I'll Make You Famous…




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

I make fun of social media and barely participate in social media because I hate everyone and feel like it’s more fun to just update my site in peace without having to go onto social media and scream at everyone to CLICK my links or VISIT my site like a shameless self promoter. I pride myself on having never marketed the site and I guess the it takes money to make money propaganda they tell you is true…cuz in the even you haven’t looked around…there’s no money being made here…I should launch an OnlyFans..where I post a pic of my handbra that took me 3 minutes to take everyday for the losers…DIRECT TO CONSUMER MONEY..would you sign up?

That said, Social Media is the devil for a lot of reasons, from pushing propaganda, to dumbing people down, to making people less informed, more sheep-like, as they follow the leader and listen to influencers, it’s also made them channel their activism in the worst way because instead of doing anything of value, they leave mean comments on those they disagree with, so do the least amount of effort to come across as a hero on the right side of the conversation…it’s nuts…So now new relgions of woke are being formed by morons who only care about themselves pretending to care about the world…you know to come across as decent people….you know all this…

But I will say after this week’s encounter with a MASSIVE cameltoe was a glorious experience for me…if you don’t read the site, I saw some INFLUENCER looking bitch who you know wasn’t an influencer, but her face was a muppet face, her body in bike shorts and a sports bra, her tits busting out, her cameltoe seen from SPACE motherfuckers..it was SO FUCKING BIG, I noticed it from a block away and I have terrible eyesight and I said to myself “evil or not, at least the agenda involves making everyday girls sluts who show me their pussy by jacking their athletic clothing into their pussy, intentionally”….I mean how could a technology that does that, even if they censor anyone on the other side of the conversation, but that people think is “Free”, meanwhile their data’s being mined and monetized…since NOTHING IS FREE….be a bad thing….

MAKE MORE GIRLS SLUTTY AGAIN….and that’s precisely what they are doing, so as someone very into the CAMELTOE for fashion trend, here’s a bunch of PUSSY WEDGIES…


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Kourtney Kardashian Trying to Be Hot of the Day

KOurtney Kardashian

It will always amaze me that anyone subscribes, follows, likes, listens to, is influenced by, finds excitement or inspiration in anything Kardashian….but they do…and that’s unfortunate…which is why I have consistently said that this family, although great marketers and manipulators, are fucking evil and everything they represent is fucking evil….but they give ugly girls hope that they can be hot too….just get filters and injections and photoshop artists on your team…

I’ve seen this whole Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker shit going on and I find it disturbing, but I figure Barker survived a plane crash and likely had a head injury, or maybe he’s the DISNEY pop chasing, clout chasing, overpaid pop-punk drummer who wants relevance and more money, knowing this family is key to that….but I always thought Josh Freese was the Disney drummer in the punk scene…because he was literally a Disney drummer….not to say Blink was ever punk, but I did see them in 1995 before the sold their souls to the industry the first time.

ANYWAY….she’s in a bikini and you can be very confident that this is photoshopped to fuck by her team in efforts to make the mom of 3-4 kids seem like a babe, when we know the entire family are hairy troll fucks with a budget….pushing shit you don’t need on people who don’t need it but that are trained sheep that they just can’t help listening…

I am still amazed that people subscribe to anything this family from the gates of hell does….and this bikini pic of a middle aged pile of shit isn’t convincing me otherwise…but you’ll like the tits..


Posted in:Kourtney Kardashian




Romee Strijd Takes Her Pants Off of the Day

Romee Strijd is the hot Victoria’s Secret model you assumed was just filler because she was just sort of there and never really marketed too aggressively as anything but being a filler Victoria’s Secret model…the kind who is just happy to be included because she probably never expected to be Human Trafficked by the same people who funded Epstein, no not BILL GATES, silly.

She’s managed to launch some YOUTUBE channel that for some reason YOUTUBE always tries to make me watch, where she VLOGS about bullshit like being a new mom…which for the record is the last thing I care about when it comes to a lingerie model….seriously…like keep your blown out pussy and the need to do mom shit out of the half naked pics PLEASE….they never do…

This is her saying “Look my mom body”…which is better than most mom bodies, because like Jessica Simpson and James Cordon with their Million Dollar Weight Watchers deals….girl’s gotta maintain to get paid…proving that if you have the will, the motivation, all these sloppy moms out there don’t need to be sloppy, they do it ON PURPOSE…out of laziness and an addiction to eating bad foods during pregnancy cuz that’s how people are…but when forced to can actually be hot enough again….

