I'll Make You Famous…




Selena Gomez Rides a Long Board of the Day

I am not a True School Skate or Die motherfucker, I mean the closest thing I’ve ever done to skateboarding is drink in the park next to punk kids who were skateboarding back in the 90s when skateboarding was cool. It was something these drunken, drug using motherfuckers would do that always impressed me and when I’d get to talking to them, they were always down to get fucked up and do insane stunts because something in their head wasn’t wired right. They were one step away from being homeless since they didn’t have jobs, slept all day, partied all night and skated in between. I just respected the lifestyle. Then Tony Hawk Pro Skater hit, the Warped Tour hit, skateboards were sold in Wal Mart and skate shoes and clothing brands were starting to be worn by Cha Chi motherfuckers and are still to this day. I mean any given night I go out I see some asshole with a bottle of Grey Goose in his Ed Hardy rockin’ a pair of Vans and to me, it represents the fall of the rebels and the rise of the mainstream. Sure lots of these dudes I used to get drunk with, got rich and drive BMWs and shit now, but when I see pictures of some chick from the Disney Channel riding a longboard, which is the equivalent of the skiers in the snowboard park to snowboarders or old hairy men on Boogie Boards to surfers, I realize that skateboarding is officially dead and this Selena Gomez chick just pissed on its grave.

Posted in:Longboard|Selena Gomez




Hayden Panettiere is Doing Us All a Favor and Hiding of the Day

I’d just like the thank Hayden Panettiere for doing us all a favor and covering that midget head of hers while leaving some event, probably wasted, because little people can’t stomach booze the same way you can, and Hollywood people don’t like the negative press they get for being drunken whores who hang out with crotch grabbing Lil Wayne motherfuckers.

I remember hanging out at my friend’s cottage with his 10 year old son because everyone had gone to bed and decided that I wasn’t going to drink alone, that shit is for alcoholics and convinced the little bastard to do some whiskey shots with me. It was funny for the first half hour, with him dancing around like an idiot and saying all kinds of crazy shit, before the fucker got alochol poisoning and ended up puking all over the place, waking up his parents and leading to me being kicked out of the house in the middle of fucking no where and losing a relatively good friend, but I assume no responsibility for it, because I am not the one who left me, a bottle of booze and a punk kid bored in the woods with nothing but drinking to do together.

That experience made me decide that I am good with kids and that I don’t actually hate them and I tried signing up to Big Brother’s of America but got refused when I told them the reason for joining was because my friends are old and tired and I am lookin’ to recruit an new little drinking buddy. Fucking Facists.

Posted in:Hayden Panettiere|Hiding




Rose McGowan Talking to th Paparazzi of the Day

Rose McGowan got caught outside someplace waiting for the valet to bring her a car and she was forced to have a conversation with the scum that is the paparazzi. They asked her great questions like how she felt about the election, Palin and OJ getting arrested but the highlight of the clip is the weird little gay guy who tells her how he likes her style, because you know that dude is running after a failed dream and moved to L.A. in hopes of landing a luxurious career as a fashion photographer or something a little more rewarding than sifting through the trash, and that’s his broken down self-esteem tapping into a passion he once had. Sure, he probably goes home at night hoping one of his pictures ends up in a glossy magazine, and when it does he feels a sense of accomplishment, but not the sense of accomplishment he wanted for himself. You know, shooting high profile campaigns and shit like that, but forced to take the bottom feeding route to pay off his student loans for his photography degree. Either way, she was pretty fucking nice to them, if I was in her place I’d be throwing my feces at them, and I guess that’s why I am posting this video, because not everyone in Hollywood is a vapid, materialistic cunt.

Here are some pictures taken while this video was shot and she is wearing fishnets she stole from the Marilyn Manson break-up. True Story.

Posted in:Paparazzi|Rose McGowan




YouTube Lapdance Video of the Day

Someone sent me this video of some Halloween or Lingerie party that went down over a year ago, where a couple sluts decided to have some kind of lap dance competition for a room full of virgins. I found the video hot, because the only parties I get invited usually don’t have this kind of excitement going on, and the Van Wilder gets all jacked up, like seeing two girls in a club touch tongues, prior to ever hearing that Katy Perry song that ruined that for me and it is a reminder of all that I have missed out on over the years and that reminder is part of what keeps me miserable and that misery is part of what keeps me writing this site, so in a lot of ways, this shit is inspiring to me and that’s why I felt the need to share it with you.

