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Archive for the SFW Category




Hilary Duff – Thick in Jeans of the Day

Hilary Duff’s pants have a better life than me…

That’s all I have to say about that.

Posted in:Hilary Duff|SFW




Ariel Winter is Such a Gross Fucking Pig of the Day

That said, I don’t mind the whole 18 year old not wearing bra movement, I’ve been around 2-3 18 year olds just randomly the last few days and none were wearing bras, all had had nipples, and everything was as magical as you’d expect…

So I’m willing to accept this pudgy, thigh rubbing together, sloppy ass weirdness with a thick neck – and her sloppy already restructured thanks to breast surgery tits…unlike her mother who she’s cut ties with to go on and whore herself out for attention – because she’s been mentally and emotionally abused in being a child star…as they are…

Because she reminds me of all the good going on in the young babes in no bra tight shirts…

But her in and of herself is as gross as her boyfriend mooch makes you believe with his squinty sucking on lemons sour facial expression…because sometimes being a male sugar baby robs you of your soul…and masculinity.

Posted in:Ariel Winter|SFW




Rat Cow Reminds You How Average Looking She Is of the Day

Rat Cow does have great fake tits, but you’d think with a bellybutton like hers, if that’s even a belly button and not some really twisted and weird looking mangled growth, like a HPV wart or something else she got along the way in her quest for fame…she’d fear being in a bathing suit…

Instead, she’s all body positive about it, you know the ambassador and inspiration to all freakish belly buttons out there, that if you are thin, with big tits, the world won’t care about the fleshy, outty pussy, the kind you find on a mom of 4 who has spent the last decade street whoring to 20 or more dudes a day, you know mangled….belly button you’re rocking.

But I do…it freaks me the fuck out….but maybe that just comes from hating Rat Cow and all she’s done in her scam that works…maybe her mangled pussy belly button is what gives her special powers to manipulate men into paying her…but I think that’s probably more due to her awesome tits..

Posted in:Rat Cow|SFW




Sophie Turner and Some Jonas Brother’s Karate Kicking the Paprazzi of the Day

God…actors are so fucking lame…they don’t think they are because they are paid, celebrated, and thus delusional…but they are so fucking lame.

Seriously, they are these vapid little assholes who are so self absorbed and into their bullshit selves, none actually have talent or are interesting, they just have these egos that are coddled by the people around them, because the people around them either make a lot of money off them, or want to be associated with them…

But nothing they do, say or participate in are good, cool, interesting, or of value…if anything, it’s like you candy coated fucks have no fucking soul, creativity, and are zero interesting.

Seeing these Karate Kicks for the paparazzi, just makes me wish it was a scene from one of their dumb movies, that ends in being shot in the fucking head dead.

Trash….but leggings are hot on skinny bitches…doing what I assume is a lame scene from a terrible music video…clowns.

I just hate knowing they probably think they are so funny…and clever….what clearly they are try hard retards.


Posted in:SFW|Sophie Turner




Sara Sampaio’s Bathing Suit Photoshoot of the day

Despite being Portuguese, Sara Sampaio isn’t that bad, we can’t hold that tainted DNA against her, she didn’t choose where to be born…and really, my hatred for Portuguese people stems from having worked for them and dealing with them and their complex of being the asshole of Western Europe no one cares about…when in reality, it’s not that bad, at least their bitches aren’t when they are models, skinny models, who defend being skinny, a fetish of mine in a world of fat.

She’s a VS model, thus annoying ego who thinks she’s a celebrity or superstar, but she’s still good to look at in bikinis for magazines when you’re avoiding leaving your house thanks to couch being so comfortable…

Posted in:Sara Sampaio|SFW




Jojo in a Bathing Suit of the Day

Jojo is so racy as she plugs a hotel, but more interestingly her pussy tattoo on her social media…in a one piece bathing suit that all of her is spilling out of, from it being all high waisted and pussy hugging, to her massive tits spilling out, it’s not a bad look for the broad hip short girl…especially when her face looks pretty trash….keep the bikinis or bathing suits coming…so dudes keep you in the mix, and remember jerking off to her music videos that I am sure weren’t hot because they weren’t memorable at all, but dudes, especially Americans are weird about these barely 18 year olds…even 10 years after the fact…due to love, romance, and pathetic loneliness..

Posted in:JoJo|SFW




Olivia Munn on the Street Street Walking of the Day

When seeing these Olivia Munn pics, I feel as though I’m watching a parallel universe, in which I am very supportive of Olivia Munn, because she’s a street hooker, out there trying to make a dollar 10 years after her hosting a shitty TV show gig ended…but instead she managed to become an actual celeb, an actress, in movies, going against everything you’d want to have happen to her…

Maybe I’m a hater, I mean sure, I’m a hater, and seeing things work out for this trash is such a bummer…

When it could have so easily gone the other way…but it didn’t….and we can only assume her vagina’s ability to do circus tricks…and squeeze is to thank….asian pussy…you know…at least I think she’s asian…not that I see color or ethnicity #colorblind #all god’s people..I just see opportunist sluts…it’s a talent….but they don’t see me 🙁


Posted in:Olivia Munn|SFW




Katrina Bowden Bikini of the Day

Katrina Bowden was some whore from American Pie Episode 40, let’s milk this brand as fucking hard as we can because that’s what you do when you’re hollywood and find something that worked in the 90s and actors that haven’t worked since the 90s who are into making another million to help them ride the next decade…..and she is hot and really being part of that shit that I can only imagine was shit…really propelled her into never having a legit career, but at least she got that..

Now she’s in shitty bikini pics, I guess riding whatever low level celebrity she has, and the pics aren’t that hot, she’s old, tired and done….but it’s nice to see she’s still trying…

Thank god for rich dudes in Los Angeles who pay for sluts they date so that they can run the show…

Posted in:Katrina Bowden|SFW




Demi Lovato – Thick Neck – Tight Clothes of the Day

Demi Lovato is sturdy, no wonder she’s dabbled in lesbianism, you know because she’s built like one. That Mayan neck is straight from the slums of Yucatan Penisula corn tortilla factory, and those arms and shoulders look like they could both move appliances, and rip off dicks in her bi-polar melt downs you know she has…because she’s bi-polar for convenience, it justified her drug addiction and rehab stint when she was coming of age after the Disney whored by her parents….and her level of rich spoiled entitled brat…

As I look at her legs rubbing together, those cankles and shoulders, I understand why she does the body positive angling….it gives her room to breathe, be lazy and excuses…like her bi polar disorder….something to fall back on.

I have never found her hot…she’s too much like a dude…but people like her…and that’s it.


Posted in:Demi Lovato|SFW




Bella Hadid – Panty Strap – of the Day

Bella Hadid, the supermodel of the stars, who somehow became a supermodel this past year, because her sister wanted to stay home with hr boyfriend and get weird face injections…so the fashion industry, which is a bullshit industry, took this one on, to pay her big money, even though she’d do it for free…because before she was a model, she was making Smoothies in Malibu for 10 dollars an hour…

I figure, her posting this weird topless pic – with a caption about how she’s in her own bed, despite it being a pic of her in hair and make-up, is weird…but felt obsessing over her panty strap was more hilarious…like panty strap is a fetish…ever since 90s gutter girls and their low rise jeans with their thongs around their hips…dude…I went to the mall back then…I KNOW….

Posted in:Bella Hadid|SFW