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Emilia Clarke Left Boob Cleavage of the Day

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Emilia Clarke brought out her left tit cleavage to celebrate some event that would get her in the media because she’s the hot one in Game of Thrones, a show that is premiering on Sunday and that people everywhere have been waiting for…and that don’t stop talking about it…

I don’t watch the show, so Emilia Clarke is some average at best looking chubby girl…I will not be watching the show because dragons and midgets and all that other fantasy shit doesn’t work for me, but clearly it works for Game of Thrones, their cast, and everyone making all kinds of money from you idiot fans..

All this to say…left tit…


Posted in:Emilia Clarke|SFW




Kate Beckinsale’s Ass in Leggings of the Day

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People, mainly virgin losers from the internet 10 years ago – fucking love Kate Beckinsale…

I knew a virgin who I used to work with would watch the movie Underworld OVER AND OVER again, like if he watched it a certain amount of times, she’d climb out of the screen and sit on her face…it was 2004 and I am sure motherfucker is still watching that shit….

I would say that her best work was having a kid when she was 18, because her body bounced back by the time she was 19, I can’t speak for her mom pussy, but we’ll assume it did, making it seem like she never had a kid at all, only to be surprised to find that she’s 17…

At 42…this ass is pretty ridiculous…I have no idea how it happened…but it probably started with her parents being actors, her stepdad being a director and her baby daddy being some dude named Michael Sheen…an actor…who is pretty famous…

I guess money keeps your ass something I’d want to choke on and die from….because if this was white trash, it’d look far less tasty…



Posted in:Kate Beckinsale|SFW




Bar Refaeli Bikini Jog of the Day


Bar Refaeli is milking the milk filled tits..

I haven’t written on her in forever, because I’m not the Israeli Times, and even if it may be Passover…or Hitler’s Birthday so that we can collectively make it about the jewish people of our lives…I don’t care..

But those tits are pretty spectacular.

Obviously, these are older pics, she’s got a massive parasite inside her right now, all ready to drop porn fetish, so this is a little something that was…a good 10 years after it was but before it wasn’t…

If you know what I mean..

Posted in:Bar Refaeli|SFW




Christina Aguilera Tongue at a Charity Event of the day

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Clown faced Christina Aguilera brought her big rich still alive tits to some charity event…dressed like that Labor Party “We Can Do It” girl…or maybe she’s being an emoji…

The “We Can Do It” poster was designed to encourage laborers to not strike, but in the roaring 80s…it was brought back as a Feminist image for equal rights for women in the workplace….

In 2015…they have taken that imagery of “woman power”, even if it wasn’t intended as a Women’s Power campaign in the 40s when it happened, and pretty much shit on the memory and purpose of the 75 year old image, by having some vapid rich kid who has never worked a day in her life, or at least not in the traditional sense of having a job…she’s more a celebrity that people pander to and always have because she makes them money…

But when she’s dressed like a laborer, it may make her feel like she’s more connected with the people…like the little Mexican she is…

All I see is huge tits, too much make-up and a girl I bet someone I would fuck in my lifetime, but probably won’t…because she’d have to be institutionalized and I’d have to work as an orderly…

She may think she’s part of he plight of the feminsits of the 60s and they pay equity fight…but I just think she’s tits.

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Posted in:Christina Aguilera|SFW




Kate Upton’s TIts in a Crop Top of the Day

Kate Upton looks flawless showing off her long legs and toned tummy

I guess chubby Kate Upton has been working out, because she’s far less offensively fat as she’s been the last few years, maybe she took some of that ridiculous money she’s made being overrated because of her tits, to hire a fucking trainer at 100 dollars an hour…or maybe she just hired a stylist who knows how to dress her..or maybe she took the cyberbullying to heart and got some lipposuction because cyberbullying works…and when the world calls you fat and overrated…eventually the clueless producers and casting agents get wind of it and figure at your level of talent….they can find other tits to fill the bra that is your purpose in the movie..

I am not a fan of her big old back, I never really found her hot…not at busty 18…not now..but people fucking love her…so check out this waist to hip ratio…far less boxy as it once was…

Remember when looking at her tits in her nudes that got hacked from her boyfriend’s phone got some poor fucker arrested and sent to jail….they’re definitely not that good, but if you look close enough, they have hard nipples in this pic.

