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Archive for the SFW Category




Paige Spiranac in a Bikini of the Day

Paige Spiranac UnderBoob

Paige Spiranac is slutty golfer in a bikini with her tits hanging out….

I don’t follow golf or golfers and I won’t start now, because golf is the dumbest activity presented as a sport, that any bro or old person can really do, and anyone who is addicted to the shit, and who loves the shit, is someone I cannot be friends with, which isn’t saying much since I hate everyone and everything and have no friends..

BUT….GOLF is still the fucking worst, whether a girl gets into it as clickbait for the sport or not, hot chicks Golf, this frat boys and cheesy women, often times from South Carolina, Florida and Georgia, who are just so basic, mainstream and typical middle of the road, need an activity as lame as they are too be part of…and I guess sometimes they make it big enough for SI SWIM to notice and feature because being a woman in sport that has no babes is easy fucking marketing.


Posted in:Paige Spiranac|SFW




Ava Sambora in a Bikini of the Day

Ava Sambora in her bikini

Ava Sambora is the daughter of Bon Jovi’s Richie Sambora and Heather Locklear who you may remember as the 90s babe from basically mainstream porno, the TV version, an Aaron Spelling show, masturbatory and cheesy as fuck, but that people would get hooked on like the assholes people are….at least we assume her dad is Richie Sambora, who knows what Heather Locklear was doing in her peak, in terms of cum in her pussy…for all we know this could be the child of another rocker that she won’t ever admit to…because that’s how groupie celebrity blond high bro porno level actors who don’t get naked live…

Ava, has taken her trust fund, her spoiled brat life, and become pretty fucking low level model, up on some IRELAND BALDWIN shit…

You’d think, she’d do better in her shameless self promotion, I am sure she could easily be up there with the Hadids being shameless, getting paid…but instead..she just does low hanging clickbait like this.

I’ll still look at her tits, because youthful tits remind me of a life worth living.

Posted in:Ava Sambora|SFW




Heather Graham Bikini of the Day

Heather Graham tits in a green Bikini

Heather Graham is 100 fucking years old…but will always be the bush on Roller Girl to me…and really the tits in every big movie she did back when she was relevant – and she was very fucking relevant – these tits were EVERYWHERE..

I guess she’s trying to do a comeback, or market herself, the best way to market yourself, maybe she’s back on TV or trying to get back on TV, I cannot be too sure, I am not IMDB…and if I am it’s for the tits, documenting the tits, cuz I like tits…

And tits, are the best way to get attention, other than complaining about being raped by producers to get your millionaire life…like an unappreciative whore, and these women are for the most part whores…

It’s the bases if their existence and for that – I will celebrate these bikini pics

Posted in:Heather Graham|SFW




Elizabeth Olsen’s Thighs in Shorts Go Hiking of the Day

Elizabeth Olsen Thighs in short shorts

Elizabeth Olsen is the bootleg sister of the other Olsen Twins, who went viral last week in their fashion shoot on the Segway or whatever those things are called, because it was on some weird rich person kick, like when you’d see people like Michael Jackson doing weird things, all frail and weak and bleached and blown out….just a victim of being really successful…and possibly abused…and I guess terrible plastic surgery….that they have to get together otherwise it gets confusing.

Well, this bootleg sister, is not the billionaire they are, but thanks to them, she has a really hot and successful acting career, and actually doesn’t look like a weirdo skeleton, probably because she got the womb to herself, and didn’t have to fight for it with her creepy clone like her sisters did….

She’s in shorts, she’s got some substance, I’m into it…


Posted in:Elizabeth Olsen|SFW




Hailey Baldwin’s Bikini Top and Rough Face of the Day

Hailey Baldwin in a bikini

Hailey Baldwin’s in a bikini to for attention as she clickbaits her way to fame, while the other girls she sucks up to and mooches off of, are out making babies that would be better off being abortions, but that are marketing hooks to keep the family getting paid…she knows her time is almost here.

The most interesting thing about this D-List actors daughter, other than her bikini top pics, is that her D-List dad actor is a business partner of the MYPILLOW.COM guy…another ex drug addict turned Christian, who exploits the church for his own personal gain, in selling pillows on informercials….

And everytime I see her I think “My PILLOW DOT COM”….