The highlight of this photo series is the top is the “casual just being me” pic…the bottom is “I’m a fucking model pic”…and clearly her as a model is pretty fucking good…


Posted in:Romee Strijid




Weed Wednesday of the Day

If everyone smoked more weed, the world would be a better place…

The fact that weed was ever illegal should be more concerning to anyone than whether it should be legal.

It’s a fucking plant bro….you grow it, it buds, you pick the buds and let them dry out, you smoke it, you feel good for a few minutes, you sleep better, you watch movies better, you may even have some creative breakthrough as it opens up synapsis in your brain….but thanks to PROPAGANDA…in a society that poisons themselves DAILY…from big pharma meds, to chemicals in the food, to alcohol and street drugs…the idea of a plant that can improve your life by multiple factors is some “EVIL” thing, when it’s just a threat to the existing big business around it…is crazy.

I hope you realize that getting stoned is barely a thing and that if you can’t get stoned legally where you’re at….it’s the evil rulers you pay taxes to that have taken that right from you…and now if they decide to give it to you…it’s just a bait and switch hustle to get you thinking your government is hip…when clearly…they aren’t…and clearly….it should have never been illegal in the first place..

That said, every subculture, even weed smoking, comes with influencers and models into the subsculture, trying to get ahead in the subculture, cuz it’s a billion dollar industry and they can’t all be top models or influencers…so you go for what you can get I guess.

So here are girls into weed being naked…


Posted in:Weed




Skylar Grey See Through of the Day

Skylar Grey is some singer songwriter who is clearly trying to get some attention to herself, because if she wasn’t, I’d assume she wouldn’t be posting her hard nipples in a tight top in some dramatic photoshoot to her social media knowing that people will respond to that shit more than they would if she didn’t post any pictures at all…but if she didn’t post any pictures at all, would she even be real, would she even exist, would she be someone they hire and pay, or would she be forced to live off the residuals from the hit songs she has a writing credit on…that’d be so unfortunate…could you imagine making millions of dollars and just saying “I’ve hit my target, I’ll go sit back by the pool for a bit”….knowing that there’s MORE out there to grab and peddle….and that nipples are a marketing tool to get it….

I don’t know, she’s a little too alternative for me, but she’s not doing it for me, and you may be into tattooed grey haired, looking like they are AI from the future, I’m just here for the tits.


Posted in:Skylar Grey




Leann Rimes Bikini of the Day

LeAnn Rimes

I don’t know when LeAnn Rimes is going to launch her subscription site, but she’s already trying to bring you the 40 year old who works out, bikini pulled up to her neck, content that really makes her look like a 40 year old in the face and neck, which is rare in this era of everyone being a cat-fishing psychopath who buys what they think is beautiful from their medical spa instead of actually being hot by their own natural devices and then they all run filters and photoshop giving you some artistic rendition of “what they want to look like”…and not what they actually look like because the internet is a scam and bitches are lazy…

That said, I wouldn’t say child star, Christian Country Icon that got fake tits and homewrecked, is doing any of those things, since she looks her age, but I will say it must be nice to always have a fan base despite of being some horrible hollywood personality that let the industry get to her, all thanks to Christians being forgiving and knowing she’s one of their own….and for that, I’ll stare at the tits in a bikini….at any age….


Posted in:Leann Rimes




Workout Wednesday of the Day

I know with all the Body Positive, FAT LIVES MATTER, bullshit propaganda designed to make fat people who you know hate themselves buy products that were traditionally for skinny people, because the market is now 50% fat people thanks to shitty diet and exercise habbits…those cakes tastes so good and sitting feels awesome in front of a screen…when actual exercise is hard, takes effort, and really has no actual purpose now that FAT LIVES MATTER….

It’s clearly another religious chapter in the WOKE cult that is based on lies not science, since we also know that fat people have more chronic illness and premature death than healthy people…and then they ever found out during COVID that something like 90 percent of the deaths were fat people, old people, sick people…shocking to no one but fat people who are in denial about being fat because we’re a society of babies who can’t look in the mirror, or at their XXL tag in their pants and think maybe they’re fucking disgusting lazy slobs who ultimately don’t care about themselves…

I used to get called an asshole when the site still existed…for calling fat girls fat…what a bad person pointing out the obvious…that no one else is pointing out..cuz they are nice, decent, inclusive people who clearly don’t like helping people live better lives….ask anyone who has lost 100 pounds if they miss being fat…none will say they do….because fat is just a product of lifestyle, maybe some mental issues or blocks, that you should WORK THROUGH if you want a better life..

