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Archive for the SFW Category




Kesler Tran Makes Natalia O. Dirty of the Day


Kesler Tran is just killing it right now…one of the best there is in LA taking pics of these no name aspiring girls…and he takes seriously solid images of then.,..which I guess they need for their sugar baby profiles….

I’m joking, I mean I’m sure they are published models, I mean I could just check their instagram to confirm that, because when girls do shoots all the time, and if they have an agency beyond an escort agency…and they’ve been featured in a magazine, or even a club flyer, they’ll let you know so you don’t mistake them as a cheesy hooker..

That said, the girls in LA are fucking hot…not always great people, but trying hard to make it..and I think Kesler Tran takes them out of that coke fueled hell and makes them look better than they probably are…

Here’s a solid interpretation of the much she’s covered being as dirty as her soul…

Posted in:Kesler Tran|SFW




Eva Longria Dives in a No Dive Zone of the Day

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Here’s some typical Mexican behavior…you know just not following the rules…because she may or may not know how to read in English, but I assume she does, because she’s the whitest fucking Mexican, the kind with a Mexican staff to shit on, and make herself feel accomplished and less like a first Generation…expect when she’s needed to make a quote on Mexican rights, like calling Donald Trump Hitler, something that I am sure Jewish people would take offense to, but more importantly, that she’s got no business commenting on, as she’s so disconnected from anything Mexican, you know being a hollywood slut, that it’s just her PR play to remind you she exists…

Rember, you can never trust someone who dives in a no dive zone…No dive zone..


Posted in:Eva Longoria|SFW




Chrissy Teigen is the Worst Attention Seeking Mom Ever of the Day


Chrissy Teigen is a low rent model…but a top tier sugar baby..the kind of sugar baby all the low rent models aspire to be…because she actually got a famous singer to commit to her…thanks to having a personality, getting in there early, you know before he was super famous, and waiting it out as he fucked groupies, making her come across as a good Loyal woman…with good intentions…who as long as she was fed booze and pills…would stay at the apartment waiitng for the tour to end…

Recently, probably thanks to her pregnancy I assume she secretly had, based on her slopppy fucking body…she’s a bikini model you know… I mean according to Sports Illustrated she is…but I think she’s more a dumpster of a woman who gets in a bikini because it tricks her busy husband to think she’s doing things so that he doesn’t see her as leveraging him to get ahead as a comedy act…who shows her mom nipples…because if it wasn’t for John Legend…she’d probaby be doing porn…or hooking…which some could argue she is…

She’s a hater…so you should hate her…and her nipple that she’s milking for attention, when we’d rather see her mom pussy that she’s milking for money.


Posted in:Chrissy Teigen|SFW




Lindsay Lohan’s Birthday is Today of the Day

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Today is Lindsay Lohan’s 29th birthday….which means she’s just 10 years away from looking her face’s age…

I know that this news isn’t really news to anyone…but maybe me…because I still think Lindsay Lohan is great, even if she pretty much fell off 11 years ago when she turned 18…

She really only had a year or two of relevance, that she managed to drag out into close to a decade, all without ever doing a job, so that’s a testament of being famous before the internet replaced useless actors with useless social media stars like the Kardashians, I mean they are like a Turkish Army, strength in numbers, a little ginger can’t compete with for airtime, only they are Armenian…and not Turkish, in fact they hate the Turks due to the genocide….not that it has anything to do with Lohan…

But for a reference point, Mean Girls came out in 2004..and Mean Girls is the only movie that counts…and the only amazing thing, other than her inability to take her tabloid fodder to the bank and get richer leveraging it like these other idiots, like how could a bitch fuck that up….it’s not that she’s probably a hooker to ruch guys now because there is no way she still has money….the amazing thing is that she’s made it to 29…I was convinced there would have been a suicide or overdose along the way…you know because she’s crazy…

That said, she’s the crazy I love…because she’s Lohan and without Lohan there would be no DrunkenStepfather…since I’d have no reason to live…

Here’s a Youtube Video I made ins 2006 leaving a voicemail on her inbox…celebrating her birthday….hoping I’d get arrested as a stalker because I needed the press….

Here are some pics of her…remembering the good days

TO see her partying with some male model in Capri CLICK HERE

Posted in:Lindsay Lohan|SFW




Miley Cyrus Kissing a Girl of the Day

Miley Cyrus kissed a girl…and you shouldn’t care. Girls kissing is Amateur hour…

The first time I saw 20 year old girls making out with each other in person for attention…was at a college party…not that I went to college…but I did spend a good 15 years going to college parties…because the girls were easy, the drinks cheap and no one knew I was in my 30s..

That said, it was the late 80s, early 90s, when there was no real lesbianism beyond biker bull dykes who couldn’t hide that they were lesbians, just girls who were using the most basic of male fetishes to get attention, free drinks, to cock tease..

Two cute girls, who may have got off to each other, you know experimenting isn’t anything new, girls have been masturbating together and comparing clits and labia meatiness forever, girls fucking love each other, but they know…shit gets what they want out of men…

I know that Miley and Stella could be lesbians, could be experimenting, could really believe in the LGBTQRSTLMNOP movement, seems like everyone does…

But I also know that Miley doesn’t really leave her house, when she is shot by paparazzi it is on purpose, and this…an angle…for press…it works for her platform…when everything else is started to become boring..

