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Archive for the SFW Category




Gigi Hadid Topless Panty Pic for Attention of the Day

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9 Hours ago…Gigi Hadid posted a picture of her in her underwear…whore.

Because Gigi Hadid is raised in a vapid, vain world by a hooker wallet fucking mom and a dad who fucks hooker wallet fuckers…leading to an importance on her looks and popularity…because it validates the entire family…

These are people who were raised next to the Kardashians, and like rich people having competitive over the top kid’s birthday parties, constantly one-upping the neighbor…this is the social media version of that…

It’s like the Hadids smile at the Kardashians, probably have family dinners and Christmas parties, despite being arabs with the Kardashians, but hate them, because in their world, their small world AMerica looks upon and idolizes…the Kardashians are winning…so the dad’s gone to the drawing board and is figuring out his next play and I guess part of it involves Gigi feeling the need to take nude selfies…for no reason but attention…

So everyone…look at Gigi, exploiting herself and not just because she’s fucking a Jonas Brother, but because she feels the need to publicly post panty pics…weird…

Posted in:Gigi Hadid|SFW




Kylie Jenner Drops Her Pants of the Day

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30 minutes ago…Kylie Jenner posted a picture of her with her pants off…whore…

Because Kylie Jenner is a puppet and the family realizes that she’s their answer for the next year to 5 years of content, before Kanye’s kid can start its porn career like its mother…

SO all resources are being pumped into this little one, she’s more interesting to people, because she’s “Hood” and dates “Hood” people in the “hip hop” world…even though there’s nothing street, hood or gangster about hip hop…that shit is for white girls who say “I can’t even…I literally can’t even”…and suburbanites…not gangsters….

That world is pop now, it’s lucrative..while the other one takes on hipster fashion, this one’s gonna be secured in this video vixen world…giving the family more money making potential….since it’s all business…

The interesting thing in all this is that even with all her surgery…she’s not even that cute…but everyone’s all about it…so let’s go along with it until the suicide we expect to happen when it all ends happen…there’s no way her life and the way she’s been exploited will result in anything good…unless she really is just another vapid retard puppet…due to conditioning, programming…but even Elizabeth Smart escaped her cult…it’s bound to happen…

Posted in:Kylie Jenner|SFW




Maddie Ziegler Weird Dancing and Elle Fanning in i-D of the Day

Maddie Ziegler from Dance Moms and her 3.9 millon followers on Youtube, is also the creepy dancer from those SIA music videos….she’s insanely famous…and only 13 years old…which will make a great documentary when she’s working as a chainsmoking stripper in some airport strip club in Jersey…

Well, i-D magazine decided to make this hip, awesome, indy film, viral video of her, you know using her their own marketing program like they were that Australian popstar…or even her parents who got her into all this…because why not, what else is she gonna be doing, junior high?…whatever..

All I can wonder is how many creepy dudes have masturbated to her not knowing she’s 12….and/or knowing she’s 12….

I realized early on in Youtube’s existence that little kids update videos of themselves, and that the commenters on said videos, had accounts that if you clicked on you’d see had favorited endless little kid dance videos, because they are fucking predators…with accesss to their criminal, vile, disgusting fetish…on a Google owned property…because really porn sites are the devil and can’t get advertisers, yet youtube is the site where the real weirdos and predators and pedo’s jerk off…

Not that it matters, what matters is that this weirdo hipster, who’s family is exploiting, and creeps are loving, because they like the money…and fame….is in this video…and she freaks me out…

Elle Fanning is also in the latest i-D…in a bra…young girls everywhere..

Posted in:i-D|Maddie Ziegler|SFW




Selena Gomez Posted a Picture of Someone Else To Promote her Album of the Day


I guess Selena Gomez has taken the body shaming she deserved, because she’s a popstar and in being a popstar, has no business teaching the youth that being 15 lbs overweight is acceptable, because it is unhealthy, and it will lead to premature death….it’s her one responsibility….to heart…and has got fit…

Or she just photoshops herself to look fit…

I mean she had no excuse for her overeating during her depression from losing her Bieber baby…not even bigger tits…

She’s rich,has a team of people behind her, and alongside with her pretending to be her friend cuz she’s Selena Gomez


Like Taylor Swift…

When she’s an actor and can just pretend she’s acting, and her character, that is her popstar self needs to be skinnier…Because she’s looking better in these pics, but she’s still Selena Gomez, and thus absolute garbage on all fronts….but then again, it could be angles…look at the fat chin…and possible herpes lip…disgusting.

