I'll Make You Famous…




Shay Mitchell Bikini Instagram of the Day

Shay Mitchell is in a bikini….

She’s some cunty Canadian who has made her way to America – where she got to be on TV so it justifies her cunty behavior and allows her to be an even bigger cunt…

Fascinating…I know..

She does a travel series, because people like travel and she’s of Indian decent and figured out how to make money from every angle, you can’t be a complacent idiot who relies on one show on TV, you need to extend your reach and stack that money….even though she looks like a complacent idiot as she sits on the beach…half naked..it’s all part of her tactics..

Posted in:SFW|Shay Mitchell




Amanda Seyfried’s Hard Nipples of the Day

I don’t keep track of Amanda Seyfried, she bores me, so she may have had her baby or not….she was pregnant and doesn’t look pregnant so is probably not pregnant but her great tit nipple is hard…and her tit nipple is what her little parasite latches onto, assuming she’s the down to earth breast feeder you’d assume she is, unless she’s just that soulless cunt who had the kid for some weird tactics….like making her husband leave his family for her….because that’s how brats work…who knows, the kid isn’t with her, so I’ll assume if she did have it it was still birthed or at home with the nannies so she doesn’t have to bother, something she has proven to like as she dresses likes she’s a homeless woman on her period…that’s I’d like to smell

Either way, hard nipple party.

Posted in:Amanda Seyfried|SFW




Lea Michele Tits of the Day

Lea Michele is rocking the push up bra…what a slut.

She is on the hustle, I don’t know what she’s promoting, or why she is craving some male attention, or why she’s feeling hot and sexy, maybe she’s ovulating, LOL, I know dude’s don’t ovulate….

But she is on the hustle, she wants to be looked at….stared at….and I guess when you get plastic surgery or take hormones let the people see….as these people try to make happen…they live for it.


Posted in:Lea Michele|SFW




Sandra Kubicka for Some Some Swimwear of the Day

Sandra Kubicka is Polish…which is convenient because she’s the kind of girl you’d want to hire to Polish you…with her mouth, maybe her hand, and a little spit drying it, to make sure she’s worthy of her 1000 dollar by the hour money…you know going above and beyond for her client…

Yes…I am implying a girl from Polish, who stills speak Polish, living in Miami with work visas and shit is a hooker…because Miami is the land of hookers…why the fuck would this one be a unicorn totally unscathed by that..

Did she come to Miami and never go home – REFUGEE….did she seduce a rich man with her tits – HOOKER….is she a celebrated model no one’s heard of who can afford her own shit…SO MANY questions..but she did get a job posing in bathings suits and here are those bathings suits she’s posing in…

She is hot….

Posted in:Sandra Kubicka|SFW




Nicki Minaj is a Little Much of the Day

Nicki Minaj is a monster…such a big booty freak….but people like her, I just don’t know any people who like her, but apparently people like her, she sells out shows and shit, and people sing and dance along to her lame raps that would be more interesting if they were rapes, because sometimes I bitch is better off when she shuts the fuck up for a bit.

I don’t know what this shameless booty shoot is about, maybe it is a tribal ritual she is culturally appropriating, but in a believable way, because she’s an actor, who was picked out of acting school…

BUT I know it’s weird…which is what she wants you to think – as she tries to remain compelling like the back GAGA she was hired to be.

I don’t like it. Not one bit.

Posted in:Nicki Minaj|SFW




Charisma Carpenter Cropping Faces for All of Us of the Day

Charisma Carpenter is such a kind soul or maybe she’s a clever narcissist because she knows that she’s old, as fuck, and her face is mangled, as fuck, and really quite possibly herpes ridden, as fuck, because she’s a disaster and girls need to get by after not working in a decade or more….

Hot body though. Which is what we should all focus on.

Posted in:Charisma Carpenter|SFW




Karlie Kloss Does a Bridge of the Day

I’m tire(d)

Karlie Kloss wants to know the position that she likes to get in for Taylor Swift when she Taylor is in the mood to stare at pussy before eating it out….because she likes to see bitches she treats like a barbie struggle before making them cum….or maybe this is why Karlie Kloss does to try to get Taylor to notice her amongst all her other groupie sluts who are stealing the attention she once had for Karlie in her weird sexual deviant weirdness…WEIRD….

