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Miley Cyrus and Her Really Ugly Sister are Hipster Poser Trash of the Day

There are a few problems with these pictures of Miley Cyrus and her sister walking down the street. Firstly, they have secured something I’ve always been saying and that is that Urban Outfitters is some try hard hipster shit, and anything with the name Urban in it is a lie designed for suburban people willing […]




Miley Cyrus Goes for a Drive of the Day

I realize why this Hollywood.tv shit is free to use YouTube paparazzi video, instead of the other paparazzi shit that is too expensive for my blood and I am not just saying that because I am poor, I am saying that because they are seriously not Wal Mart prices, because I guess they think they’re […]




Miley Cyrus is Wholesome with Her Boyfriend of the Day

The only thing that isn’t wholesome about Miley Cyrus and her boyfriend going on a bike ride to grab an ice cream or a milkshake is knowing that she’s going to be spread out over her bed with this fame hungry using model’s dick trying to find the remnants of cookie dough still in her […]




Miley Cyrus is an Excited Teenage Slut of the Day

Miley Cyrus gets all excited about her fame fucking boyfriend, the one who is modeling for Ed Hardy fashion shows and who is an aspiring singer and when Ellen asks her about it, her reaction is so annoying, awkward and obvious, that there’s no way these fag doesn’t fuck her in the ass because it […]




Miley Cyrus’ Male Model Boyfriend is a Sister of the Day

Since I first heard about Miley dating some 20 year old underwear model, I assumed the obvious and that was that the dude was gay, lookin’ for exposure like he was Chris Crocker, only more innovative than Chris Crocker because he actally got hooked in with the biggest thing in entertainment right now, at least […]




Miley Cyrus’ Boyfriends Gives Her a Little Ice Cream of the Day

Tuesday night, Miley Cyrus went to do a staged candid photoshoot at a Milkshake joint owned by a Paparazzi and I posted the video of Billy Ray Cyrus feeding Miley her ice cream yesterday. What I didn’t realize is that she was there with her 20 year old boyfriend, doing normal 16 year old girl […]




Miley Cyrus Gets Fed The Miley Shake By Her Dad and Causes a Riot of the Day

Miley Cyrus launches new shake at Millions of Milkshakes So it turns out that the Hollywood.tv people who have been delivering FREE celebrity videos the last little while and who I have been stealing videos from to mask as my own content are owned by some rich brown dude from London, who owned a Hollywood […]




Miley Cyrus at Sells Out for Her Sweet Sixteen of the Day

That’s right you kiss Minnie Mouse, you teenage whore, that bitch made you who you are today. If she asks you to lick her asshole you do it, if she asked you to fist her little mouse hole, you do it, if she asks you to sell tickets to celebrate your Sweet 16 with a […]




Miley Cyrus Hits Up the Tanning Salon of the Day

Miley Cyrus like all young sluts, was spotted leaving the tanning salon the other day. There’s just something about tanning salons that screams that anyone who goes to them is not a fucking virgin, especially when they are in California, the Sunny State, leading me to believe she’s sleeping in all day and in up […]




Katy Perry and Miley Cyrus in a Lesbian Pedophile Fantasy of the Day

So Katy Perry is doing all that she can to hold onto this fame that she’s unfortunately got for a song that I can’t fucking stand and she’s doing it by hanging out with Miley Cyrus, giving us all some Lesbian Pedophile fantasies we’d get arrested for if we tried to play shit out with […]