I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the SFW Category




Cara Delevingne Twerks in a Skirt on a Windy Day in a Parking Lot of the DAy

Cara Delevigne possibly on drugs, possibly trying to draw attention to herself, possible just being wild and silly as Cara Delevingne seems to do in efforts to be relevant, fun and liked by people more famous than her, because when you have been able to get cast in movies, TV, record an album, all while being a British lesbian rich kid, all because of your popularity….you might as well keep that shit going…so that you don’t lose everything you’ve built, while pretending you don’t give a fuck, but you clearly give a fuck, because if you didn’t want to be famous, you wouldn’t be drawing attention to yourself to get famous and possibly promote your shitty movie you’re promoting…

Apparently she flashes in this video, I just could last 10 seconds in with the white girl commentary going along with it…at least not to see Cara Delevinge twerk like a white girl…and flash…an ass or tits I’ve already seen…maybe I’m over this whole thing…yes…I am over this whole thing…but I keep coming back to it!

Posted in:Cara Delevigne|SFW




Kyle Jenner in an “Eat Me Out” Shirt of the Day

I think the first pussy I ate, I was probably 14 years old, maybe even younger…it was with a high school girlfriend, who was hardly I girl, but I’ve always taken when I can get…no matter how disgusting it is…at least back then before I realized that ugly girls are just as crazy as hot girls…and I’d rather just jerk off than acutally interact and deal with humans…more than just getting them to send me sex videos….

I was 14 in the 90s….this was before porn existed, and I wasn’t the kid molested by my teacher, or exposed to sex in a way that would make me know anything about eating pussy…you know when 14 year olds weren’t as sexed up as they are now…doing 50 shades of grey shit…thanks to society being a bunch of perverts…

I read people are mad, offended, shocked she wore this shirt…at 17….while being a Kardashian, famous from a porn video trashy, rich, hooker of a family…

While I think seeing a 17 year old, who looks 40, thanks to shitty face fillers, and bad make-up, trying to secure herself as an Amber Rose type of hip hop groupie, only rich as fuck, on TV, with no childhood, who has admitted to have fucked, possibly even eating the ass of TYGA….possibly to become his teen wife, all while 3 years older than I was when I used to eat out girls, 20 years ago, before kids are so exposed to shit, that eating out isn’t even what they do…it’s too basic…

Making a parody shirt “Eat Me Out”…..seem definitely not offensive at all….in comparisson to this offensive fucking family…

Meaning, these parents against offensive shit are fighting a fight they’ll never win…this motherfucker and her generation are just too fucked up sexually…

I mean….she looks like a porn star…why is an eat me out shirt offensive when her family and their entire existence is offensive…

A video posted by King Kylie (@kyliejenner) on

Posted in:Kylie Jenner|SFW




Khloe Kardashian’s in Complex of the Day

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Khloe Kardashian, OJ Simpson’s daughter with the evil Kardashian mother…

The one who people would debate is not actually human, before realizing that science discovered that AFRICAN is actually 100 percent Human, while white people are only 95 percent Human and percent neanderthal… interesting stuff…considering this bitch looks 95 percent neanderthal….

But Khloe is still a monster…But we’ll just pretend she’s Armenian and her people survived the genocide to create her….and her sister survived being a pornstar before America’s Sweetheart Ryan Seacrest gave them a TV Show, because he loves pornstar…and apparently Cocaine..because Armenians are so loved in Los Angeles….

She’s on her own hustle, getting her own talk show, because America loves her, and it is only natural that she become Oprah of her generation…because she has the audience, and is the big one…

In doing that, she’s doing media, showing off her plastic surgery that turned her into a hip hop video vixen looking plastic face monster…

Perfect to do a fitness erotic shoot for an “urban” magazine…that once featured me…

I hate to say she looks hot, because she’s a kardashian and I am a firm beleiver they should all be killed off…

Here’s the pics…

But she looks hot…here’s the Video… CLICK HERE

Here’s the video.

Posted in:Khloe Kardashian|SFW




Jessica Simpson’s in a One Piece Bathing Suit of the Day

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Here’s some Jessica Simpson in a one piece bathing suit…showing off her jacked legs, her broad bulldog shoulders, and her narrow hips that you’d expect would be more feminine because she’s had those two kids, and she’s not old enough to hit menopause yet, but she is old enough to be irrelevant, while sitting on her mountain of money a decade after she was a massive star with her own reality show all thanks to her gay father who loved making as much money as he could…in order to have a good life filled with fucking young twinks into his retirement…

I guess what I’m trying to say is…look at Jessica Simpsons tits….because she’s got them, despite the weight loss…and I’ll venture to say…she’ll probably have them for the rest of her life, unless shes the 1 in 10 women who gets breast cancer…thanks to all the chemicals and hormones in our food … especially the junk food she spent a good 10 years addicted to when she Brian Wilsoned herself into obesity…before Weight Watchers made her 10 million dollars to get to this…