Selena Gomez


Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW




Francesca Eastwood for Esquire of the Day


Here’s Francesca Eastwood, she’s Clint Eastwood’s daughter with what I assume is some above average, possibly babe, since he’s famous as fuck and has been for the last 60 years, woman…who he knocked up because he’s a good, gun bearing, republican for God…

Who is raising, but not really, because he’s old as fuck, and is more of a grandfather, young harlots, like Francesca Eastwood…..who seem as thirsty as the groupies he’s probably plowed through as the cowboy everyone loved….from the 50s til today…

That said, I am sure her career has been hard to pull off, you know being an Eastwood is both a blessing and a curse, as she’ll probably say in her interview, because she has so much to live up to, and it’s so hard to differentiate herself from her iconic father….something she genuinely believes…or tells herself…

While we all know she only matters because she’s an Eastwood…

It’s like “Look how hot Clint’s daughter is….She’s half naked in Esquire”…or “look another hollywood heiress trying to maximize her fame because it’s good for her instagram followers”…

That said…I think I’m in love…and I’m glad she’s happened…because this is exactly how I want to see any aspiring actress, whether born into the top tier of the industry, or working as a stripper…

That said, I think I’m seriously in love…

This girl is perfect.

Posted in:Francesca Eastwood|SFW




Rihanna Still has a Nipple Ring of the Day

Rihanna loves showing her nipple rings..which makes sense because she loves showing her nipples…so much that she manages to do it while wearing a shirt…she’s just that committed to people seeing the shine of her nipple, because I guess she’s at the stage of not giving a fuck. She’s sold her soul to the world, and as a small island girl, the daughter of a garbage man, making 100,000,000 dollars a year…how could she really give a fuck…not to mention being small town means everyone is up in your business all the time, and if people want to look at her nipple ring like it matters, let them…because she’s cashed the fuck in on average at best talent….


Rihanna posted a ton of bikini pics from Brazil two years ago- it’s a sign

Posted in:Rihanna|SFW




Cindy Crawford’s May Have Nipples in The Edit of the Day


Cindy Crawford is lovely as fuck. Sure she’s old, tired, washed up, haggard even, but I think she’s a delicate flower still in bloom, just barely in bloom, because she’s Cindy Crawford, despite what her menopause and dried up pussy is saying.

I guess retiring at 30, to live a life of luxury with some Billionaire Heir of the Gerber baby food empire, allows your already good genes to preserve and age better…

Maybe I have a soft spot for 1993, when she really fucking mattered, and I have a hard time moving on…in all aspects of my life…it is still 1993…

Maybe it’s just that I ran into her on the street, one of the only models I’ve run into in person…we locked eyes, and I realized then and there….how she manipulated everyone to fall into her trap…

Posted in:Cindy Crawford|SFW




Gisele Bundchen Naked For Vogue of the Day


Gisele Bundchen is a possible dude from Brazil, turned lingerie model, as these things happen, when you’re from Brazil, and all the hottest girls in Brazil have a penis…it’s a way of life..and it makes solid financial sense for the modelling agencies…because no periods..

A story that makes sense based on her tight, not very feminine body or face…and sure she’s married and has kids, but that can be faked and her husband Tom Brady, could very possibly use her as Locker room sports initiation…

Now she’s in Vogue Paris..naked enough, shot by Mario Testino….boring…sure…old yes..a man maybe…naked enough…yes…this is probably some of her best work….

Posted in:Gisele Bundchen|Mario Testino|SFW|Vogue Paris




Juliette Lewis Scratching her Pussy Meme of the Day

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I guess this is pretty representative of where we are as a society….

Juliette Lewis, the actress who has been acting forever, and who has looked like a crackwhore forever…I mean even at 16 on National Lampoon, I was surprised she wasn’t toothless begging to suck dick for a hit….

Some people have resting bitch face…Juliette Lewis has gutter crackwhore face….who you’d expect to be either piss covered, or reaching into her pussy pulling out used condoms, scabs or vaginitis…

But when it happens…we all laugh….because We’re still infants who laugh at piss, fart and yeast infection moments…We love seeing people embarrass themselves like “It’s America’s Funniest Home Videos”…

So the story is…”she’s adjusting her underwear”…while “some stalker”…takes pics of it…but didn’t get the finger sniffin’

But good news for her…it went viral in the meme-stream…


Posted in:Juliette Lewis|SFW




Taylor Swift Doing the Splits with Black Men of the Day


Taylor Swift decided to casually show the world some of her moves she uses while getting her heart broken as she banks out as many dudes as she can to fill the void in her soul that she originally thought fame and money would fill…only to realize it is requires something much more primal than that…a good fuck…so this girl has gone through some of the dirtiest cocks in Hollywood….making her as polluted as a porn star…but unlike a pornstar, she didn’t spin it as being feminist, but rather…as being broke hearted and taken advantage of a man who just wanted to get her doing the splits on her dick…when you know she’s the kind of girl who wants to be gagged by her panties while begging for the mother fucker to split her in half…and that this broken heart is just her quest to find the perfect fitting massive cock…cuz this pussy can take some objects….large objects…to satiate her insatiable appetite…that she will spin into a sob story for people to believe so that they relate and buy…


All this to say, fuck this ho not just because she’s rich, but because her long lean body can do the splits…

Posted in:SFW|Taylor Swift