I find this shit dull, obvious, good for the VS model she’s making out with who I will not name, because she’s fame whoring and we hate that…far more than we hate Miley’s transition…even if it’s bullshit…they still tongue each other…and that’s real enough for the pervert in me.

Here she is in V Magazine:

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Anastasia Ashley for FHM of the Day

I prefer seeing professional surfer Anastasia Ashley surfing… it is impressive and something that no other model, or instagram slut, or really no other dude can do…and that’s amazing to me…

I mean, I guess being stripped down into her bathing suit is okay, but any girl can do that….and based on every girl on instagram, they do that…they all think “We’re bikini models, eit gets likes”…even when they aren’t…like retards who don’t realize that thinking is more effective for a quality life than instagram likes…

You see, when it comes to bikinis, we’ve seen it all before…but with surfing, there’s so much more I’d like to see from Anastasia…

I guess when it is for the cover of a Men’s Magazine it is a big deal….especially since they are celebrating her as a surfer…and not some bikini ass from Instagram… and I assume FHM is still massively followed and relevant, even though I don’t really follow anything they do, and haven’t even picked up an issue since the 90s when I didn’t know better, but then again I am like Caitlyn Jenner, and not the average, retard, male….but I’m not in a dress…

I would have liked to see these pics to be more interesting, but I guess it’s not about me, I would have liked these pics to be more celebratory of her ass, something you can never get enough of, but I am glad that they did because it may lead to a better chance of her being Ben Affleck’s next girlfriend..you know..good for branding…

Either way, she’s the worst.

Posted in:Anastasia Ashley|SFW




Kate Mara for Esquire of the Day


Kate Mara was raped in some movie…and people loved it…not because people like rape…or maybe they do…I know a lot of girls I talk to have Rape fetishes…along with Gangbang fetishes…I also know I am asked by girls to choke, fuck, and pretty much beat them when we fuck…you know getting spit in their face and spanked, even punched…I’m not into that shit…but they are….

I mean, the other day a girl, a normal fucking girl, was asking me how she could get raped…my answer “Go to South Africa”…not a message sponsored by the oursim board…just based on 2010 national AIDS rate stats…

Oh wait….that was her sister…ROONEY MARA….oops

Well, this one’s been in movies and clearly in a new movie, showing what could be nipple on Esquire…because showing nipple is key…to being relevant in this nipple obsessed world…


Posted in:Kate Mara|SFW




Heidi Klum in Lingerie of the Day


Heidi Klum still models lingerie…She also peddles it…which I gues she is modeling it…you know make that money from any angle you can…especially after spending a decade or more being created by Victoria’s Secret…making this her actual talent, while the TV career, is just coincidental or whatever…

I still like looking at Heidi Klum in a bikini, because she’s clearly genetically modified, possibly from being a German…and we know all about the German’s research into DNA and ethnic cleansing…trying to create the perfect race…which one could argue, at least based on her aging, that Heidi Klum may be…

Not to mention, her vagina is like a circus trick, and not just because she’s in her 50s, but because it’s been filled with babies after being filled with massive black penis…making her even more interesting to me….like some kind of science experiment, and/or german scat porn…

Posted in:Heidi Klum|SFW




Alexandra Daddario’s Misused in Flaunt of the Day

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When you’re known for your tits, or your tit scene in True Detective, after what I assume was years of trying to get noticed in LA…

You don’t hide your tits when the media starts picking up on you…

You do the “Charlotte McKinney”…or “Kate Upton”..or the play so many girls before you did…and maximize those tits…AMERICA loves tits..and that can carry you to a place where you can start not showing off your tits…in 5 years…when you’re rich enough to say “I’m more than just tits, I refuse to show my tits”….before cutting them off like Angelina Jolie…only to get implants…because I guess you really do like tits too..

Posted in:Alexandra Daddario|SFW




Emily Didonato for Maxim of the Day


Maxim was recently bought by some rich Texan from some Oil family in Texas…who I heard is of some ethnicity and trying to rebrand Maxim as something premium…like a Success Magazine…based on money instead of being the SFW version of Playboy for Frat Boys..that pretty much went to shit in 2000 when their budgets were pulled and actual journalism ended…

I don’t know how accurate that is, but I do know that I’ve bene written by the previous owners, who were a bunch of Lawyers to pull all the images of theirs, even though they used to pay me to post their stories…

Yes they were that desperate when trying to figure out the internet….and I guess I am posting these awesome pics of Emily DiDonato, a model who has been tainted by Jack Gyllenhaal, enemy of the site, because he’s a faggot…in every sense of the term…and not in an PC, faggot is the confederate flag of words, but a faggot in that he’s a faggot..I think they call faggots FUCKBOYs now…

Not that it matters, what matters is how good the pics are by Gilles Bensimon, the ex husband of Elle Macpherson who’s been shooting girls since the 60s and it shows…

Now let’s see if they lawywers reach out to harrass me to take this down…I am sure they will…because like Jack Gyllenhaal #fuckboys

Posted in:Emily DiDonato|SFW