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Archive for the SFW Category




Big Breast Model and Other Videos of the Day


Tattoo Artist Slips

Naked Man vs Taser

Nurse Screaming and Arrested for Refusing to Let Cop Take Blood

Drone Footage of Hurricane Harvey….

Bull Gets a Woman..

Deliveryman Jumped by 3 Teens

Bee Beard of the Day

Arrest of a Drug Dealer

Naked Violinist

Posted in:SFW|stepNEWS




Vaping Has Gone High Tech of the Day

You don’t need to be jizzing your pants for the new iPhone 8 this month, you know fighting in line with people over getting an overpriced pocket computer that is linked up to a centralized system and that allows you to use apps that track your every move, your every word, and even turn on your camera and track your every awkward moment, both at your discretion and behind your damn back, in what must be efforts of population control and creating a militarized nation of drones…some post or I guess pre apocalyptic shit…

Because Technology can be used for good…like in the vaping world…a world that has taken both the nicotine and marijuana smokers by storm..you know smoking out of papers that’s your grandpappy’s method…the future is here, the future is now, and thanks to people like CLOUDIOUS9 the future is their HYDROLOGY9…..

From their site:

Painstaking attention to detail is the hallmark of the Cloudious9 product design philosophy. Everything from the mouthpiece to the bottom chamber cover is the result of countless revisions and optimization of user experience. Every shape and material used has its reason, and all of the reasons are aimed toward a brand new user experience.

Some Features:

-Liquid Filtration Reinvented with “Tunnel Tube” Bulit-in Water Filtration System.
-Mouthpiece & Magnetic Cover
-Borosilicate Glass Body
-Large porcelaine container
-Even Heat Distribution
-Chip controlled temperature integrity maintenance features

So get yours now, don’t wait in line for the wrong TECH device, get the RIGHT one…without the wait…to be the coolest motherfucker on your block..like these cool cats getting down with their CLOUDIOUS9 in these pics…


Posted in:Features|SFW




Bella Thorne Bikini Top of the Day

Bella Thorne is annoying, but has an amazing body…that makes the annoying less annoying…because hot bodies are inspiring and make things more tolerable…because if bitch wasn’t hot bodied and doing all these things…it’d be fucking irritating…and gross…like all these fat models doing fat model things….you know…

Here’s her shamelessness…

There is more….because of course there is…she’s just that kind of shameless exhibitionist pawn being used to sell bullshit like the dancing monkey she is….

You know….Disney Train, Mom Exploited…Internet Influenced…shamelessness…but where’s the damn sex tape…

Posted in:SFW




Natalie Portman Possible Nipples of the Day

Apparently these are Natalie Portman’s mom of two Jewish Goddess that gives Jewish men hope that if they inherit enough money or become strong enough Lawyers, agents, hollywood execs, they will secure a Natalie Portman of their own, without having to make her convert….you know…iconic, beacon of hope, who cares…

I don’t know what this is for, but she was in Star Wars, so does it really matter to hr fans, it doesn’t…they’ll watch her do anything..

Posted in:Natalie Portman|SFW




Alessandra Ambrosio Kind Of Naked for Narcisse of the Day

I find it amazing that 35 year old mom of two or three Alessandra Ambrosio is still modeling, whenever I see her pics I think “she looks good for a 35 year old, but why the hell is she still getting paid to model”…it’s like throw in the panties bitch, we get it your fake tits are only 5 years old, but that doesn’t mean you’re that fresh girl, and we get it you still have a tight enough body, but that doesn’t mean your as tight as an 18 year old trying to get the jobs she’s got, it’s like force her to retire like they do in Switzerland, it’s like get out of her old timer, people don’t know or care who you are anymore, the youth shouldn’t at least and if they do…that’s a real fucking flaw…because there’s not much else to her….she’s not hosting TV like Tyra and Klum or other VS models who have transitioned like they Bruce Jenner…she’s still doing what she did, like she did, as she did, hoping no one notices she’s a fucking old timer…too old to be there…in a get the fuck out of her..situation…

