I'll Make You Famous…




Ashley Graham Nude of the Day

I just saw these pictures and they blew my fucking mind…because they are pretty brazen, bold, offensive, naked…showcasing her stretch marks from being a fat girl….like it is a powerful move….when all that is powerful is her legs that are capable of carrying all this weight..

You know she is in these poses – trying to showcase her form, or the many forms of her loose skin and fat “Watch it Jiggle”…as an artistic statement or piece…like “look how wonderful I am in these positions…

When really the only movement she’s about is bowel movements from all that food…I mean that and a fetish to black guys and other fat chicks who want to be told their laziness is ok..

She is mind poisoning kids to think it’s ok to be fat, not healthy and fit…it is bad for society…even criminal…she is going out of her way to push an agenda, to justify fat her being fat, because she gets paid..and that’s as greedy as it is disgusting..

She claims to be empowered or healthy, well scientists have proved fat diseases exist..and I’ll believe a scientist over some fat chick who is faking it because she’s vain, egotistical and loud, outspoken, and lazy…knowing there’s a market and the more she whines the more cake she can buy…

It’s a terrible thing happening in society…really fucking terrible…send the fatties to the gym, don’t give them ad campaigns and say it’s ok…

Posted in:Ashley Graham




Katie Price Bikini Magic of the Day

Katie Price is an angel sent from heaven and she is doing some Miami paparazzi style bikini pics that I love and cherish and want more of…because there is something magical about a bitch with the biggest tits ever – who built an empire on those tits – and who influenced a generation of women to be Glamour models in a pre- instagram world…pulling out there tits as a marketing hook for their personal brand…

Posted in:Katie Price|SFW




The Sandra Kubicka Nudes for Playboy of the Day

Sandra Kubicka is trying to get famous…and she’s doing it as the Playboy Playmate in the first issue of Playboy being nude….a strategy that I think is necessary, but not that excicitng, because I am sure all these bitches have been naked on social media long enough to have a following on social media – making these pics not that exiciting, but more exciting than yesterday – when I thought this bitch didn’t even get naked in the new NUDE PLayboy – I was like the whole point of Polish imports in Miami from social media is getting them naked – quit fucking around Playboy…

You can see her Pussy Lips….I bet you’re the only one..

The other bitch from the Eastern Europe in Playboy US is Lada Kravchenko so here are the Nudes of Lada Kravchenko for Playboy of the Day…I figure put them all in one post so when Playboy comes at me like they used to – to take down the images – because they think they matter or want some big reveal – even though this is the internent…it’ll be one stop for me.

Posted in:Lada Kravchenko|Sandra Kubicka




Carolyn Murphy, Guinevere van Seenus & Malgosia Bela for Fashion of the DAy

Carolyn Murphy is the star of a model sex tape that got removed from the internet – and it wasn’t even that good – but I figure if you’re out there getting paid to model – you might as well release videos of you getting fucked – or taking loads or any of that good stuff as a way of giving back or having some level of purpose – since clearly..what they do for a living is ripping everyone off…it’s a scam..

So I like seeing them show tit in weird shoots for a VICE owned fashion magazine, even if she’s old…because I don’t know which one is which…I just know it’s worth looking at…cuz of tit.

Posted in:Carolyn Murphy|Guinevere van Seenus|Malgosia Bela




Hailey Baldwin Nipple Pasties with her Boyfriend of the Day

Hailey Baldwin is garbage, mainly because she’s the daughter of a celebrity who is barely a fucking celebrity, and I like my celebrity children out there hustling, getting the invites to exclusive events and parties, to be of A-List and A-List only….but Stephen Baldwin, who gives a fuck…

She banged Bieber at 16, she fucking sucks the aassholes of the Jenners since, and it’s managed to establish her as a little model, it girl, all while being totally uninteresting and annoying, vapid, bratty pile of shit…

She’s living the good life, mooching, and she’s leaving some party with her chubby boyfriend – as her little tits pop out…with nipple tape because freeing the nipple is more feminist for a vapid vain pile of shit….when the nipple has tape on it..I guess..

