I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the SFW Category




Gal Gadot is a Mossad Agent of the Day

I didn’t read all this, but apparently there’s a conspiracy around Gal Gadot, your Wonder Woman, because of Israel.

They are saying that she’s a Mossad secret agent, which would explain why she’s got famous, because why the fuck would anyone give her fame unless there was some Israel based conspiracy…..

I just assumed it was Jewish guilt from the producers….who hired an Israeli girl since she fought for their country…while they were in Beverly Hills sitting by the pool on a pile of money…

But here’s some angling they are putting out on her to make her Wonder Woman seem more legit…

Here’s the story, that’s probably just a story….

The paper, a daily known as Al Liwaa, published an image of Gadot on their front page Monday, claiming in a report (via The Times of Israel), that she was actually Collette Vianfi, an agent from Israel’s international spy agency who was allegedly recruited to work with Lebanese actor and playwright Ziad Itani, who was arrested on Friday on charges of “collaborating” with Israel and gathering information about political figures.

Gadot has not commented yet on the claims that she is Vianfi, or a member of the Israeli National Intelligence Agency.

Gadot was crowned as Miss Israel back in 2004. She did serve a compulsory two year stint in the Israeli Defense Forces afterwards. She later went on to star as Gisele in “Fast & Furious,” “Fast Five” and “Furious 7,” and as Natalie Jones in “Keeping Up with the Joneses.” She has become a bigger Hollywood name in the last year for her role as Wonder Woman…blah blah blah….who cares…

I mean it’s nice to see that even spies can become vapid Hollywood rich people, who likely aren’t spying on shit anymore, you know sitting by the pool on that pile of money in California does that to a secret agent.

Posted in:Gal Gadot|SFW




Samara Weaving Instagram Erotica of the Day

Samara Weaving Instagram Erotica

Samara Weaving posted some social media porn, because I guess Thanksgiving does that to people, especially Australians, because Australians are always horny…and when they finally make it in America…they are just pussy drippin’ everywhere….all over the place it’s exciting…so share that shit with the internet fans…

You see all these girls trying to be famous, post this shit, but even when becoming semi famous, bitches post this shit.

She was in a Bella Thorne movie and some show about Single Mothers, that people are liking….

It only makes sense to post pretty fucking naked lingerie pics…you know…art.

Posted in:Samara Weaving|SFW




Rita Ora In a Bathing Suit Clickbaiting of the Day

Rita Ora In a Bathing Suit Clickbaiting

Rita Ora is in a bikini, showing off her ass, because I guess she feels like she’s over exposed her tits to the point of no one caring, even though the fact people paid notice, or even remotely cared, blows my fucking mind….since she’s pretty much a nobody..

A nobody who makes music that nobody has heard, but she keeps trying to exist in an era after Jay Z dropped her off his label because he has Rihanna and doesn’t need a cruise ship version of her…

I don’t know what her deal is, but she’s famous in europe…so here..

Posted in:Rita Ora|SFW




Nicole Scherzinger’s Tranny Titties of the Day

Nicole Scherzinger Titties

Look it’s Bruce Jenner’s spirit animal, the pussycat doll he watched dance in videos and on stage over and over again, building up confidence to eventually get the chop, you know since it worked out so well for this dude…no one even know she was a dude, not even from her flamboyant stripper dance routine that was parody of women, all cuz of the tits…

Proving, it’s easier to get a sex change before you’re famous if you want to troll the world.

Posted in:Nicole Scherzinger|SFW




Olivia Wilde Still in a Swimsuit of the Day

Olivia Wilde Black Swimsuit

I was just told by one of my holes that Olivia Wilde was a hot chick on the OC where she played a Lebsian….I guess I could have worked that one out on my own but if you read this site, you’ll know that putting work into figuring out who the bikini or in this case mom in a one piece because her body hasn’t bounced back and she’s insecure about it, even though she’s made it in America, not to mention she’s a rich kid who doesn’t need to make it, hence why she’s so vapid and vain and putting an importance on her looks, when there’s nothing else for her to really put her efforts into….it’s the definition of Hollywood…