Posted in:Jessica Simpson|SFW




Kylie Jenner Graduates High School of the day

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Kylie Jenner graduated high school…

It’s a big day for her Assistant who did all her homework, because she was too busy getting her face jacked up at the family plastic surgeon to look like a 45 year old housewife of Beverly Hills, which also looks like a porn chick, and/or stripper, even if it’s just a lot of clown make-up and not actual surgery, it’s not cute…for a 17 year old….or really for anyone, unless may they are in their 70s, trying to hang on, because at that point in your life, who gives a fuck, make everyday Halloween…

Her family had a big party where they all twerked, rubbed up on each other, probably made it a storyline in their show, that I can proudly say I’ve never seen…where everyone was just there because they were getting paid…and had no choice…as they texted…away…mom and dad no where to be found…but the Saquatch one demonstrated how her ass implants work…

The whole thing…VERY weird…creepy even….but would have been pretty perfect for a setting of a horror movie or mass killing..

Stop shooting up Movie Theaters crazy people, start shooting up the demons polluting our society…while I stare at their tits…

Posted in:Kylie Jenner|SFW




Natalie Imbruglia is No Longer Lying Naked on the Floor of the Day


She has taken her money from that song, and is lying in a bikini in some luxurious, not polluted setting….but she doesn’t turn on her roots, like Jenny from the Block, she’s pulled out her tit, to be as close to lying naked on the floor as she can for the paparazzi…

If you don’t like that, here’s Elle Macpherson lying naked on a yacht because her “bikini modling” has got her a “billionaire husband”…and yachts is something billionaires do..


Posted in:Natalie Imbruglia|SFW




Amanda Bynes Lives of the DAy

I think it’s safe to say that this didn’t work out how I hoped it would…

You see I am not a violent person and I don’t wish death upon all people, even if I think people are idiots, but I do like seeing how things like prostituting your child pans out when she grows up and gets access to her money…in what is a no childhood, probably unstable existence….

So Amanda Bynes, who was so fun at one point, turning it around to look like a hip hop video vixen, on some Amber Rose Nicki Minaj shit…is less fun when she’s not in the midst of a break down..

I mean her breakdown was fun…this is just boring as fuck

I guess I just like chaos…and Failing…that is actually winning…rather than medicated and safe…these are our puppets…make them dance like the monkeys they are…you know when inviting them to your event was a liability…



Posted in:Amanda Bynes|SFW




Nicki Minaj in her See Through Good Morning America Outfit of the Day


Yesterday, I was walking down the street and the girl in front of me was wearing a pair of leggings that I assume she had no idea were totally fucking shredded…

Meaning, like a run in her pantyhose, that shit happened to her whole ass area, in a the pants couldn’t take it anymore, she was fatter than she though, squeezed into a smaller size than she though, and they just fucking exploded … and she had no idea…

I tried to take the pic, to post to instagram, as you do when you see people embarrassing themselves, rather than tell them so they don’t continue walking down a busy street ass out, because I figure it’s part of some comedy act or some shit…and I don’t need t be on Candid Camera or a youtube prank show…

It was sloppy, gross even, but wasn’t nearly as sloppy as this inappropriate, not fit for TV, or ever, fat chick in revealing clothes shit…


I have no idea why that was in caps…my computer has a mind of it’s own…


Posted in:Nicki Minaj|SFW




Demi Lovato’s Ass in Lingerie for Shitty Music of the Day



Bull Dyke who I assume Pegs FES from That 70s show, because he had his penis abducted by Lohan’s alien pussy early on in her slut existence, before he settled down with this crazy, thick necked, mayan looking monster, who is “bi polar” and I guess “bi sexual”, and down to have a good old time when not making shitty must for idiot kids that are still fans of hers from the early 2000s….and why not do it edgy by showing the world your ass…or at least enough of you ass for a grown man like me to notice and think it was noteworthy and worth bringing to your attention, because talking about Demi Lovato is totally normal behavior..for grown men..

This girl has an insane fucking fan base, I guess it’s the latin thing, and the crazy thing, all piled together and squeezed into fetish gear, while being average at best in cute…and below average in caliber of her shit music…

I guess what I am saying is that we don’t need more fat chicks in lingerie.

Posted in:Demi Lovato|SFW




Kate Hudson in a Bikini of the Day

Here’s a little Kate Hudson belly in a bikini….Because this is what the world needs more of…Kate Hudson half naked….because everyone else has already fucked her.

She’s the daughter of a a celebrity who became a celebrity on her own, and in the process burned through as many dudes as she could…as long as they were famous…making me assume this is just a shell, and everything inside her, trying to push out of her, you know memories of random actors, and what’s left of her soul…

She must be 40 by now, a mom of two, and when put in that context…alright…I guess…


Posted in:Kate Hudson|SFW