I am more into her playing tennis in her underwear…and I guess the good news is she’s not a Kardashian..and hot enough…and I guess it’s better to be the bottom feeder to the stars who shouldn’t be stars than the stars themselves..it’s some bootleg shit that she knows she is…and that alone can lead to some insecurities that bring on drug addiction and all that other good stuff. You know..context. The rich brat who wants it all but is third tier, even when third tier is pretty good…kills herself for not being good enough…because she doesn’t know she won…

Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|SFW




Lisa Appleton is a Dumpy UK Trashcan Flashing Tit of the Day

Lisa Appleton is some garbage UK trash that I am not going to bother looking up, because you can get a sense of what she is based on the pictures alone.

An attention seeking pile of shit that could have been a gutter glamour model before falling in love with cake…or a reality star that managed to get into some reality TV show….or who fucking knows, but she’s got the paparazzi watching her sloppy drunk ass as her tits spill everywhere and it’s vile…and thus amazing….My kind of girl…

Posted in:Lisa Appleton




Kim Cloutier Pantsless of the Day

Kim Cloutier is a Montreal based model – and I am from Montreal so I can’t say anything mean about her or her 30 year old body – seeing as I may run into her somewhere and have some confrontation. I know it sounds ridiculous – but it’s happened before…girls don’t like when an asshole fat guy calls them out…and they love to take the opportunity to call me a fat guy – because despite their body positive lie – they are all just cunts waiting to be mean spirited…it’s human nature…

Not to mention, Kim Cloutier is hot…so why would I be mean about a hot Canadian just out there being pantsless…something most French Canadians can relate to…we call it “the first date”…those liberal free spirits straight from the Dairy far to being sexy

Apparently the new trend in modeling is pants off party – I like it.

Posted in:Kim Cloutier|SFW




Bella Hadid Elle France of the Day

My God Bella Hadid is ugly.

I don’t care what magazine supports her, or how hot she thinks she is because everyone tells her she’s hot..

I think it’s safe to say that she knows the truth, we all know the truth and just because she’s delusional about it…doesn’t mean it isn’t TRUTH..

I don’t know what it is, but probably not showing her tits, that really allows me to focus on the issue at hand…her average at best looks that get paid above average prices because the world is fucking stupid.

Posted in:Bella Hadid|SFW




Doutzen Kroes and Lara Stone Outtakes of the Day

Doutzen Kroes looks fucking haggard…

It’s like Victoria’s Secret dropped her and she fell the fuck apart.

Her husband and father of her kids out there touring and fucking hot, young versions of her – like the DJ whore she was, DJ whores will exist and some are just more relevant than her…

YOu know now that she had time off, trying to tour with her man, only for him to pull the plug and be “Bitch, you old, you don’t have a job, you used to be a VS model, that was your selling point, now you are just an expense that takes care of my babies I didn’t want in the first place”….you know how those things go…

Lara Stone…also old…is the fucking worst, but I just hate her because her lawyers came after me once…like fuck you cunt you should pay me for the press you washed up pile of shit.

Posted in:Doutzen Kroes|Lara Stone




Anna Ewers Rhymes with Sewers of the Day

Anna Ewers rhymes with sewers – and may even smell like sewers – or has at one point in her career – because it’s hard out there for a hot chick trying to make it in the industry – and sometimes you just gotta go to Dubai to hang with some Oil Money to pay the rent, and feed the vapid existence..

Not that I know anything about Anna Ewers, besides the fact that she’s pretty hot..with her narrow hips and Euro face…dressed in her weddding gear because she’s probably trying to get her US Citizenship, anticipating TRUMP changing those laws…

She is not showing her tits, but has in the past so we can use this as an excuse to click on her name and see her nudity of yesteryear – you know her portfolio coming up.

Vogue Paris – fashion like a Jenner…

Posted in:Anna Ewers|SFW