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Archive for the SFW Category




Liz Hurley Topless on Instagram of the Day

I once said that Liz Hurley has been a wallet fucking opportunist since before she had a career, which is partially why she has a career.

She stuck with homosexual Hugh Grant for a decade of his career, as he became a heart throb in America and she took down numbers of all the people he met along the way…so that when the right time hit…she could escort them…get them to invest in her bikini line…and even act in movies on her own…proving acting is pretty easy…before Hugh was caught with a Tranny and her Uterus was filled with rich guy sperm…

I meant it…

These are some pics from her social media that are slutty enough – considering…she’s old as fuck….

Here’s a video

TO SEE SOME Liz Hurley Flashback Nudes CLICK HERE

Posted in:Liz Hurley|SFW




Sofia Richie is Not Hot in a Bikini of the Day

Sofia Richie is Lionel’s legit daughter…

She is unlike Nicole Camille Escovedo, she’s actually his kid, and not just some broken adopted brat, with angst from being adopted, as most adopted kids do, especially when their mom’s are groupie drug addicted whores…who probably didn’t know she was pregnant, and even if she did, still took as much band cock as she could backstage while wasted on whatever drugs were popular in 1980….

But she’s as entitled and she’s putting his hit making money to good use…living the good bikini life and she’s not that hot..but she happened..so here.


Posted in:SFW|Sofia Richie




Jojo is Busty For Instagram of the DAy

Jojo likes to show off her big tits on social media – because that’s the whole point of having big tits and if you didn’t use them in your marketing when you’re an attention seeking popstar from yesteryear leveraging the fame you had to get people to go to your show, buy tickets to your show, and make you matter again…you gotta use every angle you can and the most simplistic, affordable, and obvious ones…is tit content…that I barely notice because I only care about Jojo for her raw talent and artistry….that’s the only reason I am posting this post.

Posted in:JoJo|Jojo Levesque|SFW




Britney Spears in Concert Erotica of the Day

There is some story about Britney Spears with a drunk fan at one of her concerts…saying things like “Jesus Christ” despite being a Christian who targets and sells her fake song and dance to the Christians…because dude was wasted…when you’d have to be to enjoy a Britney Spears show, including if you were Britney Spears…unless you were her family cashing in…

Here’s more of her concert footage…

I am more into staring at her fit old lady still dancing body…


Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW




Liv Tyler is the Body fro Triumph Essence Lingerie of the Day


Liv Tyler…

I mean…Liv Tyler?

Why would any brand, whether it is one Liv Tyler owns or not, would use Liv Tyler as their face, is beyond me….

She’s from before most of our time…I mean not before my time, I am old as fuck and remember the Aerosmith videos back when music videos mattered…featuring her and Alicia Silverstone, in what I guess was Steven Tyler’s attempt to celebrity daughter a girl he fathered but who he was pretty much a deadbeat towards…creating the actress who we haven’t seen act in a long time…making these lingerie pics even weirder…

It’s not like she’s this iconic woman women are into, like Gwyeneth, you know rocking them women’s lifestyle blog…

It’s not like she’s in movies or on TV that I know of…

It’s just boom, here she is in lingerie, haven’t seen her forever, but here she is…at 40…and it’s weird..but that ass is huge in those panties..I dig it…

Posted in:Liv Tyler|SFW




Hannah Ferguson Nipples for Mario Testino of the Day

Hannah Ferguson is the other Hannah from Sports Illustrated, the one who didn’t use her Sports Illustrated model connections to get knocked up by a athlete like Derek Jeter that she met at some Sports related event because Sports Illustrated models throw their hired hookers into everything they can…..to promote the dying Sports Illustrated swim brand…

Well this one went to fashion, titties out and it’s nice…cuz the tits are big.

Posted in:Hannah Ferguson|SFW




Jaime King for Galore of the Day

Jaime King is an annoying self involved twat who was once a heroin addict model in NYC during a time when her photographer boyfriend died of a heroin overdose…and who turned into a relevant actress…or relevant enough actress, how the fuck did that happen…but it did….

Well, she’s in a magazine in a bikini in her mid 30s, not as hot as her heroin tits topless in the late 90s, but some people don’t give up, like this one,…not giving up…so let’s post their pics because what the fuck else am I doing today..

Posted in:Jaime King|SFW




Bella Thorne Tits in a Bikini Top of the Day

Bella Thorne never ending stream of her life because girl is so hooked to fame, attention to herself, being the star of her show, that she runs and directs and stars in like a Mel Gibson movie you can jerk off to, while designed to feed her ego..

It’s just a weird fucking social experiment, some JennyCam shit, only the 2017 version where everyone can do it….so weird….but I like it…even when she jacking up her pimple face..

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW|Videos




Ariel Winter Twerk of the Day

Ariel Winter posted a weird twerk in short shorts, because I guess this is what all the girls are wearing, even the fat ones, even the famous ones, even the disconnected and confused because they were sold at a young age and lost any soul they could have had…and only know how to hate themselves, and dancing monkey their damn selves, because that’s just the way it is…

So if seeing a weird neckless girl with a shitty ass twerk….here is the fucking dream come true…

Posted in:Ariel Winter|SFW|Videos




Kristen Stewart for Chanel of the Day

Kristen Stewart is such an identity crisis lesbian – trying to figure it all out – while dressing like Sam Ronson, and for those of you who don’t know who that is, she’s the Bieber look before Bieber…..but she’s the “lohan” in the relationship, and her hot famewhore Stella Maxwell Victoria’s Secret model, is the mooch leveraging the twilight fame….for her own agenda..like she’s Anne Heche because there’s always one lesbian with an agenda…the Amber Heard of the scissoring, and the other is the broken rich girl, confused, exploited and broken down by fame…

I never found her hot…but Chanel does….and did this fashion thing….that sucks….but she needs to keep up appearances now that she’s in a relationship with a super model…in lies all LIES…

Posted in:Kristen Stewart|SFW|Videos