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Archive for the SFW Category




NOT Elizabeth Olsen Nipples in a Robe of the Day

Apparently, Elizabeth Olsen, the big tits that took the career from the Olsen Twins in a Hollywood that fucking needed an Olsen so bad, that they took anything remotely genetically close to them….or who went after her dream as the third wheel her whole life until realizing she could make it as an actor too…you know to prove her worth….in a way that was probably more spiritually sound than having her childhood raped and stolen….and that was easy cuz of what the sisters accomplished…beyond just killing Heath Ledger…

Well…apparently…she’s in a leaked nude scandal and this is how she does her nudes…hard nips in a robe…porn to the elderly crowd…or the orderlies with elderly fetishes working the old folk home scene changing diapers…but hard nips none the less..

Posted in:Elizabeth Olsen|SFW




Jessica Simpson Big Fat Tits of the Day

Jessica Simpson Big Fat TIts

Jessica Simpson brought the tits….on what I hope is a pregant body…because is this is just too much BBQ now that the Weight Watchers campaign is over…it’s pretty fucking terrifying.

I mean it is terrifying even if she is pregnant, it seems abnormally large, but at least the fact that there are babies in there is a good excuse for whatever it is that is going on here….still disgusting but pregnant…natures terrible invention that makes sex, one of the greatest things have terrible consequences, and that destroys women who are otherwise hot….growing a human inside them in a terrifying and gross way…out of a scifi movie…before ripping their pussies out of them…making them obsolete…broken, shattered, done.

The only good thing is that pregnancy giving them some great big milk filled tits that in some cases can nourish the fucking nation….Jessica Simpson’s big tits are that kind of tit….so big they could feed an african village….BIG…

So just focus on those tits in this pic. It makes it better.


Posted in:Jessica Simpson|SFW




Emma Roberts Bra and Panties of the Day

Emma Roberts Bra Panties

I don’t know why Emma Roberts is in her bra and panties….but I am a big fan of Emma Roberts….so I think it’s wonderful.

I don’t need thong and whore panties from instagram to appreciate a good half naked shoot.

I actually like a more subtle approach to being half naked.

It is more artistic.

I don’t know why I am a big fan of Emma Roberts…but it could be the entitled, dialled in, nepotism that just gets me excited…but it is probably more about her having a star of a father, who became a deadbeat degenerate drug addict after his academy award, before being a huge star in straight to DVD movies…you know living that Academy Award winning dream the last way you’d want to…leaving no time to tend to poor Emma…forcing her to fend for herself…eventually making it thanks to the right last name…but you know is ridden with daddy issues…rich and bratty and accomplished…the way I like it….now half naked.

Emma Roberts Bra Panties


Posted in:Emma Roberts|SFW




Ashley Benson Pussy Print of the Day

Ashley Benson Pussy Print

Fat Ashley Benson….the lesbian who fucks Cara Delevingne because she’s another lost soul from Hollywood….is losing a bit of weight….seems less fat than she was at her fattest…because I guess her rich socialite fake actor model pussy eater…..is helping her starve herself out so hard that her pussy starting to eat it’s wait through her one size too small pants to get some calories in…or maybe it’s just looking for cock…ready for cock..tired of being manipulated by Cara Delevingne…and it’ll do all it can to get it’s lips around one….

You know…since lesbianism is a myth and lesbians are just perverts.



Posted in:Ashley Benson|SFW




Kardashian Jenner Nudity of the Day

Kourtney Kardashian Naked

I think we can all agree that the Kardashian Jenner – digital marketing experts – who were early to embrace social media to make their careers and earning far more lucrative and relevant – even if they were slow to the internet in the first place – that Kim tape came out way after Paris’….but the timing was right…just as internet was booming and you could really position yourself to win.

I think we can all agree that they are the real domestic terrorists, fucking up the faces of a generation of under 30 year olds, while getting rich….

They are giving terrible visuals, leading by a terrible example, and inspiring terrible fucking people….to be terrible…all while getting rich which is all they care about…further proving how terrible they are…and how bad for society they are.

So if you’re going to make a statement against America, or if you’re a crazy person out there planning something to get media hype…like something terrible….that we’ve seen on the news so many times before…focus your energy and firepower to where it matters…and target the worst humans responsible for destroying the moral footprint of America…one selfie at a time….

The Jenner / Kardashians…


Heres there rest of them being slutty for the gram


Posted in:Kardashian|SFW




Madison Beer Bra of the Day

Madison Beer White BRa

Madison Beer was pretty much raised into the debauchery that the internet created before it started to get policed aggressively….

