I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the SFW Category




Jennifer Garner – Mom in Leggings of the Day

Here is the ass that Ben Affleck built through multiple impregnations they decided to go though with…..I mean I guess he shouldn’t get all the credit for making this ass being the asshole drunk cheat that he has been consistently to this poor and loyal Jennifer Garner as she attempts to stay fit and hot…because I am sure being in herr 50s doesn’t really help her cause…but luckily like all moms in active wear before her…these fabrics are made sturdy…and can do some wonderful things..not that this is wonderful, but if it was naked…not in the harnesses of the pants…it’d be scary.


Posted in:Jennifer Garner|SFW




Braless Ariel Winter’s Big Tits of the Day

Ariel Winter, who is recently restructured with what looks like a new face, not a good face, just a new face, that has a little more of a jawline than her old face, that was more of a neck…..and that looks like a new body, not a good new body, just one that is about 40 pounds less thick in the gut area than her recent fat body she rocked for a bunch of years….and was working out consistently with….so you know some money went into this…plus she had her tits done at 16…not scared of cosmetic surgery, and really based on her look should invest in more..

Big rebuilt tits with no bra though…


Posted in:Ariel Winter|SFW




Anne Hathaway is Dog Shit in a Magazine of the Day

Sometimes I just need to look at pics of Anne Hathaway …. in a professional photoshoot…with top photographers and make-up people and lighting because she’s out there promoting something and is a big big Academy Award winning scam that is a reminder that the Academy Awards are a scam..to remind myself that she’s an overrated pile of dog shit…

That’s all I have to say about that.

Posted in:Anne Hathaway|SFW




Rihanna Lingerie of the Day

Rihanna Lingerie

Rihanna is a bad girl, out there being richer than anyone has ever been on her Island, except maybe Simon Cowell who uses Barbados as a tax shelter, and that dude who’s daughter married that dude who everyone fell in love with due to his mug shot, and I guess a lot of other British Billionaires who call Barbados home….but she’s definitely the richest and most famous local, one who was destined to be a hooker at the local Karaoke bars for the tourists, and who is rumored to have been a hooker to the tourists, working the luxury resorts not owning a 50 million dollar house on the luxury resort, treating the locals like shit cuz she feels better than them for making it, going home to parade all her goods..and now selling underwear…where she parades all her goods..

Now in Patois….

Rihanna a bad gyal out there being richa dan anyone ave eva been pan har Island except maybe Simon Cowell who uses Barbados as a tax shelta an dat dawg who\’s dawta marry dat dawg who everyone fall inna luv wid due to fi him mug shot an mi guess nuff oddah British Billionaires who call Barbados home but she\’s definitely di richest an most famous local one who did destined to be a hooka at di local Karaoke bars fi di tourists an who rumored to ave been a hooka to di tourists working di luxury resorts nuh owning a 50 million dollar yaad pan di luxury resort treating di locals like shit cuz shi feels betta dan dem fi making it a guh home to parade all har goods an now selling underwear weh shi parades all har goods


Posted in:Rihanna|SFW




Morena Baccarin – Back of the Day

I never remember this Brazilian actor but after looking her up, I saw that she was in all kinds of ridiculous nerd shit(Stargate, Serenity, V, FIrefly) and seeing as this is a blog, and no matter how fucking rock and roll I am….and no matter how many hit songs I have, and no matter how many porn stars I have sex with….and by pornstar I mean homeless woman looking for a place to shower and sleep….I will forever be a loser with loser audience looking for tit….it’s the internet….this is a blog…so her’s Morena Baccarin’s back…you know taking things to a weirdo place than a blog already starts out at….

To See The Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Morena Baccarin|SFW




Phoebe Price Nipples of the Day

Phoebe Price Nipples

Phoebe Price, a legend to me, but probably to very few other people, but who still manages to scam her way into the tabloids by being fun and silly and even crazy, magazines she keeps every copy of because it feels like status, or a win..cuz in a lot of ways it is a win. It makes a mockery of the industry as a whole, and I apprreciate it. Anyone can become a character the paparazzi shoot and create so long as they are outgoing or dressed silly enough, shameless, and proud..having a good time just being Phoebe Price…

I have been encouraging her to get more naked, to do a sex tape, to really push it. She likes to be watched or seen or be silly doing things most would be ashamed of…I think she’s warming up to the idea because you can see her nipples and nipples are the gateway to pussy which is the gateway to anal sex videos leaked to the internet…

I just hope I am part of the release plan…and schedule…cuz that’s the shit I WANT to see….

