I'll Make You Famous…




Marissa Kité Lens Flare for Kesler Tran of the Day


Kesler Tran is a pretty well known or established LA photographer…who shoots every single model, instagram model and sugar baby he comes across and generally makes them look great…using aggressive filters and in this case serious LENS FLARES to give a solid feeling of “art”…or “high concept”…almost like it was shot on FILM only not at all..when in reality there is no such thing as art, it is just a good excuse to get girls to shoot with him….naked!!!

The reality is, the pics are good, the babe is a babe, the nakedness isn’t vulgar, yet still naked enough, and in an oversaturated market, where all pictures look the same, this is a bit different.

I am so torn with this internet model thing, because I come from an era where old out of touch execs choose who should matter, who gets seen, who gets paid and self promotion meant sucking up to them, often times literally, instead of the general public deciding, when in reality I should be all about this trend, because it allows me to decide which girls I consider fame whores, or talent, worthy of success as a model, and which girls I want to promote and work with because if you’re decent looking you should want to be a model, it’s easy work and leads to the good life surrounded by successful people…in amazing places…

So I make fun of it, I tease the girls participating in it, but I actually like the DIY approach and hustle, especially with nudity and this Marissa Kité is magical…a dream girl, a goddess who revolutionizes the model industry, a breath of fresh air, and angel, perfection possibly even too hot, maybe they need to throw mud on her or something, to make her relatable, otherwise, she’s barely human in her level of amazing, and I’m not just saying that because she’s been a STEP GIRL …or maybe I am …

Posted in:Marissa Kité




Melissa Joan Hart in a Red Bathing Suit of the Day


Melissa Joan Hart posted a picture of her in a red bathing suit…

Melissa Joan Hart is old as fuck, and apparently she’s doing this to celebrate her weight loss…but you wouldn’t know that, because no one follows Melissa Joan Hart…

I would argue that even when she was on TGIF programming on Sabrina the Teenage Witch, a show we can assume NETFLIX is bringing back, I preferred her Aunts, even the fat one to Melissa Joan Hart….the teen…VERY UNLIKE ME…but a testament of just how hot she was…or I guess wasn’t…

I mean even the puppet cat on the show was probably what I’d choose to fuck if it came down to the two of them….

So seeing her in a bathing suit now…does ZERO for me, but I assume you weirdos were into her, because you’re old dudes who visit blogs like this…which isn’t normal…you’re not normal…this isn’t NORMAL…why are we doing it..


Posted in:Melissa Joan Hart|SFW




Ashley Benson Tries to Get Fit of the Day

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Ashley Benson is everyones third favorite short legged, wide-hipped actress, who is extremely famous from being on a very popular show people watch religiously, called Pretty Little Liars, but that Ashley Benson calls her Lottery win, because it has set her up for life…assuming she’s not a vapid cunt who expects things to just happen for her because she’s Ashley Benson, which is probably the case, since all these girls are fucking brats…

Well, I’ve been calling her out for being on the cusp of hot, busty yes, but sloppy….saying with her money and the studio that produces the hit show money…she has no excuse to not be served or monitored by the team of nutritionists and trainers…there is no reason why she is banned from the craft services table, or that on her breaks she does squats versus watching snapchats…

Because she was not that fat, but just fat enough for me to say “she’s fat for Hollywood”…would take 2 weeks of starving herself to fix, and once fixed, she’ll book bigger things.

I am only trying to help, and I guess I’ve done my part because someone in her team is making her go to the gym, and she’s already looking better, she’s got a neck/chin, a thigh gap starting…things are lookin’ up this spring morning…

ASH (3)

Posted in:Ashley Benson|SFW




Jessica Alba’s Feet for the Foot Fetishists of the Day

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Jessica Alba may brand herself as “honest”, but the truth is she doesn’t brand herself anything, she’s got a team of people who have been running the show, and who have given her the right advice along the way so that she never got naked and ended up in porn where she probably at her core would have ended up, but luckily people needed the hot girl with average talent in average movies people would see, back when people went to movies…only to leverage that celebrity – after trapping her man with kids – into a productline for moms that pretends to be “healthy” or “organic”..or “all natural”…but arent…

Kinda like Jessica Alba….

Now she posted her feet on snapchat, because she knows the freaks and creeps are out there…she feeds into them…in a way where she pretends she isn’t, you know a little “here’s some jerk off material”…with more of a wink than actual words…

I’m onto you billionare Jessica Alba…..

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Bonus – here’s some Jessica Alba Tit Sweat…



Posted in:Jessica Alba|SFW




Victoria’s Secret Pregnant Chick Erotica of the Day


I probably used to mid-90s, pre-internet jerk off to Victoria’s Secret catalog, because the models were half naked, airbrushed and hot, and I guess I was doing exactly what they wanted their catalog to do for men, since the brand was started by a man and Victoria’s Secret is that she’s a creepy dude with a passion for lingerie and girls in lingerie, so passionate he made it a billion dollar a year brand and has seen more than just money, but rather every hot model’s pussy along the way….#Goals…

Internet made jerking off to Victoria’s Secret useless, but that’s where they saw most of their success, because it turns out girls buying the underwear is more the goal of the brand, rather than dudes high fiving each other showing them pics of girls they paid to get naked..

But that doesn’t mean they didn’t produce decent stuff, it just got boring, and now they’ve stepped up their edginess…

Mainly in the form of casting pregnant girls to be half naked….before launching their Maternity line….a weird fetish but still a fetish…


Here’s the video…

Posted in:SFW|Victoria's Secret




Kylie Jenner Goes Hip Hop of the Day


I called Kylie Jenner out on my INSTAGRAM because she is garbage…

But more importantly, because her and every other fame whore, I’m talking low levels and top levels, collectively asked their audience to “get notified” every time the person posts, which means their phone will actually go off when people like Kyle post a picture on instagram, where she’s just trying to sell garbage product and garbage lies and her garbage self and garbage family to you…and it amazed me that people would do that or want that…

No, I understand why the vapid cunt who is lazily making a lot of money trying to as much coverage as possible, engaging as tightly as possibly with her retard fans, without having to give them anything but a handful of garbage selfies..

But I don’t understand why anyone would want their phone to buzz when garbage people update their social media like they matter, like it will change their life, like it will even inspire…..when it’s all the same fucking shit over and over again….

Do we really live in a world where we need our phone to vibrate so I don’t miss out on her fat white girl with a tranny dad and hooker sisters and pimp mom ass pushing product on me…because I don’t have enough stress just having the bullshit app on my phone.

Some half dead, plastic surgery ridden, fat transferred, chubby, heavily made up, bootleg video vixen 18 year old, living her rich kid life, isn’t interesting, exciting and we can just hope this instagram era dies with their new update “feed” these whores are all upset about….


Posted in:Kylie Jenner|SFW




Laura Vandervoort in a Bikini of the Day

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I don’t hate Laura Vandervoort, but I did trick her at some comicon to say that she hates me….

Because there was a point in her life where all she had going for her was Smallville, and she toured that fucking thing until it led to new and more important things, doing whatever it is she does, I don’t follow her career or really care…

But I don’t mind when her skinny blonde body is in a bikini because why the fuck not..


Posted in:Laura Vandervoort|SFW




Men’s Magazine Goes Fat cuz It’s Trendy with Fat Ashley Graham of the Day


The whole world’s gone fat…or at least pop culture, or the media outlets that are defining pop culture, because everyone I talk to, even fat girls, hate that fatification of American culture…

They are ok with being fat trash, they know they are sugar addicts, they are lazy, and they still get to fuck as a fat chick because dudes want to fuck them, but they also know that they are fat and that no one should want to watch them fuck, even if they like to fuck…because they are lazy and don’t respect their bodies…

Those fat girls, are the kind of fat girls who find hot models relatable and aspirational, but I guess there are fat girls, fat girls I don’t talk to, who have this inflated ego and narcissism…feeling all busty and hot…because fat girls for the most part have huge fucking tits…taking the guys who fuck her because guys will fuck anything seriously…and turning it into a campaign or a modeling career for more than just PLUS SIZED modeling companies dealing with fat AMERICA…but instead trickling into Sports ILLUSTRATED and now MAXIM…who strategically crop her obesity out…but who is still obese…no matter how “healthy and happy” she claims she is…she’s not…otherwise she wouldn’t be fat…fat by default is UNHEALTHTY..

But I guess being delusional and spinning it like it is OK to be fat, to love your body, instead of encouraging health and fitness is great for marketers trying to get people to eat more junk food…it’s like “If we convince them it is OK to be fat, and to feel hot while fat, we can still market bad processed food to them”…

Ashley Graham doesn’t offend me, I mean she’s annoying and I’m not gonna jerk off to her, but the idea of her as a model, telling girls it’s ok to be fat, buy this donut, is just terrorism on a nation of girls who should never be happy fat, because it is killing them.

She represents a bigger problem, literally…but at least she has huge fat chick tits, now go eat some burgers and you can be Ashley Graham too.

Posted in:Ashley Graham|SFW




Jessica Lowndes and Jon Lovitz Music Video of the Day

I posted that Jon Lovitz / Lowndes trending relationship was a lie yesterday…and this is the video they were promoting…

Actors make very little money, especially when they haven’t worked in the last 3 years like this Jessica LOwndes…so I understand why she’s doing all she can to get a career.

So she’s taken on instagram to maximize her “celebrity” and fans to become an instagram model, like all the other instagram models, and she’s hot enough to be half naked posing her fake tits, making a joke of where the market has gone.

It’s like the girl has been acting, imported from Canada, and was on TV for 5-6 years, and the girls making money, are whores doing bikini selfies at sugar daddy paid trips…

She’s also got a music career, that’s not a very good music career, but actors all seem to do music now, because with computers you don’t need talent and I guess it’s a bigger cash grab than the 500 dollar a day Screen Actor’s Guild day rate…

The video is making fun of everything, at least I assume this is a parody, part of a comedy act, with old “pop-up video” captions, but give the Canadian barely famous girl some love, because at least she’s trying, all while having a rocking body, which is what actually matters.

Posted in:Jessica Lowndes|SFW




Hair Product of the Day and Other Videos of the Day

Drunk Customer Runs Over Waiter

Shoplifter with Dirty Needle

Don’t Open your Door to Strangers

Homeless Man Sucker Punched

Man VS Walmart Employees

Couple Buried by 50 Tons of Gravel

MMA Fighter Gets Ticket for Drag Racing

Motorcycle VS Pool

Cat Fight of the DAy

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos