I'll Make You Famous…




Sydney Sweeney Got Them Tits On of the Day

Sydney Sweeney, the full tit actress created by the industry and thrown at us through some pretty big name productions, before casting her in EUPHORIA, which is probably the most depressing take on youth to ever exist…

I don’t know about you, but the Pandemic has changed my mindset in a lot of ways, not in some personal growth shit, but in some less tolerable for bullshit shit…

So when Euphoria first happened, I thought, oh some edgy instagram bullshit High School drama featuring a transgener character who shows the tits, so you know it’s woke enough….and I could stomach it…

But as the years have gone on, I realized, fuck that dark and depressing, medicated, drug addicted, pill popping, partying, social media, cam girl bullshit trying to be edgy, and give me shit that’s funny.

The last thing I need to see is a bunch of young people pretending their self indulgent lives are important….as they navigate through all the grossness the world has to offer….

That’s not the world I’m interested in and I’m a fucking degenerate, so I am not about to watch another SEASON of Zendaya in rehab…HOWEVER, I’ll look at their clickbait that is Sydney Sweeney’s big tits you know they’ll use in at least 50 percent of the episodes to suck people in….cuz TITS get HITS especially cieling eyed tits on their rise to Hollywood Royalty….now that she’s established herself as mattering, even if she’s not that great of an actor, she’s go the tits and that’s more than enough to make it in this era of everything being dog shit….and her tits fucking matter…because they are big.


Posted in:Sydney Sweeney




Alessandra Ambrosio Nude of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio is in some titty magazine shoot for ART not SMUT which is basically still SMUT, but you can lure the models in easier by telling them it’s art….

I don’t know what the magazine is, I just know that the pictures have gone viral because they have her round as fuck tits….which makes me think they are likely some aftermarket tits…not doing the best job disproving that she’s a Brazilian Transgender, which was a rumor that I probably perpetuated back in the day, because I never found her to be the hot VS Angel…plus at the time Tranny Porn was a thing, before they called it Transgendered Porn, you know because tranny is hate speech and derogatory…but being in porn getting violated isn’t I guess….YOU CAN’T CALL IT THAT….IT CHEAPENS THE BACKALLEY SHOT ON AN IPHONE PRODUCTION QUALITY OF TRANS SEX…

But yeah, round tits more often than not are small implants, especially when girl is a lingerie model….but I’m not here to hate on the tits that are close to 40 if not already 40…I mean the host body, not the tits, the tits themselves could be weeks old for all we know…and she’s looking better than usual…so rotting isn’t the same for all washed up near menopausal pussy….


Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio|Alessandra Ambrosio




Dove Cameron Nude Selfie of the Day

Dove Cameron is some weirdo Disney Kid who has one of the creepier or more depressing instagram feeds, one that really almost validates the whole trauma based mind control conspiracy that’s out there around child stars…you know, break them down to have multiple personalities, never really knowing their true alter ego, then traumatizing them by killing off their parents, or other kids in the same system as them…which could just be the premise of a Sci/Fi movie, obviously making the entertainment / media empire that primarily targets kids or produces content for kids evil….a no brainer….but like I said, if you watch the evolution of her face injected face, or the content on her instagram feed, it doesn’t make a good case for “I’m just so happy, living my best life, a super famous money maker who is having the time of her life”….if anything it’s like some creepy cry for help communicating with us through code….

I don’t put too much thought into it, I just celebrate when the selfies, or the reflection selfis, become nudes in heels, because I’m a pervert and don’t care about the inner workings, personalities, or basically anything but the nudes when it comes to these people….I don’t even care about their acting work….because I doubt I’ev even seen a Dove Cameron “joint”….but I have seen these low level nudes and I like em…so mysterious.


Posted in:Dove Cameron




Medical Worker Monday of the Day

I wouldn’t suggest that anyone goes to any medical facility under the current regime because you may never leave…..

But if you were to go to a medical facility, I would hope it would be for the pussy..

You know, just laying out with your dick out for the nurse to see every time she comes to check your vitals….hoping she’ll take her bed side manner to the kind of bed sie manner you jerk off to…you know one that makes you cum….

