I'll Make You Famous…




Lady Gaga in Video of the Day

Since I slept in today, I figure I’ll punish you with this Lady Gaga video. I couldn’t watch the whole thing, because I can’t stomach her in live-action, but I’m going to post it anyway, because I know she’s probably annoying, pretentious and ugly, but I could be wrong…that’s just how daring I am…

Posted in:Lady Gaga|Video




Megan Fox is a Slut of the Day

I am really not into Megan Fox, which may sound insane to the world of people who sit at home fantasizing over her useless, tacky (see her arm tattoo), glorified stripper, bullshit. I know the people who made her think she is better than she is, are very passionate about how she is the fucking hottest. I know that their constant sucking her dick about how hot she is, has given her a fucking ego and that part of her thinks she’s the hottest girl in hollywood but she obviously doesn’t have any real confidence in herself, because otherwise she would have never been engaged to an original 90210 cast member. But they’re broken up now, so I’ll give her credit where credit is due, and these pictures of her are pretty good, but then again I just woke up, so I may be blinded by her cleavage.

Posted in:Megan Fox|Sexy|Slut




stepLINKS of the Day

I’m finally getting the pussy I deserve, I can smell the days where I won’t have to fuck a bowl of warm, wet, past noodles. Check out this email….

I’m a 19 year old girl and I love your website. You crack me up and I don’t even mind the misogyny, not really being much of a feminist myself. Your posts on Lindsay Lohan and Heidi Montag/every other pseudo celebrity makes my day. I wish there were more bloggers like you.
Love and appreciation

19 dude…do you know what a 19 year old Vagina looks like? I don’t, because all this almost 18 pornstars are usually 25, or at least look it, but I’m assuming shit’s amazing.

Again, I’ve opted out of partying with a bunch of rich girls who asked me to join them because they think I am funny and creepy and make them uncomfortable buy laugh because I decided to sit at home a watch people update their twitter. The real reason is that a bunch of rich girls didn’t ask me to join them out partying, and I spent all my money earlier tonight on a 40. Economic crisis may suck for you, but this has always been my life and these are my stepLINKS….

You Say Whores, I Say Good Times!

Holly Madison’s Overused and Tattered Vagina is Up For Grabs

Some Cereal Ads That Will Make You Think You’re On Drugs

Get Your Cash for OLD Now!

stop Crying, You Little Pussy

Katy Perry Gets More Disgusting Each Day

What If Your Best Friend Lived in Your Pants?

Vincent Talks to Animals, and Probably Fucks Them Off Camera Too

Street Racers Get Busted

The Hottest Women Of Melrose Place

Diary of a Sperm

Striptease of the Day

If That’s How a Man Wants to Relax, Than That’s How a Man Should Relax, You Know?

Porn, What Is It Good For?

Aubrey O’Day Takes Her Tits Out For a Night on the Town

Elle MacPherson is Topless!

Megan Fox Can Do No Wrong

Kendra Wilkinson Hangs Out

Jennifer Aniston is Looking Not Bad for a Bitter Old Aged Hag

Charlize Theron Hotness

Can You Hear This Shit?

Gina Wants To Show You Her Bedroom

Find Girls to Fuck – Because Sex is a Two Person Activity

School in Venezuela Looks Like The Most Amazing Thing Ever

A Kid Eating in on a Tricycle Is Pure Awesome

Sophie Anderton Topless Action

There’s Nothing Like Some Good Fat Food

Kid Completely Destroys Himself For Your Viewing Pleasure

Keeley Hazell Does the Only Thing She Knows How

India’s Baby Drop Ritual Looks Like Hours of Fun

Freida Pinto Looks Sexy No Matter What

Brianna Banks Brings the Boners On

Seriously, What The Fuck is Wrong With Amy Winehouse?

Use This To Get Sex..Because Sex is Fun

Paz Vega Makes the Most Mundane Tasks Look Good

Harumi Nemoto Says Konichiwa

Dawn King Flaunts Her Good in King Magazine

Super Jesus Bowl Sunday!

Sometimes Questions Answer Themselves

Danneel Harris is Pro Masterbation!

Sharon Stone is Getting Downright Terrifying

The Best TV Shows of the 2000’s

Thanks for this No Smoking Message Fabio you Asshole

Some Young Girls Having a Good Time All Up ON Each Other Good Times…

The Best Street Card Trick of All Time….

And I Thought My Cock Was Small…


50 Cent Interview….

Posted in:stepLINKS




Hilary Duff and Her Lesbian Crackwhore of the Day

I am not gonna judge Hilary Duff’s sexual preferences. I know how she’s feeling, we’ve all been there, you know desperate and alone with nothing but a 20 to our name and a boner in our pants. You know looking to get off all over her dirty crack addicted face after violating her gaping, dry, dying vagina, because she is all you really afford, only to feel humiliated once you’re done, leading to you hitting the pipe with the whore you just got with because you realize how she’s the best thing you’ve had in the last 5 years and you don’t want it to end, despite how much you hate yourself for doing it.

