I'll Make You Famous…




J.Lo has Her Underboob Despite Being an Old Mom Who is Known for Her Ass of the Day


I spent the day trying to avoid this image J.Lo posted to her social media of under tit – because I guess she wants people to know she’s got tit…and is not just an ass….even though she’s being an ass, when posting these kinds of pics for attention on social media..

Trying to show the world her triple threat isn’t singing, dancing and acting…it’s pussy, ass tits…

And that is only terrifying because she’s a mom, who is rich, and who doesn’t need to be doing any of this…this is all for ego…

As for J.Lo, that cockroach just won’t fucking die…but I guess she’s still scamming and as a scammer she’s still up to her old tricks as they pay…like she’s some kind of prostitute…a song and dance prostitute…the mainstream loves…despite being so OLD.

Posted in:J.Lo|SFW




Rumer Willis in a Bikini of the Day


When your mom is a vapid superfical twat like Demi Moore who was once very fucking famous after rebuilding her entire face and body with her hollywood money – there’s going to be a lot of importance on your looks in the vapid household you are from – even if you were raised in Montana where Ashton Kutcher, your stepfather developed his dot com billionaire investing skills…because you weren’t hot enough to distract him with your young pussy…

It’s only natural to not be natural – and to try to get as hot as you can with modern science – it worked for the Kardashians…all those little monsters made fuckable…so it’ll work for the dark pretending to be hippie…willis sisters…and she’s looking good half naked…for the first time in her life…anyone fucking her cuz she’s Bruce Willis’ daughter is probably pretty happy about it…


Posted in:Rumer Willis|SFW




Britney Spears Shorts Short Sports Bra Handstand Walk of the Day

I just heard that Britney Spears’ sister Jamie Lynn, who tried to be famous for a minute but ended up getting knocked up like other celebrities from the era’s siblings….we’re talking to you Haylie Duff and Ashley Simpson…

Well, I heard the rich hick family had an ATV accident and the kid was in critical condition – and if I had a soul – I would find that sad and trying to jerk off to her would be a challenge….but I have no soul….so trying to jerk off to her is fine…

All fit, and showing off her fitness, all late 30s, crazy, held hostage by her parents to make them money like a good little spawn…doing circus tricks like the dancing money she is…

Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW




Bella Hadid Ass Crack of the Day

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Look Bella Hadid posted a picture of her butthole sucking in her underwear like it was The Weeknd’s dick…..because you know, based on a few facts including but not limited to broken rich girl, vapid rich girl, celebrated model despite not being that cute, younger sister jealous of her more famous sister she’s latched onto, knowing people only care about her thanks to GIGI, that ass has seen some dick…

I know, I know, these kids all grew up on 2000s porn, anal is standard, I haven’t met a girl who doesn’t do anal under 40 years old ever….people like a good shit on dick ass fucking…

But it’s still nice to point out…especially when the stories I’ve been told by the girls who couldn’t fit The Weeknd’s dick in their mouth, that it’s substantial enough to blast out this girl and make her anus some sort of vaccuum….


Posted in:Bella Hadid|SFW




Slutty Models for 10 Magazine of the Day


10 Magazine is a British luxury quarterly magazine published in London, UK.

WHICH MEANS…actual models, not instagram models, will get half naked, or naked and posing in erotic poses like YOGA POSES, or MARTHA HUNT In her classic Martha HUNT FACE DOWN ASS UP, you know showing their flexibility, celebrating their bodies you’ve already seen in Victoria’s Secret, possibly in Victoria’s Secret, like some kind of advertorial, sponsored post, the BUZZFEED article of the fashion photoshoot worlld..>WHO KNOWS…

The models are:

Alanna Arrington, Stella Maxwell, Jasmine Tookes, Sara Sampaio, Grace Elizabeth, Lily
Donaldson, Josephine Skriver, Cindy Bruna, Martha Hunt, Elsa Hosk, Maria Borges & Dilone

The pics are hot.