That’s how branding, marketing, and product placement works…and really that’s the level of product, you know the NOT QUITE ON QVC, level of MYPILLOW.COM that Hailey should be marketing, but somehow people think she’s important or more important than she is and give her actual jobs promoting things….

Weird….but rich kids when not ugly get ahead.

Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|SFW




Jessica Biel for Yoga Pants Not Showing Yoga Pants Ass of the Day

Jessica Biel bent over in yoga pants

Jessica Biel isn’t hot and Justin Timberlake is a homo.

She is only known as being hot because she did one slutty shoot, for a now defunct magazine, which made everyone go nuts back when magazines had that power, even though she was a sexed up behind the scenes of that Christian bullshit, because the dad on the show was a fucking sex offender prevert…and they were just ACTING…

That was her only job, besides seducing the homo, who you know is a homo, because you watched his 40 year old homo ass do a song and dance during your superbowl in what was zero fucking cool…

She got him to marry her, probably put up with a lot, or maybe has a big dick, who knows, but the people loved her booty…because she did fitness….

ANd here she is not showing off that ass, show the ass, even if you are now 40, a mom (allegedly), looking bunk as fuck…and that’s about all i have to say about that…

Posted in:Jessica Biel|SFW




Sarah Hyland’s Handjob Tutorial of the Day

Sarah Hyland is demonstrating handjobs…for you perverts…

Since she’s small, she needs to put her whole body into it…

Fists full of jerking off…

Here she is sweating


Posted in:Sarah Hyland|SFW




Barbara Palvin Legs of the Day

Barbara Palvin in fishnets

Barbara Palvin once a patsy for the people at Victoria’s Secret to avoid a scandal involving Miranda Kerr fucking Bieber after their bullshit infomercial all you idiots buy into….

Now ousted by Victoria’s Secret for whatever reason, and really she may even still work at Victoria’s Secret, I don’t keep track of that brothel or the sex workers they’ve hired….I just post shit as it comes in….

Still willing to get in lingerie, because as an 18 year old Hungarian she knew the sacrifices she had to make to get out of that Cold War era bunker she lived in, and will continue that struggle….of getting into lingerie…which isn’t really a struggle…but let these girls think their work matters…

This time for GQ Portugal…not offical GQ…but it counts…they license the same logo…you know and I’m sure people in Brazil read it…cuz of the Portuguese…assuming people anywhere still read magazines…

Posted in:Barbara Palvin|SFW




Kate Upton Fat Girl in SHORTS of the Day

Kate Upton Fat in Jean Shorts

Kate Upton, in fascinating Kate Upton news, was actually raised in Florida, which makes her story all the more trashy, despite having a grandfather who invented WHIRLPOOL appliances…her father was a high school gym teacher, and she spent her days riding horses, before she was too heavy for the sport…because that’s what rich WASPs do….

She was originally found at a Casting call in Miami, and moved to NEW YORK, where at 18 she was the face of GUESS?, her first international campaign before Marciano sold her off to SI, because they do have a partnership GUESS? and SI and work together on building out the celebrity of these models to make them a bigger deal…and now…she’s not only showing off her weird chubby awkward shaped body in short…but she’s also calling out Marciano…THE MAN WHO MADE HER CAREER…a sexual predator…because I guess a young, dumb, eager Kate Upton…motorboated his ass and has been able to LIVE the fucking dream because of it.

I am not all for sexual predators, but to call out the man who bascially gave you the life she lives, there would be no SI, No Champion Pitcher Husband, she’d be working at hooters…I mean except for her starting out rich…but you know what I mean…if you sell your soul to the devil you can’t get mad at the devil…but you can put on shorts and creep us all out.


Here she is in pink leggings – because why not…

Posted in:Kate Upton|SFW




Natalie Portman in a Magazine of the Day

Natalie Portman Mgazine Cover

Natalie Portman is the Jewish icon to Jewish men everywhere – because she’s hot – and they look at her as a beacon of hope that their Jewish wife they are forced to marry – unless they get a non Jewish girl to convert – will look like this….and not like their accountant…you know how these things work…

I saw her NATALIE PORTMAN RAP that went VIRAL…and now I am seeing her getting butt fucked by a YOGA ball…I guess her Israeli army training has taught her versatility…not that she did the army, she was too famous for that, she’s no Gal Gadot mooch, she’s legit especially to the Star Wars Nerds who chronically masturbate to her even though she’s pretty much 40 years old.

Posted in:Natalie Portman|SFW