Because going to medical facilities for reasons outside of being inappropriate with slutty nurses as you pretend to be on your deathbed just don’t make sense to me…maybe you’re a hypochondriac who thinks you are dying or have cancer or some shit, or maybe you’re one of those scared of dying motherfuckers so you like to get yearly check-up to extend your life, you know pussy reasons for healthcare, instead of the real reason for healthcare….THE PUSSY.

The point of the story is that your nurse fetishes have content produced by nurses not scared of losing their jobs dude to vaccine mandates or some shit….almost giving the hospital system the finger as they finger themselves…since it’s a global pandemic, these are the healthcare heroes doing the hero work you can jerk off to…because saving lives or administering procedures that aren’t based on getting you off is a total misuse of their nursing /healthcare skills…as the only BIOLOGICAL function you should want from them is an orgasm.


Posted in:NURSES




Victoria Beckham Ass Shot of the Day

Here’s Spice Girl Legend and Skinny Bitch Victoria Beckham doing a booty show at some expensive looking place because her and her husband, who I guess they consider the real royal family, are rich as shit and don’t need to live like you peasants..

You can see that thanks to a life of wealth, she was actually rich to begin with, even before they cast her for the Spice Girls, so it was never about the money man…even though her man is also a money man….she’s able to hang out ass out on a yacht rocking a body still worthy of being fucked, because I guess when you’re skinny as shit and maintain being skinny as shit…your sloppy and falling apart that traditionally curse women don’t happen because you’re rotting from a solid foundation….

What I am saying is that she’s old, she’s rotting, her cells dying, the aging process is biological fact…but her ass upskirt, when her skeletor face is hidden is still good thanks to the thigh gap she’s maintained through starvation and fitness all these years….reminding us that VANITY is a gift to people who want to jerk off to some old classics like a SPICE GIRL…


Posted in:Victoria Beckham




Britney Spears Ass in a Thong of the Day

Gimme Gimme More…GIMME MORE….

I figure if Britney and her iPhone 3 are out here producing some skimpy thong pics that are posed in more of a fitness contest pose than in a “I’m a sexy vixen who models nude” pose….just flexing those DELTS from a life of dance…muscle memory shit…..but yeah, I figure if she posts these thong pics, and last week’s weird censored nudes so freely, why not post some asshole, some dick sucking, maybe some squirt videos…..we’re halfway, maybe even three quarters of the way there.

I saw some funny headlines with the other censored nudes she posted….

Where basically people were calling her FIERCE or AMAZING for finally being free enough to post a nude…like she even runs her own social media or like she’s even free…instead of saying “this girl is nutty”….they were like “this is her truth, she’s powerful and strong enough and brave enough to upload this kind of thing…it’s so freeing..

Which was a reminder that people are so woke, they see mental health breakdowns because girl has been a product of decades of abuse, trauma based abuse…that there’s no being normal….and I guess if they want to make her out as a nutter, they should do it with her half naked, or fully naked, or squirting on some dicks, because that’s the KIND of Britney being “Free and Empowered” while being MENTAL…I want to see.

Fit Mom Ass…that may not even be Britney but one of her body doubles, who fucking knows, but I’ll go along with their storyline….


Posted in:Britney Spears|Britney Spears




Milf Monday of the Day

MILFS ARE PEOPLE too, at least that’s what the MILFs try to convince us of when they manipulate us into having sex with them, despite us being totally against MOM PUSSY as it is tainted, damaged goods…PUT THAT SHIT OUT OF SERVICE….I DON’T CARE what their wants, needs, or ability to orgasm is…making babies is an 18 year old sentence to masturbating or occasionally fucking the baby-daddy..you know when he’s feeling nostalgic, or maybe when he’s feeling like fucking his wife because his mistress is playing games…

Yes, when a mother becomes a mother, she loses the right to using her pussy freely, because all her TIME must be spent raising her kids to be the BEST possible kids, the future needs it…or I guess they can put them in front of a screen becasue MOMMY has some producing nudes for perverts who don’t have moms or who do have mommy issues or who never had a girl willing to have their kid because they are gross…so they actually get off on the MILF thing….instead of seeing it as easy pickings, even though it’s oftentimes easy pickings, since MILFs have no time to waste on the bullshit, but all the experience of being CUMMED in…so quit fucking arounds and get down to this MILF shit.