Posted in:Elsa Hosk|Fashion|Josephine Skriver|Martha Hunt|SFW|Stella Maxwell




Ireland Baldwin Takes Her Alec Baldwin Head out Without a Bra of the Day


Ireland Baldwin is the big headed, big breasted, big girl, who wanted to be a model, who went from being a young beachy rich kid, something real popular on instagram, to some dark, depressive, rehab attending lesbian….and I’d say it’s been nice watching her grow up from the little girl Alec Baldwin shat on when he was going through his divorce, like the tyrant he is…to the braless girl in a school girl fetish outfit for the paparazzi…where the peak of her existence was paving the way for her younger, cuter, cousin who no longer invites her crazy ass to all the exclusive Kylie Jenner parties…whicn in and of itself – makes Ireland Baldwin dramatically more interesting as a personality….even if she’s a big more terrifying and large to look at…

Posted in:Ireland Baldwin|SFW




Kera Lester is the Model You’ve Never Heard Off Flashing her VAG of the Day



Kera Lester is not an actual model – just because you do photoshoots and have a modelmayhem doesn’t make you a model – I mean technically that is exactly what modeling is…so I guess she’s LITERALLY a model…but any model will demand more respect than that…they’ll want you to act like modeling is this exclusive thing for tall skinny chicks…not these 5 foot 4 girls willing to get naked for photographers…who aren’t even real photographers…

YOU SEE…it’s the social media – internet era of self promotion and narcism, where all these girls want to put themselves out there for everyone to see and follow..it’s a take your life by the balls…and put yourself out there until you get mad when it doesn’t work out so that you email everyone who ever posted pics you were so excited by…to take down those pics because you’re trying to be a respectable house wife..

YOU SEE…the DIY nude model is a great thing, as long as she doesn’t get an ego, but probably has an ego…because I like seeing everyone trying to make it – getting naked in the process…for me to masturbate to – while pretending it’s not about the jerk off material – but ART MAN THIS IS ART MAN….and slutty nude snapchats people pay 10 dollars a month for…that’s how these models are modeling and making the art man…

I think her model mayhem profile outlines her needs and wants nicely:

Hey! my name is Kera, I am 21 years old, and love to do freelance modeling! I am perfectly comfortable doing nudes, as long as they are done respectably (no porn) and love artsy photoshoots! I am very open minded and am open to all types of shoots! I hope to find some more fun modeling gigs from this site.

Posted in:Kera Lester




Sports Illustrated Rookies of the Day


Lais Ribeiro, Mia Kang, Bianca Balti, Danielle Herrington, Kelly Gale, Mia Kang, Myla Daibesio and Vita Sidorkina

So the LOL in this list is this Myla Daibesio girl, who would rather be called a woman, because after scanning her social media, I see she’s a feminist and an “artist”….who has a side project where women discuss how the media makes them feel about their body…the same women who look at pictures of her photoshopped huge tits in a misogynistic men’s magazine that for so long reserved women coverage to pictures of them in bikinis, where she plays one of the photoshopped women in bikinis, because all these “activist” types are the biggest fucking hypocrites around….

If you were legit about your political theory Myla Daibesio…why the fuck are your massive tits in the skimpiest bikini for an men’s magazine that exploits women to get subscribers….Myla Daibesio….why? Tell me why?

Use them big titties to inspire all the small titties getting implants to fit into the construct of male dominated media…thanks…this is the opposite of down with the patriarchy!! YOU LIE!

I don’t actually care, because when you get these people talking they don’t fucking shut up…what a joker!

The other “rookies” have been around for a while and you can see their tits via google…

Posted in:SFW




Em Rat Cow Sues Gallery For Promoting her Pre-Famous Nudes Because She’s the Worst of the Day

Castor Galley cease1-3

This is a pretty funny story that I doubt is a publicity stunt for the artist, Jonathan Leder, but might as well make it one because we like him and his photos. He was pre-instagram 60s and 70s inspired nude photos of hot models, before every girl was a nude model and every guy with a camera was a photographer who was channeling 60s and 70s Playboy / Penthouse…

He shot with Rat Cow early in her attempt at a career that worked out for her. She did nude pics with him and now that he’s trying to show his photos that she’s part of – because she shot with him – she’s suing…

She doesn’t want some dude who shot her when she was using him, to use those images to make money for him, because giving back is not something this cunt believes in. She wants her piece of the action…..which I guess could be seen as smart business…but I call it not being very nice to people she needed to get where she got.

