I'll Make You Famous…




Geri Halliwell Tits for Breast Cancer of the DAy

I usually hate theme parties. I get pissed off when I hear about 9 to 5ers organizing murder mystery shit, or when colleges organize pimp and ho shit, or pajama shit, or school girl and professor shit, or halloween shit, or Christmas shit, or pretty much any organized activity that brings out the idiots in huge numbers to dance around and laugh in unison like a bunch of cocksuckin’ drones drinking the fuckin’ Kool Aid….

But I’m totally into this breast themed events, even if it is for breast cancer because celebrating breasts is something I can appreciate, especially when Geri Halliwell is eager enough about the cause to take part in the shit literally, something that normally annoys me, except when that enthusiasm involves a bitch tastelessly showing off her fat tits for all the mastectomy cancer survivors at the event to look at and envy in hatred, because when you’re Geri Halliwell, a relatively useless nobody, you try to excel wherever you can, even if it means having the hottest tits in the room amongst all the cancer survivors. Bitch.

Pics via Fame

Posted in:Breast Cancer|Geri Halliwell




Sophie Reade Opens Some Store in Lingerie of the Day

Some UK Big Brother winner continued to exploit herself even more than she already has because I guess she hasn’t had enough of insignificant fame and if anything loves it, because here she is at some store opening wearing lingerie on the street, something not horrible in theory, despite the fact that bitch is a solid 40 lbs overweight, making me think this is more of a circus performance than something worth jerking off to, but what the fuck do I know, maybe people like this shit, but I like to think its got more to do with her being very affordable for a store looking for someone to draw some attention in financially strained times.

Pics via Fame

Posted in:Lingerie|Sophie Reade




Jayde Nicole and Joe Francis Fight Video of the Day

Canadian piece of trash from a single parent home Jayde Nicole, also known for her work as Playboy’s Playmate of the Year, or the Vagina Brody Jenner has sex with, who I have had the exciting pleasure of standing next to once, but didn’t notice because she’s really nothing special to look at, if anything she’s just a short bitch with implants who dresses badly, but if I had noticed, I would have totally spat in her face or pissed on her, because she deserves to be treated like the gutter trash she is to scale down her fuckin’ ego….

That said, she’s suing Joe Francis from Girls Gone Wild for $1 Million Dollars, because she’s a money grubber and because he did what her father would have done if she had one, and that’s pulled her fucking whore hair and punch her in the eye to keep her in line.

The video shows her pouring a shot on Joe Francis and him reacting like any normal person would react and that’s by pulling her hair like he not only exploits drunk vagina, but like he’s got a vagina of his own…

Posted in:Jayde Nicole|Joe Francis|Video




Shauna Sand Grocery Shops in Her Strippers Shoes With Her Kids of the Day

Here are some pictures of Shauna Sand grocery shopping in her stripper on her way to work or just got off work outfit. I know this first hand because I have spent many nights at 3 am drunk waiting by the back door of strip clubs trying to convince the girls to do a little overtime work on my dick, sometimes succeeding in my request, but most of the time just getting kicked by these plastic heeled weapons on their feet, or knocked down by their trashy fake designer purses or fake designer duffle bags that house their luxurious costumes they got at the sex shop and wore that night.

I guess this kind of outfit is expected from Shauna Sand, if anything she’s toned it down a lot as she slowly turns into some dried up living corpse and the only real surprise in all this is that she actually buys groceries, I just thought her diet consisted of chocolate flavored laxatives and cum.

Pics via INFphoto

Shauna Sand Sex Tape Clips Exclusive

Posted in:Groceries|kids|Shauna Sand|Whore Shoes




Kelly Bensimon in her Mesh Bikini of the Day

The fact that Kelly Killoren still goes by her ex-husband’s name, just goes to show you that she’s the kind of wallet fucking attention whore you’d expect her to be. You see, when a woman has her own identity, she doesn’t bother milking her successful fashion photographer ex-husband who was once married to Elle Macpherson by riding his name and cashing his alimony checks when not doing her gig on Real Housewives of New York and some bullshit fashion line she started or working out intensely enough to have turned her body into that of a man’s, despite how well hidden her cock is in her white bikini bottoms….
That said, she’s on the beach in some mesh bikini top, showing off her dark nipples and I’m not sure if liking this makes you gay or not, because this is obviously on some tranny shit.

