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Archive for the SFW Category




Krysten Ritter Period Pants of the Day


I assume there is a fetish in seeing Krysten Ritter, an actress you’ve heard of before, but can’t place, because she average at best in level of hotness, and her career is equally lacklustre, but what do I know, maybe she’s been in a lot of things, maybe she’s been in the right nerd thing, that generated a solid audience for her, I don’t watch TV, or movies, and I have no idea what is going on…

I just look at random pictures from set that look like she either had a miscarriage or her period, and I know there’s a fetish in that….

That’s the extent of my pop culture analysis ability…


Posted in:Krysten Ritter|SFW




Miley Cyrus Topless Pasties for Instagram of the Day


Miley Cyrus continues to exist. She is like the court jester, with less importance historically, maybe she’s more the Ronald McDonald clown, used as a ridiculous front to sell whatever corporation she works for and gets paid by, because you know this isn’t a DIY crowdfunded art project some TUMBLR chick coordinated because she built a following of weirdos who like her dyed armpit hair….

She continues her novelty act in the carnival that is Miley Cyrus…of gender issues, sexuality issues, in her misguided glory, spreading the word of her uneducated nonsense, that allows her to be relevant, because her audience loves this shit…as they are morons that are easy to manipulate…

Who cares about Miley’s taped up tits “feminism” lie…or her silly, look how silly she is, or even her paparazzi videos of her finger banging a model…we’re so desensitized, she’s over-exposed…we’ve seen this 10 or more times before, from her and other girls like her…so who cares…why am I posting it…because I don’t know what else to do with myself, and clearly neither does the rest of society who blindly buy into this bullshit.

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Emily Ratajkowski’s Bikini Body of the Day


Emily Ratajkowski, the tits from the blurred lines video, who really played the media amazingly, and who has managed to make what I assume is a lot of money, or at least taken herself to a pretty powerful place in social media, where casting directors for movies like Entourage, and the movie she was rumored to have had sex with Ben Affleck to get, because I guess he saw the music video too…book her because they think she matters..

I think we’re a society that doesn’t spend more than 1 minute on any story, or any person, we don’t even dig deeper into the story to see what is real and what isn’t, we just blindly accept things…which will probably help Emily Ratajkowski continue to exist as the amazing body she is…it’s like cast her, she’s relevant…but the fact is that she’s not actually relevant, no one actually cares, here she is in a bikini in Europe looking better than ever, but still whatever, another chick in a bikini…

I guess what I am saying is that I don’t believe she’ll even Alba level of bad actor…and I don’t think she’s be Jennifer Lawrence level of celebrated actor…but I do believe she’ll use her tits until she doesn’t have tits anymore…typical hustle that would be interesting to see how sustainable it is…but that no one will bother waiting around to see…we’re already onto the next set of tits…our brains like the tabs in our browsers…

Posted in:Emily Ratajkowski|SFW




Michelle Rodriguez Shitty Panty Flash of the Day


I am a firm believer that Michelle Rodriguez is a man, because I am a basic man, who is old, and confused by these whole gender confused generation of cross dressing, fuck everything, because we are all god’s people and need to love each other, even though we don’t believe in God because that’s not hip on the internet….religion is not science…and science always wins…and we’re so fucking horny from all this porn we watch all day…like Frank’s Red Hot Sauce, I’ll stick my dick in everything…

So to me, an old school, old timer, who is old…broad shouldered, narrow hipped, thick and not in a video vixen way, Michelle Rodriguez is better off wearing panties, so that we don’t have to deal with her dick.

Yes, basic jokes like that used to carry me…no I barely exist…but if Michelle Rodriguez made a come back by having lesbian sex on the beach…I have hope.


Posted in:Michelle Rodriguez|SFW




Jaime King Pregnant Erotica of the Day

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Here’s a “Fashion Film”…that I think is absolute garbage, because I’m a hater, and seeing rich people rent a shitty hotel room, to make a really shit quality video, that looks like it was soaked in piss, because I guess they think that is more fashionable, high concept, hip, raw and real and “Hollyweird”…when really it’s just tansparent two dimensional garbage…

I know you’re fakes….and the only reason I am posting it is because I like Patsy Cline, even when misused in this smut, I think there’s some Serge Gainsbourg too, is this Hipster Amateur Hour?

I am posting it because James King, ex-heroin addict and I guess friend to the hacks who made this bootleg video that isn’t even as good as something I saw in film school in the 90s…is in her lingerie while pregnant…and I like that..