That said, Emily Rat Cow has been a consistent girl I make fun of on the site. I have issues with her, because I was around in the early to the Rat Cow hustle, not the super early because I never pay attention to the names of girls before they get some success, but before any of the mainstream sites were posting her, before she was in the media, in an era when she had shot with a small handful of people at the time, all naked photographers, including people like this dude in a time when big tits weren’t exposed by every girl everywhere looking for followers…

I would post on her calling her mouth and tits fake, because I make fun of girls who get naked for attention – even if I like them naked for attetnion. Since she wasn’t getting much media at the time and was googling herself, she saw the posts and this zero with great tits slutting out for fame she ended up getting told me that she didn’t appreciate my posts calling her face and tits fake…that they are real…so I decided to be nice to her…to write nice things about her…in a “friend of the site, I don’t actually hate these people, despite how disgusting they are at their core, and she’s got good tits, so why not be nice, even though I’m not nice”…I was thinking, she had tits that could get someone, and that it could be funny to stage some content stunts of my “love for her” that she was in on…

Instead she did the blurred lines videos, and she stopped sending me pics from her photoshoots she wanted to leak to the internet for the publicity, that I’m sure she was sending all sites, hell, it may have been her boyfriend master minding the whole thing, it doesn’t matter, what matters is that when she got where she wanted to get, fucking Ben Affleck for movie parts, she was too big, famous and important to fuck with little old me….and that’s cool, but figured, I’d go back to making fun of her, because like all these other girls she was back to being a nothing….

But that attitude, I wasn’t offended by, because I never met the bitch, we weren’t friends and I get the hustle, but could tell how she was an opportunist just getting herself ahead with no respect for anyone who was involved or helped her get there…like this photographer…

You see he was naked in a room with her, she probably begged him to shoot, and now she’s suing him because he’s showing pics she’s in…cuz she’s naked…that’s what she did, that’s who she is, and it’s not like it’s some hardcore porn shit…

I hate when these girls get mad about moves they made, instead of just owning them and dealing with the consequences…instead they bust out lawyers…in a “don’t make money off my name”…while girl made a shit ton of money off a lot of people giving her support…because without the photogs, the blogs, the magazines, Ben Affleck, and the Blurred lines video…she’d just be a stripper or an escort with an ego…which I guess is exactly what she is…

Still such a gross thing to do, from a gross, egotistical garbage person, but use your instagram money to get lawyers on people. That’s just fucking lame behavior….expected from such a lame cunt…who went viral, in more than one way, and now won’t let people make money off her…even though she’s made money off them. Typical woman.

About the show:

Castor Gallery Downtown is pleased to announce an exhibition of early work by renowned photographer Jonathan Leder, featuring 120 intimate portraits shot on Polaroid film. The exhibition will run from February 9 through February 26, 2017. An opening reception will be held on Thursday Feb 9th at 254 Broome St NY, NY from 6-9 PM. The artist will be in attendance.

The photographs on view in this exhibition were taken by Leder over a five year period, and are rarely exhibited to the Public. These images, which pre-date the fame of their celebrity subjects, such as models Emily Ratajkowski and Allie Leggett, capture Leder’s process as photographer and evoke a sense of nostalgia.

This show opens with an accompanying book, Leder / Ratajkowski Collector’s Edition from Imperial Publishing.

Featuring the infamous 2012 polaroid portraits taken of Emily Ratajkowski, the model made famous in Robin Thicke’s “Blurred Lines” video. This exclusive signed artist edition and print will be available for purchase in the gallery.

Posted in:Em Rat Cow|Emily Ratajkowski|Rat Cow




Little boy molester and Other Videos of the Day

Police Spanking in Africa

Sad Dog of the Day

McDonald’s Brawl

Failed Van Drift

Dude Gets Thrown into the Train

The Dump on Trump Protester

Thief Caught in the Act

Car on 3 Wheels

Idiot Learned the Hard Way

Man Tries to Kill Ex Wife and Ex Father In Law

Double Russian Knockout

Sleeping with Husband

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos