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Archive for the SFW Category




Christina Milian is Such Garbage with her Nipple in a Bathing Suit of the Day


I just do not like Christina Milian. It’s not a racist thing, I like all kinds of black women, I just don’t like when a bitch lives up to a stereotype.

I used to go to the strippers with this black guy who was stealing money from the pharmacy we worked at, I didn’t know he was stealing – but when I found out I laughed at the boss and thanked him for all the lap dances I got from the stolen money. Either way, whenever a black stripper would get on stage, the guy would turn his fucking chair around and when the black stripper would ask him why he turned around during her show, he’d say something like “you disgust me and our people”…it was like Bill Cosby hating on the rap culture and how they speak, while raping hundreds of women….you know, a criminal calling a stripper a whore lowering their race…

But when I see Milian, a girl who was best known for a slutty video you could jerk off to, who became a mom with a rich guy and got song credits on huge songs thanks to that rich guy, and now she has all kinds of money – but she can’t help but go out there and be a whore…

Sure, being in a bikini or bathing suit when you’re a mom isn’t what makes a girl a whore, it’s the shamelessness, the cry for attention, the trying really hard when she has money and doesn’t need to. She just loves the attention. That makes her a whore…

So here’s her nipple falling out of a bathing suit, a nipple we can assume her kid hasn’t seen because she clearly pawned him off to someone to focus on her party…in ibiza…

There’s just nothing awesome about a 35 year old famewhore famewhoring when you know she doesn’t have to.

I like real struggles, slutty to pay for baby formula slutty. It’s hotter.


Posted in:Christina Milian|SFW




Ariel Winter’s Ass Getting into a Car of the Day

That is one sloppy ass for an 18 year old…a sloppy ass you’d think she’d be ashamed of – but it’s not that era – it’s not the era of having shame – or being shamed – it is the the nudist / selfie / no to body shaming / be body positive / exhibitionist, especially when your parents whore you out.

It’s the era of obesity being celebrated, hormones in the food, laziness and sitting on screens all day….so moon the fucking world – it makes you feel good about yourself –

And the funny thing is that dudes are into this girl and are probably jerking off to this, like it’s hot and not like it looks like it belongs to a 40 year old mom.

Ariel Winter leaves The Nice Guy club in LA


Posted in:Ariel Winter|SFW




Jessica Alba in a Bikini of the Day


Jessica Alba and her billion dollar tits…can teach us a very valuable lesson. The first is that the elasticity of Mexican skin makes a bitch age nicely when she’s rich and famous and can work out everyday, so unlike TRUMP’s approach to Mexicans, America should be skinning them and making masks out of them to look more youthful, or you could do like Jessica Alba’s husband and just fuck one and breed her…either way, she looks good for her age and number of babies….but then again she’s hollywood and not typical poor mexican who gains 60 lbs per litter..

The other lesson she can teach us is that even when you don’t have talent as an actor, if you’re hot, just go for it, they will always need a hot chick to play the hot chick that they will promote as the hot chick to make money off the hot chick….giving hope to all the instagram girls who want this level of fame…or stamp of approval…to be the next ALBA….

The last lesson she can teach us is that if you have that fame and audience from being a hot chick from movies, you can build a billion dollar brand based on bullshit – awesome – way better than working the Mexican restaurant making tortillas…




Posted in:Jessica Alba|SFW




Ireland Baldwin’s Naked of the Day


Ireland Baldwin reminds us that not every girl who does TREATS! is a low level internet whore, looking for a sugar daddy….and that sometimes they get B List actors, and in this case a low level LA rich kid with famous parents who is trying to get her break in a world that her own cousin stole her glory after putting in all that work all those years ago…forcing her into some kind of depression, that ended up in a weird lesbian relationship, and it all stems from being the kid her dad famously called a little pig in voice mails her mom made public during the divorce. THANKS MOM AND DAD…

That said, she’s a big girl with big tits and I like this direction her non-career- or personal brand is going – it’s like if beach shoots don’t work…get naked…

I don’t have the uncensored pics since Ireland blocked me on all social media – more than once, she’s not a fan of my love for her…self destructive in a way that instead of working with me – she’ll work against me…but I’m sure they’ll come out eventually and no one, but me, will care…because this love is real.

Posted in:Ireland Baldwin|SFW




Aline Weber by Gilles Bensimon for Maxim of the DAy


Aline Weber is a tall, Brazilian model who was born in 1989….she was in the movie A Single Man…where she played a student named Lois….but she is probably known for her high fashion modeling…in high fashion magazines…doing high fashion things – including getting naked enough for those of us not into porn, but into naked hot chicks…making her purpose that of pornography, but her career not one in pornography…

So the interesting thing about her is that despite being a tall, Brazilian model…her name is German, she looks German and her family heritage is definitely German and who I’ll pretend was not raised by a Nazi War criminal family that escaped to South America for refuge after WWII..She’d be the third generation…all Aryan..and portuguese speaking.

This is a shoot for Maxim, a magazine that is on a revival after struggling during the internet era that made magazines irrelevant, and they are taking the LUI magazine approach of hot pics by great photographers of hot girls who aren’t just gutter fame whore, but rather actual models..

