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Paris Hilton is Offensive of the Day

Paris Hilton makes me sick. These pictures of her in her pink Bentley I’ve written about before and it pretty much represents everything I hate about her. She is a tacky bitch who tries to fill the void that is everything about her by buying expensive things that mean absolutely nothing to her because she’s […]




Paris Hilton’s BFF is Fucking Trash…Obviously…of the Day

I am not even going to bother researching this girl’s name because I have absolutely no fucking respect for her. She won some contest to be Paris Hilton’s BFF, which is fucking ridiculous to begin with because Paris Hilton is an irrelevant, washed up rich girl with bad parents. I will argue that even if […]




Nicky Hilton Buys Toilet Paper of the Day

I have no fucking shame, nothing embarrasses me anymore and I think drinking has something to do with that. When I first started up this whole alcohol abuse thing when I was a teenager, I’d feel like an asshole when I did stupid things like tried to get my friend’s girlfriend’s naked, or touching girls […]




Paris Hilton’s Bff Gets Slammed of the Day

In totally uninteresting news, Paris Hilton’s New Bff got slammed in the car following Paris Hilton around. Sure, it’s not the way you’d expect anything remotely close to Paris Hilton to get slammed….but it’s still funny to see her get her leg slammed by the car door and seeing her hurt, because you’d figure competing […]




Paris Hilton Almost Died of the Day

Well unfortunately she didn’t die or almost die, but she is a rich kid and the kind of person who doesn’t leave the hosue for a week if she’s got a pimple. Unfortunately for the guys who have got herpes from her, she doesn’t take the same approach to pimples in her panties, but that’s […]




Paris Hilton’s Push Up Bra Magic of the Day

The single Paris Hilton is really out on the prowl, you know with wearing latex every chance she gets, trying to convince us that she’s this outrageous fuck, but like every slut who dresses like she’s in some kind fetish club chained to a fucking wall getting gang raped, she’s just fronting for the laziness […]




Paris Hilton is Out in Latex of the Day

I guess it’s only natural that when you have spent the last 10 years not using condoms, and suffering the burning, itching, bleeding consequences, that when you’re fresh out of an abusively controlling 9 month long relationship with a man who made you role play as his one true love, his twin brother, by dressing […]




Paris Hilton Causes a Riot Outside Some Skin Care Spa of the Day

I’ve just spent the last 30 minutes on the Kim Sommerville Clinic Paris Hilton was seen leaving, trying to figure out what she had done. I originally thought that it was an abortion clinic, or an Aids walk in center, but then I used google. After realizing that she wasn’t getting the herpes scraped off […]




Paris Hilton in her American Flag Dress Cuz She’s Trendy of the Day

McCain just said at some Election Day Rally today that Sarah Palin’s husband is ready for Washington because he is a champion snowmobiler, who once broke his arm with 250 miles of the race to go and still came in first. Is he fucking kidding? He also said it’s going to be a late night […]




Paris Hilton’s Got Her Crazy Push-Up Bra Again of the Day

Paris Hilton may be dull in the bedroom, dull in her everyday life, useless and not attractive. She may have no talent and she may be a genius playing stupid, but I like to think she’s actually a stupid person with a smart team of advisors who spin her stupidity to work in all of […]