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Paris Hilton Shows Off Some Tit of the Day

This fame hungry rich kid’s plan still seems to be working. I don’t think anyone really gets that people are talking about a girl who peaked on the first season of Simple Life, because the concept was actually funny, and because Nicole Richie carried the show by being a cunt to the everyday people, but […]




Paris Hilton Flashes Her Panties of the Day

I get called a hater all the time because I tease useless bitches. I can’t really help but be judgemental and tease, it just kind of comes to me, and probably a huge percentage of the world. I think the real thing to fear are the idiots who drink the fucking Kool Aid, you know […]




Paris Hilton Robot Bikini of the Day

Paris Hilton did a photoshoot where she’s wearing some stupid Lady Gaga glasses, which I guess is representative about how full of shit Paris is provided you didn’t realize that she was full of fucking shit. I am sure when they were in High School together, Paris didn’t even notice the weird, fat, mutant girl […]




Kathy Griffin and Paris Hilton Publicity Stunt that Worked of the Day

I generally don’t discriminate when it comes to pussy, unless that pussy belongs to Kathy Griffin. There is really nothing hot about her, except maybe her fire pussy, but that’s just not enough for me. Maybe it’s because she’s ugly, but I’ve fucked ugly girls, I think it’s got more to do with her comedy, […]




Paris Hilton Defending Her Tits in a Blue Dress of the Day

At this point in Paris Hilton’s life, why the fuck does she bother wearing clothes. We’ve all seen her naked enough that you’d think she’d view the world the way my wife unfortunately views our aparment, and that is one wear she is always fucking naked no matter how many times I tell her she’s […]




Bai Ling Borrowed Paris Hilton’s Bra of the Day

I just used all I had for these pictures on the title. This is a disaster, I mean I don’t get who this bitch or what she does, so what would I really have to say about her, that she’s got pretty big cleavage for a fucking asian, I guess I could do that, but […]




Paris Hilton and her Staged Hawaii Vacation of the Day

If any relationships are real in Hollywood, and not just an extension of their PR strategies, you know where they actually have a soul, connection, love, passion, interest in each other, then the Good Charlotte sister will probably be pretty fucking heavy hearted after seeing these pictures, but not as heavy hearted as when his […]




Paris Hilton and Her Skinny Body in a Bikini of the Day




Perez Hilton is So Smitten With Lady Gaga of the Day

Perez Hilton is a glitch in the internet. He was a lonely, fame hungry, ugly, identity crisis homo, with no real talent, but an obsession with celebrity, that he took to the internet and thanks to a series of events, the right time and right place bullshit, and a gay voice in an era when […]




Some Paris Hilton Making Out With Her New Boyfriend of the Day

I am not going to make some cheap STD joke because it’s boring and I’m the kind of guy who gets annoyed of seeing the same shit over and over again, because we get it, she has herpes and so does everyone she fucks and there’s nothing funny about that, it’s disgusting, negligence and disrespect […]