Hailey Baldwin is in Leather to represent the binds that her boy Jesus Christ was bound by dying for our sins so that she can spend her life building her instagram by being a ho, so that she can show her tits like a ho, and pretend that she’s doing it for the betterment of humanity, while really it’s about self involvement and being as hot as she can be in exchange for brand deals and magazine photoshoots that celebrate her – thanks to being a Baldwin from the lower tier Baldwin clan but still a Baldwin…
She’s a chick who wants to be hot so bad, while claiming to be Christian, despite clearly being a disgusting vapid sinner who represents the evil that is society….that comes with free thought and the ability to self produce smut to build an audience.
If you’re gonna cry JESUS freak, be a fucking Jesus freak already….not some weird convoluted confusing harlot.
Earlier today (10 minutes ago), I wrote that I find it really weird that Hailey Baldwin is a Jesus Freak, like on some Born Again Christian level, who hangs with preachers, whether it’s a lie that she tells because it makes her feel like she’s got more substance, a spiritual side, a purpose in this world…rather than being a vapid, useless, spoiled brat trying to whore herself out for attention and money like a sex worker…which I guess is what happens when you commit to growing your social media feed by latching onto the devils the Hadids and the Kardashians…terrible fucking humans….when really she’s just a bootleg version of that…
I don’t know what weird rich person Evangelical Christian revival churches she’s going to, but it must be one like Scientology, that speaks to these terrible people and their egos…
Because any real Christian would use her platform for good, to spread the GOSPEL of her lord…while this one just flashes her cunt…
Here are those tight red pics again (yes I posted them 10 minutes ago)
I find it really weird that Hailey Baldwin is a Jesus Freak, like on some Born Again Christian level, whether it’s a lie that she tells because it makes her feel like she’s got more substance, or the truth thanks to weird Evangelical churches being more progressive in what they do, to recruit more people into their trap…knowing the world is a sluttier place…
But looking at her social media feed, and all she does out there in the world working for brands, shamelessly self promoting herself to try to get more famous, more brand deals, and not for having talent or substance, but for being “hot” and procovative…seems totally anti any church I know…
She’s out there in tight slut dresses like some kind of harlot, with her tits all over the damn place, all for attention, hoping it will lead to bigger half naked shoots…
She wants people jerking off to her, loving her, thinking she’s hot…yet she’s of the lord…
Sounds like some totally confused, rich girl, raised by a confused dad, who the rest of the world is confused by him ever being famous.
This is some silly…pushing her ass out…making me wonder what’s on her phone in the pics she doesn’t post to social media…narcissist, attention seeking, porno star trying to break families apart with her procovative slut dress on….BAD CHRISTIAN.
Hailey Baldwin is some bullshit new age Christian, who hangs with some scamming preacher, who I guess offers her and her other trendy idiots some level of spirituality in what is otherwise an empty existence…but that with spirituatality and religion, especially when catered to their narcissism, shit the Bieber, Selena Gomez and all these other broken rich kids are flocking to, they feel like their vapidness is for a higher purpose or whatever….
I assume they don’t have the mental capacity to really grasp it, plus this Baldwin’s dad is some religious bullshit, thanks to alcohol and drug recovery….meaning she was raised with the church that caters to garbage people..
So seeing her ass for some random market ELLE magazine is funny to me, does she really think she’s doing art, or helping the world, and not just trying so fucking hard to be a hot chick people throw money at like a stripper but on a bigger stage.
It’s crazy. But as a Christian all she does is for Christ and he will forgive her of her sins because that’s what he does apparently…
It’s an obnoxious / exclusive event that happens every year, that I am not invited to, because I am irrelevant, barely exist, I am not fashion or celebrity and even if I was invited, I would avoid…I have social anxiety…even if there’s an open bar there…
I’m more into gutter strip clubs…and backwoods dive bars…you know…
I know you’ve seen all these pictures on all the sites, because that’s what the Met Gala is, a media hype to celebrate Narcissists by giving them an excuse to dress up, to be seen, to be talked about…but I figure I’ll post it to…in this MASSIVE and amazing post….The highlight of the MET was CHLOE SEVINGNY – SHE GOT HER OWN POST – A POST DEDICATE TO HER
So here we go..
Ariana Grande Possibly Pregnant, Poisoning her Kid With the Self Tanner Tits
Bella Hadid Dominatrix Gear – Looking like she’s Khloe Kardashian…not hot to me…but hot to the people she’s been marketed to who can’t resist buying into bullshit…
Cara Delevingne looking for pussy, on the pussy prowl, or maybe she’s looking for crack..cuz girl looks rugged to me…lesbians..right…
Bella Hadid and Hailey Baldwin understand the power of clickbait, they both exist because of it, so of course they are together continuing it.
They are both the bottom wrung of the ladder that was the Jenners and Gigi Hadid, who let these two idiots tag along, and who as they both found the whole clickbait for attention boring, and their face injected faces turned 50 years old, realizing they are rich as fuck and don’t need to run around to event after event for attention, something that I guess is what happens to these cunts before they breakdown and commit suicide….