It’s basically what Playboy is trying to do and failing at – because we only care about Playboy for the nipples, it was always high quality – except the trashy 2000s…. where as these pics for Maxim are actually edgy and maxim pushing concept from Maxim who used to produce crap….evolution….

Posted in:Aline Weber|SFW




Lindsey Vonn Spreading Her Legs Like She Did for Tiger of the Day


I lived in ski country – around ski people – who love skiing – so I’ve always known who
Lindsey Vonn is. I’ve always heard her name brought up and I’ve always heard people say “she’s the hot skier who wins”…but I never really took it too seriously – since no skier that I’ve ever met – from low level ski instructor to ski racer – has been hot – they always liked to fuck, they were like dudes, with massive legs and at the time I was at the ski hill at 18-19 working as a janitor – terrifying.

But Lindsey Vonn knew her fame was dwindling, that she was old, and that it was important for her to really explore her sexuality, or market her sexuality, showing off that she’s got a pussy that she likes getting fucked, or that she’s got sex appeal that are beyond just having the ability to blow out your dick by bouncing on it – like a skier is built to do…

So she dated Tiger Woods amongst all the heat he was getting for fucking hookers and the last month – she’s been trying to be sex in public for the paparazzi – in bathing suits or slutty dresses or whatever this is – really announcing / introducing her vagina to the world…saying “follow me on instagram, I’m slutty and you like slutty”…so that she can cash the fuck in – because who the fuck cares about pro skiers – no one. No one cares abotu pro skiers.


Posted in:Lindsey Vonn|SFW




Bella Hadid in a Bikini of the Day

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Bella Hadid is the hotter more strategic Hadid sister. She was clever enough to watch her fame whore sister struggling with fake friendships and hustling in her own rich girl way to get internet famous as the Kardashian groupie – built like a model – who could actually pull off modelling thanks to her mom being a model – before being a sugar baby married to a rich arab man…

While Bella probably just casually worked a part time job at the deli or whatever rich kids do to pretend to be busy for their parents to give them that trust fund money – until it was time to hop on board – and get her own modeling career – without doing any of the bitch work…thanks to her sister, people noticed and liked her better since no one likes the “look at me, look at me” brat…we all like the mysterious darker sister with more plastic surgery…

She’s on vacation – in a bikini – it’s good times.. for a girl who’s life is a vacation and good times – and probably doesn’t even realize it – they way I like my women – you know unappreciative and hot…

Posted in:Bella Hadid|SFW




Kirsten Dunst’s Best Work of the Day

I don’t know why seeing Kirsten Dunst struggle in a tight parking spot – brings me a lot of joy….but it does…

Is it her ass in shorts, or her grey skinned legs, or the fact that she’s skinny and half dead looking – but still has massive tits that are holding her back from getting out of her car after parking like an asshole or if it’s just the asshole in me who likes when assholes end up in asshole situations like this…locking a person into their spot, or locking themselves in with a dumb parking job -when they were getting their nails done or something – it’s like a reminder that people are inconsiderate fucks – especially rich and famous people on a schedule and the struggle applies to everyone – but maybe the passenger of that care won’t care when they know that KIRSTEN DUNST – superstar did this not that they’d care…


Posted in:Kirsten Dunst|SFW




Kelly Brook – Filled Out of the Day

Kelly Brook is a big girl with big tits…she really doesn’t matter, she’s pushing 40, she never quite made it in mainstream despite her ego bringing her to LA to act, after a decade of TITTY Modeling in the UK, and she only did one movie no one cared about.

Young people don’t know she exists, old dudes who read this site really like her and I have no idea why, but I’ve been calling her fat since before she was this fat…the kind of photoshopped as fuck because massive tits usually come with massive everything else, it’s just science or biology and when bitch is pushing 40, probably pregnant with yet another boyfriend, she’s always got different boyfriends, it’s amazing that she’s not 400 pounds…you know still fat enough to starve herself a month for a shoot- but pushing that limit…

Kelly Brook doesn’t matter, but here I am posting on her, what does that say about me….oh that I try to leverage fat girls and their celebrity to get clicks that I can sell to advertisers instead of working a real job….that’s what…

I guess it’s the era of the fat chick and she’s finally giving into her metabolism…or she’s just old…or maybe it’s both…


Posted in:Kelly Brook|SFW




Doutzen Kroes in ELLE of the Day

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Do you believe in life after Victoria’s Secret modeling? Doutzen Kroes has taking her commerical marketable socially accepted hotness and shown us all that even when Victoria’s Secret says “fuck off you’re not worth the money we’ve paid you all these fucking years”….she can still post topless or in panties or both for magazines,

It’s like if you train a woman to pose half naked – like the best – you know like an olympian of half naked modeling – she will always find her way – even when those people turn on her – seeing as getting half naked is always something people are looking for.

And if that doesn’t workout, you can always get knocked up twice by some famous and successful DJ from your hometown…

Either way, nice to see Doutzen surviving – and not obese…eating her feelings – based on her failures…you know waking up and going to the studio and stripping like she’s meant to.

Posted in:Doutzen Kroes|SFW