In conclusion, the older I get, the less angry I am at MILF pussy for trying to take some eyeballs away from pussy that hasn’t shat out a baby yet….because MILFs are in their 20s and 30s and kid or not, thats hotter than 40s and 50s…so I have reached that right of passage, turning point, new beginning moment where I can’t hate on MILFs they’re the young and the hot to my old and depressing….


Posted in:Milf




Ali Larter Bikini of the Day

Ali Larter may not be the most exciting celebrity to ever happen, but I do appreciate her origin story, or at least her origin story of how she became a celebrity, I don’t know her early life or how rich and connected her parents were, or how capable they were to pay her rent as she chased her dreams like all the other rich girls who have made it to some degree in celebrity…

Her origin story is one of when magazines were more interesting, when the media weren’t a bunch of advertiser owned pieces of shit, because they had subscribers and big budgets to invest in content or articles and stories that required budgets…instead of just posting the opinions of dumb fucking millenials..

Anyway, they basically created a fake celebrity, a troll I’ve wanted to do forever, but that would require effort, just to prove that social media is bullshit, even though we know social media is bullshit….but yeah, they gave her a name, gave her a fake celebrity boyfriend, pulled some low level troll and girl STILL exists today…that HOAX was the best thing to be a part of…because it allowed her to be the Varsity Blues whipped cream bikini you all jacked off to…

I have no idea what she does now, but she’s old as shit and in a bikini, you may like that….since she’s not fat and in a bikini….even though you’d probably like it if she was fat so long as she was in a bikini…the key to successful internet content…THE BIKINI.


Posted in:Ali Larter|Ali Larter




Addison Rae Bikini of the Day

Addison Rae is one of the highest paid tiktok stars, which as you may or may not know is not all that impressive, because if you’ve ever been on TikTok you know it’s a tool designed to dumb down the American people, track and follow the American people, and more importantly, reward them in big ways for very unimpressive feats, so that the future generation learn how to badly lipsync and dance to shitty trending songs, instead of doing things like trying to get smart to build new infrastructure and maybe design a BETTER tomorrow….FUCK THAT…let the evil bastards worry about that boring shit…cuz this motherfucker just wants to dance awkwardly…

Anyway, I’d say the Louisiana bred awkward dancer adopted by the Kardashians because they need their witchcraft in anything that is trending, so that they keep trending….that’s how social media celebrity works…ALWAYS BE RELEVANT….but I’d say she’s spending a good chunk of that money on food to keep her thick, but then I remember that she probably gets all her EATS for free…she’s the highest paid bitch on TIKTOK, snackfood companies ejaculate in their chips for a shout out from this.

Either way, she’s on a Yacht, somewhere Caribbean, because she’s better than you, TIKTOK decided that, and YOU must OBEY.


Posted in:Addison Rae




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

Breast feeding is the gift from nature that allows perverts like me who don’t have kids of our own, to appreciate a set of tits in public, doing what nature designed them to do…

It’s like when you see a supercar actually being put to the test on the track, not by an old retired lawyer in LA trying to prove his cool driving 40 in a 60 zone by saying “I CAN AFFORD SUPERCARS”….which isn’t all that impressive a thing to do since I am sure many people can afford supercars…only the titty version…

The breast feeding is the double edged sword of seeing the tits we want to see on strangers we don’t know, because the strangers we don’t know are of the school of thought that pulling tit out for the sake of feeding baby is normal behavior…which to a pervert like me is normal behavior…you gotta feed your kid, or at least my interest in staring at your tits.

I don’t see how milky tits are a fetish, where the ladies go home and produce content for men to jerk off to in that window of opportunity they have while lactating, before drying up and turning their full tit into saggers…

But I’ll assume it’s cuz they get turned on when people like me stare at them pull their tits out in public, even though they ask the coffee shop security to make my eager, bright eyed excitement to kick me out….deep down…they actually like it, or realize losers who aren’t grossed out by the whole shitting a baby out their asshole like they are Ashley Graham….may even pay for this shit, validating their tits, and reminding them that the PUSSY is not over even if it should be OVER…that shit will be fucked for life…I’m talking laid out on the old folks home palliative care bed and a motherfucker will “SLIP IT IN”…assuming no one will find out, since no one can report the incident…that’s just how men are…INTO cunt….or trying to get into cunt….it’s a motivator and birthing doesn’t mean life is over for the mom tits…PUT THEM TO WORK…you got college to save up for…assuming we don’t die tomorrow.


Posted in:Lactating