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Archive for the SFW Category




Christina Milian Fame Whoring for Love Magazine Advent Calendar of the Day

Here’s a little Christmas cheer in the form of no Christmas cheer with nothing to do with Christmas at all because Christmas is associated with a religion and that’s not very Politically Correct, unless your religion is non Christian…

For the last 5-6 years I’ve been featuring this Love Magazine Advent calendar content because I find it semi interesting, ambitious, something to talk about in a world where everything, including this is dull…

But in Love Magazine’s defence, that could have nothing to do with them and everything to do with an old, tired, Christina Milian pretending she was Miley Cyrus with her inflatables, because that’s big on instagram, something Milian has been trying to make happen since she got Instagram…and that I guess worked out for her…thanks to being rich, on TV and posting slutty pics…it’s like scientific formula…or some shit…

I find Mom Milian boring, sad, even pathetic….she probably gets 100,000 – 1,000,000 dollars a month for her writing credit on Bieber’s Baby, Baby, Baby…which makes her rolling around in a bikini strictly for her own vanity…and I prefer when whores are a bit more humble…


Posted in:Christina Milian|Love Magazine|SFW




Heidi Klum for Galore Magazine of the Day


Galore Magazine is a magazine that’s doing the whole throw parties at key events like Art Basel, Fashion Week and Coachella…cast the key instagram models on instagram as part of the magazine….to make sure they go to the parties…do cover photoshoots with people of interest or actual models…like Heidi Klum..have those people of interest also show up at those parties…and you pretty much just secured relevance…without even writing one life changing article..and who really wants to write a fucking article…when you can hang out at parties with models and take pics…as that’s the level of brain power the kids have…clever…

I don’t think the pics are that hot, I hate black and white from a digital camera, but I guess they compliment Heidi Klum best, since she’s old as fuck..but she does still have a great body…which is more than I can say about the old people I fuck, all medicated, half dead, and disgusting as I pull their adult diapers to the side…

Posted in:Heidi Klum|SFW




Josephine Skriver for David Bellmere of the Day


Josephine Skriver is a test tube baby…created in the labs..by her “dad” a homo biologist and her mom a lesbian I assume works at the Victoria’s Secret head office in Ohio….and volunteered to be the front of this creepy experiment that would make sense for Victoria’s Secret to finance…because if you can build a model, not only does it feed your God Complex, but if you scale it out, can be cost effective…

Sure the first one is 100,000 dollar project, but once you get an assembly line going, you can probably pump out a mode for 100k or less, far more affordable than paying these girls 100k per campaign…and hell you don’t need to hose or feed them, just chain them to a lamp post like an old bike…robots…easy…

This is a pic on instagram by David Bellmere, who I still think is one of the better photographers out there…

Posted in:Josephine Skriver|SFW




Gigi Hadid has Shitty Legs of the DAy

Here’s GIGI Hadid pretending to be taller than she is, with the most ridiculous high heels, that probably make her look like she’s 5 foot 9, like when they Put Tom Cruise in platform shoes in movies, so that the female costar doesn’t overpower his homosexual, scientologist, masculinity…

So if you’re wondering why Gigi Hadid has shitty legs, seeing as she’s this model….who is an “it girl”…in every fucking campaign…

It’s that she’s not an actual model, but an instagram person positioned better than most instagram models due to money and fame whoring parents…

So don’t expect model legs here…they are instead just legs that starve themselves trying to be a model…and I don’t find it sexy at all…and I love legs…which may be why I don’t find it sexy…because I know good legs when I see them, not knobby knees trying to disguise themselves as good legs…


Posted in:Gigi Hadid|SFW




Britney Spears is Erotic to Me of the Day


Britney Spears is still a magical creature….

She gives me hope with that “If I even had kids, I’d want to exploit the fuck out of them, so that they make me millions at the expense of their childhood, only to figure out a way to make her lose her mind at 19, so that I can keep ownserhip on her, if you have a crop yielding farm….you don’t sell it until it stops”….concept of parenting..

Something that books should be written on…”how to whore your kids out”….but that no one will ever write it, as they like to pretend they aren’t whoring out their kids, as they cash they checks…

So Britney Spears is more than just a mom in a sports bra…she’s more than a performer with a legacy….she’s more than a Vegas show…and she’s more than a human…she’s an inspiration to parents everywhere…a case study, if you will.