These two moved in and scooped up all the available jobs, because they know they are still “relelvant” for now…the “it crowd” for now…despite not being compelling or exciting..or even that hot…especially not Bella Hadid…
The weirdest thing in this bikini clickbait, is that Hailey Baldwin is a self proclaimed Jesus loving Christian, yet she’s doing all the tactics a low level satan worshipping heathen would do….you know digging deep as she can to walk that fine line of sex worker and legitimate star.
I am not surprised she’s got a TV show host job, brand deals, that her last name she’s been riding is known and accepted as royalty by America…
I just don’t understand why people care or buy into it…but if this is a preview of the sex tape that will be released in a decade when they are forgotten…I’m into it…even then…mid 30s…looking 50…recovering addicts scissoring..
While for now it’s just “let’s be playful, let’s be pan sexual, let’s be current and free in our scamming”…
And what it comes down to is that their scamming fucking works…
Here’s a bunch of their Miami trip..STAGED PICS….DON’T BELIEVE THEM….STAGED
Hailey Baldwin makes me laugh, only because she’s trying so hard to be famous, and she’s doing it the standard instagram way, being as shameless as she can, lingerie, bikini, tits, ass…you know exploitative sexting with her audience which in and of itself is so basic and boring, but in her case unnecessary because she’s a Baldwin and being a Baldwin means she has more access than most, and doesn’t need to be such a bottom feeder…yet she is…
She groupies on the Kardashians, Hadids, is part of the lamest “it girl clique” that are hardly it girls to me, they all look like rich kids trying to be part of something who don’t belong there, consumers really just buying their way into it…and the media planners around them buying in cuz they have the followers from their marketing.
The weirdest thing about her is that she’s a Christian and hangs with other Christians while everything about her is unchristian. This is no Mother Theresa doing good for the world, passionate about dying poor people in Calcutta…this is vapid and disgusting…and confused and we as a people should protest…but her tits are alright I guess..she’s skinny and read to take over for the other whores who have made it….
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She was on FALLON and wanted to self promote cuz this is the big times for such a low level garbage piece of shit….and she posted this pic to show off her legs she loves…like a good little Christian who wants people jerking off to her like GOD and JESUS would…spread the word of the lord and accept his grace…or some shit…though SMUT
Hailey Baldwin is just low hanging fruit celebrity daughter garbage to me…but at least she’s got decent long thin legs in her starvation of herself to pretend to be a model because modeling is all her generation wants because it takes the selfie looking in the mirror obsession about themselves and turns it into something legit…
She’s managed to leverage being the third tier Jenner, by sticking by them, associating with them, groupie-ing them, being tolerable and a good add on to their group, a prop really and is finally able to get some deals, host some TV shows, seem like a meme or relevant pop culture figure…and even with her jacked up face…I’m not hating it…I like the worth ethic despite not working, draggin out her family name and her friends as long as she had because I feel rich kids need to succeed at doing nothing, have money thrown at them and celebrated doing nothing…you know it’s an important message to send the kids eho follow them……
Look two vapid idiots who all leverage off each other, like they are the popular girls in high school, but instead of it being about high school, it’s real life, if you consider instagram real life..
They are both made from instagram, two rich kids who aren’t that hot, who managed to position themselves in the right places, post slutty pics in the right places, thank to having rich parents who wanted them in the right places, in order to scam the fuck out of the system that is half retarded thanks to Brand Managers and Marketing decision makers being 22 year old idiots fresh out of college just excited to work with big names on instagram…
So Bella Hadid, leveraged Gigi Hadid, who leveraged Kendall Jenner, who Leveraged Kim Kardashian…while Haily Baldwin sit on the sidelines and waited until someone noticed her because she went everywhere they went knowing eventually she’d get her shot…
There is effort, strategy, work that goes into these idiots just trying to make it, to have legitimacy, all while being bullshit…
So instead of using their money and resources for good, to save the world, or the turtles like Lily Rose Depp, they push harder and harder at making themselves more relevant…
Disgusting humans being disgusting..
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About JW Player 6.12.4956 (Pro edition)
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I don’t give a shit that Hailey Baldwin identifies as a born again Christian, who loves Jesus and all that Jesus does, because she was raised by a psycho narcisstic drug addict, Stephen Baldwin, who found Jesus to deal with his inner demons and to find purpose in his life…
I don’t really care what this bitch preys to, or what scamming hipster pastor she sees for spiritual guidance…
But she seems to be very public about it…all while being public about being an exhibitionist, sex worker, who wants the world to follow her, and obsess over her, like she herself was a religious idol…and that is really everything against any religion I know…but I guess Jesus saves or some shit, so she’ll be ok…with her lie of a life she lives…
When you post pics of you playing with your tits on your social media..you’re a straight up hooker…straight up…bible thumper or not…