Kate Upton looks flawless showing off her long legs and toned tummy


Posted in:Kate Upton|SFW




Amanda Seyfried at the Gym of the Day


Amanda Seyfried is one of my favorite actresses…and not because of her acting…acting is a joke…I just mean out of all the actresses out there…she’s one I want to fuck or at least have her ride my face the most…

Amanda Seyfried wants you to stare at her skinny little ass…she’s even gone so far as to post a picture of her skinny little ass on her social media…I guess her team have figured that she should start giving a little of her personality to her fans…because she’s never really been that public of a figure, she has been shot by the paparazzi, but not in the way you’d want to see her shot, but instead in shitty looking pictures, always looking unwashed and lazy and disgusting….but she had nothing to prove, she had her legacy as being Lohan’s backup dancer coming to the front of the stage…when Lohan was taken out by life, drugs, and everything else…

The worst thing about Amanda Seyfried is Justin Long…

The best thing about her is that she gets naked in movies that aren’t the usual Disney grade garbage she gets cast in…and I like her tits…

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Posted in:Amanda Seyfried|SFW




Jessica ALba’s Cleavage for her IPO of the Day


I don’t know much about the financial markets, anytime I’ve ever tried to invest, even if it was 20 dollars, I’ve ended up losing 3000 dollars, so I just assume it’s some complicated structured, barely legal, grey area system that maintains rich people being rich with the illusion that other people can get rich if they invest.

When a company goes public, it’s the big cash out, where the owners still retain ownership, but they give out 35% to a bunch of assholes who overvalue the shit, making the owners richer than they already are…

Alba used her mom blog appeal, her celebrity, right time, right place by partnering up with some dot com people who previously got billions of dollars allowing them in the same room as Alba in the first place…to be the figurehead or brand logo…of a company where they figured they’d recreate their first success…and that is where HONEST a company of organic mom products that aren’t even organic or sustainable happened, allowing Alba to feel like she’s more than just tits in movies no one cared about, and that she can be tits that push product for a brand she owns too. Give her a title like President or CEO and boom, she’sll promote harder…

That’s not to say ALba is an idiot, just a dumb mexican, not a great business person…it’s just to say that her tits are what get her noticed, they are why people care and whether she used them right, or to become a billionaire, she still used them and is still using them…because this is how you stay in the news, making your IPO when you go public far more lucrative cash grab…

So here they are doing what is called a PUMP and DUMP…but not in a good street hooker, fuck her and kill her and dispose her way…but in inflating brand equity to cash out hard…and I approve of slut behavior at all levels of the corporate ladder.




Posted in:Jessica Alba|SFW




Anna Ewers Rhymes with Sewers for Vogue of the Day

Vogue USA - May 2016

Anna Ewers Rhymes with Sewers looks pretty good…

She’s another one of these Victoria’s Secret models who they found wondering the mean streets of fashion parties…knowing they had a portfolio of nudes…figuring she’d be relatable to the youth who buy shitty mall brand panties…while giving the model Anna Ewers Rhymes with Sewers the chance to really matter in the media, the stamp of approval that leads to rich and famous potential husbands, suitors and financiers…

I’d say the most exciting thing about her is that her name, Anna Ewers Rhymes with Sewers, makes me want to shit on her face like it was a toilet…even though I’m not into shitting on faces, but could be…

But I like her nude shoots:


Here’s some less naked stuff for VOGUE…

Posted in:Anna Ewers|SFW




Minka Kelly Working Out of the Day

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Minka Kelly is the daughter of ex Aerosmith guitarist and a stripper….which is probably an interesting household to be raised in….one filled with groupies, STDS, drugs and getting naked for money….all while giving her a privileged life, unlike the daughter of strippers I know…..

She’s the other Liv Tyler, who ultimately didn’t end up stripping…but instead went on to act due to solid connections and a trust fund – acting in such massive hits as “Unknown” in State’s Evidence….a career worth noticing…

Here she is working out….I don’t know if you’re into seeing girls like Minka Kelly working out, but maybe it’s a fetish of yours…what the fuck do I know ….I used to like the gym for the pussy definition in tight pants and the tit and cleavage in tight shirts…but not enough to keep working out..

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Posted in:Minka Kelly|SFW




Isabali Fontana Ass for Vogue Paris of the Day


Isabeli Fontana the Victoria’s Secret model who was recruited at 15 to work for the lingerie brand…because having a safe space studio filled with male photographers telling young teenage girls to cover up their pussy because they can see some lip in the panty pics…is fashion baby…well not actual fashion, let’s be real, Victoria’s Secret is some made in china bullshit they sew their labels on and sell to fat white people trying to buy into a dream – thanks to being all american – basics who are exactly what democracy and capitalism intended to cultivate through the morals and values instilled in materialistic consumerism…

It’s like, yeah – these cheap panties will give you the fucking life you deserve and they are 3 for 9 dollars – perfect for my cashier salary…insanity..

Not nearly as insane as the fact that they were essentially sex offenders, what you’d get arrested doing outside the highschool, but they didn’t get in trouble for it with this babe, because no one cares about 16 year olds when they are imported / human trafficked into high paying model jobs…the law just doesn’t apply…

That said, it’s 20 years later and Fontana is still perfect…a mom, old, but perfect…in a world where so many young girls are producing slutty content you’d think would make these moms obsolete – but don’t….because nostalgia..

Posted in:Isabeli Fontana|SFW