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stepLINKS of the Day

I just found out that Sam Ronson was in Montreal for some opening event for H+M and she didn’t reach out to hang out or take me out for drinks with all her celebrity DJ money. Sure, I’ve never met her, she doesn’t know I exist but that’s the kind of cunt behavior that hurts […]




Kim Kardashian’s Bikini Pictures of the Day

I get a lot of hate because of this bitch and that in and of itself is enough for me to hate her more than I already do. I have been called jealous becaue I have called her useless, lazy, rich kid who is a Paris Hilton copycat who manged to tricked the world into […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The Backstreet Boys were in town tonight so I decided to walk by the club they were hosting an event at because I was amazed they were all still alive and really curious about what kind of party they would start now that they are all old has-beens. I wasn’t planning on going in, but […]




Sophie Monk is Rich of the Day

Call me sexist, but I don’t think girls should drive expensive sports cars because they have a hard enough time driving everyday cars that putting that kind of horsepower under their vaginas is just asking for disaster and a very luxurious traffic jam caused by her multiple attempts at parallel parking the fuckin’ thing. The […]




Sophie Monk is Hot in a Bikini of the Day

I know that you’re an easy sell when it comes to girls, because you’ve reached that point of desperation. Like the dude I saw hitting on this tight bodied 18 year old the other night. Dude had money, he was probably married and he walked up to her to tell her that she was the […]




90210 Nipple Slip of the Day

With credits like “Car Jacking Girl”, “Hot Girl”, “Tard’s Date” you know you’re dealing with a huge star in the making. She’s also the new girl on 90210, who plays the outrageously rich Paris Hilton type of the show that I hope burns up in flames as fast as the sexual appeal of the middle-aged […]




Gina Lisa Lohink’s Germany’s Next Top Model’s Sex Tape of the Day

This Gina Lisa Lohink was on Heidi Klum hosted Germany’s Next Top Model and that’s the reason you have no idea who she is. She didn’t make it through to the finals, but ended up landing some kind of career working on a travel show but I guess the blow to her ego that she […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I am a little emotional right now. I feel rejected and inadequate. I can’t really focus on writing anything because all the great things I was going to write about just got lost in my head because I am so distraught. A telemarketer just called me, she sounded hot and I embraced the one phone […]




stepLINKS of the Day

My quest for sobriety has come taken a small detour and I blame the bottle of vodka I just finished. I was asked by someone the other night at 4 am, how I manage to write blogs while wasted when they have a hard enough time just checking myspace/facebook, I asked them if they’ve ever […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I am not a racist!!! This email proves it…. Hey Drunken Stepfather. I really like your blog. I’ve been reading it regularly for like a year or something. So I remember when you were posting about how people were emailing you saying that you are racist against black people. But I’m black and I never […]