Pics via INFphoto

Posted in:Housewife|Kelly Bensimon|Mesh Bikini|Ripped




Diana Ross’s Son is Banging Brody Jenner’s Ex of the Day

In life changing news you really need to know, Evan Ross, Diana Ross’ son is dating an underwear model named Cora Skinner who used to date Brody Jenner. I guess she’s into guys who live off their parents’ success, or maybe guys who live off their parents’ success like girls who have big tits but aren’t really actual underwear models.
She’s more like one of those bottom feeding sluts who moved to LA with a portfolio of pictures her friend in photography class took of her in her underwear. One of those self-proclaimed underwear models that landed some low level jobs that involved her in her underwear for companies who needed pics of a chick worth seeing in her underwear in her underwear, but couldn’t afford the high prices a real model would charge.

We have girls like this all over the city and they do the same thing as Cora by trying to sleep their way into becoming famous because getting naked didn’t work for them like it was supposed to. Despite the obvious fact that they are failures who just don’t have what it takes, but instead bottom feed, they still manage to walk around with their noses in the air like they are fuckin’ superstars and I seriously hate that snobby cunt behavior, especially when bitch isn’t clearly as hot as she thinks she is. Cunts….

The biggest joke in all this is that this nobody slut sells 8×10 pictures of herself . Who the fuck told her that was a good idea and if she came up with it herself, that is the high maintenance ego I was talking about, cuz she is a nobdoy but doesn’t realize she’s a nobody. If people are actually buying this shit, they deserve to be shot for being fucking an idiots and for encouraging this whore..

Pics via PacificCoastNews

Posted in:Cora Skinner|Diana Ross|Evan Ross|Lingerie Model




Russell Brand’s Got No Taste in Vagina of the Day

Russell Brand is kind of a funny dude. I have seen him in stand-up years ago and he was a lot more interesting to listen to than the other people on the bill like Judd Apatow, Seth Rogan and that weird Asian chick who fucks the dude in Juno.

Sure his shit is tired, his jokes repetitive, he’s softer and candy coated and even annoying, but I am sure he could land some seriously hot pussy, but instead he’s fucking Katy Perry. Sure, he’s kinda gay and gay dudes pretending to be straight don’t traditionally fuck the hottest girls, you know as they prefer the kind who look like they have dicks, and in his defense he is from the UK where most girls are as ugly as Katy Perry, but I guess we can always hope that this known heroin addict, or at least dude who claims he was a heroin addict has HIV from sharing needles he hasn’t told anyone about and does us all a favor by infectin’ this bitch….cuz then she’ll be too sick to make another horrible record to destroy my life with. Good goin’ Russell! Someone get him the Nobel Peace Prize.

Pics via Bauer

Posted in:Katy Perry|No Taste|Russell Brand




Coco for Twitpic of the Day

Coco has taken Tila Tequila, Aubrey O’Day and pretty much every pornstar and slut’s lead by posting sleazy pics of her which aren’t really all that sleazy considering they are of her and this is just every fuckin’ day, but sleazy enough for people who don’t have friends who are hookers or strippers or fat chicks with fake tits and fat asses who wear clothes they buy at the sex shop out in public like a piece of tacky garbage no one should really notice or pay attention to, but people do because we are all perverts and can’t help ourselves.

The internet only cares about half naked bitches and for a bitch getting attention is as easy as getting half naked , it’s the whole basis of everything successful online. Youtube got big because of the sluts posting hot videos, Google got big from people searching for “Porn, Boobs, Sex”, Myspace got big before it became a music site because of the sluts and guys who wanted to fuck the sluts and I guess Twitter is doing the same. Mask it how you want, legitimize it all you can, pretend you’re on a news site, or a sports site, or even a music site or search engine, but we all know the truth because the internet is designed for smut and apparently so is Coco.