Via DisgracefulAndSexy

Posted in:lapdance|Youtube




Beyonce’s Fat Bikini Pictures of the Day

Beyonce was out in a bikini last week and I know I am slow on posting these pictures, but the last thing I think of when I see Beyonce in a bikini, is that I need to get these fuckers on the site as quickly as fucking possible, because my initial response is to pretend like I’ve never seen them, hoping they go away, until an email comes in suggesting I throw them on the site and I do because that reminder, reminds me, that some where out there, some motherfucker finds her hot. So while Beyonce’s husband/boyfriend/fiance Jay Z is out about town with his gang of sluts like Rihanna, Beyonce is on vacation with men in Tuxedos and the good news is that even she knows her fried chicken eating lined her arteries, ass and thighs, but never ventured to her tits, leading her to cover that shit up with a surong and for that, we thank her, because otherwise, these pictures would be a hell of a lot more devastating than they are.

Posted in:Beyonce|Bikini|Fat




Kendra Wilkinson Judges Bikini Contests in the Bahamas of the Day

It is the off season, which means that the unemployed and Joe Six Pack can take a vacation to a resort designed for the stars that is more like Disneyland than a peaceful getaway, not that I’ve ever been to either, because that is only because I have given up on the consumer ideal of vacation, but turning my life into a permanent vacation, by not having a job and the only thing I really ever want to get away from is my wife and I can do that through hard drinking, but that’s not the point, the point is that Kendra Wilkinson, Hugh Hefner’s recently exiled girlfriend has been doing the resort circuit, last week in the Domincan, this week in the Bahamas and she gets to do such exciting and useful things like judge bikini contests. Sure it’s not saving the fucking whales, or helping fundraise for AIDS or Breast Cancer, but it’s a pretty huge accomplishment for someone who’s only ability is being able to take off her clothes for Playboy.

Posted in:Bahamas|Kendra Wilkinson




Salma Hayek’s Nipple on German TV of the Day

Salma Hayek was on German TV recently, lost a bet with someone and had to come out in some traditional German outfit because I guess the German’s take Cocktober fest seriously. The other thing they take seriously is mass genocide to create a superior aryan race, but I guess 60 years is long enough to forget those small little cultural details and appreciate Hayek’s tits while listening to such a romantic sounding language that makes part of me want to watch German scat porn before raping and gas chambering a bunch of Jews and the other part of me take a nice warm bath relaxing to the sounds of Wagner or Ramstein . Such a docile people.

Either way, they did good today by tricking Hayek into this outfit. Enjoy.

Posted in:Germany|Nipple|Salma Hayek




Nicolette Sheridan is in a Bikini of the Day

Since the paparazzi agency that either got paid by Nicolette Sheridan’s people to take pictures of her in a bikini because they think she’s some kind of miracle being in her mid 40s and lookin like this and feel it’s an accomplishment worth drawing attention to, or that sifted through her garbage, tapped her phone lines, climbed fences and used expensive photo equipment to capture these life changing photos of Nicolette Sheridan’s old ass in a bikini, is an agency that wants to bring me the fuck down, sue me and destroy everything I have worked for, like they try to destroy the privacy of famous people I don’t really give a fuck about, but you seem to give a fuck about, putting me in this whole mess to begin with, I decided to do the post by linking to another site, so that you get the goods and I don’t get ruined in the process….because I know cumming to pictures of something Michael Bolton has cum on , and I don’t mean his microphone or outrageous undeserved record sales, but I do mean his girlfriend, is something important to you. So this is me, putting myself out ther for you. Enjoy.

To See Nicolette Sheridan in a Bikini

Posted in:Bikini|Nicolette Sheridan




Leryn Franco’s Tit on the Runway of the Day

Leryn Franco is some Olympic Athlete from Paraguay, a country where they encourage their athletes to get fake tits and walk the runway in order to get on the international scene because none of their other athletes do the Javelin throw and figure they might as well get one who is worth fucking in there to help make herself famous, a strategy I am okay with because these fake tits are better then the thousand of fake tits I’ve seen before them and with stats like that, who cares if you’re the worst Javelin thrower in the Olympics, that shit’s a pretty dead end sport anyway.

Posted in:Uncategorized




DJ AM’s Vintage Rolex After the Plane Crash of the Day

So I went to a concert this past weekend, it was one of those DJ things with people who are down with DJ AM. I made some joke to the girl next to me who was some hot little slut, with a tight, round ass that I could balance my drink on, while using my hands to do other more important and inappropriate things to her, because I wanted to make her laugh since making a girl laugh, makes her panties come off even faster than drugging them, and it is a lot less suspicious when leaving the club, since you’re not pulling her by the hair.

Anyway, I said something along the lines of “I hear that DJ AM is providing pyrotechnics for the show” then did my best impression of a man running around on fire, she didn’t laugh. Then about 20 minutes later, I pulled out my lighter, lit it and said, “Look DJ AM is in the building”, again, no laughs….except from me because I thought it was hysterical.

Here is a picture AM posted of his rolex that was on his arm during the crash, looks pretty fucked up, but not as fucked up as a wedding DJ who can afford a fucking rolex. This is a crazy world we live in and AM is an asshole.

Posted in:DJ AM|Plane Crash