You know until you realize there’s a cop across the street about to crack the fuck down on you, forcing you to pretend you’ve never seen that girl before, you know make him think he’s insane for implying such a thing like someone like me paying for sex from someone like that, playing it all off as a joke and going on my merry way….with a boner in my pocket and realizing that the cunt stole my 20 out of my pocket when we were discussing prices, before the pigs cockblocked us…

Posted in:Hilary Duff|Homeless|Lesbian




Vanessa Hudgens Showing Off Some Leg of the Day

Vanessa Hudgens doesn’t inspire me. Facebook does. So this is what I wrote to some girl I don’t know who has her status set to “Spring Break is Amazing, Home Sunday”

i miss you

come home

i miss our late night chats

our movie nights where we cuddle on the couch….

but more importantly – i miss the anal.

She didn’t answer me, just like I’m not going to answer these Vanessa Hudgens pictures, something I am sure she’s used to, you know dating a faggot, where anything she does gets little to no reaction. She can come out with a vibrator and the hottest lingerie and homeboy will ask her to get out of the way of the TV because he’s watching Gossip Girl and she knows not to bother him while Gossip Girl is on….if you know what I mean…and even when shit’s over he only really give her attention when she turns the dildo onto him


Yep…she’s still ugly….just making sure….

Posted in:Legs|Shorts|Vanessa Hudgens




Denise Richards is Dancing with the Stars of the Day

I don’t know why I am wasting my time on these Denise Richards pictures, I assume it’s gotta do with how I waste my time on pictures of useless people everyday, it’s a distraction from actually living and having to come to terms with how shit life really is, like seeing Denise Richards on Dancing with the Stars, when I used to think she had so much potential in her life back in that lesbian scene she did with Kevin Bacon, only to end up divorced, cheated on, a failed reality star, hanging on by a fucking thread by doing the one thing that will take her and she’s lookin pretty fit while doin’ it. Good times.

Posted in:cleavage|Dancing With the Stars|Denise Richards




Mel B and Her Tight Mom Body of the Day

Mel B is lookin’ pretty fit. Yep. That’s really all I have to say about that one. I’ve only got a few hours of sleep in me and my brain is muddy, like her skin color and texture of her Eddie Murphy Baby Mother pussy.

Posted in:Mel B|Mom|Scary Spice|Tight




Pam Anderson Was Out With Some German Man Because She’s a Nazi of the Day

Pam Anderson was out yesterday doing her thing, shaking hands with people, shopping, all with some German reporter, who I guess is some kind of Nazi trying to recruit her into hate crimes, or maybe he’s a smut peddler trying to convince her to let men shit on her while being choked out, you know…German’s and their scat…

Either way, she looks more like a menopausal mom, more bloated and barren than ever, but I figure when it comes to Aryan German Scat Bondage porn, attaching a name like Pam Anderson to it, would really legitimize what they do, making her lack of sex appeal really irrelevant, pretty much like her life work in film and television.

Here are the pics.

Posted in:German|Pam Anderson




Lindsay Lohan Slowly Dying of the Day

So Lindsay Lohan went out shopping yesterday with her skinny fucking legs. If you’re wondering why I am posting these irrelevant pictures, it’s because I’ve decided to become a documentarian. If you’re wondering what I am trying to document, it is her obvious impending death. I figure I’ll just do it one post at a time eventually hitting the fuckin’ gold.

So in these pictures, you’ll notice that she has a cigarette in her hand. You’d think that the nicotine would constrict her blood vessels and increase her blood pressure enough to put her heart into shock, leading to her last puff being her last breath, but she manages to power through the shit without passing the fuck out and convulsing on the ground. I guess the rumors are true and she is a fucking cockroach…Maybe next time our documentary will conclude, but I’m sure she’s got a few more weeks in her. Stay tuned.

Guess what, Lohan and Ronson flew into the UK last night. Isn’t it exciting knowing that maybe, just maybe, their plane will crash on the flight home, ideally with only one fatality. I’m talking to you Lohan, or she could always just stay overseas, but I don’t see much fun in that, unless she got kidnapped by Terrorists and left in the desert when they realized her vagina was not good enough to gang rape, you know with all the open sores, forcing them to go back to fuck their camels, and not worth the ransom money they thought she was worth, you know since their a solid 5 years behind when it comes to popculture there.

Posted in:Dying|Lindsay Lohan




Kate Moss and Her Fishnets of the Day

Kate Moss is still hot enough for me and still holds a special place in my heart even if she looks like a haggard cocaine party slut and here she is wearing a pair of fishnets.

I am not just saying she’s in fishnets to be vulgar, you know to be like anything that gets that close to that pussy automatically earns the word Fish in front of it, like Fishskirt, Fishpants, Fishthong, Fishdick, you know because her pussy smells like an Aquarium the day they have to feed the Dolphins/Sea Lions/Whales hundreds of pounds of dead rotting fish, I am saying that because that’s what they’re fucking called, asshole.

Posted in:Fishnets|Kate Moss|Legs