I'll Make You Famous…




Rita Ora’s Men’s Shirt Porn of the Day


Rita Ora wore a men’s shirt and fuck me boots while leaving a hotel or brothel or whatever this is…

Mens Shirts with party footwear, like heels or fuck me boots are the number one walk of shame solution for girls who don’t like walking around in last night’s party dress because it is covered in cum and vomit…and stale beer…

If this was a girl, who I worked with, not that I work with people, but you know what I mean, my neighbor or the coffee shop employee or really anyone…I’d be all about this..

Since it is Rita Ora who only exists because she’s a whore, it’s not all that interesting..but in her defense, none of these idiots are…


Posted in:Rita Ora|SFW




Anais Pouliot for Some Magazine of the Day


I have spoke about this ANAIS POULIOT before….she is some French Canadian I’ve never met, but should have met, but probably is best I didn’t meet, because French Canadian girls are the fucking worst level 9 crazy there is, and those are the ones stripping and thinking they are the shit, not the ghetto bitches who ended up being huge models..that aren’t that huge but huge enough to be living in NYC doing NYC things..

All this to say, french girls have anal on the first date that doesn’t even need to be a date…

She’s not as naked as she normally is, I guess she’s going legit..and mainstream…

Posted in:Anais Pouliot|SFW




Lily Donaldson for The Telegraph Bikini Shoot of the Day


Lily Donaldson is going through a mid life crisis…at least that is what I assume is going on with this 30 year old model who didn’t maximize her career when she was at her peak, she took it for granted, and I guess things are just slowing down for her and it’s time to call on her friends to get her press…

Because Lily Donaldson, a British model who was a Victoria’s Secret contract worker that they pushed under the rug and forgot about in 2012, as they do…because these girls are replaceable, especailly the uneventful ones….

Maybe she’s just looking for a rich husband, and the 2012 VS girl isn’t good enough for the billionaires, they want to marry something current..

Either way, she’s in a standardized bikini shoot, that bores me, but that is a half naked model for you…because I prefer girls naked, on my floor, doing iphone shoots….

Posted in:Lily Donaldson|SFW




Photographer Arnaud Lajeunie for Odiseo No. 6 of the Day


Arnaud Lajeunie is a photographer…but then again, who isn’t a photographer, cameras are so affordable, and we have them in all of our phones…it’s like does the world actually need a photographer…is calling yourself a photographer anything but laughable…it’s one of those obsolete talents…technology destroyed…

Maybe we should start calling photographers “Technicians”…who just put a button…because under the current situation, I’m a fucking photographer, just based on my instagram pics of my dog…I am also a director, producer and writer….

When anyone who knows me, knows that I am a fucking hack..

That said, thie Arnaud Lajeunie dude is my jam, he takes average, even ugly girls, Amanda Smith, Celine Bjornlund Mortier, & Agathe Rousselle, gets them naked, in masks, being weird, under red lights, because #art..

And I get to see their pubic hair, and I fucking love pubic hair..

Posted in:Photos




The Highlight of the Michelle Rogriguz Bikini Pics…of the Day

Is the girl who isn’t Michelle Rodgiguez…


Posted in:Michelle Rodriguez|SFW




Ekaterina Juskowski Best Model Troll Ever of the Day

Her name is Ekaterina Juskowski…

She is a model..that at first I thought was a just a pawn by a publicist trying to be funny, by having a boat of “immigrants” pull up to the beach and start running, like immigrants, making for a hilarious viral video, that went viral..and has even made it to FOX…because FOX loves immigrants…especailly illegals…

Then I saw, she’s an artist, who probably conceptualized this herself…and it’s amazing…well done..

Because there is no way this is actual immigrants, or illegals running to safety…

But people want to believe it is, which is the best element in any viral video..

Well done.

Posted in:Ekaterina Juskowski|SFW




Xannie Cater for Elle France of the Day


She’s 19, she’s tall enough, she’s a capricorn….whatever the fuck that means…I mean other than you being able to google whether you are compatiable signs, since you’re that lonely…and it brings you hope…

She’s from the UK, or England as it used to be called…I share a queen with her, seeing as I am a Canadian, and I am just surprised she doesn’t look like a toothless, working class, brown toothed, chimney sweeper, with grey skin, eating grey meat and potatos, like all british women I’ve seen…

But instead she’s got a hip name, that is probably a stage name, a hip look, showing hip nipples, because everyone is hip now…an these Elle France, or as I like to call it “L”….because I’m an idiot…but these pics aren’t idiots. They are good.

The other thing that is good…is that she was at one point in time…she was obsessed with pugs…see earlier post to see what I think of that.

Posted in:Xannie Cater




Francia Raisa in a Bikini of the Day


My favorite thing about Mexics, or really all Latin based Americans, is that they are all so fucking eager to prove to you that they are legal. They bust out their passport everywhere they fucking go, because either they feel that people just assume they are immigrants, and thus treat them differently, or maybe they just hear too many stories about their families being deported while gardening…

So American, who wants you to know she’s American….Francia Raisa….from Bring it On – All or Nothing..thanks to dance moves she learned while her mother was prostituting her at the age of 5 for the American dream…wore a bikini….

She’s not very famous, she’s on a show called UnREAL, that people are talking about but she’s in a bikini…and that’s what her worth boils down to.

Posted in:Francia Raisa|SFW




Baby Pugs Sleeping is Everything of the Day

I am pug obsessed, which for some reason seems to annoy or confuse the 4 people who read this site, because they want tits, or hateful commentary on all that is wrong with the world, making fun of pop culture, calling girls hookers, and linking to weird as fuck fetish videos….

But for some reason, a reason I call not being too impressed by humans, but feeling nothing but love from my dog, who I have kept alive for 7 years at this point, and that in and of itself is amazing…but not as amazing as the fact that the fucker, with his stupid alien looking face, gave my life purpose…and the purpose is to use him to talk to young girls who love pugs…

Either way, this video of pug puppies, is better than anything else you’ll see here today…you know tits on nobodies, that are celebrated, for no reason…amongst the other shit I spew..

This is everything.

Posted in:Videos




Maja Krag Topless Shoot Because She’s Amazing of the Day


Maja Krag is a Danish model, and if you know anythong about me and my family, we fucking love danish….from Cheese Danish, to Strawberry Danish, to Chocolate Danish, to pretty much any Danish, just as long as it is a Danish, including but not limited to Maja Krag…who I’d eat all day…and not just because she’s 20, and I’d eat any 20 year old all day, but because she’s amazing looking, in all her tall, topless, posing…as cheesy as I find posing in photos when you’re a model to be…it’s like can you be any more embarrassing and obnoxious in your narscisism, I guess if these were a selfie, she could…and they may be…who knows…who cares…she’s hot as fuck…I’m into it.

Here’s some of her instagram…

Posted in:Maja Krag