t know if this is really Selena Gomez showing a little of her actual personality, rather than the sterile version she’s been conditioned to use as her public persona, you know since she wants to be taken seriously in the industry and the world, or doesn’t want to piss off the people who pay her a lot of money, by being some out of control rich brat who does what she wants.

I have a hard time thinking that this is actually her, but we’re in a weird time where raciness and raw shamelessness is just standard practice, it makes a celebrity more real, believable and interesting, cuz that whole acting thing is lame….

We’ll call this 1 girl, 1 cup, doing her best PEE STANDING UP because that’s progressive and how we push forward as a genderless society….

We know that she’s an industry sweetheart, which could be considered an industry puppet, which at this point in this blogging history, we know is far more dark that it is presented to us. That whole “not so innocent” despite playing innocent probably happened when she was still a teen….

We also know that she probably peed on Bieber, which may make the peeing in the cup all the more fun.

I realize this is just peeing in a cup, something people do when they have to pee, it’s NORMAL….not weird sex stuff and nothing to be embarassed by…

If anything, I find this version of Selena Gomez, or the Selena Gomez lookalike far more exciting and interesting, I mean this should be her instagram feed ALWAYS….

If we’re going to go this route, where everyone’s trying to get their kicks, that dopamine release from being fun and funny and half naked with your pants pulled down….let’s fucking run with it, amplify it, celebrate it.

I have consistently not thought of Selena Gomez as hot or interesting as a celebrity, except maybe of the behind the scenes shit she does, but welcome her changing that opinion with this goodness.


Posted in:Selena Gomez




Workout Wednesday of the Day

Stay Fit!

As you probably know, people don’t actually give a fuck about their health, because they don’t respect their bodies…..they may pretend to be into health as they yell at you about how you should treat your own body, at leas when it comes to the pandemic you’ve lived through and are still living through…WEAR A MASK, TAKE AN EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE THAT COULD KILL YOU SINCE THEY DON’T KNOW LONGTERM EFFECTS…social distance, you know the fucking fear mongering and propaganda that is not supported by any of their own data, or most doctors working the front line…but whatever…

So these motherfuckers who eat dog shit take out, fast food, hormone enhanced GMO, poison that fucks their bodies….and feeds their diseases, parasites, other issues….THROW SUGAR ON IT….it tastes so good….

And these motherfuckers don’t do fitness, don’t take supplements, don’t believe in natural remedies, or logical remedies…they literally HATE their bodies, and are killing themselves in a long drawn out unhealthy and medicated way, but act like they have a right to tell you how to live….AWESOME….

To make shit worse, if you tell a fat fuck to workout, even though the fat fucks are screaming at you to put your mask over your nose, but if you tell a fat fuck to hit the gym, lose 60 lbs, eat better…it’s a hate crime….

I’ve seen pics of the beach in 1970 vs the beach now and let me tell you…we are a fucking GROSS piggish sick and lazy society….and I AM A FAT FUCK too…but I’m not here saying anything but NO FAT CHICKS ALLOWED, willing to risk being called a misogynist who objectifies women, and who is not BODY positive, as I promote health….

BEING FAT KILLS, if you want to LIVE, and if you are as scared of dying as you pretend to be of COVID, don’t worry, you’re more at risk being fat, and will die because you’re fat, fatty.

Now have another donut, while I stare at chicks who workout being slutty, like they all do at the gym, with their erotic fitness posing in tight slutty fitness apparel…


Posted in:Workout




Miley Cyrus Tits of the Day

In important Miley Cyrus news, she’s starring in the most important photoshoot she’s done since she indoctrinated the youth into becoming naked on the internet sex workers, it’s no big deal, MILEY does it…..

I have always been on the fence as to what level of creative control these people have for themselves, she was a rich kid thanks to her Daddy, so maybe she’s been treated a little differently than the starlets they pull out of laundromats in Ohio, or wherever they find their Disney Kids….

I have a hard time believing that she’s not answering to someone, because these people are all puppets working for someone, and most will never speak out against their handlers, the people who pay them, or the people who made them….and I don’t think they’d ever go against what their assigned teams tell them to do….

But I am a skeptic…and I am not focusing on what is important, which is a hot bodied Miley being edgy and showing that hot body that we’ve all seen before, but that is still fun to look at, because there’s not enough of this professionally shit being produced for free, all these girls just sell this shit on OnlyFans and that takes the purity out of it and makes it transactional…and that cheapens the whole experience…

This was for INTERVIEW MAGAZINE where she’s being interviewed by Metallica…..