Good start though, we’re getting there.

Always a star to me.


Posted in:Phoebe Price|SFW




Faith Schroder Skinny Bikini of the Day

Faith Schroder Skinny Bikini

Faith Schroder, is Ricky Schroder’s daughter who has taken her dad’s barely celebrity last name, but access and LA based attitude to the instagram, where at her mother’s stage mom direction they produce whore content, cuz ultimately the woman who is getting knocked up by Ricky Schroder 18 years ago is obviously on some other level of a take what she can get fame whore who wanted to be famous, but who instead fucked her way to a life in LA…but not at the A-List….this would have been 10 or more years after he was famous on TV…either way, she has the skills and values needed to create whateveer this is, or at least have the control over her daughter’s diet so she doesn’t get fat and the contacts at the medical spa to get her face jacked up…cuz it makes for a fun project to do as a family….you know in efforts to be the next Kardashian….in a sexualizing of your kids that is fucking weird…but that you don’t mind cuz you sexualize everything…even that sandwich you ate for lunch….sick fuck.

Here is the terrifying mother who I thought was the sister with no facetune because all these teen girls really look 60 now..
Faith Schroder Terrifying Mom


Posted in:Faith Schroder|SFW




Slutty Fishing Girls of the Day

Slutty Fishing Girls

Fuck yeah…is it Fishing Season Yet?

Hot Chicks fishing is the biggest deal, since Fishing is the biggest fucking sport in the world, I know this because I met a guy in the dog park who was planning a uge fishing community online all because he read that fishing was the number one sport and at the time had no rerprersentation on the internet, smart logic.

What he didn’t realize at the time, was that people who fished were more than likely not online at the time, it was before smartphone hype and if they were, facebook was enough for them to connect with other fishing buddies…they didn’t need him….so it never worked out…but at last I learned that people like to fish…if you teach a man to fish he’ll eat for life or some shit….which is probably why I see a lot of homeless people fishing in a gutter canal near my house….

As it turns out, hot chicks also like to fish, or at least like to be on boats, where they play it up for all the dudes who fish – use every angle – since there are a lot of dudes who fish….and find this hot….cuz it is..

To help you on your fishing….get yourself this THIS AWESOME MULTI-TOOL

Slutty Fishing Girls

Slutty Fishing Girls

Slutty Fishing Girls

Slutty Fishing Girls


Posted in:Featured Post|SFW




Delilah Belle Hamlin Wet Bikini of the Day

Delilah Belle Hamlin is Lisa Rina’s daughter, who when she got her period Lisa Rrina took her to the face injection spa to make her look more like her mom, a muppet…which isn’t all that unheard of in LA and really the rest of the world because these face injection clinics are fucking everywhere and you can’t leave your house without seeing a girl, a young girl, often times a decent looking girl look like a muppet…

I see girls who work at the coffee shop with fake lips…that means with their 10 dollars an hour, they are getting their faces jacked up, so imagine if you’re mom’s a vapid Soap Opera star competing with all the other LA moms to have the best LA daughter, you can guarantee you’d end up with something like this, out there in a bikini at her stage mother’s direction, to get paparazzi coverage so that people care, and that so business comes in..because you can’t have a daughter who doesn’t reduce herself to her body and be someone from LA…it just doesn’t wok….

So here she is living that vapid, useless but half naked dream..and that shit works for me..cuz I like tits.

Delilah Belle Hamlin Wet Bikin 1



Posted in:Delilah Hamlin|SFW




Busy Phillips Bikini of the Day

Busy Phillips is repulsive, but like many

Busy Phillips Bikini

Busy Phillips is repulsive, but like many repulsive girls who have made it as actors and are on TV, because TV needs ugly girls to make their shows more realistic, while I’d be perfectly happy if only hot people were TV……she’s out there with confidence, being quirky and silly, unfortunately in a bikini that she’s not ashamed of showing off….even though she should be…because she’s made it, she’s rich, she’s working, she’s confident and even if she never gets another acting job again, she’s set and can go back to her hometown wherever she was destined to work the Walmart cash….and feel like she’s won…

Well as it turns out, she seems have a boner, and she seems to be showing off her boner and that’s pretty fucking weird, but I guess it just goes to show you just how cocky she is.


Posted in:Busy Phillips|SFW