Posted in:Coco|Twitpic|Twitter




The Plight of a Transgendered Teen of the Day

Here’s a video for all you weirdos who love teenage girls, but hate that it is illegal and hard to pull off because here’s a story about a teenage boy who dresses like a girl, making him emotionally damaged enough for you to totally get up in him without fear of getting in trouble because he just wants to feel loved and if anything will appreciate your dick.

Sure it’s a little gay, but he is like the perfect kid for teachers and scout leaders to molest because he’s got some heavy fuckin’ issues and is fucked up enough to just want to feel accepted and loved and on the plus side, you can’t accidentally knock him up, saving you tons of embarrassment if he was an actual girl and decided to keep it. Try explaining that one to your wife….it doesn’t go over well, especially if you’re like me and refused to impregnate my wife, kinda slapping her in the face when the 17 year old came collecting the abortion money I had to borrow from my wife…

Either way, I dont get transgendered people, I don’t get cross-dressers, the whole thing is fucked up to me, despite being guilty of wearing my mom’s clothes when I was 4, but that doesn’t count, cuz she was a prostitute and I thought the strap-on dildo was a unicorn horn.

I don’t know why I am posting this, I guess because it’s funny to laugh and people having identity crisis, and definitely not to help get his story out there to loosen the laws on cross dressing, because unlike today’s generation, I don’t think we need to encourage circus behavior at a young age, let people figure all the darksides of the world on their fucking own. Repress and oppress that shit like they did the last hundred years, stop trying to re-invent the wheel and change our comfortable place……you selfish panty wearing pansy motherfucker.

Posted in:Cross Dresser|Transgendered Teen




Kayden Kross Teaches You How To Get Your Girl to do Anal of the Day

Some of you may know Kayden Kross for her adult entertainment career, I know her as the girl I am going to throw into the back of my van and drive 400 miles into the middle of the woods so that she can’t escape me and has no choice but tos stick by me because I performed a ritual making her my bride while she was sleeping off the tranquilizers, all I need is a van and she’ll be mine…

All bad jokes aside, along with her porn career, she is also an educated, well spoken, gentle and caring woman who wants to help you get your girl to do anal and although there are millions of articles on this online, Kayden’s advice comes from a place that doesn’t realize you guys can’t get laid, and that this advice is just going to be used on your best friend who also can’t get laid cuz you’re both horny and tired of jerking off both alone and together while watching porn……but she had good intentions and who knows, maybe it’ll come in handy one day….

Donkey Dong in the Bum
Butt Sex. For most guys who haven’t had it it’s the Holy Grail. It’s just a matter of finding that chick cool enough to let them get away with it. Here’s a secret—look for the religious girls. I’m not kidding. We called it virgin sex because we met enough girls who will blow you until they’re blue in the face and take your donkey dong up the bum on a first date but won’t have vaginal sex until you put a ring on their finger. Just look for the wild chick from the private college or local ski lodge who practices any one of the Abrahamic religious offshoots and you’re golden. Butt sex express.

Or you can talk the current love of your life into it. Don’t buy that ‘exit only’ line. We’ve been finding alternative uses for things for millennia. It’s what makes us human. Did you know that 25% of the things you buy in a grocery store are made out of corn? I’m not just talking about food. Toothpaste has corn products in it. The very walls that the store is built from will have materials made from corn. If we can find 1 million uses for a starchy vegetable then we can find two uses for a butthole. Or three if you transport drugs in small plastic baggies. That’s not for this blog though and I probably shouldn’t talk about corn either. You get the point.

