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Archive for the SFW Category




Samantha Hoopes for Stone Fox Sweat of the Day


Take a 20,000 dollar a night “model”….who will do virtually anything for 20,000 dollars, and instead of using her to her full potential, you know because she is known for being a “bikini” model…yes a “bikini model”…who was in “Sports Illustrated”….because she’s a “bikini model”…and I am not putting “bikini model” in quotes…like it is supposed to mean she’s a sugar baby hooker who bangs billionaires….or maybe I am…

But if I was a billionaire, I probably wouldn’t bother banging this one, when I can have all of them, probably at the same time, but I would definitely hire them to do great things…like wipe my ass with their tongue because if you’re paying that kind of money for something, that is only there because you are paying that kind of money, then why use toilet paper.

Or you can put her in fitness clothing campaign…that seems like a genius use of her “bikini modeling” capabilities….

Posted in:Samantha Hoopes|SFW




Ashley Benson Channels Kate Upton of the Day

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I guess Ashley Benson is a bit of a shape shifter on her NYC trip promoting some movie that she plays some kind of nerd action star in….

A promo tour she’s contractually obliged to do, but that I guess she’s doing to show off her real talent or super power of an actress…

And that is being able to go from a see through top wearing, broad backed, built like monster Kate Upton, all thick and sloppy and disgusting….

To a 45 year old mom out on the town after her divorce went through…talent…

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Here she is in a Towel for snapchat…


Posted in:Ashely Benson|SFW




Kendall Jenner for Estee Lauder of the Day

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Looks like a porn shoot to me…and I’ve been on porn shoots so I know…

Naked girl, in bed…for “fashion”…

Seems pretty suspicious to me you gang of fucking perverts doing your pervert things…

I guess when your existence is based on a hooker and a pornstar sister….

Getting naked in bed is considered benefiting from all the shit her mom and sister had to stick in their mouths…you know like when you meet a cab driver or blue collar laborer who slaved so that his kids could be doctors or lawyers, but the slut version…

I mean shes’ getting paid, so that makes it ok, that’s what I tell every girl taking money to get naked under and and all situations, whether it is for…and it’s subtle, I mean we can’t even see her labia…making it all ok….since the reality is, we’re all fucking whores..

Posted in:Kendall Jenner|SFW




Miley Cyrus for the MTV Awards of the Day

I think it’s safe to say that in this generation…no one really cares about award shows, people are too busy taking selfies, and the only people who would care about award shows, would be people who got free tickets to the award shows, and decide to go for an activity that other people don’t have access to, in order to get that selfie…

I think it is also safe to say, that Miley is better suited playing on the internet, posting to her social media for her retard fans, acting like some innovative performance artist, when really just being a bad impression of a angsty teenager on tumblr that the general public just take as serious, because people are too lazy to think or bother…and realize it’s just a parody or joke…

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Like jokes like this: “12 Incher in My Bed..Like any other Thursday”,,, or her lesbianism….or half nakedness…all the time…when really all that matters is her not ever speaking, because her talking voice out of the side of her hick mouth…terrifies me.

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Kimberly Garner in a Bikini…of the Day



Kimberly Garner is in a bikini… who is Kimberly Garner? Who cares…she’s in a bikini, working the paparazzi, so that people look her up, or remember that she was on some UK TV show…and who at one point in time was desperate enough to follow me on Twitter, so that I’d notice her, and if that’s not bottom feeding, it’s even lower grade than that….but it’s fucking bottom feeding. off the bottom feeding..then she blocked me…because that’s what cunts like this do. They are out for themselves…using you as far as they can, so jerk off to her and forget her name..because we can’t feed into this..


Posted in:Kimberly Garner|SFW




Emily Osment’s Big Cleavage of the Day

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I have a theory that I have written about pretty much every single time I’ve written about this Emily Osment character…

The theory, although probably just a figment of my imagination, that is a more interesting place than Hollywood, is that Hayley Joel Osment was the original Bruce Jenner…but no one cared…like he was Bruce Jenner…because Bruce Jenner is a sensationalized clown…and Hayley Joel was the kid from the Sixth Sense…

So, my thinking is that he went from Hayley Joel Osment to Emily Osment…the second he hit puberty and realized he wasn’t cute wouldn’t be nominated for anymore Oscars….because he was at one point nominated for Oscars…

Like so many boy actors before him, being fed that he “will he be the best actor at 6″…something that essentially would prove acting is a fucking joke, that doesn’t require any training or skill, even a 6 year old can do it…

But then he grew up, and no one cared, forgotten….which is probably rough on your self esteem, so rough that you turn yourself into a chick, because you know…tits get hits and as long as you show them off…people will be blinded by the tits..and that’s all you care about and all you need to have a career…

Or it could be his sister…but where’s the fun in that.

Posted in:Emily Osment|SFW




Irina Shayk in a See Through Outfit of the Day

A photo posted by irinashayk (@irinashayk) on

23 Hours ago…

Irina Shayk posted these pictures of her in a dress…that was a little revealing…but not as revealing as her pissing for some paying client on a webcam in some webcam girl warehouse owned by the Russian mob she is supposed to be working at…

But I guess with the whole Russian Billionaire thing, she managed to escape the communist wake that has made so may of these souless babes…like serious fucking babes…turn to that life…

While instead running off to date celebrities and famous soccer players…because when you’re hot, in the right circle, run the right PR around yourself, all the rich guys want inside you, like buying a ferrari…a used, passed around, Russian, only it it for your money…ferrari..

But these rich people don’t care, they just want the best of everything, and she’s packaged herself like that…

She’s also packaged herself like a toilet papered house at the Frosh or Halloween..

She’s also looking pregnant, or bloated, on her period or knocked up….because you can’t live a life as a sugar baby properly without child support checks…the stupid 20k a kid kind…otherwise, she’s gotta operate as an escort with access to credit card..and escorts have no independence…something Russians who have been oppressed for ever don’t like…it reminds them of their past…but they do like money…

Who cares…she’s hot..that’s what matters.

Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Miley Cyrus Beach Daze of the DAy


Like I said…

These people are so fucking calculated…and suck me in every fucking time…

But Miley Cyrus, in all her bullshit, TUMBLR Hipster that isn’t a hipster because she’s fucking mainstream as fuck and hipsters are anti-mainstream…but hipsters don’t actually exist, but a bunch of fucking Miley Cyrus phony artists do, which is ok by me, since Art is a fucking scam…

Just keep getting naked girl…I got you.

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Madonna’s Daughter in a Bikini of the Day


I think it’s safe to say that Lourdes Leon is doing better than Zoe Kravitz…

Because she’s just showing off her tits like her mother…

Not dating her mother…

These celebrity kids are fucking weird…just raised by self involved, narcissist, horrible people, who have too much fucking money…and infrastructure that lives a very unrealistic existence…making these people social experiments…


Posted in:Lourdes Leon|SFW




Kendall Jenner in Bed of the Day


These people are so fucking calculated…and suck me in every fucking time…

Because we are basic, this is basic marketing, it’s why we bought beer in the 80s…and cigarettes in the 60s…

Speak to our penises…and we’ll listen…

Posted in:Kendall Jenner|SFW