She was early to YOUTUBE thanks to a soul selling selfish parent….who had an agenda of her own…

Like the ANTI-VAXXER parents, who are all vaccinated, but have decided thanks to PINTEREST or FACEBOOK posts that vaccinating their kids is bad…so that the poor kids end up with the Plague or Polio…to prove the parents are fucking morons…

Only the celebrity, stage parent, child star version…

Use Youtube, google tactics to grow youtube, tag it to target perverts, grow audience, followers, subscribers….become an online marketer who realizes tits get hit…use your daughter as the vessel to get your dreams to come true. Use her tits get more views.

She’s not 12 and singing cover songs anymore, she’s a legit act now, cuz youtube paved the way and gave her value to get the labels to invest into her…..but using her tits…that shit is forever…it’s the gift that keeps giving…the marketing dream they didn’t have to pay for in the form of implants…all natural motherfuckers….

Good times.



Posted in:Madison Beer|SFW




Rumer and Scout Willis Bikinis of the Day

Rumer Scout Willis Bikini

Slutty hipster Willis sisters doing what they do best….nothing.

They are both zero accomplished thanks to their parents’ being over accomplished…both having made shit tons of money with the whole Hollywood thing during an era when big fucking money was made off of Hollywood…

Who knows, maybe Demi got in on her ex Husband’s tech dot com fund….and is also a dot com billionaire…not married to KUNIS, but rather doing poppers or whippets at parties where people die, despite being 100 years old…

It’s hard to expect these idiots to do anything that matters, when their parents are basically unemployed…..

Celebrities are funny, because they work 6 weeks a year, make 50 million dollars in that year, and chill the rest of the year to hang out with their kids who never have to work a day in their life…

So despite having money and access…they just choose to be vapid cunts like the vapid cunts of the internet…posing half naked or sometimes fully naked for likes…since they don’t need money….

I think the only thing interesting about this is that Rumer Willis has a new face and body and she’s actually worthy of being stared at.

Huge news really…if you are looking for Rumer Willis news…which no one in the world is looking for…cuz these kids are pretty useless…


Posted in:Rumer Willis|Scout Willis|SFW




Sophie Simmons See Through of the Day

Sophie Simmons See Through

Sophie Simmons is the heiress to the KISS empire, so she’s pretty much set for fucking life.

Even if her dad is a Cheap Jewish immigrant who is conservative as fuck in all his spending, and who has no interest in giving his kids money, it’s almost impossible to not spoil the little fuckers as their wait to inherit their fortune.

It is possible that Sophie does some work, some projects, especially now that fat girls are a big deal…literally and figuratively, but I always found her wanting to be a model who gets half naked on the internet weird…but I guess it’s nice to make yourself feel hot, play a little slutty, be a little wild and manipulate the internet for likes…

There’s obviously a deep rooted dopamine release that gives these sluts a high and keeps them all slutty….

Either way, Rich Sophie Simmons the Heiress of KISS and her big tits are on the internet for KISS fans, and chubby chases, wallet fuckers and dudes who like tits…which based on my extensive research…is every single dude.


Posted in:SFW|Sophie Simmoms




Nicky Whelan Tits of the Day

Nicky Whelan Tits

37 year old Nicky Whelan…may not be a household name to anyone and her glory days may be long behind her….but like every Australian…she has done her duty with a role on Neighbors…but unlike Margot Robbie…she moved to LA, but didn’t crack that LA life…

She’s just a wild and crazy Australian party girl, who took a stab at Hollywood, got a few roles, probably lives a good life in LA…but is not that A-Lister she probably wishes she was…I mean she moved to America for this…being second tier is not what she hoped for…

Her American dream is less about her own carer and more about marrying a big black football player…who got her a green card and probably some financial support….which for a chick with tits, is a solid strategy to offset her own failures of trying to have a career of her own…

Hot tits for an old lady though…

Nicky Whelan Tits


Posted in:Nicky Whelan|SFW




Ava Sambora’s Bikini of the Day

Ava Sambora is crazy Heather Locklear’s daughter…and I like to celebrate rich and entitled cunts who have no concept of actual reality…but are stuck in their own weird rich Hollywood reality…and are out there doing slutty bikini pics to try to compete with the Kardashians and Jenners and other kids they grew up with who are on the exact same hustle….but doing a bit better than this one….

There is no way they don’t all know each other, the new generation of celeb kids on instagram, who need their own TV show, only they aren’t that interesting….coddled twats are never interesting

The only hope this one has is that Ava Sambora’s mom Heather Locklear..is a fucking nut job, so she was raised by a raging addict nutcase, and that probably gives AVA some edge, some personality, some fun…and you know what they say about the crazy ones….that they are crazy in bed…so the kids of the crazy ones…even better….cuz they aren’t old, weather and expired like the mom….

Here are some bikini pics.

Posted in:Ava Sambora|SFW