She’s not that great, but not much is, it’s this or it’s instagram sluts half naked…and this get paid to be in movies so by default more worth it…


Posted in:Olivia Wilde|SFW




Ariel Winter’s Gunt of the Day

Ariel Winter Gunt

Here’s celebrity from mainstream TV, hit sitcom, cast member, and human pile of SLOP, Ariel Winter at the gym…

I am convinced she’s got a contract saying that she can’t get fatter than she already is, because they won’t be able to fit her on screen with Sofia Vergara’s tits…

So they’ll Aunt Viv or Becky from Roseanne her, just give her the axe, but can’t because she’s the only thing people care about on the show…the busty, gunt, flat ass exhibitionist from social media….who is the size of Roseanne, who in the 90s was considered fat, but int he 2017s is considered normal and beautiful….vile…

The only hope we have for Ariel Winter is that her child star life to end like Dana Plato…along with Selana Gomez and all these other cunts, maybe on some Celebrity Cruise or something…TITANIC that shit.


Here she is struggling to make it up a hill

Ariel Winter Black Dress

Posted in:Ariel Winter|SFW




Bella Thorne is a Degenerate Meth Head of the Day

Bella Thorne Meth Head

Bella Thorne is what you’d call an “e-tard”…which is some raver kid retard that gets so caught up in the ecstasy that it eventually stops feeling good so she moves onto the opiates that the pills are cut with….heroin…

So many of these raver, drugged up idiots, popping pills to medicate…because they are damaged and it’s the only way for them to stay alive..you know a slow, drawn out suicide…

She’s working, but these exploited kids, when they get access to their money all end up overdosing when trying to have a good time, because they don’t realize their life is a fucking good time…it’s all they know and the pain is real..

Ultimately, she’s boring in her shameless pics, uninteresting, not the movie star of the past that is compelling, interesting, or someone you’d want to watch…and while dressed like she’s got her period, not good…but she’s got big tits so we’ll keep her alive.


Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne Titty of the Day

Bella Thorne Titty

Bella Thorne posted a topless pic of her with her massive tit hanging out, a tit that looks like a solid implant, Lohan style implant, the teardrop implant, because implants may suck in theory, I mean I’ve always hated implants, but they can look good in pictures….and they are fun to grab at the strip club for 10 dollars a song…

The point of the story is, post them topless pics like a Disney Kid who figured out how to be relevant…one topless pic of the day…everyday and people care…

Even though no one actually cares, she’s not that hot, or interesting but she’s grabbing her tit and that’s alright…pervy.

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Emma Watson’s Booty IGNORES CRIPPLED BEGGARS of the Day

Emma Watson's Booty

I think this is a perfect image, almost artistic, good social commentary..

Emma Watson, the rich as fuck, famous as fuck, Harry Potter harlot who was sold to the industry by her parents as a young person, because why not….walking but a beggar who looks crippled…with her religiousness hanging out…only to be ignored by the rich as fuck girl…who doesn’t even notice her because she is too busy caring about her egotistical damn self…disgusting humans…really..especially the rich famous ones..

This is like a BANSKY by the paparazzi, check out her round ass! Even though Banksy is just as attention seeking as all these other idiots cashing the fuck in…


Posted in:Emma Watson|SFW




Lily-Rose Depp for Vogue Japan of the Day

Lily-Rose Depp for Vogue Japan

Lily-Rose Depp is my favorite celebrity child…I don’t know why, but it’s likely because she got

I’m an old creeper checking out an 18 year old like some kind of creeper…despite the law being on my side…THE LAW IS ON MY SIDE…it’s not creepy…

Lily-Rose Depp is a hipster, cool, rich kid fully dialled into the celebrity life, never having to work, with people staring at her because of who her parents are…already winning at life…but most important looking good…real good.

She’s in Vogue, celebrated, becoming relevant thanks to her parents relevance…and I’m ok with her being a spoiled cunt…she looks good…and has that right…

Posted in:Lily Rose Depp|SFW