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Nicky Hilton in See Thru Shirt on the Beach of the Day

It’s funny that one daughter from a family can turn out to be pretty low profile and off the radar, who stays out of the media spotlight and who uses her priviledged life to set up businesses that she likes, while the other one turns into a heavy cumslut attention craving piece of shit whore […]




Paris Hilton Flashes Some Panty of the Day

I am the first to admit that I don’t really keep on the pulse of what’s going on in pop culture. I always feel a few steps behind because I am not a 16 year old girl and I never really cared about celebrities. I just kinda fell into this shit and have no real […]




Perez Hilton gets Paid to Put Vagina on his Site of the Day

I don’t understand how Perez Hilton can post a picture of Lindsay Lohan’s vagina, make medical references to it, stating it has a wart/herpe on it, like he isn’t a faggot who has never seen a vagina and still gets advertisers, mainstream appeal, featured on TV shows and be considered a safe for work media […]




Paris Hilton in Some Obnoxious Poses of the Day

Paris Hilton keeps up her bullshit behavior while posing like a cunt promoting her shitty fucking show. The real issue isn’t so much why Paris is in the limelight, or why the paparazzi are taking pictures of her but why executives are giving her TV shows and why people like David Letterman and The View […]




Paris Hilton in a White Bathing Suit Promoting Garbage of the Day

I hate Paris Hilton and I am tired of her fucking lies. She was on The View today talking about how she is doing another season of her new BFF because the last one just wanted fame, you know because she was doing a friend search in the form of a reality show, luring people […]




Paris Hilton is Not Cute in Her Bathing Suit of the Day

There comes a time when a girl turns 28 and it is no longer cute or interesting to see her talk like a baby, pout her lips or try to pose all cute, like a little fuckin’ girl, if anything it is just fucking creepy. There also comes a time when a girl turns 28, […]




Paris Hilton’s BFF Fuckin’ With her Fat of the Day

Here’s some unfortunate suggestive pics of that pig who won Paris Hilton’s BFF contest trying to stay relevant. She’s getting some fat stomach treatment because she is fat, but it looks like she’s got a belly full of cum, something she’s probably used to, because no one is dumb enough to cum inside her and […]




Paris Hilton’s BFF Keeps Trying of the Day

If you’re wondering why this bitch won that Paris Hilton BFF reality show bullshit, it’s because Paris is shallow, loves herself and needed someone with an uglier face than her to make her feel good about herself. Now that this girl has had a taste of Paris’ life for about a week before Paris collected […]




Paris Hilton and Her Magic Tits of the Day

Paris Hilton is out with her new boyfriend and she’s showing off her tits. I don’t care, maybe you do…sure I like tits as much as the next guy – but Paris Hilton I can do without. She was born a rich kid, never had to work a day in her life, but instead decided […]




Paris Hilton’s BFF in Some Staged Bikini Bullshit of the Day

Why would anyone give a fuck about this girl being in a bikini, I guess because she is a girl and is half naked, but that’s about it. It’s not because she’s famous or worth anything, she’sj just a famewhore who happened to win some stupid Paris Hilton produced show. I guess she’s staging these […]