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Archive for the SFW Category




Victoria’s Secret Model Sara Sampaio in a Bikini of the Day

A few months ago, I accidentally heard Sara Sampaio doing a talk on her being sexually assaulted by a magazine that she shot nude for, who posted those nude pics she was the consenting model in, and published them in the magazine she was nude modeling for…because sometimes shoots get carried away and you get naked, but that doesn’t mean the magazine paying for the shoot can post them….even when the magazine is a titty magazine called LUI…

And I thought to myself, what a fucking idiot, to do a shoot for a nude magazine, to get naked in said shoot, and to ask them to not post the pics, only to have them post the pics…last time I checked, that is not sexual assault…and her going after the magazine as if it was…is just nuts.

She also talked about how important her social media following is, how she posts provocative posts because it gets her more likes and she loves likes, and that she understands no one wants to hear her whine about being a model….who gets naked…when that is her job….yet she was still doing it..

It’s like stick to the getting naked and clickbaiting on social media to grow that audience and get paid more….I checked her feed, she’s half naked always, pretty shameless, and she’s even got pics at the Instagram office, meaning she’s working with the company to step up her relevance, likes and celebrity…because ultimately…what looks like a whore, is likely a whore…that’s what my mom always told me…and she was a whore. Literally. That’s how I ended up existing!! YAY!


Posted in:Sara Sampaio|SFW




Kate Upton for LOVE Magazine of the Day

Kate Upton is some serious fucking clickbait, anyone who uses her for any sort of anything, is strictly doing it because tits get hits…and people like hits because hits make them money…

Kate Upton is not 18 years old with big tits anymore, she’s older, washed up, and her mid section has caught up with her tits, despite her two years of fitness, she’s still plus sized, yet she’s still seen as this magical creature…and overall…it makes little too no sense, but maybe, she’s just representative of the AMerican dream, entitled rich kid with big tits, marketed to the masses to make more money, even though she’s really nothing special…but she’s hyped man…by the man…

And I guess I’m not complaining – the world needs tits….

In other Clickbait News….Alexis Ren also Did the Love Magazine Calender….and it was pretty aggressive on her working out…because she’s pretty much a slutty half naked, hot body, young girl….with monster bolt on tits and a great ass she knows how to pose seductively….and 500,000 people watched it in 2 days….and really it’s fucking pornographic..but Youtube Doens’t seem to mind even though they delete 90 percent of my content that is not this hardcore…because there is FAVORITISM!!

Posted in:Alexis Ren|Kate Upton|SFW




Lele Pons Nipple Slip of the Day

This is my attempt to connect with the youths, you know with the people who grew up on VINE, for the millions of people who follow Lele Pons who was at one point a Vine Star, and now just a massively followed Instagrammer / Youtuber / making that money off social media since that’s the Disney Kid of today, all these cheesy fucks making bad comedy for retard kids who get sucked into their life and groupie on them…without the involvement of the evil media empires….like Disney, execs and perverts, these fuckers do it all on their own, proving how overrated being a Disney or media exec actually is, because people can get famous without them now…and I guess that’s why they are trying to regulate the internet, they can’t lose that power, too much money at stake…

Well, apparently, this is her flashing her nipple and really..I don’t see it, but maybe you do, and maybe it’s just a reminder to not bother trying to connect with the youth, unless I meet them on tinder and they want to sit on my face…or experience weird sex practices because along with growing up on VINE they grew up on the PORNO…and are looking for thrills….

Posted in:Lele Pons|SFW




Christina Aguilera Nipple Pasty for Christmas of the Day

Christina Aguilera has been slutty since the day she was legally allowed to be slutty, maybe right after breaking free from her parent’s control as a child performer, she came out with that DIRTY album, video rolling around in mud, got the fake tits on her small frame, and overall looked pretty fucking wonderful because it was a simpler time – where we could get excited by a girl in full bottom bathing suit and chaps….now it takes so much more…and I guess X-Tina – while pushing 40…and being a mom of at least one…is bringing it back or trying to bring it back….by intentionally posting up her nipple pastie…because she wants you to see that tit.

Exhibitionism, ego, a fear of getting older and not being hot anymore…after years of being really fat…all contributed to this beautiful ART..that I feel my soul needs on this Christmas time of year.

Posted in:Christina Aguilera|SFW




Candice Swanepoel on the Beach in Bathing Suits of the Day

Candice Swanepoel was popping her booty out on the beach, because she’s a Victoria’s Secret model and her existence is posing in a bikini, making her booty pop, but something’s weird about the stomach, I guess she never put that IUD back in and has been taking the loads, pregnant a second time in a year…like most women you hire, just abusing the Maternity Leave, or maybe she just ate a big lunch…

SO MANY VERY IMPORTANT QUESTIONS TO ASK ABOUT SWANEPOEL…a woman who barely fucking matters, but I guess matters to Victoria’s Secret because it’s the only job she’s ever really had…she looks good enough for me…for a mom….I mean…most moms in thong bathing suits are terrifying…hell most 30 year olds in thong bathing suits are terrifying, their asses and hormones all out of sync….with their uteruses begging to be impregnated…so whatever this is…it’s done good…I mean if being hot in a bikini is all that you need to be considered “good”…which to me is all you need….I don’t really worry about the actual substantial stuff like saving AIDS babies or animals in her Native South Africa, where they have a pretty high AIDS rate and who statistically she has a 67 percent chance of having AIDS, but that’s probably less from South Africa and more for keeping her clients happy…she is a model after all, like hookers…you must keep that check signer…fully satisfied.