Ok so now that you’ve blown apart her first defense line let’s get down to her fears: poop and pain. Both legitimate. Poop is a relatively easy thing to solve. First explain the physics of it—poop is not waiting three millimeters past the opening ready to jump out and embarrass her. It’s much farther up, beyond the reach of your penis (unless your name is John Holmes). There is even an extra little valve between your penis and the poop that plays gatekeeper. But she’s going to worry about residue.
WWPCD. What would a porn chick do? Not all of them worry about their diets or schedule meals around anal scenes but some do. If it would make her more comfortable then afford her that luxury. Your goal is a penis in the bum and compromise is key. Let her do the scheduling.

That’s the preventative method. Now for the active role—there are three things that you will always find in a porn set bathroom: douches, baby wipes, and enemas. Porn chicks wash every orifice that they intend to use before any shoot. The enema bottle can be used for a quick rinse and then everyone is residue free, although honestly she probably doesn’t need it and all it does is makes her feel better when you have a goal to reach. Do not use an enema as is if you’re looking for something quick and drama free. The function of an enema is to make you poop. They are medical tools. Empty the liquid and refill with water then follow the instructions on the bottle from there. Now you’re rinsing instead of inducing body functions. Way to go.

There’s one more hurdle though if she’s new at this. You can get her bum as sparkly-clean as possible but once you get into it she might feel like she has to go anyway. Please please please believe her. When we first start having sex we sometimes feel like we have to pee from the pressure. It’s the same thing. The body is not used to the feeling and this may take a few tries to get past. Deal with it and just be glad that the situation is not reversed.

Pain. The worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life was when someone “missed” and I wasn’t expecting it. Do not “miss”. Ever. It’s not funny; it’s not a cute way to get what you want. It really feels like you’re being impaled. In fact if you’ve ever tried this tactic on anyone then you don’t deserve butt sex and I invite you to stop reading. So rule 1: make sure that both of you know when butt sex is going to happen. You don’t have to have a long philosophical conversation about the risks and rewards of sodomy. A nod and a grunt is fine. What I find works well is when the dude in question rubs the head of his dick against my asshole while he lubes up. It feels awesome and it serves as a polite knock without the awkward pause.

And now I’m effortlessly slipping into the discussion about lube. Treat her butthole like the engine of a perfectly maintained muscle car. Would you dare even put a key in the ignition without making sure that you had the right oil and plenty of it under the hood? Aside from wanting to be invited back at a later date your other interest in good lube lies in the fact that buttholes tear, and if you think blood coming out of a vagina is gross then you can imagine how this situation might be worse. Vaginas are made to take a little rough housing but there are a lot more nerves and the lining is a lot thinner when you’re talking about anal sex. Please beware.

Ok thus far things are clean, willing, and properly lubed. Now you have to get it in. I can tell you that the act of pushing a dick in is a lot more comfortable for the girl than when it’s pulled out. I can’t explain it and it goes against reason but just keep it in mind. If you do get it in and she asks you to take it out, do so slowly. Do not expect to shove the whole length of your man meat in with one fell swoop either. Think of the turtle and the hare. The hare will get bucked off and possibly be made to sleep on the couch and the turtle will have a mind-blowing orgasm. Be the turtle. You can change your race strategy down the line when you two are old anal pros but right now you’re asking her body to do something completely foreign while you blindly hump as always. Keep the perspective.

If you think you’re going back to vaginal sex once you’ve stuck it in the butt without a halftime shower then you’d better be prepared to practice celibacy for the next week while she recovers from a bacterial infection. I don’t care how much you washed her butthole. Don’t switch back and forth. You won’t see it happen in 99% of porn. What you will see is a nicely edited scene after the clean up has been cut out. If porn is careful about it then it must be important. We usually cut every corner we can find.

Positions: This is not the time to put her in pile driver or break out the Kama Sutra. Her favorite position for regular sex will probably be the most comfortable position for anal sex, but if you need a hint try missionary. Although the idea of anal in doggy is awesome because of the view it’s probably not something you want to push too soon because of the angle. We’re going for a long-term butt sex relationship with this girl, and whoever she is, she’s relationship material if she’s letting you stick it in the bum. Booty calls are relationships too.

To See More of Kayden Kross Check Out Her Site

Posted in:Anal Sex|Kayden Kross