She’s also in a white Dress:



Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW




Miranda Kerr’s Naked Cover of the Day


Miranda Kerr continues her trapping of a billionaire lesson…this time with a nude cover for Harper’s Bazaar Australia…

I already posted MIRANDA KERR WHORING today…

I don’t know how much more Miranda Kerr I can handle, because even when she was a low level, or even at her peak as a Victoria’s Secret model, I found her uninteresting…so this sugar baby version of her…remains dull at best…


Posted in:Miranda Kerr|SFW




Kylie Minogue Hanging Out With Herself of the Day

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Kylie Minogue is posing with herself…I am not too sure which on is the wax figure and not just because I am too busy wondering if the vagina is built into it, or more importantly if the vagina is self lubricating, but because Kylie Minogue is this weird phenomenon who has been working since the 80s, but who doesn’t age, making me think she’s a fucking AI or a Robot…or a modern version of a sex doll….she’s even survived CANCER…which could be attributed to her scientists who made her readjusting her DNA…

You see if you’ve ever seen an Australian in her 30s, you’ll know…at 30…their faces pretty much melt into weirdness…thanks to the sun…

But this one…is still so youthful…weird..but what’s weirder is that I’d still fuck her if she was a burn Victim…flesh melting and dripping everywhere…because she’s been a constant source of “I’d fuck that” throughout my adult life…



Posted in:Kylie Minogue|SFW




Eliza Dushku’s Bikini of the Day

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Eliza Dushku is some 90s babe – who I guess got bored of trying to live the normal life back in Boston, you know doing the whole college thing at 35, in effort to say “fuck you hollywood and rich athlete boyfriends”…in a “I’m going to do this on my own, with my millions, for real though”….

In doing that going to class, maybe even joining a sorority, interacting with 20 year olds, she’s pretty much fitting right in, posting the bikini selfies…like this was Spring Break, since one thing young people know is…bikini selfies…w

But you can’t be too sure, celebrities do this shit too, as fame whoring is all part of what she’s known the last 1.5 decades….


Posted in:Eliza Dushku|SFW




Rihanna’s Samsung Ads Push Limits and are Amazing….of the Day

This is a more interesting approach to the Holiday Advent calendar…but more importantly it’s a pretty intresting approach for a brand like Samsung to get behind this dark, made for the internet, all fetishy and dark….project…

These videos aren’t even hitting a million views, which is insanity considering this is Rihanna, an A list artist who people love…and I’m not quite sure why, because tehy are some of the best videos I’ve seen produced by a celebrity for the sake of a campaign pretty much ever…and I’ve been doing this for a long fucking time…

I guess, it just takes an “artist” who doesn’t give a fuck because she makes more money than the Island she’s from collects in taxes each year…and realizes the candy coated bullshit that these brands pay millions of dollars on, can actually have some concept, depth or erotic tone…

Ya know what I mean…if you don’t just check out what Taylor Swift is doing for the holiday campaigns she’s plugging…

How do these have less than a million views…and they’ve been online for more than a week…makes zero sense, they’re gold…

ANIT Diary – Room 2-

ANIT Diary – Room 3-

ANIT Diary – Room 4

Posted in:Rihanna|SFW




Miranda Kerr’s Day 9 for Love Magazine of the Day

In Miranda Kerr’s school of landing a billionaire, like a billionaire escort, part of a billionaire escort agency, where she’s both the pimp and the whore. she’s taught us a few things…

The first is that you need to get out of your relationship with some has been actor, and the best way to do that is by fucking Bieber…

The second is to get fired from your million dollar contract with a lingerie company, because the billionaires you are trying to bed won’t want to pay your rent when they know you have work…they just like that you had work and that you’re in a place of desperation that requires their help…

The third is to pull in some sporadic campaigns, so that she doesn’t seen like a full mooch….and the last thing is to do some media, get some red carpet pics, you know seem like an active member int he model world…because these billionaires want models, they don’t want girls who once modeled…

I guess Love Magazine Advent Calendar was the perfect…outlet for Miranda Kerr, you know it comes out before Christmas shopping, so Snapchat (worth 16 billion dollars)….is probably going to be extra nice the more guys jerk off to her, because clearly he wasn’t looking for a virgin.

Posted in:Miranda Kerr|SFW