That said, this is one of her hotter shoots…

Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio|SFW




Bella Hadid for Vogue Bullshit of the Day

Bella Hadid is a bullshit model but I guess when the industry embraces you, you’re not that bullshit at all, and you’re all of a sudden legit, it’s the voice of the masses, you know social norms…that take a girl from being some rich kid with a PR company that people would have just discounted or reduced to being just a rich kid, to making her a model who is celebrated an in all the magazines…because people just want a taste or feel of what’s “in style”….or “followed” or “trending…and the whole thing is fucking weird…but it happened, it exists…it’s life…it’s America…where a ugly basic Palestinian with rich parents can be rebuilt and styled and branded to exist…it’s almost fascinating, but has been happening forever…rich get richer shit..

Posted in:Bella Hadid|SFW




Irina Shayk is on Vacation of the Day

Irina Shayk may have sold her uterus off for her retirement plan…with an A lister, after with being with a series of other people who helped take her out of Russian concrete block to become a “top” model

I am a fan of her both pre and post opportunist uterus being put to good use…I mean why else do you have a uterus…to bring your stability in your life that’s been unstable…especially at 30…when it is theoretically coming to an end….even though she’ll keep looking good…it’s a Russian thing…the ugly ones all died off during communism and that’s why we’re left with these soulless robots and their seduction..half naked…money grubbing hustle…

She’s on vacation, because her life is a vacation now..

Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Vanessa Hudgens or Snooki Show Nipple of the Day

Racy Vanessa Hudgens Shows Nipple at an event.

This is Vanessa Hudgens who looks like Snooki, if you remember what Snooki is…and she’s showing some nipple, which isn’t a big deal if you remember she was one of the first Disney stars with a cell phone nude selfie scandal….nipples we’ve seen, but not while they were dressed like Snooki…new fetish…but not really…fetishes get weird with all the porn, but not that weird..

This outfit was from the other night…exciting

Posted in:SFW|Vanessa Hudgens




Chrissy Teigen is a Monster of the Day

Chrissy Teigen has always been an overrated monster to me. In fact she once had her army of idiot fans, I know, she’s actually got an army of idiot fans like some kind of popstar, lash out on me, the site, etc, a year after she told me the site was hilarious and amazing, because she was a drunk….for calling her a sloppy, pug faced monster, who doesn’t deserve to be compared to GOD’s CREATURE the PUG, but that I was using as a reference point of how pudgy, bug eyed and wrinkly her flat face was….I also called her fat, a drunk, who should kill herself, and who at the time hadn’t been knocked up by John Legend, someone who she married before he was really famous, who she invested in and supported, with her fat overrated tits, and that he won’t leave her because she’ll cost too much…and now he’s stuck with an outspoken personality with bad sense of humor…who is fat…

Well, they are on a rich person vacation, and the bikini model who barely was a bikini model to me, despite being one to the world of drones lemmings who buy into anything they are fed, because some pop star is linked to the pussy in the bikini….and she looks more disgusting as ever, but AS disgusting as I always knew she was…and it’s nice to see that I was right as I always am…

A wallet fucker…

Here is John Legend – texting other pussy – because look at what he’s stuck with..

Posted in:Chrissy Teigen|SFW




Lindsay Lohan Reminds Me of an All Salt Diet of the DAy

Here’s some bloated Lohan wearing doing a little pre-masturbation seduction with some sexy music, laying in bed…rolling around…likely medicated….and ready to be date raped…some girls…usually ones exploited by their parents at a young age…inflating their ego..only to realize that they are worthless even though they were paid heavy….like it…

I’m digging her new puffy water retention kidney failure face….what a goddess…I will always and forever be in love.

If more women aged this gracefully…we’d likely live in a horror movie set…but I can deal with that….

Posted in:Lindsay Lohan|SFW