The photos are by a photographer named BRIANNA CAPOZZI who may or may not sue me for posting this amazingness because people don’t like me….even though I like their pics! HATERS!


Posted in:Miley Cyrus




Weed Wednesday of the Day

I am not a historian, but I do know that WEED BEING made illegal is some serious evidence of the how a corrupt society works…

When marijuana first started to become a “social problem” in the United States, of which, the social problems are not defined, but was good enough for members of Congress to make a definitive judgment that were not supported by reliable evidence…..

So laws were passed, based on definitions known to be unscientific and people just went for it….and the criminalization of marijuana consumption has severely affected the legal system, ruined lives, and they don’t give a fuck…

The real reason that it was made illegal, that “social problem” they needed to nip in the bud, was that it bit into the profits of whoever was paying Congress…

Since I am not a historian, I don’t know who those people are, but I’ll assume big pharma, tobacco and alcohol…..

There’s a whole “racist” storyline too, which may be true, it would make sense since lawmakers tend to be actual racists, especially when they ride the back of racism to virtue signal that they aren’t racist on the surface, while being totally fucking racist….

I tend to think it had more to do with it being a miracle plant, that requires zero processing, that will grow in any climate or setting and I am not even that big WEED ambassador…I just know that it’s hardly a high, hardly a big deal, and offers nothing by good if you have a brain and are not just some lay on the couch streaming half dead….if anything weed, from God, could be enlightening….

But society is fucked…and here are some actual WEED ambassadors supporting their cause with their tits, the best way to support causes.


Posted in:Weed




Lais Ribeiro Bikini of the Day

Lais Ribeiro is a pretty fascinating story in Human Trafficking by an evil corporation, that’s worked out pretty great for her…because she was just some hot teen mom like Farrah Abraham in her Native Brazil, and said “I should be a bikini model” and just like that…Victoria’s Secret rolled in on the private jet ready to make all her dreams come true, you know they care about international women, think of all the international women they’ve brought us half naked….LOTS.

So the single mom, a professional bikini model, in a bikini for her instagram, just doing it for free, because she’s generous like that, you know like a carpenter building you a deck for a case of beer, even in this era of expensive lumber….is lumber still expensive…I don’t keep track on lumber costs…but you get what I mean…TO POST WHAT SHE IS PAID FOR FOR FREE…what kind of era is this….

A weird one….one of the funniest thing I’ve heard today is that teens who can’t get the shot right now are going and getting the shot to spite their parents or the system that’s telling them they aren’t approved to get the shot…

So we live in a world where the next generation are rebelling by getting government mandated shots they aren’t allowed to…

I am a firm believer that there’s way more exciting ways to rebel as a teen…but not in this soft fucking era of pussies everywhere, so many pussies that the men are turning their dicks into pussies…

I guess I romanticize being into punk rock as a kid, where we were actually anti-fascist, not funded by them…..


Posted in:Lais Ribeiro




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

God is real. I always knew there was something bigger than what’s out there, but in the last year or so, I’ve realized how present God is….because I’ve seen how present EVIL is….

I know what you’re thinking, that GOD must be real because girls have subscribed to the whole getting naked on the internet for money instead of working a real job….who’s to say selling nudes isn’t a real job….why bother getting trained in a skill or make a difference int he world when you can do a quick and easy cash grab…..so maybe these PUSSY wedgies are evidence that GOD is real to some of you because pussy wedgies are some of the hottest shit and they are no longer just reserved to girls with BIG fat vaginas who wear pants a few sizes too small…..

I see that as more of a God has been bastardized, censored, Christians made to look like ignorant idiots stuck in the past, or hicks while Satanists infiltrated their churches, schools, government…..is probably why we people are turning to the dark side of posting pics of their vaginas through their pants and you probably subscribe to that and think it’s a good thing, I mean there’s so much smut out there, where to BEGIN…..