Now I am a fat person with a fat wife, so I can call other fat people fat from experience, it’s the whole reclaiming the word FAT and fighting for the rights of the fat fucks out there….and in doing that…I like to watch girls who do fitness, or who claim to be fit from fitness, in their nude fit body content, cuz it’s positive, it’s uplifting, the endorphins exciting…and whether you’re fat like me or into fitness, the best thing about excerise is the bitches who do it on the regular to not end up fat like you….and those are the real heroes and motivators…maybe it’ll inspire you to hit the track where the hot fit girls in slutty fitness clothing in your neiborhood congregate…maybe taking on fitness will get you healthier, happier and fucked….or if you’ve given up like me, at least it’s better than looking at fat chicks trying to convince you that fat is beautiful….when fat is the easiest thing a person can accomplish…and it’s hardly an accomplishment….


Posted in:Workout




Kristen Bell Bodysuit of the Day

Kristen Bell Bodysuit
Kristen Bell is in her 40s, I have never liked her as an actress. I still resent her for Sarah Marshall being the less hot Mila Kunis with a far shittier attitude that is probably more relatable now that most people have the same shitty attitude cuz they all think they are fucking important due to social media….but Sarah Marshall or not, she’s just not exciting to me…not as a mom, as a personality, as a celebrity, or something to jerk off to….I don’t even know if she’s been nude in movies or not, that’s how much I don’t care about her…

But I guess she’s been getting her mom body fit, like other middle aged women, nothing wrong with musculature from the higher Testosterone levels thanks to menopause…there are tons of fit moms pushing 50 that are built like this at the park, or on a nature hike, or planning to climb Kilimanjaro or do the Appalachian trail….Kristen Bell isn’t some unique things…but the problem is all the middle aged fitness moms with their thin runner bodies look like dudes or lesbians and that’s not hot to me…

So this ones for the Bell fans into middle aged musculature in fitness apparel…weirdos.

Kristen Bell Bodysuit


Posted in:Kristen Bell




Jade Chynoweth Bikini of the Day

Jade Chynoweth Bikini

Jade Chynoweth is some STOP THE YARD actor/dancer, you know the kind of girl who gets cast in the straight to DVD version of a popular yet shitty movie that they want to create into a franchise. I know that “straight to DVD” isn’t a thing – old technology but still a measure of quality as far as I’m concerned…

So she’s a dancer, in dance movies, and maybe dance TV shows, who dances on stage with people like Halsey at award shows or reality shows, because dance is provocative, but an art so not slutty, even when naked and dancing pussy to pussy….so even if dancing is dumb, it’s obviously something people like enough for CHINA to use as a foundation for their spyware app….cuz it can be HOT to watch.

I will say that dancers have a level of fit body, this dancer has a level of titties, and the whole thing is probably far more exciting if you actually get to experience her moves, gyrations, connection to body and soul and rhythm…dancers can fuck it’s a fact….but in selfies, it’s still a set of tits..


Posted in:Jade Chynoweth




Annalynne McCord Cold Plunge of the Day

I think I saw AnnaLynne McCord went viral for claiming to have multi-personality disorder or some other crazy shit that you’d expect from an actor because with every role they have they lose part of their souls, unless they are just the kind of actors who play themselves in every movie, in which case they likely don’t have a soul to begin with….but yeah…the more they act, the more confused they become, the more their original self becomes a creation of them living up to the dream version they had of themselves…and it’s probably pretty hard to break free from that….you see wanting to become famous, doing everything to be famous, comes with a price once you get famous…

That’s not to say AnnaLynne McCord is famous, she’s more a clickbait tabloid fodder who was cast in one TV show once…and decided to bring her sisters along for the ride…like a Phoebe Price but thinking she was like the Kardashians…

Anyway, she takes “ICE BATHS” to help her anxiety that I guess one of her personalities has…while showing off her bikini body the way her other personality likes to do for the attention…


Posted in:AnnaLynn McCord|Annalynne McCord