Posted in:Karlie Kloss|SFW




Bella Thorne’s Workout of the Day

The two Bella Thorne stories I’ve heard, since Bella Thorne is all the rage or her PR people are just hustlers, is that her homies at Disney would hate her right now, at least according to her, because everything she is doing is so anti-Disney…but if you were to reference past Disney stars…they are all whores…which is why the rumor that Disney producers fuck the kids…is a real thing.

If anything Disney team, they are such an insane corporation, you know dark and manipulative…and I’m sure once you sell your soul to them, they run you for life…and they are behind this whoring. It’s current they want to monetize. She is the puppet…

The other story is that she’s fucking Scott Disick, who fucks a lot of low level and mid range instagram models and always have. He did knock up the Kardashian but I’ve been told be at least three sluts that they live in different parts of the house and it was part of the show…makes sense to me…milk one whore, knock her up for the story, get richer…and turn around with that fame from being a Kardashian and fuck all the groupies…while getting drunk with your Demon money…

The last story I heard is that she’s showing her nipples, it’s part of her hustle…which is good for me, desexualize that shit…be a feminist….I’ve been fighting for nipples to not be considered porn since I started this site and I turned my back on so much money when blogs mattered because of it….real dumb in hindsight.

ALWAYS sell out when you can because you may never have another chance.

Posted in:Bella Thorne




Bella Hadid Panty Flash of the Day

Bella Hadid is a rich kid who gets a lot of work from brands, who would do it for free if the brands were smart enough to not pay these idiots, but they don’t realize that if you all pay these idiots, they price themselves at a certain level, when all they really wanted was to be considered a model, they don’t need the money, so paying them is just dumb….

So now she’s an official model, despite looking like a plastic surgery ridden cam girl…not that I have anything against cam girls…but you get what I’m saying….she’s been created on all levels…and people like her because she’s got big tits….

I appreciate that she’s flashing her panties on the red carpet at Cannes, where one of her important friends invited her to whore out on the red carpet, to get attention to whatever this is..

I would just be happier if she was a little edgier in her putting herself out there, because she’s not a demure, elegant, classy girl…this is a ratchet little troll who is trolling you all…

But I still appreciate the panty flash..because I am a simple old pervert.. like her dad…who she was with and who filmed this pic of her posing like a fool…how does someone behave like this in public…HILAROUS..

[jwplayer player=”1″ mediaid=”540273″]

Posted in:Bella Hadid|SFW




Em Rat cow is a Groupie Bitch of the Day

Rat cow managed to fuck her way, or in her case, show her tits her way to Cannes. Something I don’t think she’s been at before, but that she’s at now…and it’s not even for the porno event…it’s for the actual movie event…which historically has encouraged lots of hookers to keep the international film buyers happy…so I can assume that’s the only reason she’s here, a novelty act, and invite…cheating on her boyfriend trying to secure legitimacy…and she’s managed to attach herself on like the leech that she is…Bella Hadid and Hayley Baldwin the rich kids who she wants so badly to be with so dreams do come true…

What awkward, lame, famewhore for attention behavior…on weird medicated twats that think they are more important than they are…there is zero authenticity to this friendship, it’s like a catty contest to leverage each other’s followers…like they aren’t strategic, vapid cunts who actually hate each other and are jealous of each other…

Seeing this girl on girl action in beyond weak, it’s like they saw it in a movie or something, but the reality is I know whores, party sluts, who are genuinely dirtbags and they fucking bring it…

This is some childish rich person imitation of that, because these girls have no flavor….

You know trying to hard to be the life of the party…while…you know if you ever saw them at a party they’d be sitting there on their phones all night…

I like the Hayley Baldwin worked her way into this one…but the funny is Rat Cow pulling this hangout off…this is like her big day – hanging with the young youngs….that’s why she posted it to her social media…groupie.

Posted in:Rat Cow|SFW