I see it as being more obvious than ever that EVIL is hard as work, but at least EVIL sometimes presents itself in ways we can all remain braindead and distracted….through babes, who were put her by God, but have lost their course and are totally forgetting what’s actually important in life as they chase that instant gratification..like having pussy wedgies on your dick through meaningful relationships rather than in photo from the comfort of your lonely apartment…

So I don’t choose EVIL, but I’ll watch what the people who do choose evil, or at least the smut they produce for the internet and I guess in real life because I do leave the house and I do see pussy wedgies and love them like they are God’s children, because they are….every last one of these lips…

I do think society is better when the majority of people are good Christians, so that when pussy wedgies happen they are fresh and exciting and new….rather than this discount bargain basement level of PILES of this shit…but there could be worse piles to sift through….you know these could be TRANSGENDER cameltoes, which I think they call MOOSEKNUCKLES>


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Eva Longoria Bikini of the Day

Eva Longoria is a pretty funny story that I’ll never understand. Sure when she’s oiled up in her bikini in all her menopausal glory, cuz she’s old, she’s more tolerable, I mean any chick in a bikini oiled up and posing is worth staring at, even when they are old as shit.

Other than her oiled up bikini pics, Eva Longoria is a scam of scams. She played the moderately hot sugar baby in that Housewives Show, where the acting was on the level of porn acting, or soap opera acting, you know TV acting….not overly challenging…

For some reason, that made her go viral, because they wanted to make her go viral, and now she’s some top tier TV producer, making tens of millions of dollars putting out trash, because the industry doesn’t really need GOOD content, the audience are a bunch of easy to please morons…

But the bikini porn, ass over the shoulder like a young influencer, topless with the tits being smothered out like she’s wrestling them, sipping her drink with her blurry and filtered face….probably some of her most meaningful work….


Posted in:Eva Longoria




Wetspot Wednesday of the Day

I don’t know why I am so against the WETSPOTS, because they really do check off all the boxes on my perversion. The first being that it’s the female body functioning like the female body should, I fucking love females, I am pro female, and thus love their vagina….dry, wet, discharging, infected…under any and all circumstances they are hot….but out of context, I’m not into it, maybe because I am used to DRY vagina, in an era of the WETTEST vaginas ever to walk the face of the earth now that women have more male energy than males and squirt…but they are FEMALE and there’s an attack on FEMALE so we much continue to PROTECT females like the men we are…..

The best MEME I saw today was from an LGBTQ2S+LMNOP board somewhere on the cesspool called the internet…was someone saying “The B in the Acronym Stands for BI, So by your own admission, you are saying there are only 2 genders?”

I laughed and I laughed.


Posted in:WetSpot




Mask Chad Being a Hero and Other Videos of the Day

Hot Bitch at the Counter Looks Totally Reasonable

Military Karenn is a Hero!

Biden Reacts to Let’s Go Brandon

Let’s Go Brandon Hits #1

Starbucks is CHEAP as Fuck

Woman THinks Dude is Stealing her friend’s Car

Girl Fround URN with Ashes at Goodwill

South Beach Beach Walk

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Lower your expectations. I am amazed with this self checkout thing working. I guess people are just used to not interacting with people in human form, conditioned to want to do their bullshit themselves so that they don’t need to see anyone.

I see the self checkout shit as a scam trying to make me do the work for the motherfuckers who own the corporations. Do we get to save the money they save, no, they probably increase the prices to blame some bullshit like supply chain shortages…

How are people volunteering to work for free. When the grocery store wants me to bag my own groceries, I get mad, it’s like my one shot to feel like a boss, and they’re trying to take that from me….

The vaccine mandates are obviously an excuse to fire people without having to pay them, so they can bring in the robots and the funniest thing is the unvaccinated, losing their livelihood, are the most positive, charged, enlightened bunch, motivated by this, inspired, finding their tribe, finding their humanity, while the anti-anti-experimental gene therapy are these angry, evil, wishing bad on other people, green skinned, angry, miserable, lonely, zombies….who don’t want to be human, but rather microchipped chattel rewarded for following the rules like a good slave….

I suggest you choose the human experience, vaccinated or not….because it’s more fun, more enjoyable, it’s what we are here for…all this other shit is just bullshit noise.

It’s nice to be willing to die for something….rather than just wait to be killed….HEROES are amongst us.

NOW THESE STEPLINKS in the morning…

Jordyn Jones Plays Squid Game

Nude Model Nausicaa is amazing

Ben Simmons Allegedly Hit Up a Strip Club After Being Kicked Out of Sixers Practice

Getting Out of a Ferrari Fail

Weirdest Laugh Competition

Rat Wants to Show Off Its Baby Like it is an Influencer

Kate Beckinsale is Hot in her Cat Suit

Joy Taylor Welcomed Back the NBA as Only She Can

The New Munsters!

Camille Kostek Hot in her Bikini

Do You Like Cam Girls – Support the Site – While Supporting Cam Girls!

Posted in:stepLINKS