Posted in:Candice Swanepeol|SFW




Nina Dobrev’s Ass of the Day

Nina Dobrev Full ass blue leggings

In a world of porn, spread assholes, and all that pantyless, spread vagina and asshole, and overall good old fashion pervert as fuck times being norm….

It’s hard to get excited about a chick in fitness pants doing some public workout for some media attention, all ass in the air…because it’s really not all that erotic, exciting, unless that’s your fetish, or unless you’re into Nina Dobrev, whoever the fuck that is….doing whatever the fuck this is…

I’d be lying if I said I’ve never heard of Nina Dobrev, because I’ve done bullshit, irrelevant posts on her….but I don’t remember who she is, what she’s done, but I know her fan base includes at least one dude who jerks off to her…this is for that guy…

I’d also be lying if I said I’ve never been turned on by a chick I don’t know in workout gear working out…not that I go to the gym, but that would be the only reason to go and I assure you that I would get turned on by a chick doing a workout…all that strength and those poses…and positions…that flexibility…clothed but still slutty enough to see things you would otherwise only see if she was boning you…which will never happen…because she’s important, she’s on Extra but she’s no Mario Lopez…who I think is the host of Extra…and if he’s not, this post will make no sense…and does it really need to make sense…there’s a girl in squat position, ass out…which is what this is really about.

Posted in:Nina Dobrev|SFW




Demi Lovato’s Inappropriate Christmas of the Day

I think Demi Lovato is having a manic episode, and has been riding a high since she broke up with the Herpe Wilmer Valderamma from That 70s Show, who she was with, and likely banged chicks with, for many fucking years…

CUz you’d gotta be crazy as fuck to wear this outfit…

I mean this is some kind of fetish gear you’ve probably seen in 90s porn, being brought out on the Christmas Miracle concert tour where they give little dying children a chance to live, just for a night, no wait…this is actually just vapid bullshit publicity stunt fodder to get her out there, get her paid, and has nothing to do with saving dying kids on Christmas and all to do with make that money…and wear the dumbest outfit ever…

All this to say, where’s the BUTT SHOT on this PORTLY little over made-up, body positive when it is convenient, thighs.


Posted in:Demi Lovato|SFW




Gwen Stefani’s Cleavage for Christmas of the Day

Gwen Stefani cleavage out for christmas

GWEN Stefani and her cleavage is not a miracle, I mean I think it’s just modern science thanks to the 100 year old trying to maintain a certain youthful image despite being 100 years old…not ready to give up despite being worth 100 million or more…after landing her country music man…that the world seems to care about…

What is a miracle, a CHRISTMAS MIRACLE, as she tries to be more wholesome and the voice of Christmas this year in her clickbaiting to get attention to herself…is that she’s become a woman after so many years of being a dude for Gavin Rossdale, known tranny fucker…

I don’t know what this is for…but I’m posting it…because it’s a week away from Christmas you know.

Posted in:Gwen Stefani|SFW




Elle Fanning in her Sports Bra of the Day

Elle Fanning in yellow bra

Our girl Elle Fanning is in a pretty revealing sports bra, getting her fitness on, or doing whatever it is she’s doing that you’d assume requires wearing a sports bra, which I guess could be as simple as getting some paparazzi pictures taken of her..because she needs the boost, as she’s the “other” sister, even though more relevant, grew up as the “other” sister, and for that…we must encourage her…

Even though, Elle Fanning is a creepy, a little pale, a bit like a vampire from a weird family, I am committed to looking at her skinny young famous body in a sports bra….it is the least I can do in suicide prevention for feelings of inadequacies we know the “other” sister has…

I’m just bummed that color yellow isn’t getting hosed down and see through the way these fetishes should pan out…


Posted in:Elle Fanning|SFW




Elizabeth Olsen Pulls Her Cameltoe Out of her Tight Leggings of the Day

Elizabeth Olsen pulling her leggings out of her pussy

Here’s the Olsen Twin who still has to work because she isn’t a billionaire like her twin sisters, who were properly exploited to become the richest twins besides the Bitcoin Twins who were once the facebook twins, in the history of twins, because twins have double the manpower and can theoretically work double as hard as a normal person…especially when they have stage parents…

I think she’s the hot sister, which isn’t that hard since her sisters are fucking aliens, weird things happen in the womb when there is only so much nutrients to give a fetus, and sure she may only be working because of her sisters, but who luckily doesn’t look like an alien like they do, because you can still live a good life being a rich celebrity…without being on another level of famous, but she probably still feels inadequate and that’s great…

But not as great as her pulling her leggings out of her vagina, one of life’s blessings, an even I like the hashtag Blessed everytime I see it, and in this era of leggings too small…it’s an event that happens always…PUSSY definition in tight pants, is everything, and seeing a girl fight it in public…like pulling her underwear out of her ass…is porn to me….

Diggin it….and I guess so is she…

Posted in:Elizabeth Olsen|SFW