The other idiots involved are: Abbey Lee Kershaw, James Concannon, Jaime King, Ivan Lofstrom, & Juliana Sorelli

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It’s for clothing line Hollyood Savage Society

Posted in:Jaime King|SFW




Cindy Crawford’s Gerber Baby for Steven Meisel and Vogue Italia of the Day


Kaia Gerber is the billion dollar heir to the Gerber family fortune, a fortune coupled with her dad’s level of “LA Cool” owning clubs and bars and restaurants, lured in her mom Cindy Crawford, when she was at the top of her career, because everyone from Homeless girls to Top Fashion models are hookers, money grubbing hookers, they just come in at different budgets…

It is safe to say that Kaia Gerber, is either genetically predisposed to model, that people around her don’t mind whoring her out, or have her photographed by older men…for magazines…creepy…

It is also safe to say, that this is the Kardashian era of Selfies, and that everyone, especially rich girls, want instagram likes and followers, so why not do the GIGI HADID, and get a head start at it, because you have a mom to oversee everything….so you’re safe…and by the time you’re 18…you’ll be massively famous…with so many followers, all the brands will want you..

Intersting….only unlike other aspiring intagram whores…she goes straight to IMG models, shot by top photographer Steven Meisel…for Vogue Italia…cuz that’s how it works when rich…

She’s 14….


Posted in:Kaia Gerber|SFW




Rita Ora’s Nipple Slip of the Day



When you’re a Rihanna Impersonator holding on as hard as you can to the little level of fame you’ve got…

YOu do what you can when you are at events you know paparazzi are going to be at…

Subtly pull out that tit…that big and amazing tit…because people want to see it…but you can’t make it obvious, it’ll look desperate…even though we already know she’s desperate…right…but not as desperate as me for posting her tits like they matter, because everything in my life is far more pathetic than this….this is actually the high point, but why kill myself, when I can just laugh at how bad it gets and hope for a natural disaster.


Posted in:Rita Ora|SFW




The Tits from Blurred Line Video in One of her Last Campaigns of the Day


In case you were wondering, Emily Ratajkowski may not be relevant anymore, people may have forgotten she exists, she may still be getting some shitty little we jobs in the process of falling off, and she may be getting cameo’s in movies that are out of touch and just trying to tackle what they assume people are into…without actually knowing what people are into…and she’s still got tits.

Which pretty much means, she’ll be ok…

Not because a woman is defined by her tits, her relevance defined by her tits, her existene defined by her tits…I am a firm believer that women are amazing, and can be smart and powerful and inspiring…but not so much when they lower their worth to their tits..because when they do..they become just tits…and I guess in Emily Ratajkowski’s case..they are pretty good tits….

I wouldn’t mind catching her as she falls, you know with my mouth…even though I’m sure she’s been in some weird places…in this short lived career.

Posted in:Emily Ratajkowski|SFW




Jennifer Lawrence Walking Up Stairs at an Expensive Condo of the DAy

jlawrence (42)

So Jennifer Lawrence is shopping for an apartment in NYC….the development is called the 445 Greenwhich and I guess she’s being pitched on Penthouse F…

According to my friend Steve – The most expensive penthouse is OVER 50 MILLION DOLLARS

Which is a nice reminder that if you’re nominated for a bunch of Oscars for the hit movies you participate in and probably have a backend piece of…we’re talking all the movies she’s been nominated for Oscars in…while maintaining a series of blockbusters movies like Hunger Games…which you probably have a piece of the backend on…you can actually make stupid money as an actress…

So all you actresses out there making SAG rate of 60k per movie, need to channel your inner J.Law…cuz bitch is winning at fucking life apparently…and I’m all about her, not because of her quirky likeable scam or her acting ability, but rather…because of her hot tits we saw in her nudes…she’s a winner..and she’s winning..kill yourself


Penthouse F 15.25 mil. Unless she got paid to carry that folio around. The hype machine never sleeps!


Posted in:Jennifer Lawrence|SFW




Elisabeth Erm for Glamour France August of the DAy


I don’t know who Elisabeth Erm is…I just know I like her…but that’s not saying much, you know when you look like Elisabeth Erm…it is hard to not like her…

She’s born in 1993. She’s Estonian, which according to my Estonian friend, means relatively common there…but more importantly affordable to own…Sure robably not now that she’s in big magazines, but there are probably more of her, maybe bootleg versions of her, but still better than the American version of her, which is eating donuts while working at Walmart or some shit…you know the kind of girl you can lure in with citizenship alone…even when you’re broke, pathetic, etc…makes things pretty fucking easy but I got married to some pig before realizing that…just another example of my failures…

Posted in:Elisabeth Erm|SFW